Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3570
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3570
Editorial endogamy in some Latin American dental journals
Endogamia autoral em algumas revistas odontológicas latino-americanas
1 - Universidad Peruana los Andes (UPLA). Facultad de Medicina Humana. Sociedad Cientíca de Estudiantes de Medicina los Andes
(SOCIEMLA). Huancayo, Perú.
2 - Universidad Peruana los Andes (UPLA), Facultad de Odontología. Sociedad Cientíca de Estudiantes de Odontología Universidad
Peruana los Andes (SCEOUPLA), Huancayo, Perú.
3 - Universidad Continental (UCCI), Facultad de Medicina Humana, Huancayo, Perú.
How to cite: Aquino Canchari CR, Santivañez Isla LA, Casimiro Ramos JR, Huaman-Castillon KM. Editorial endogamy in some Latin
American dental journals. Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(2):e3570. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3570
Objective: Scientic publication in a journal by a member of the editorial committee of the same journal is known as
authorial endogamy. To determine the presence of authorial endogamy in some Latin American dental journals. Material
and Methods: Observational, descriptive, retrospective study. Eight dental journals from Brazil, Cuba and Chile indexed
to Scopus in the period of 2018 - 2021 were analyzed. An evaluation was made of the manuscripts that include a member
of the editorial committee as author. The results were expressed in percentages and frequency measurements and for the
bivariate analysis, the Mann-Whitney U test and Fisher’s exact test were used (p<0.05). Results: A total of 2026 articles,
from which 14.52% (n=256), of authorial endogamy were found. The endogamy articles were mostly original articles 98.05%
(n=252), experimental design 39.70% (n=102), advisory council 49.36% (n=153), co-authorship position 58.97% (n=184),
with presence of 1 endogamic author per article 82.94% (n=214), the number of days from submission to acceptance were
statistically lower in endogamic articles (p=0.003). Conclusion: The presence of editorial endogamy in some dental journals
in Latin America was low, this nding is more frequent in original articles, mostly from the advisory board and as co-author.
Additionally; it was found that endogamic articles took less days in editorial process.
Editorial policies; Ethics in scientic publication; Electronic journals; Latin America; Endogamy authoral (DeCS).
Objetivo: A publicação cientíca em uma revista por um membro do comitê editorial da mesma revista é conhecido como
endogamia autoral. Determinar a presença de endogamia autoral em algumas revistas odontológicas na América Latina.
Material e Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo observacional e descritivo. Oito revistas odontológicas do Brasil, Cuba e Chile,
indexadas na Scopus no período entre 2018 - 2021 foram analisadas. Foi realizada uma avaliação dos artigos que incluíam
autores membros do comitê editorial. Os resultados foram expressos em porcentagem e medidas de frequência, e para a
análise de bivariância foram utilizados o teste de Mann-Whitney U e teste exato de Fisher (p<0,05). Resultados: Foi um
total de 2026 artigos, entre os quais 14,52% (n=256) foram detectados endogamia autoral. Os artigos endogâmicos foram,
em sua maioria, artigos originais 98,05% (n=252), desenho experimental 39,70% (n=102), conselho consultivo 49,36%
(n=153), em posição de co-autoria 58,97% (n=184), com a presença de 1 autor endogâmico por autor 82,94% (n=214),
e o número de dias desde a submissão até o aceite foram estatisticamente menores em artigos endogâmicos (p=0,003).
Conclusão: A presença de endogamia editorial em algumas revistas odontológicas na América Latina foi baixa, sendo este
achado mais frequente em artigos originais, predominantemente em conselho consultivo e como co-autor. Adicionalmente,
foi observado que artigos endogâmicos levaram menos dias no processo editorial.
Políticas editoriais; Ética na publicação cientíca; Periódicos eletrônicos; América Latina; Autoria endogâmica (DeCS).
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3570
Aquino Canchari CR
Editorial endogamy in some Latin American dental journals
Aquino Canchari CR
Editorial endogamy in some Latin American dental journals
The importance of evidence-based dentistry
is recognized, since current times demand ethical
and high-quality articles [1]. The main purpose
of an investigation is the search and generation
of knowledge. It can also be a primary tool in
dental education to train the next generation of
leaders in oral health care [2].
Dentistry is a medical discipline with a
growing scientic production in recent years [3],
this increase has also been reected in the last
20 years in Latin America and the Caribbean,
but it is still one of the regions with the lowest
publication in the world [4]. According to
the Scimago Journal & Country Rank in its
2022 edition, 39,133 articles were produced
in Latin America in the period from 1996 to
2021 [5].
