Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3672
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3672
Antimicrobial efficacy of S-PRG containing toothpastes on
S. mutans
biofilm development
Eficácia antimicrobiana de dentifrícios contendo S-PRG sobre o desenvolvimento de biofilme de
S. mutans
Manuela da Silva SPINOLA1 , Jacqueline Landi MENDONÇA2 , Maíra Terra GARCIA3 , Taciana Marco Ferraz CANEPPELE2 ,
Juliana Campos JUNQUEIRA3 , Carlos Rocha Gomes TORRES2 , Alessandra Buhler BORGES2
1 - Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Braz Cubas, Mogi das Cruzes, Brazil.
2 - Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia da UNESP, Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora, São José dos Campos, Brazil.
3 - Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia da UNESP, Departamento de Biociências e Diagnóstico Oral, São José dos Campos, Brazil.
How to cite: Spinola MS, Mendonça JL, Garcia MT, Caneppele TMF, Junqueira JC, Torres CRG, et al. Antimicrobial efcacy of S-PRG
containing toothpastes on
S. mutans
biolm development. Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(1):e3672. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3672
Objective: to investigate the antimicrobial effects of toothpastes containing bioactive surface pre-reacted glass
particles (S-PRG) on
S. mutans
biolms adherence, initial colonization and maturation. Material and Methods:
a reference UA 159 and a clinical
S. mutans
(SM6) strain were used. Bovine enamel specimens were randomly
allocated into the groups (n=5): toothpastes containing 0%; 1%; 5%; 20%; 30% S-PRG; positive control
dentifrice (NaF+triclosan); and negative control (distilled water). For biolm development, samples were
placed in a 24-well plate containing articial saliva (4h), followed by adding 1mL of articial saliva, BHI broth
and 225μL of
S. mutans
suspension. Treatments with toothpastes were applied previously or after 4h and 24h
of biolm formation. Samples were incubated for 48h at 37°C in 5%CO2 and biolm was detached and seeded
in Petri dishes for determining the number of viable cells. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test (5%).
Results: signicantly lower microorganisms’ adherence (p<0.05) was obtained for all S-PRG toothpastes, with
similar results to NaF+triclosan for SM6 and 20 and 30%S-PRG groups exhibiting higher inhibition effect than
the NaF+Triclosan for UA159. Antibacterial effect on the early-stage biolm was also observed for the S-PRG
groups, but was not superior to the NaF+Triclosan toothpaste. For the mature biolm, the effective antimicrobial
potential of S-PRG toothpastes was observed only for the SM6 clinical strain, but was not higher than the positive
control. Conclusion: experimental S-PRG toothpastes were effective to inhibit
S. mutans
biolm growth by
exhibiting antimicrobial activity, being promising agents to prevent cariogenic biolm development.
Biolm; Dental enamel; Giomer;
Streptococcus mutans
, S-PRG.
Objetivo: investigar o efeito de dentifrícios contendo S-PRG sobre a colonização inicial e maturação de biolmes de
S. mutans
. Material e Métodos: uma cepa de referência (UA 159) e uma cepa clínica de
S. mutans
(SM6) foram
utilizadas. Espécimes de esmalte bovino foram alocados nos grupos (n=5): dentifrícios contendo 0%; 1%; 5%;
20% e 30%S-PRG; controle positivo (NaF+triclosan); e controle negativo (água destilada). Os espécimes foram
inseridos em uma placa de 24 poços contendo saliva articial (4h), seguido por adição de 1mL de saliva articial,
BHI, 225μL de suspensão de
S. mutans
e foram tratados com suspensões de dentifrícios antes ou depois de 4 e
24h da formação do biolme. Os espécimes foram incubados por 48h e o biolme foi removido dos espécimes e
semeado em placas de Petri para contagem de UFC/mL. Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA e teste de Tukey
(5%). Resultados: houve diminuição na adesão de microrganismos para os grupos tratados com S-PRG (p<0.05).
Para SM6, os dentifrícios contendo S-PRG apresentaram resultados semelhantes ao NaF+triclosan e para a cepa
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3672
Spinola MS et al.
Antimicrobial efficacy of S-PRG containing toothpastes on S. mutans biofilm dev elopment
Spinola MS et al. Antimicrobial efficacy of S-PRG containing toothpastes on
S. mutans biofilm development
Dental caries is a biolm and sugar-dependent
disease that results in mineral loss of tooth surface.
