Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
SYSTEMATIC REVIEW DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3619
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3619
Is the use of
Lactobacillus reuteri
probiotic efficient as adjunctive
therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A systematic review
O uso do probiótico
Lactobacillus reuteri
como terapia adjuvante no tratamento da periodontite é eficaz? Uma revisão sistemática
Tainá da Silva TRICOLY
, Camila Lopes FERREIRA
, Victória Clara da Silva LIMA
, Andrea Carvalho de MARCO
Taciana Marco Ferraz CANEPPELE
, Maria Aparecida Neves JARDINI
1 - Universidade Estadual Paulista , Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia, Departamento de Diagnóstico e Cirurgia, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil.
How to cite: Tricoly TS, Ferreira CL, Lima VCS, Marco AC, Caneppele TMF, Jardini MAN. Is the use of
Lactobacillus reuteri
probiotic efcient as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A systematic review. Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(1):e3619.
Objective: This systematic review had the purpose to validate the probiotic
Lactobacillus reuteri
as adjuvant therapy
in the periodontal treatment of periodontitis, by the analysis of randomized controlled trial, controlled clinical trial,
and observational studies. Material and Methods: Search keys related to the subject were dened, and the following
databases were used as search strategies: MEDLINE via PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane Central Controlled
Trials Registry, and EMBASE. The data selection and study were performed by two independent evaluators: rst, they
selected the article by title and abstract and subsequently qualied according to the bias risk analysis. A narrative
synthesis has been performed based on the data obtained from the best-quality articles. After data extraction, their
heterogeneity was analyzed, and a meta-analysis was performed. Results: In general, the results of the meta-analysis
were positive for the use of probiotics as an adjuvant treatment. Considering the limitations of the comparisons between
the analyzed articles studied, the conclusion was that probiotics may provide supplementary benets to the treatment
of periodontitis, with improvement in bleeding on probing rates and probing depth.
Lactobacillus reuteri
; Periodontal diseases; Periodontitis; Probiotics; Systematic review.
Objetivo: Esta revisão sistemática teve como objetivo validar o uso do probiótico Lactobacillus reuteri como terapia
adjuvante no tratamento periodontal da periodontite, por meio da análise de ensaios clínicos randomizados,
ensaios clínicos controlados e estudos observacionais. Material e Métodos: Chaves de busca relacionadas ao
assunto foram denidas, e as seguintes bases de dados foram utilizadas como estratégias de busca: MEDLINE via
PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Cochrane Central Controlled Trials Registry e EMBASE. A seleção dos dados
e o estudo foram realizados por dois avaliadores independentes: primeiro, selecionaram o artigo pelo título e
resumo e posteriormente qualicaram de acordo com a análise de risco de viés. Uma síntese narrativa foi realizada
com base nos dados obtidos dos artigos de melhor qualidade. Após a extração dos dados, sua heterogeneidade
foi analisada e uma meta-análise foi realizada. Resultados: Em geral, os resultados da meta-análise foram
positivos para o uso de probióticos como tratamento adjuvante. Considerando as limitações das comparações
entre os artigos analisados estudados, concluiu-se que os probióticos podem trazer benefícios complementares ao
tratamento da periodontite, com melhora nas taxas de sangramento à sondagem e na profundidade de sondagem.
Lactobacillus reuteri
; Doença periodontal; Periodontite; Probióticos; Revisão sistemática.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3619
Tricoly TS et al.
Is the use of Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic efficient as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A systematic review.
Tricoly TS et al.
Is the use of Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic efficient as
adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A
systematic review.
Periodontal disease is a chronic microbial
infectious disease, defined as enduring
inflammation and destruction of connective
tissue and alveolar bone [1]. Nowadays, research
scientists have evaluated distinct factors that must
be examined in the analysis of periodontal disease,
as well as the presence of pathogenic bacteria, the
susceptibility of the host, and the reduction or
absence of benecial microorganisms [2-4].
Periodontitis is a relevant medical issue
since its signicant prevalence can result in tooth
loss and dysfunction, chewing problems, and
unsatisfactory aesthetics. In addition, it can be
associated with social inequality and a decrease
in the patient’s quality of life. Periodontitis is
responsible for a vast amount of edentulism and
masticatory dysfunction, resulting in expensive
dental care and adverse impacts on overall
health [5]. Although gingivitis and periodontitis
are originated and maintained by the microbial
biofilm of dental plaque, host genetic and
environmental aspects can also affect the disease
progression [6].
