Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3562
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3562
Evaluation of EDM inclusion into the conventional polishing of
printed Co-Cr alloy by selective laser melting
Avaliação da inclusão de EDM no polimento convencional da liga de Co-Cr impressa por fusão seletiva a laser
Mahmood Abdulla Ahmad AL NUAIMI
, Israa Mohammed HUMMUDI
1 - Middle Technical University, College of Health and Medical Techniques, Baghdad, Iraq.
How to cite: Nuaimi MAAA, Hummudi IM. Evaluation of EDM inclusion into the conventional polishing of printed Co-Cr alloy by
selective laser melting. Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(2):e3562. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3562
Objective: The selective laser melting (SLM) technique used in manufacturing results in a rougher surface that
requires more satisfying processing than conventional hand-nishing operations. The electro discharge machine (EDM)
has various possibilities in the adjustment of surfaces. The present study assesses whether the participation of the
EDM technique with the conventional nishing and polishing methods enables surface improvement for the Cobalt-
Chromium alloy fabricated by SLM. Material and Methods: Twenty discs of cobalt chromium alloy were fabricated
by SLM, divided equally into two groups: (TF) control group for nishing and polishing in the conventional method
in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations; and (EF) group for conducting polishing incorporating the
EDM method. Results: The EF group recorded the lowest mean value of surface roughness and the highest mean
value of micro hardness compared to the TF group. Furthermore, statistically signicant differences (P < 0.05)
were found for surface roughness as well as micro hardness. Conclusion: Reliance of the electric discharge machine
proactively within nishing and polishing procedures promotes competence in the conventional polishing method
and improves the surface properties of cobalt chromium alloy printed by SLM technology.
Dental nishing; Cobalt-chromium alloy; Selective laser melting; Electric discharge machine; Additive manufacturing.
Objetivo: A técnica de fusão a laser seletiva (SLM) usada na fabricação resulta em uma superfície mais rugosa
a qual requer um processamento mais satisfatório do que o acabamento manual. A máquina de eletro descarga
(EDM) possui várias possibilidades no ajuste de superfícies. O presente estudo avalia se a participação da técnica
EDM associada aos métodos convencionais de acabamento e polimento possibilita a melhora da superfície da
liga Cobalto-Cromo fabricada através da SLM. Material e Métodos: Vinte discos de liga de cromo-cobalto foram
confeccionados por SLM, e divididos igualmente em dois grupos: (TF) grupo controle, realizado acabamento e
polimento pelo método convencional de acordo com as recomendações do fabricante; e (EF) grupo do polimento
associado ao método EDM. Resultados: O grupo EF registrou o menor valor médio de rugosidade supercial e o
maior valor médio de microdureza em relação ao grupo TF. Além disso, diferenças estatisticamente signicativas
(P < 0,05) foram encontradas para rugosidade supercial, assim como para a microdureza. Conclusão: A
conança na máquina de descarga elétrica proativamente nos procedimentos de acabamento e polimento
promove a competência no método de polimento convencional e melhora as propriedades de superfície da liga
de cromo-cobalto impressa pela tecnologia SLM.
Acabamento dental; Liga de cobalto-cromo; Fusão a laser seletiva; Máquina de descarga elétrica; Manufatura
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3562
Nuaimi MAAA et al.
Evaluation of EDM inclusion into the conventional polishing of printed Co-Cr alloy by selective laser melting
Nuaimi MAAA et al.
Evaluation of EDM inclusion into the conventional polishing of
printed Co-Cr alloy by selective laser melting
Selective laser melting (SLM) has become an
excellent approach for fabricating functional metal
structures, which represents one of the essential
additive manufacturing (AM) technologies in
dentistry. The printing procedure for metallic
alloys by the SLM technique is based on the emitted
structure of metal powder being constructed in a
layered pattern over the building plate using a
laser beam to induce localised melting by focusing
heat and prompt solidication of totally melted
particles [1,2]. Cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) alloy is
regarded as an appropriate biomedical metallic
alloy for dental prosthesis applications as well as
a practical alloy in SLM printing with acceptable
mechanical properties [3,4]. However , the SLM
technique is conducive to high surface roughness
for the produced metal structures compared
to casting and block milling techniques [5,6].
Although factors such as build orientation and
process parameters can alter the printed alloy
properties towards acceptable performance , the
roughness of the surface is a perennial problem
in SLM manufacturing and may be difficult to
overcome in the settings of the alloy printing
phase [7,8]. There is still a need to refurbish how
to tackle surfaces for various metal prostheses
in dental applications, such as metal frames of
removable partial dentures, which have a wide
aspect of surface exposure [9]. particularly when
produced using the SLM technique, which may
require additional effort and efciency [10-12].