The control of the disease is directly related to
the biolm monitoring, which can be achieved
by means of a controlled diet, with less intakes of
carbohydrates, and with efcient oral hygiene, to
disaggregate the cariogenic biolm formed over
the tooth surface [1,2]. Although these methods
are well established, and the prevalence and
severity of dental caries have declined in recent
years, the cariogenic biolm tends to remain in
regions that are difcult to access by brushing, such
as the occlusal pit and ssures, and interproximal
regions, making it still one of the most prevalent
diseases at a world level [3].
Strategies to improve the control of the
acidogenic microorganisms that are prevalent
in the cariogenic biofilm using products with
multiple biological effects such as antibacterial
properties and biolm formation inhibition have
been tested [4,5].
The surface pre-reacted glass ionomer
(S-PRG) filler is an innovative bioactive
material composed by a 3-layer structure
derived from a proprietary technology.
A fluoroboroaluminosilicate multifunctional
glass is covered with polysiloxane, creating a
porous superficial silica-glassy layer. Then, a
polyacrylic acid solution is sprayed on the particle
and penetrates the surface porosities, reacting
with the inner glass core. This creates a thin
intermediate stable pre-reacted glass ionomer
phase [6]. The dental products containing S-PRG
llers are named GIOMER, due to their “Glass
IOnoMER” phase. The bioactive effect of these
materials is exerted by the multi-ions release
(uoride, strontium, borate, sodium, aluminum,
and silicate) derived from the multifunctional
glass in the presence of moisture [7].
These fillers can be incorporated
into preventive and restorative materials.
The antimicrobial/anticaries/remineralizing/
desensitizing effects have been shown
with surface barrier materials, varnishes,
and sealants [8-11]. Favorable results have
been observed regarding the antimicrobial
activity of restorative materials using Giomer
technology [12,13], besides the ability to
reduce the demineralization of dentin adjacent
to restorations [14], and exert acid-buffering
properties, which might reduce the susceptibility
to secondary caries [15].
This motivated the development of
toothpastes containing the S-PRG particles,
providing the benet of releasing the multi-ions
into the oral environment, as an alternative
for caries prevention. Studies have shown
that experimental S-PRG based toothpastes
were effective on the enamel demineralization
prevention [16-18]. However, despite previous
studies present promising results regarding the
addition of S-PRG to dental products, little is
still known about the ideal concentration of
these particles in dentifrices concerning their
antimicrobial efficacy on dental cariogenic
biofilms, aiming to promote strong scientific
evidence so that commercial products can be
developed and be further available in the market.
Thus, the present study reports the ndings on
the inhibitory effect of experimental dentifrices
containing different concentrations of S-PRG on
adherence, initial colonization and maturation
phases of
S. mutans
biolms. The null hypothesis
tested was that there is no difference in the
biolm inhibition among the toothpastes
in the different phases tested.
Ethical aspects
The study protocol was approved
by the local Ethics Committee in Research
UA159 o dentifrício com 30%S-PRG apresentou efeito superior. Efeito antimicrobiano no biolme recém-formado
(4h) foi observado para os grupos contendo S-PRG, mas não foi observado efeito superior ao NaF+Triclosan. Para
o biolme maduro, efeito antimicrobiano do S-PRG foi observado apenas para a cepa clínica, mas não superior ao
efeito do NaF+Triclosan. Conclusão: dentifrícios contendo S-PRG foram ecazes na inibição do desenvolvimento
de biolmes de
S. mutans,
sendo promissores agentes para prevenir o desenvolvimento de biolme cariogênico.
Biolme; Esmalte dental; Giomer;
Streptococcus mutans
; S-PRG.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3672
Spinola MS et al.
Antimicrobial efficacy of S-PRG containing toothpastes on S. mutans biofilm dev elopment
Spinola MS et al. Antimicrobial efficacy of S-PRG containing toothpastes on
S. mutans biofilm development
In this study, one reference
S. mutans
strain (UA159) and one clinical strain were
used. The clinical strain was previously isolated
from the active cavities of a subject according
to Carvalho et al. (2006) [19], was identied
by PCR [20], and confirmed by automatic
sequencing [21], named SM6.