The dental biofilm has a polymicrobial
nature and over 700 species of bacteria are part
of the oral microenvironment [7]. This resident
microora lives in symbiosis with the host and
contributes directly and indirectly to its natural
physiology, nutrition, and defense systems [8].
The rst approach for periodontitis is a non-
surgical treatment, which consists of scaling and
root planning in association with oral hygiene
instruction [9]. Mechanical therapies aim to improve
clinical conditions, reducing the microbial load,
either by physical removal or by disorganization
of the subgingival biolm [10]. Despite mechanical
debridement has been considered the gold standard
for the treatment of periodontitis, it’s a technique
that provides some obstacles, such as difcult access
in cases of deep pockets, distortions in the root
surface, as well as furcation areas [11], leading to
the persistence of the disease process.
In order to achieve better root surface
decontamination, different adjuvant treatments
have been suggested, such as antibiotics [12],
antiseptics [13], or microbial photodynamic
therapy [14].
In this scenario, probiotics use were
considered for the treatment of gingival and
periodontal conditions [15,16]. The mechanisms
related to the use of probiotics are the host’s
immunoinflammatory modulation [17], the
attenuation of periodontal pathogen-induced
interleukins expression in epithelial oral
cells [18], and the reduction of pro-inammatory
cytokines [19].
The Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO) and the World Health Organization
(WHO) dene probiotics as “live microorganisms
that, when present in acceptable amounts,
provide health advantage to the host” [20]. Most
parts of microorganisms used as probiotics are
bacteria of the genus
Lactobacillus reuteri
is a lactic-acid,
gram-positive, and facultative anaerobe
microorganism [22] found in the gastrointestinal
and urogenital tracts of humans, in breast
milk, and in the gastrointestinal tract of some
animals, such as rats, chickens, and pigs [23].
Immunomodulation of the host’s intestinal
microbiota, suppression of pro-inflammatory
cytokines [22,24], histamine production [25], and
increase in vitamin B12 synthesis [26] are some
examples of favorable consequences related to the
use of this probiotic. Studies have also elucidated
the important benefits of
L. reuteri
for bone
health, indicating reduced osteoclastogenesis, an
increase in bone mineral density, which leads to a
decrease in the risk of fractures [27], an increase
in circulation of vitamin D, and, consequently,
higher absorption of calcium by the organism [28].
Lactobacillus reuteri
is a part of the oral
microbiota in humans, and it has antibacterial
action by transforming glycerol into reuterin
(3-hydroxypropionaldehyde (3-HP),
a substance that has a broad antimicrobial
spectrum [29], inducing oxidative stress in
pathogenic microorganisms [30]. In addition, this
probiotic has shown an effect on the maintenance
of healthy microbial flora, by preventing
the excessive growth of other pathological
microorganisms [31].
Different studies have analysed the results of
probiotics in the treatment of periodontal diseases
in humans [19,29,32-40]. For most of these
studies, the use of the probiotic demonstrated a
reduction in bleeding on probing (BoP), plaque
index (PI), gingival index (GI), probing depth
(PD) and number of mandatory anaerobes
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3619
Tricoly TS et al.
Is the use of Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic efficient as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A systematic review.
Tricoly TS et al.
Is the use of Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic efficient as
adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A
systematic review.
Given the results of studies found in the
literature, the use of probiotic therapy adjuvant
to the treatment of periodontal disease in humans
is developing as a probable treatment option.
This present systematic study may contribute to
future studies, allowing new clinical trials design,
identication and correction of methodology gaps
and determine clinical guidelines on this subject.
Protocol and registration
This systematic study followed the
international parameters of transparency in
Systematic Review and PRISMA Statement
Meta-Analysis [39] and was registered in the
PROSPERO base (https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/
prospero/) n0 CRD42021236186.