If the results of the research are not published,
and/or the place where they are published also
has an important impact, since other researchers
will not be able to appreciate the value of
the scientific evidence generated, causing a
negative impact on the development and growth
of dentistry [6]. Currently, scientific journals
play a fundamental role in such commendable
work, since it is considered the main means of
disseminating research [7].
Endogamy is dened as «social attitude of
refusal to integrate members outside the own
group or institution» [8]. There are behaviors
that can be considered endogamic. First would
be to prefer research by the editors themselves
or by researchers from their circle, from the
university itself, instead of other articles that may
have greater scientic value, but that lack a link
with the journal. With what privileges the person
against the scientic value, and in second place
the self-citations [9].
Scientific publication in a journal by a
member of the editorial committee of the
same journal is known as either authorial
endogamy [10] or endogenous publication [11]
self-publishing [12], lately open science and
editorial policies mention the degree of endogamy
of scientific journals that do not escape the
observation of the authors to decide to publish
in a specic journal [13].
Previous studies have studied this
particularity in original articles from a Peruvian
public health journal, nding a prevalence of
23.17% [14]. However; there is still no research
in the literature that evaluates editorial endogamy
in dental journals in Latin America.
Therefore, the objective of the present
study was to estimate the presence of editorial
endogamy in some dental journals in Latin
America, during 2018 to 2021.
Observational, descriptive, retrospective
Population and sample
Scientic dental journals belonging to Latin
America indexed to the Scopus database were
analyzed during the period from 2018 to 2021.
Journals that have published at least one rst
volume number published in the period 2018 to
2021 and articles of type were included. original.
Journals that did not present the composition of
their editorial committee on their website were
A search was performed on the virtual
platform of Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR)
(https://www.scimagojr.com), of all the journal
titles belonging to the area of «dentistry», in «all
categories», region of «Latin America» and type
«journals», the access date was February 03, 2022.
To specify the composition of the members of the
editorial committees of the journals, their web page
was accessed in the section «Editorial committee»
Likewise, to establish some variation of the editorial
committees in the years evaluated, it was used the
Wayback Machine tool (https://archive.org/web/),
which allows evaluating web pages in different
periods of time [15].
The variables were: study design: descriptive,
analytical and experimental, conict of interest:
none, pharmacist, labor, editorial committee and
unmentioned, the number of members of the
editorial committee: including all the members listed
in the section «editorial committee» of its website,
categorized as editor-in-chief, editorial board
(associate and/or deputy editors) and advisory
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3570
Aquino Canchari CR
Editorial endogamy in some Latin American dental journals
Aquino Canchari CR
Editorial endogamy in some Latin American dental journals
board (students and/or professionals of recognized
expertise whose purpose is to answer editorial
questions or reviewers); the position they occupied
within the article: rst author, corresponding author
or co-author, and the proportion of endogamy
publication by number and by year.
Data collection
12 dental journals distributed in Latin
American countries were included, of which
2 were excluded because they were not current
in the evaluation period (Brazilian Research in
Pediatric Dentistry and Integrated Clinic, Odonto
Science Journal), and another 2 for not having
access to its editorial committee (Clinical Journal
of Orthodontics Dental Press, Dental Press
The data was collected in a file of the
Microsoft Excel program version 2019, the articles
were evaluated by 3 researchers. The degree of
kappa interobserver agreement between the
3 authors was 0.89 for the agreement of the
selection of the study variables. The degree of
intraobserver agreement for each evaluator was
0.89, 0.87, 0.89. Both evaluation parameters
indicated excellent agreement.
Analysis of data
Statistical quantification was performed
through the statistical package STATA v 17.0 (Stata
Corp. TX, USA), measures of central tendency
(median, interquartile range) were obtained,
percentages and frequency measures were
obtained for univariate analysis. For bivariate
analysis, the Mann-Whitney U test and Fisher’s
exact test (p<0.05) were used.
Regulatory statement
The data analyzed are publicly available and
freely accessible, so prior approval by an institutional
ethics committee is not considered necessary.