Study design
Six independent experiments were conducted
(three for the
S. mutans
UA159 strain, and three for
the SM6 strain). Each experiment presented one
factor under investigation (treatment toothpastes)
at 7 levels (distilled water as negative control (DW);
commercial NaF+Triclosan-based toothpaste
as positive control; and toothpastes containing
S-PRG: 0%; 1%, 5%, 20%, and 30%). For both
strains, the following effects were investigated:
the inhibitory effect on biolm adherence, initial
colonization and maturation (n = 5/group).
UFC/mL was the response variable.
Specimens’ preparation
Fresh, non-damaged bovine incisors were
collected for this study. The crowns were
separated from the roots and stored into 0.1%
thymol solution at 4ºC until required. Seventy
cylindrical enamel specimens (6 mm in diameter)
were obtained from the labial surface of the teeth,
using a custom-made diamond-coated trephine
mill adapted to a circular cutting machine.
The enamel specimens were polished using SiC
sandpapers in sequential grits of 1200, 2400, and
4000 (FEPA-P, Struers, Copenhagen, Denmark),
under constant water irrigation for 10, 20 and
30 s, respectively, using an automatic polishing
machine (Tegramin 25, Struers). After each paper
grit change, specimens were kept in an ultrasonic
bath for 5 min, to remove debris and abrasive
grains. The specimens were examined under a
stereomicroscope (Carl Zeiss Stemi 2000 - 20X)
to ensure the absence of cracks or other surface
defects [22]. The specimens were autoclaved
before the beginning of the experiments.
Preparation of the standardized suspension
S. mutans
The microorganisms were cultured in brain-
heart infusion broth (BHI Himedia, Mumbai,
India) at 37oC for 48 h (5% CO2). The microbial
cells in the culture were centrifuged (1300 rpm
for 10 min), and the pellet was rinsed twice
with 0.85% NaCl (Labimpex, Sao Paulo, Brazil).
The cell suspensions were adjusted to 108 cells/mL
using a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of
398 nm and optical density of 0.620 (B5B2,
Micronal, São Paulo, Brazil) [23].
Groups division
For each experiment, testing both the
reference and the clinical strain, the specimens
were divided in seven groups (n = 5 each).
The experimental toothpastes were prepared by
Shofu Inc. (Kyoto, Japan), and contained silicic
anhydride, sodium carboxymethylcellulose,
glycerol, sorbitol solution, perfume, and 1 μm
S-PRG particles: 0% (placebo), 1%, 5%, 20%,
and 30% (in weight). The distilled water was the
negative control and a commercial toothpaste
containing NaF (1450 ppm F-), Triclosan,
PVM/MA copolymer, sodium lauryl sulfate,
sorbitol, carrageenan, aroma, and hydrated silica
(Colgate Total 12, Colgate-Palmolive, São Paulo,
Brazil) was the positive control.
S. mutans
biolm formation
Specimens were placed in 24-well plates
containing 2 mL of articial saliva containing
0.33g KH2PO4; 0.34g Na2HPO4; 1.27g KCl; 0.16g
NaSCN; 0.58g NaCl; 0.17g CaCl, 0.16g NH4Cl;
0.2g urea; 0.03g glucose; 0.002g ascorbic acid
and 2.7g mucin [24] and incubated for 4 h at
37oC to allow the formation of a surface pellicle.
After 4h, specimens were rinsed twice with 2 mL
of PBS solution with the use of a pipette and
then 1 mL of BHI broth supplemented with 5%
sucrose and 1 mL artificial saliva were added
to each well. Then, 225 μL of the standardized
S. mutans
suspension was added to each well,
and the plates were incubated for 24 h at 37°C
(5% CO2). The wells were washed three times
with 2 mL PBS for the removal of weakly adhered
cells with the use of a pipette, and 1 mL of fresh
BHI broth supplemented with 5% sucrose and
1 mL of fresh articial saliva was again added
to each well. The plates were incubated for an
additional 24 h at 37oC.
Antibacterial potential of the toothpastes on
S. mutans
biolm development
Specimens were treated with dentifrices
slurries prepared in artificial saliva (1:3) for
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3672
Spinola MS et al.