Given that conventional nishing and polishing
procedures may be difficult to predict their
effectiveness, this may necessitate a more efcient
alternative achieved on dental alloys printed by
SLM technology that have high surface roughness.
In this context, electric discharge machines
(EDM), which are referred to in dentistry as
“spark erosion,” may be used to alter the surface
of conductive materials. This erosion function is
caused by the electrical discharge’s high-frequency
spark between two electrodes, which affects the
substrate surface by removing excessive material
through electric erosion [13-15].
The feasibility of using EDM to nish hard
metals is considerable and can thus approach the
micron level of nishing when the spark intensity
and discharge electric current are precisely
regulated in the suitable gap between the work
piece and the terminal tool of the electrode, which
should be smooth and regular in shape [16]. It is
noteworthy that EDM applications in dentistry
are given particular attention as an opportunity
to benet in limited inter-removal tasks of metal
alloys to ensure precision tting prostheses and
superstructures interface over implants through
surface refinement by thermal energy that is
generated into electricity discharge [17-20]. From
the same perspective, the dental literature may
not give an accurate description of how to utilize
EDM in surface nishing and knowledge about
suitable parameters of this technique , although
it may be practicable for EDM inclusion within
conventional hand-nishing/polishing phases
on dental alloys printed by SLM, which may be
appropriate for the attainment of aspirations
through the conciseness of the nishing process
and participate treatment of SLM surface defects.
This study aims to determine whether
inclusion of the electro discharge machine
(EDM) in conventional nishing and polishing
procedures for dental cobalt chromium alloys
printed by SLM technology inuences surface
roughness and micro hardness.
The null hypothesis was that the inclusion
of the electro discharge machine (EDM) in
conventional nishing and polishing procedures
not inuences on tested properties.
The commercial SLM processing dental alloy
that is used is cobalt-based Co-Cr (WIRONIUM®
RP, BEGO, Germany), 10-45 um grain size, ISO
22674 [21], with chemical compositions of (Co
66.2%, Cr 28.2%, Mo 5.5%, N < 1%) that are
specied by the manufacturer.
Preparation of specimens
The study included twenty specimens that
were designed from a computer-aided design
(CAD) in a disc shape, 2 mm thick and 15 mm in
diameter, utilizing application software (Rhino 7,
Robert McNeel & Associates, USA) in a standard
tessellation language (. STL) file [5], then
printed by machine (NCL M2150X) operating
with an ytterbium ber laser beam of 200 watts
of power (IPG Laser). The following settings
were adopted: a powder layer thickness of
0.03 mm, laser output of 195 watts, a scan speed
of 1200 mm/s, and track spacing of 0.09 mm.
Then the stress-relieving thermal treatment was
carried out for specimens that had been built
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3562
Nuaimi MAAA et al.
Evaluation of EDM inclusion into the conventional polishing of printed Co-Cr alloy by selective laser melting
Nuaimi MAAA et al.
Evaluation of EDM inclusion into the conventional polishing of
printed Co-Cr alloy by selective laser melting
in vertical orientation (6) and fastened to the
platform surface by beds heated in a furnace to
800 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes as per the
instructions of the alloy powder manufacturer.
Surface processing of specimens
Surface processing divided the specimens
into two main groups (n = 10) based on the
technique of nishing and polishing.
In the conventional nishing and polishing
control group “TF”, carried out in accordance with
recommendations specied by the manufacturer
in the rst step, ne grit stones with a high cutting
capacity (REF 43160, BEGO) and a 2.35 mm
shank are used for efcient grinding of dental
alloys. The specimens were mounted on a dental
surveyor (RD, M-103) with a hand piece (Kavo
Gmbh, Biberach, Germany) rotated at a rotational
speed of 30.000 rpm at one-minute intervals
for each specimen. Then a fine sandblasting
(Basic Eco, Renfert) unit, nozzle 0.8 mm, and
particles (Perla Blast glass bead blasting material,
50 microns, BEGO) were used to sandblast the
specimens. mounted at a distance of 10 cm
for 10 seconds under a pressure of 4 bar [22].