Eligibility criteria
The selected studies for analysis followed
the PICO criteria:
Population: Patients with periodontal
Intervention: Patients who received adjuvant
periodontal treatment with the probiotic
Lactobacillus reuteri
Comparison: Patients who received non-
surgical periodontal treatment (scaling and root
planing - SRP) exclusively or in combination
with placebo
Outcome: Improvement in the main clinical
periodontal parameters (PD and BoP)
Inclusion criteria
1) Studies published in English
2) Controlled and randomized clinical trials
3) Studies that evaluated the treatment of
patients with periodontitis comparing SRP
+ probiotic
Lactobacillus reuteri
versus SRP
+ placebo or SRP only
4) Results reported in terms of probing pocket
Exclusion criteria
1) If patients with systemic disease were
2) If they were duplicated or secondary study
Search strategy
In this present study, randomized
clinical trials, controlled clinical trials and
observational studies were investigated. To be
the most comprehensive as possible, there was
no restriction regarding the time after treatment
or the year of publication. The authors performed
an examination of the MEDLINE collection
of data via PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science,
Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials,
and EMBASE, for articles published until April
2020. The search was updated on January 2023.
All studies were identied by the inclusion criteria
and there was no need for additional contact with
authors to identify other information.
Considering the components of the questions,
terms and synonyms that could enhance the
accuracy of the study were found. Initially,
the word in Portuguese was inserted in the
Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) and the
descriptor in English was obtained. The terms
found were associated to the terms “AND”,
“OR” or “NOT” to constitute the following
search strategy: “Probiotics and Periodontal
Disease” and Periodontal Disease, Probiotics”
according to MeSH and, the uniterms will be:
(“probiotics”[MeSH Terms] OR “probiotics”[All
Fields]) AND (“periodontal diseases”[MeSH
Terms] OR (“periodontal”[All Fields] AND
“diseases”[All Fields]) OR “periodontal
diseases”[All Fields] OR (“periodontal”[All Fields]
AND “disease”[All Fields]) OR (“periodontal
disease”[All Fields])).
Data extraction
Two reviewers were responsible for searching
the scientic articles (an undergraduate student
and a Ph.D. candidate), previously calibrated
by a third reviewer (Principal Investigator).
The inter-examiner test (Kappa) was applied to
assess agreement (twice) of the selected titles and
abstracts obtaining a result of 0,89. At each stage
there was a meeting between the three reviewers
to analyse discrepancies, that were resolved by
the third reviewer. All titles and abstracts of
eligible papers were assessed by the “Covidence”
program and thoroughly analysed.
The details for systematic review selection
are shown in Figure 1, as recommended in the
literature [42].
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3619
Tricoly TS et al.
Is the use of Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic efficient as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A systematic review.
Tricoly TS et al.
Is the use of Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic efficient as
adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A
systematic review.
Data item
Data extracted from each study were grouped
in: 1) Author; 2) Publication year; 3) Type of
study; 4) Number of patients; 5) Age; 6) Total
dose (daily dose multiplied by the consumption
time in colony forming units [CFU]); 7) Frequency
and duration of consumption; 8) Follow-up time.
Risk of bias in individual studies
The character of the involved studies was
evaluated using the Cochrane Library Risk Tool
for Randomized Clinical Trials (RoB 2) (updated
on March 15th, 2019), by a calibrated examiner
(MJ) and by a second examiner (CF) for ensure
agreement on the scoring system. The studies
were divided in low, moderate, high, or imprecise
risk of bias, which were based on ve domains:
(a) resulting from the randomization process; (b)
due to deviations from the proposed intervention;
(c) due to lack of outcome data; (d) in measuring
results; (e) in the selection of results. (Figure 2)
Research and evaluation results
After search, 12 articles were selected (Table 1).
During data extraction, the different
treatment protocols were grouped by similarities,
and a meta-analysis was performed for the two
outcomes mentioned.
Meta analysis
The data was analysed by the Studio R
software (version 3.4.4), using the R statistical
language. For the analysed outcomes (PD and
BoP), the results were presented as difference in
means (MD), with a condence interval of 95%.
The Cochran Q test was used to evaluate
the statistical heterogeneity of the treatment
results, associated with the I
test, where gures above 50% were treated as
indicative of signicant heterogeneity. In case
of signicant clinical heterogeneity (I
> 50%),
subgroup analysis was used to plot the results.