Antimicrobial efficacy of S-PRG containing toothpastes on S. mutans biofilm dev elopment
Spinola MS et al. Antimicrobial efficacy of S-PRG containing toothpastes on
S. mutans biofilm development
5 min in 3 different phases: before the immersion
in articial saliva to evaluate the effect of the
treatments on the microorganisms adherence
phase, after 4 h of biolm growth to evaluate
the antibacterial potential over the early-stage
biofilm, and after 24 h of biofilm growth to
evaluate the antibacterial potential over biolm
Cell count for biolm analysis
After nal incubation, all specimens (treated
with the slurries before, after 4h and 24h of
biolm growth) were transferred to Falcon tubes
containing 4 mL PBS. The biofilm was then
detached from the specimens using an ultrasonic
homogenizer (Sonoplus KD2200, Bandelin
Eletronic, Berlin, Germany) at 7 W for 30 s.
Serial dilutions were prepared from the obtained
solution and plated on Petri dishes containing
BHI agar. The plates were incubated for 48 h
at 37oC (5% CO2) to determine the number of
colony-forming units (CFU/mL) [23].
Statistical analysis
Data of CFU/mL were transformed in
log10 and means ± standard deviation were
calculated for each treatment. The Shapiro-Wilk
and Brown-Forsythe tests were used to assess
the normality and homoscedasticity of the data.
They were then analysed by one-way ANOVA
followed by Tukey’s test with a p-value set at 5%,
using Statistica for Windows software (StatSoft,
Hamburg, Germany).
Potential of the toothpastes on
S. mutans
Figure 1a-1b show mean and standard
deviation data for the tested groups, using the
reference UA159 and the SM6 clinical strains,
respectively. The results of ANOVA one-way
indicated signicant difference for the groups
(p<0.05). The inhibiting effect was higher
when more concentrated toothpastes were used,
indicating a dose-dependent effect. According to
Tukey’s test, the toothpastes containing S-PRG
were capable to inhibit
S. mutans
when compared to the negative control (p<0.05)
for both strains. For UA159 strain, both 20 and
30% S-PRG toothpastes showed significantly
S. mutans
adherence than the positive
commercial toothpaste containing NaF and
Triclosan. For SM6 strain, 1 to 30% were similar
to the positive control. The 0% S-PRG toothpaste
presented no signicant
S. mutans
inhibition potential compared to negative control
Antibacterial potential of the toothpastes on
S. mutans
The mean and standard deviation data for
the treatments applied after 4 h of reference and
the clinical
S. mutans
strains biolm formation
are shown in Figure 2a-2b, respectively. ANOVA
one-way indicated signicant difference for the
tested groups (p<0.05). According to Tukey’s
test results, all S-PRG containing toothpastes
were signicantly different from the negative
control for both strains (p<0.0001). The most
effective products were the 20% and 30% S-PRG
toothpastes. Nevertheless, all were signicantly
different from the positive commercial product
(NaF + Triclosan) that showed the higher
antimicrobial effect against early-stage biolms
Figure 1 – Mean CFU/mL (log10) and standard deviation data when
treatments were applied previously to
S. mutans
adherence (before
biofilm formation) over the UA159 reference (a) and SM6 clinical
(b) strains. Different upper case letters mean significant statistical
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3672
Spinola MS et al.
Antimicrobial efficacy of S-PRG containing toothpastes on S. mutans biofilm dev elopment
Spinola MS et al. Antimicrobial efficacy of S-PRG containing toothpastes on
S. mutans biofilm development
Antibacterial potential of the toothpastes on
S. mutans
The mean and standard deviation data of cell
counts for the treatments applied after 24 h of
reference and clinical
S. mutans
biolm formation
are shown in Figure 3a-3b, respectively. ANOVA
one-way showed signicant difference for the
groups (p<0.05). According to the Tukey’s test,
there were no significant differences for the
S-PRG containing toothpastes compared to the
negative control, when reference UA159 strain
was tested (p>0.05). For the SM6 clinical strain,
the experimental toothpastes exhibited signicant
antimicrobial effect compared to the negative
control, with higher efcacy when 20 and 30%
S-PRG were used, but they were not superior than
the commercial NaF toothpaste used as positive
control (p<0.05).
The effect of toothpastes containing different
concentrations of S-PRG was evaluated at three
distinct moments: before, after 4 h, and after 24 h
of biolm development, to represent the different
clinical situations found in the oral cavity.
The ve minutes treatment time was chosen to
favour the effect of the toothpastes in this in vitro
model, since only one application was performed.