2026 articles from 8 dental journals were
analyzed, nding a presence of editorial endogamy
of 14.52% (n=256), being the journal with the
highest contribution Dental Press Journal of
Orthodontics (n=55), followed by Brazilian
Dental Journal (n=48). Table I
The type of article with the greatest
presence of editorial endogamy was the original
Table I - Characteristics of the dental journals selected for the study
Journal H-index CiteScore Country
Number of edito-
rial committee
Total, original
Number of
articles with
authorial en-
Position in
the editorial
committee with
greater authorial
position with
greater authorial
Cubana de
7 0.30 32 110 27
Brazilian Oral
50 4.10 32 414 47
Journal of
Applied Oral
49 4.80 15 337 24
Dental Journal
54 3.00 28 326 48
Dental Press
Journal of
26 1.90 111 158 55
Dental Science
7 1.50 53 291 40 Editorial Board
Journal of Oral
6 0.50 15 165 7
Journal of Oral
12 0.40 39 225 9
Advice and
Editorial Board
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3570
Aquino Canchari CR
Editorial endogamy in some Latin American dental journals
Aquino Canchari CR
Editorial endogamy in some Latin American dental journals
252 (98.05%), with an experimental study design
102 (39.70%), being more frequent in the year
2021 74 (28.79%), the majority did not report
any conict of interest 160 (62.25%). Likewise,
the time elapsed from the date of submission to
the publication of the article was statistically less
in inbred articles (p=0.003). Table II.
Regarding the characteristics of the articles
with editorial endogamy, it was evidenced that
the majority were co-authors 184 (58.97%),
members of the advisory council 153 (49.36%),
with a single author per article 214 (82.94%) and
from Brazil 223 (86.77%). Table III
Endogamy has various meanings and
perceptions, placing us in a certain conceptual
disparity; above all, when reecting on it from
an ethical point of view and even more so in the
scientic contribution. In the present investigation,
we started from the analysis of 2026 articles from
8 dental journals, nding the presence of editorial
endogamy in 14.52%, agreeing with the research
performed by Arteaga-Livias et al. [14] who
mentions that editorial endogamy in the Peruvian
Journal of Experimental Medicine and Public
Health (RPMESP) between 2016 and 2018 is
below 25.00%, likewise; it is concentrated between
the editorial committee and the advisory council.
Likewise, the review by Arteaga-Livias et al. [16]
and Zdeněk [17] corroborate the data obtained
Table III - Characteristics of articles with editorial endogamy in
some dental journals in Latin America, 2019-2021
Characteristics n %
Authorship position
First author 27 8.65
Corresponding Author 101 32.37
Co-author 184 58.97
Editorial Committee Membership
Editorial Board 124 40.00
Editor-in-chief and/or director 33 10.64
Consultive Advice 153 49.36
Endogamy authors/article
1 214 82.94
2 38 14.72
3 4 1.55
4 2 0.77
Brazil 223 86.77
Cuba 27 10.50
Chile 7 2.73
Table II - Presence of editorial endogamy in some Latin American dental journals 2018-2021
Characteristics of the articles
No Yes
n % n %
Original article 1740 98.36 252 98.05
short original article 29 1.64 5 1.95
Original article study design
Descriptive 491 27.75 56 21.78
0.000†Analytical 498 28.15 99 38.52
Experimental 780 44.10 102 39.70
Interest conflict
None 876 49.51 160 62.25
Unmentioned 893 50.49 97 37.75
Year of publication
2021 436 24.64 74 28.79
2020 466 26.34 62 24.12
2019 450 25.43 61 23.73
2018 417 23.59 60 23.36
Number of authors 5 4 - 7 6 5 – 7 0.000*
Number of days from the date of sending to publication 137 92 - 192 127 76 - 173 0.003*
* Mann-Whitney U. † Fisher’s exact test.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3570
Aquino Canchari CR
Editorial endogamy in some Latin American dental journals
Aquino Canchari CR
Editorial endogamy in some Latin American dental journals
in our research, referring that they found journals
with editorial endogamy ranges from 0 to 91.00%
and the general endogamy of the group of
Peruvian journals in the health area was 18.00%.
Likewise, this result can be compared with that
obtained in the study by Paz-Enrique et al. [18]
who states that endogamy occurs in more than
25.00% with the participation of the scientic
council or the editorial committee of a publication
in the authorship or references.
Our study found that the Dental Press
Journals of Orthodontics was the one with the
greatest presence of editorial endogamy; a result
that contrasts with that obtained by Cáceres-
Claro and Torres-Suáre [19] in a Colombian
bibliometric study in 2020, who reports that the
journal with the greatest endogamy was Odontos,
followed by Ustasalud; which is endorsed by
Céspedes-Guillermo [20] obtaining the same
result. In the same way, Arteaga-Livias et al. [16]
found that the issues with the highest endogamy
were statistically higher in the journals from
Latindex directory.