Subgroup analysis are secondary analyses, in
which studies were divided into groups according
to common characteristics and the analysed
outcomes were performed to determine whether
any signicant treatment effects occur according
to this characteristic. Subgroup analysis of
included studies were performed for follow-up
time characteristics.
For the meta-analysis of PD and BoP
outcomes, the articles were organized according
to follow-up time, 3 and 6 months.
Figure 1 - PRISMA flowchart. From: Pageetal. [41]. (*Consider, if feasible to do so, reporting the number of records identified from each
database or register searched (rather than the total number across all databases/registers). **If automation tools were used, indicate how
many records were excluded by a human and how many were excluded by automation tools.)
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3619
Tricoly TS et al.
Is the use of Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic efficient as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A systematic review.
Tricoly TS et al.
Is the use of Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic efficient as
adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A
systematic review.
Table I - General characteristics of included studies
Author Year Study design Sample Age
Vehicle full
Frequency Follow up
Grusovinetal. [39] 2019
Pilot study,
double blind and
20 patients 31-70 years 168 tablets Twice a day
3, 6, 9 and 12
Ikrametal. [43] 2018
Clinical trial,
double blind and
30 patients
Olden than 30
168 tablets Twice a day 6 and 12 weeks
Ikrametal. [44] 2019
Clinical trial,
double blind and
28 patients
Older than 30
- Once a day 6 and 12 weeks
Inceetal. [45] 2015
Clinical trial,
double blind and
30 patients 35-50 years 42 tablets Twice a day
Days 0, 21, 90,
180 and 360
Pelekosetal. [46] 2019
Clinical trial,
double blind and
59 patients
Older than 18
56 tablets Twice a day
Days 0, 90 and
Pelekosetal. [47] 2020
Clinical trial,
double blind and
40 patients - 56 tablets Twice a day
Days 90 and
Szkaradkiewiczetal. [48] 2014 - 38 patients 31-46 years 28 pills Twice a day
Two weeks
after pills
Tekceetal. [49] 2015
Clinical trial and
40 patients 35-50 years 42 tablets Twice a day
Days 21, 90,
180 and 360
Teughelsetal. [37] 2013
Clinical trial and
30 patients
Older than 35
168 tablets Twice a day
3, 6, 9 and 12
Vicarioetal. [36] 2013
Clinical trial,
double blind and
19 patients
Older than 18
30 tablets Once a day After 30 days
Vivekanandaetal. [35] 2010
Clinical trial,
double blind and
30 patients 34-50 years 42 tablets Twice a day Days 0 and 42
Vohraetal. [50] 2019
Clinical trial,
double blind and
127 patients 50 years 42 tablets Twice a day 3 and 6 months
Figure 2 - Traffic light plots.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3619
Tricoly TS et al.
Is the use of Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic efficient as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A systematic review.
Tricoly TS et al.
Is the use of Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic efficient as
adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A
systematic review.
In a double-blind clinical trial, Ikram et al. [43]
gathered thirty participants diagnosed with chronic
periodontitis who underwent SRP. Half of the
patients received
L. reuteri
for 3 months, and the
other half received amoxicillin and metronidazole
for 7 days. The study concluded that there was a
similar improvement in both groups, indicating
that adjuvant probiotic agents showed similar
efcacy to therapeutic agents. In a second double-
blind clinical trial, Ikram et al. [44] continued their
study involving the use of
L. reuteri
, the new data
showed an improvement in the treatment when
using the probiotic, and they could conclude that
the probiotic approach is effective and a promising
alternative in adjuvant periodontal therapy. Also
with thirty patients, Ince et al. [45] concluded that
the analysed clinical parameters improved when
using the probiotic
in 2015.
Szkaradkiewicz et al. [48] recruited
38 patients and divided them into two groups.
For two weeks, one of the groups had probiotic
administration, while another one had placebo
administration. Subsequently, the control of the
patients was performed and, it was concluded
that there was a significant reduction in the
clinical indices of PI (plaque index), GI (gingival
index) and BI (bleeding index) in the test group.
As well, in 2012 Vicario et al. [36] concluded that
the administration of probiotics proved to be an
effective strategy for reducing inammation and
clinical symptoms of periodontitis.