Thereafter, they electro “polished” for 5 minutes
with 12 V of electric current, preparatory to the
rubber-polishing phase too, which encompassed
rubber wheels (AB201, AB202-Dentorium,
USA) at a rotational speed of 10,000 rpm at
two-minute intervals, respectively. Ultimately,
the specimens were polished with paste (REF
52310, BEGO, Germany) by a buff brush (Wool
Buff, Attenborough Dental, UK), and the ensuing
leather deer mop (90 mm with Leather Strips,
Vertex, Netherlands) by means of the polishing
Motor San, Turkey). The specimens were
postured on a special holder at successive speeds
of 1500 and 3000 rpm.
The EDM group “EF” was conducted with
a portable polishing machine (YJCS-5B, YIJING
ELECTRIC Co., Ltd., China) that emits an electric
spark at a direct current (DC) of 90 volts and
a maximum discharge current of 1.83 amps.
The machine discharges a high-frequency electric
spark to remove excessive material during EDM
erosion at an adjustable power level. In terms
of control power, grade one has the lowest
discharge at 0.25 amps, while grade nine has
the highest discharge at 1.83 amps without
change in voltage, which remains persistent
at 90 volts. The presumption of reaching low
surface roughness by the nishing process by
EDM necessitates a low discharge current through
a suitable spark of intensity [23]. Commensurate
with dental alloy, the surface alteration process
for fitting the superstructure on the implant
through EDM is proceeded at 1.5A in the rst
stage of inter-surface removal task and final
fitting at 0.5A to achieve optimal precision
contact of clear surfaces [13]. In accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions, grade
“nine” is recommended for coarse surfaces and
major removal tasks, then gradually proceed to
the lowest grade until it reaches acceptable ne
surfaces; that is, it is intended to be practicable to
obtain a surface roughness of around Ra0.3 as a
result of applying grade “one” power on reasonably
smooth surfaces.
According to the pilot sample studied and
previous instructions, the aspiration was to obtain
a particular grade that corresponded to the phases
of the standard nishing process, which resulted
in the electric current selection (0.68 , 0.63, 0.46,
0.3, 0.25) of “ve” to “one,” operating grades,
consecutively, one-minute duration per specimen
that was attached to the power circuit with an
electrode of anode and an electrode of brass rod
H62 cathode, immersed in the water basin at a
depth of 5 mm with a suitable effective spark gap
for all held by a dental surveyor. After the EDM
phase, all specimens in this group are polished by
the rubber wheel polishing and eventually by the
lathe polishing machine, as indicated in “TF.”, in
order to attain a lustrous surface.
Eventually, both groups (n = 20) were
cleaned with deionized water and 70% propanol
in an ultrasonic bath (CD-4860, CODYSON)
for ten minutes [5] in readiness for the surface
roughness and hardness tests.
Surface Roughness
Specimens were measured using a
profilometer (Taylor HOBSON, Leicester,
UK) according to the stander test method
(ASTM-D7127-17) [24]. The test style was two
diagonal lines crossed perpendicularly, calibrated
at a length of 8 mm “CUT-OFF”, and the adoption
of Mean Value Ra (µm) on each specimen.
The Micro Vickers Hardness HV tester
(TH710, Beijing TIME High Technology Ltd.)
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3562
Nuaimi MAAA et al.
Evaluation of EDM inclusion into the conventional polishing of printed Co-Cr alloy by selective laser melting
Nuaimi MAAA et al.
Evaluation of EDM inclusion into the conventional polishing of
printed Co-Cr alloy by selective laser melting
was used to measure specimens in accordance
with the ASTM E 92 Standard [25] test method
for Vickers Hardness of metallic materials at a
setting dwell time of 15 seconds, an applied force
of 4.904 (N), and the mean of three indentations
for each specimen was recorded.
The Statistical software (SPSS) version
(22.0) was used to evaluate the study’s ndings
and apply the independent-samples t-test analysis
to analyse the difference between the two groups.
Table I summarizes the surface roughness
testing (Ra) and Table II summarizes the micro
hardness measurements (HV) of two independent
groups: the conventional finishing/polishing
group “TF” and the (EDM) group “EF.” With the
inclusion of the electro discharge machine, the
results show that the “Surface Roughness test”
accounted for a low level of readings (Ra) and
a high level of readings (HV) in the “EF” group
of (EDM).
With respect to testing statistical hypotheses,
and that should be proved according to the
test of equal variances, as well as equal mean
vales are assumed through Levene and t-test,
respectively, the (Ra) results showed that no
significant difference was accounted for at
P > 0.05 regarding the test of homogeneity of
variances, as well as a signicant difference
was accounted for at P < 0.05 with reference
to testing of mean values, as illustrated in
Table III.