On the other hand, regarding the type of
article with the highest frequency of editorial
endogamy, it was the original 252 (98.05%), with
an experimental study design 102 (39.70%), being
more frequent in the year 2021 74 (28.79%), a
result that was supported by the two studies by
Arteaga-Livias et al. [14,16] and Cáceres-Claro
and Torres-Suáre [19]. Regarding the time elapsed
from the date of submission to the publication of
the article, it was statistically lower in inbred
articles, a proposition that is supported by the
review by Arteaga-Livias et al. [14]; who suggests
that being a member of the editorial committee is
a characteristic that tends to shorten the time in
which manuscripts are published. Furthermore,
in their current review [16] it is noted that
inbred articles have a statistically lower median
days from submission to acceptance; giving as a
possible basis two opposite conclusions; the rst
that the quality of the articles of the editorial
authors could be higher than that of the others
due to their academic qualities that have led them
to be editors or, the second; that being members
of the editorial committee makes it easier for
them to publish their own research.
In relation to authorship, it was evidenced
that the majority were co-authors 184 (58.97%),
members of the advisory council 153 (49.36%),
the result could also be reected in the study
by Zdeněk [17], who reveals that the average
proportion of editorial board members who
publish in their own journals ranges between
5.60% and 24.40%. A similar result was obtained
by Cáceres-Claro and Torres-Suáre [19], who
observed a signicant proportion of endogamy
since more than half of the authors were
afliated with Colombian institutions; however,
it is explained by the nationality of the authors
of the nine journals analyzed and the little
international visibility that many of them have.
The two institutions with the highest afliation
of authors were the Universidad del Valle
and the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
For this reason, Dominguez-Omonte [10]
suggests that in order to comply with the code
of ethics, editors, reviewers or members of the
editorial committee as authors should not be
involved in the editorial process and should
be excluded from decisions about manuscripts
in which they are corresponding authors or
authors. who contributes as authors. When
comparing this result with the study by Arteaga-
Livias et al. [14]; a concordance was found
because, of the 2,885 manuscripts reviewed in his
study, 520 had editorial committee members as
authors. Additionally; in his previous review [14]
of the 164 articles published, between originals
and brief originals, 30 had a single author
and eight had two authors belonging to the
editorial committee of the Peruvian Journal of
Experimental Medicine. Reviewers or editorial
board members as authors should not be involved
in the editorial process and should be excluded
from decisions about manuscripts for which they
are corresponding or contributing authors.
In the analysis based on the number of
authors related to editorial endogamy, our
research resulted in a higher proportion with a
single author per article 214 (82.94%). The study
conducted by Arteaga-Livias et al. [14] made it
possible to demonstrate that of the 164 articles
reviewed, 30 had a single author and eight had
two authors. Contradictory to his new publication
of 2021 [14] in which he stated that the number of
authors was found to be higher in inbred articles.
For Cáceres-Claro [19], the results of his research
reect that a range between 1 and 12 authors was
found, with a median of four authors per article.
This result could also be reected in what was
described by Céspedes-Guillermo [20], nding
similar results in the Colombian dental journals
analyzed in the present study,
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3570
Aquino Canchari CR
Editorial endogamy in some Latin American dental journals
Aquino Canchari CR
Editorial endogamy in some Latin American dental journals
Finally; regarding the conict of interest
and importance of this study, it is imperative to
mention that editorial endogamy is one of the
factors that most inuences the indexing or not
of serial publications; In addition, the abusive
use of endogamy brings negative consequences
for publications. However; we must focus on the
nal good of any publication, which ends up on
benet of students, users, technicians and health
professionals involved in scientic growth.
The presence of editorial endogamy in
some dental journals in Latin America was low,
this nding is more frequent in original articles,
mostly from the advisory board and as co-author.
Additionally; it was found that endogamic articles
took less days in editorial process.
Author’s Contributions
CRAC: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Software, Formal Analysis, Investigation,
Resources, Writing Original Draft Preparation,
Writing Review & Editing, Visualization,
Supervision, Project Administration.
LASI: Validation, Investigation, Resources,
Data Curation, Writing Original Draft
Preparation, Writing Review & Editing,
Visualization, Supervision. JRCR: Validation,
Investigation, Resources, Data Curation, Writing
Original Draft Preparation, Writing Review
& Editing, Visualization. KMHC: Investigation,
Resources, Data Curation, Writing Original
Draft Preparation, Writing Review & Editing,
Visualization, Supervision.
Conict of Interest
The authors declare no conict of interest.
The present study was self-nanced by the
Regulatory Statement
The data analyzed are publicly available
and freely accessible, so prior approval by an
institutional ethics committee is not considered
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Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3570
Aquino Canchari CR
Editorial endogamy in some Latin American dental journals
Aquino Canchari CR
Editorial endogamy in some Latin American dental journals
Date submitted: 2022 July 11
Accept submission 2022 Nov 23
Christian Renzo Aquino Canchari
(Corresponding address)
Universidad Peruana los Andes (UPLA). Facultad de Medicina Humana,
Huancayo, Perú.
Email: christian.aquino.canchari@gmail.com
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