Using the same approach of dividing into an
experimental and a control group, Tekce et al.
[49] analysed the microbiological and periodontal
parameters on administered
L. reuteri
in patient
with periodontitis, and concluded that the
probiotic helped to delay local recolonization
and improves clinical outcomes after periodontal
intervention. Teughels et al. [37] had also analyzed
microbiological parameters and their work showed
an important change in the amount of P. gingivalis
bacteria and an improvement in periodontal
parameters. In 2012, Vivekananda et al. [35]
recruited thirty patients and analyzeddetermined
parameters. They were able to conclude that
the administration of
L. reuteri
as an adjuvant
therapy inhibited bacterial plaque and had anti-
inammatory and antimicrobial effects.
In 2019, Vohra et al. [50] evaluating
127 patients concluded that the SRP treatment
was effective, regardless of the use of the
probiotic. In 2019, Grusovin et al. [39] obtained
positive results regarding PPD (pocket probing
depth), CAL (clinical attachment loss) and BoP
after administration of the probiotic
Pelekos et al. [47] analysed possible changes
in the use of L.
, specically in periodontal
pockets with PD >5mm in molars. According to
their study, the molar pockets were beneted from
the administration of the probiotic concluding
that new approaches related to the probiotic
dose, duration and administration way should be
taken. Previously, in 2019, Pelekos et al. [46] had
already studied L. reuteri in another clinical trial,
but the results were inconclusive and only showed
a trend towards successful treatment with the use
of probiotics. Likewise, correlating this study to
other from Grusovin et al. [39], Ikram et al. [44],
Pelekos [46,47] and Teughels et al. [37] had
showed a non-statistically signicant improvement
in the periodontal treatment using probiotics.
This review considered 12 clinical studies
that evaluated the parameters of probing depth
and bleeding on probing after 3 and 6 months.
Initially, 526 results were found, but 290 were
duplicated. With the new number of 239 studies,
204 were excluded due to irrelevance, leaving
32 articles for analysis. After a deeper reading
of these 32 articles, 20 were excluded because
they did not t the parameters of this systematic
review, leaving 12 studies for analysis.
The following studies: Ikram et al. [43],
Pelekos et al. [46,47], Teughels et al. [37] and
Vivekananda et al. [35] also analysed clinical
attachment level indices. Ince et al. [45] and
Tekce et al. [49] analysed gingival recession
indices. As the analysed data were not presented
in all articles, only probing depth and bleeding
on probing data were considered in the meta-
analysis performed in this study.
All studies analysed the risk of bias and,
among them, 8 had low risk [35-37,44-46,49,50].
The study made by Grusovin et al. [39] had a
median risk of bias, and the last two studies,
Pelekos et al. [47] and Szkaradkiewicz et al. [48],
had a high risk of bias.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3619
Tricoly TS et al.
Is the use of Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic efficient as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A systematic review.
Tricoly TS et al.
Is the use of Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic efficient as
adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A
systematic review.
Figure 3 - Forest plot - 3-month follow-up on probing depth reduction (A) and decrease in bleeding on probing (B). (A) reduction in probing
depth and (B) decrease in bleeding on probing comparing scaling and root planing (SRP) and adjuvant probiotics versus scaling and root planing
(SRP). CI, confidence interval; SD, standard deviation.
Figure 4 - Forest plot - 6-month follow-up on probing depth reduction (A) and decrease in bleeding on probing (B). (A) reduction in probing
depth and (B) decrease in bleeding on probing comparing scaling and root planing (SRP) and adjuvant probiotics versus scaling and root planing
(SRP). CI, confidence interval; SD, standard deviation.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3619
Tricoly TS et al.
Is the use of Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic efficient as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A systematic review.
Tricoly TS et al.
Is the use of Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic efficient as
adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A
systematic review.
All the included studies had established
inclusion criteria, and the distribution of probiotics
was similar in all, ranging from 1 or 2 times a day
through lozenges. Only Szkaradkiewicz et al. [48]
used tablets methods and, Ikram et al. [43]
L. reuteri
in sachet form, after
At the 3-month follow-up for PD, 9 articles
were selected for the meta-analysis, resulting in
a favorable use of probiotics as adjuvant to SRP,
compared to groups that did not use probiotics
(-0.61, 95% CI [-1.08; -0.13], I
=95%; p = 0.01).