Furthermore, the (HV) results showed that
a significant difference was accounted for at
P<0.01 regarding the test of homogeneity of
variances, as well as a signicant difference was
accounted for at P<0.05 with reference to testing
of mean values, as illustrated in Table IV.
Table I - Mean values, standard deviation, standard error, and 95% confidence interval of mean parameters concerning mean values of the
Surface Roughness Test for the studied group’s readings and the two extreme values (min. and max.)
Test Groups No. Mean SD SE
95% C.I. for Mean
Min. Max.
L.b. U.b.
TF 10 0.303 0.124 0.039 0.21 0.39 0.19 0.60
EF 10 0.194 0.102 0.032 0.12 0.27 0.09 0.46
SD: Standard Deviation; SE: Standard Error; C.I.: Confidence Interval; L.b: Lower Bound; U.b: Upper Bound; 95% confidence interval (CI) at the
lower bound (L.b.) and upper bound (U.b.).
Table IV - Testing equal variances and equal mean values for the HV Micro Hardness test concerning the studied groups TF and EF
Micro Hardness
Testing Homogeneity of Variances T-Test- Testing Equality of Means
Levene Statistic Sig.
T-test Sig.
TF and EF 22.110 0.000 (HS) -2.871 0.017 (S)
HS: Highly Sig. at P<0.01; S: Sig. at P<0.05.
Table II - Mean values, standard deviation, standard error, and 95% confidence interval of mean parameters concerning mean values of the HV
Micro Hardness Test for the studied group’s readings and the two extreme values (min. and max.)
Test Groups No. Mean SD SE
95% C.I. for Mean
Min. Max.
L.b. U.b.
HV Micro
TF 10 328.48 95.405 30.17 260.23 396.73 172.3 452.2
EF 10 416.52 17.383 5.497 404.09 428.96 381.4 432.8
SD: Standard Deviation; SE: Standard Error; C.I.: Confidence Interval; L.b: Lower Bound; U.b: Upper Bound; 95% confidence interval (CI) at the
lower bound (L.b.) and upper bound (U.b.).
Table III - Testing equal variances and equal mean values for the Surface Roughness test concerning the studied groups TF and EF
Surface Roughness
Testing Homogeneity of Variances T-Test- Testing Equality of Means
Levene Statistic Sig.
T-test Sig.
TF and EF 0.418 0.526 (NS) 2.144 0.046 (S)
S: Sig. at P<0.05; NS: Non Sig. at P>0.05.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3562
Nuaimi MAAA et al.
Evaluation of EDM inclusion into the conventional polishing of printed Co-Cr alloy by selective laser melting
Nuaimi MAAA et al.
Evaluation of EDM inclusion into the conventional polishing of
printed Co-Cr alloy by selective laser melting
This study aimed to determine the inuence
of surface roughness and micro hardness by the
inclusion of the electro discharge machine (EDM)
in traditional nishing and polishing procedures
for dental cobalt chromium alloys printed by
SLM technology. According to the results, the
null hypothesis was rejected given the inuence
of incorporating the electro discharge machine
(EDM) into conventional nishing and polishing
procedures, which triggered decreased surface
roughness and a rise in hardness value.
In practical terms, the presented ndings
are consistent with previous studies [26,27] that
employed the EDM method as a nishing process
conducive to surface improvement, accompanied
by an obvious reduction in roughness value.
Conversely, there is no agreement with studies by
Wandra et al. [28] and Kushwaha et al. [29] as
they reported dissatisfactory levels of roughness
on the surface by EDM application.
The employment of EDM in the surface
nishing demands consistent parameters with
considering that current is the primarily affecting
factor in electric discharge power for emitted
spark [30,31]. This shows the operation of
the EDM in group EF at an acceptable electric
current of 0.68 A for surface nishing, followed
by gradually diminishing the current to reach
a minimum current of 0.25 A that ensures the
surface roughness is obtained at a low value.
This result is consistent with the study of Wang
and Han [32], which reports that the progression
of the decrease in the surface roughness for
surface nishing purposes by the EDM operation
is dependent on a gradually decreasing electric
current parameter.
The decreasing level of roughness caused by
reliance on the EDM technique may give priority
to how to achieve dispensing with a series of initial
finishing-phases: grinding, sandblasting, and
electro-polishing, which are likewise preparatory
in fostering subsequent polishing [33,34]. It is
conceivable that the material removal rate (MRR)
produced by EDM on the surface was stable and
coordinated at an appropriate discharge energy
level, resulting in a decrease in surface roughness
on the remaining substrate [30].