The articles by Vicario et al. [36], Vivekananda
et al. [35] and Szkaradkiewicz et al. [48] did not
analyse the data at 3 months and, therefore, were
not included in the meta-analysis. Among the
ones that were analysed, four showed signicant
improvement in probing depth with the use of
Regarding the parameter bleeding on probing,
there was no meaningful difference in the use of
the probiotic
in the 3 months results
(Figure 3). Virtually, all the articles analysed
obtained unfavourable or neutral results for the
use of probiotics (-6.16, 95% CI [-14.56; 2.24],
=97%; p < 0.01). Only two articles, among those
analysed, showed positive results for the use of
probiotics: Ince et al. [45] and Tekce et al. [49].
The follow-up evaluation after 6 months
showed that the number of articles that presented
these data were six for PD, and ve articles for
BoP (Figure 4). For PD, among those analysed,
most showed probing depth gain [45,46,49,50],
while Grusovin et al. [39] and Pelekos et al. [47]
showed no meaningful difference but had a
favourable result for the use of probiotics (-0.56,
95% CI [-0.83; -0.29], I
=80%; p < 0.01).
For BoP parameters, three of them did not show
an important difference for the use of probiotics,
these results were presented in Grusovin et al. [39],
Pelekos et al. [46] and Vohra et al. [50]. However,
in general, the analysis was positive regarding the
use of probiotic as an adjunctive therapy in the
treatment of periodontal disease (-5.57, 95% CI
[-9.70; -1.43], I
=85%; p < 0.01).
Probiotics are dietary supplements used to
preserve or promote health [51]. The probiotic
evaluated in the present review,
, is a
bacterium capable of producing antimicrobial
molecules and remodelling the host’s commensal
microbiota [22]. It had also shown an effect against
A. actinomycetemcomitans,
P.gingivalis., F. nucleatum, T. forsythia
, and other
oral pathogens, such as
Previous systematic reviews have shown
positive results regarding the use of
in non-surgical periodontal therapy [53,54],
while the review by Akram et al. [55] analysed
its use in cases of gingivitis and, concluded that
there is no enough evidence on the reduction of
inammatory levels to support the use.
The primary limitation of this study is the
high heterogeneity found. This may be due to
the clinical and methodological diversities, such
as the differences between the methodologies
used for administering probiotics, the follow-up
time, the difference in the form of distribution
of probiotics, such as lozenges, sachets and
tablets, and the different amounts and nal dose
that each study uses, consequently each patient
receives. Thus, more randomized clinical studies
with similar methodologies are needed to analyse
the behaviour of L.reuteri as an adjuvant in non-
surgical periodontal treatment.
Considering the limitations of this present
study, it was concluded that probiotics may
provide supplementary benet to the treatment
of periodontitis, with improvement in bleeding
on probing rates and probing depth.
Author’s Contributions
TST, CLF, VCSL: Conceptualization,
Methodology. ACM, TMFC, MANJ: Formal
Analysis, Investigation, Resources, Writing
Original Draft Preparation. TC, MANJ: Data
Curation. TST, CLF, VCSL, MANJ: Writing
Original Draft Preparation. TST, CLF, VCSL,
ACM, TMFC, MANJ: Writing Review & Editing,
Supervision. TST, TMFC, MANJ: Visualization.
Conict of Interest
The authors declare no conicts of interest.
Scholarship PIBIC Reitoria Edital 1/2020
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3619
Tricoly TS et al.
Is the use of Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic efficient as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A systematic review.
Tricoly TS et al.
Is the use of Lactobacillus reuteri probiotic efficient as
adjunctive therapy in the treatment of periodontitis? A
systematic review.
Regulatory Statement
This study was conducted in accordance with
all the provisions of the local research subjects
oversight committee guideline.
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Maria Aparecida Neves Jardini
(Corresponding address)
Universidade Estadual Paulista, Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia, Departamento de
Diagnóstico e Cirurgia. São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil.
Email: maria.jardini@unesp.br
Date submitted: 2022 Aug 17
Accept submission: 2023 Jan 23