In this study, the specimens were printed
in the optimal vertical orientation in the
SLM recommended methods, which obtain
low roughness results by stability in layering
formative. However, they are not asserted to be
released from disparity in melting entirely at the
consolidation of powder particles as a result of
turbulence in maintaining the necessary heat in
wetting the previous layer and applying the heat
necessary to melt the subsequent layer, which
causes surface defects [8].
There might be an assignment for EDM
to upgrade finishing/polishing in EF group to
overcome the defects of turbulent melting on
the substrate layer of the SLM process through
recasting the surface, which has not been obtained
by the initial phases of the TF group [26].
The thermal energy generated through electrical
discharge power by EDM serves as a heat treatment
by recasting the surface into a more consolidated
layer by means of addressing the defects such as
porosity and cracking in the substrate [35,36]. This
result essentially correlates with the low electric
current extent possible to the completion of the
nishing process through the thermal propagation
of spark discharge, which permits the partially
melted particles to evaporate and collapse the peak
of sharpness irregular ridges by means of melting
and subsequent solidication, which performs as
a surface modulation [23].
Consequently, recasting assists in eliminating
surface meanders and surface protrusions,
which might facilitate the finishing process
of SLM surface by providing an accessible
posture of renement by altering the surface to
accommodate the polishing phase. This shows
that the results of the EF group had a signicant
difference in comparison with the TF because of
the effectiveness of the polishing phases by the
rubber wheel polishing and the lathe polishing
machine, as illustrated in Table III.
This reveals mastery of the EDM finishing
process on surface renement was not implemented
by sandblasting with glass bead blasting material,
50 microns preceded by stone bur nishing according
to the manufacturer’s recommendations. That might
be construed as the existence of extra edges of the
SLM surface arising from the partial melting of
particles along the melting path, obstructing the
striking of sanding glass beads, leaving the beads in
a stacked state at surface scratches [37,38].
Concerning micro hardness, the EDM
technique offered a rise in hardness value recorded
in the EF group that was not attained with
the exception of including EDM as in the TF
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Nuaimi MAAA et al.
Evaluation of EDM inclusion into the conventional polishing of printed Co-Cr alloy by selective laser melting
Nuaimi MAAA et al.
Evaluation of EDM inclusion into the conventional polishing of
printed Co-Cr alloy by selective laser melting
group. This finding was in agreement with
Mahajan et al. [14] and Adarsh et al. [29] as they
reported an increase in hardness value correlating
with the surface treatment by the EDM. This
technique fundamentally improves the hardness
of the surfaces when the energy of the spark
tends to generate heat that causes, in return,
melting of the external layer surface followed by
re-solidication by quenching in the same electric
water basin, which modies the substrate surface
by recasting the supercial layer into a more dense
layer [35]. The aforementioned demonstrate the
qualications of the EDM method in compensating
for conventional nishing in the initial phases in
this sense, the reliability of EDM inclusion within
conventional hand-nishing/polishing operations
on dental alloys printed by SLM may be appropriate
for the attainment of aspirations through the
conciseness of the finishing process. It implies
seizing the opportunity of recasting the surface by
EDM for a surface adjustment that may be decient
in resorting to conventional nishing techniques
and, furthermore, revealing the efcaciousness
of nal polishing phases for the same technique.
Within the limitations of this study, it
demonstrates the potential of including EDM
proactively within conventional finishing and
polishing procedures for dental cobalt chromium
alloys that are printed by SLM technology. resulting
in a reduction in roughness with an increase in micro
hardness for the surface.
Author’s Contributions
MAAAN: Methodology, Writing – Original
Draft Preparation. IMH:Supervision.
Conict of Interest
We have no conicts of interest to disclose
regarding this article. The opinions expressed
are solely those of the authors and have not
been influenced by any financial or personal
The authors received no nancial support
for the research, authorship, and/or publication
of this article.
Regulatory Statement
This article did not involve the use of any
hazardous materials, living organisms, or any
procedures that could harm the environment. There
was no need to comply with any specic regulatory
laws or regulations regarding occupational health
and safety or the environment. All necessary
measures were taken to ensure compliance with
ethical research practices and laboratory safety.
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Date submitted: 2022 Jun 22
Accept submission 2023 Jan 12
(Corresponding address)
Mahmood Abdulla Ahmad Al Nuaimi
Middle Technical University, College of Health and Medical Techniques,
Baghdad, Iraq.
Email: mhmoodabdallaah@gmail.com