A standard strain of
S. mutans
(UA 159) was
used because this microorganism represents one
of the most important microorganisms in the
aetiology of caries disease [25]. Additionally, a
clinical strain, previously isolated from dental
caries (SM6), was used in order to extend the
knowledge of the antimicrobial properties of the
S-PRG toothpastes to a more real condition [26].
The model used here for biolm growth has been
widely used in the microbiology and cariology
areas [23,27] to simulate the conditions of
a cariogenic biofilm due to the presence of
5% sucrose added to the culture medium.
The biofilm was cultivated over bovine tooth
specimens. The use of bovine specimens in
substitution of human in caries lesion studies is
a viable alternative due to their similar mineral
content [28] and biolm cariogenicity pattern
with both substrates [29]. Besides, they present
great advantages, such as easier acquisition and
the presence of a large and at surface to obtain
the specimens.
Figure 2 – Mean CFU/mL (log10) and standard deviation data for
the antibacterial potential of treatments over the early-stage
S. mutans
biofilms (after 4 h of biofilm growth) cultivated from
UA159 reference (a) and SM6 clinical (b) strains. Different upper
case letters mean significant statistical differences.
Figure 3 – Mean CFU/mL (log10) and standard deviation data for
the antibacterial potential of treatments over
S. mutans
maturation (after 24 h of biofilm growth) cultivated from UA159
reference (a) and SM6 clinical (b) strains. Different upper case
letters mean significant statistical differences.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3672
Spinola MS et al.
Antimicrobial efficacy of S-PRG containing toothpastes on S. mutans biofilm dev elopment
Spinola MS et al. Antimicrobial efficacy of S-PRG containing toothpastes on
S. mutans biofilm development
The null hypothesis was rejected, as the
toothpastes containing S-PRG were able to inhibit
the adherence of the microorganisms and all the
concentrations tested reduced the development
of the early-stage biofilm. The toothpastes
containing 20% and 30% were superior to the
positive control in inhibiting biolm development
for the standard strain, while toothpastes from
1 30% were had similar effect to the positive
control in inhibiting biofilm development for
the clinical strain. These results agree with
previous studies, in which the ions released from
S-PRG in composite materials [13,30] and its
eluate [31,32] inhibited the growth of
S. mutans
biolm. Inhibition of initial microorganisms is
an important factor in prevention of the biolm
development because coaggregation inuences
the properties of plaque [33]. The observed
inhibition of biolm growth and effect on the
newly formed biolm are probably associated
with the release of BO3
3-, F- and Sr2+ as it has been
suggested that these ions are able to diffuse into
the biolm [34].
It is known that BO3
3- presents great
ability to prevent bacterial growth, because
it acts by inhibiting quorum sensing inside
bacteria [35]. Quorum sensing is characterized
as a highly specic system that controls different
bacterial activities such as the production of
signalling molecules, transport, and perception
of the surrounding environment. This system is
responsible for the process of bacterial adhesion
to surfaces, the production of the extracellular
polysaccharide matrix, and the virulence of the
biolm [36,37].
The F- ions are inhibitors of carbohydrate
metabolism in oral Streptococci [38] because
they can penetrate the cell and bind to enolase
and ATPase, inhibiting these enzymes and
leading to the reduction of carbohydrate
metabolism [39-41]. The inhibition of enolase
causes a reduction in phosphoenolpyruvate levels
and, consequently, a reduction in glucose uptake
by phosphoenolpyruvate phosphotransferase
system [42,43] while the inhibition of ATPase
causes ineffective extrusions of protons [44],
leading to an acidication of cell cytoplasm and
reduced metabolism and acid tolerance by the
cells [41,45].
Regarding the Sr2+ released from the S-PRG
fillers, the cariostatic activity caused by the
presence of such ions in oral products is not
completely understood, since it seems that its
concentration in saliva and plaque is usually
not able to exert an important antimicrobial
effect [46]. Nevertheless, the release of Sr2+
might represent an important ally in products
containing S-PRG, since its cariostatic properties
may act synergistically to F- to inhibit bacterial
activity [47].
In mature biolms (24h), S-PRG toothpastes
had no effect on the standard strain, but all
concentrations of S-PRG were able to decrease
the number of bacteria in the biolm cultivated
from the clinical strain SM6. Nevertheless,
this effect was lower than the NaF + triclosan
toothpaste. Triclosan, in the concentration of
0.3% in the dentifrice used as the positive control,
has well-established antimicrobial properties
when added to toothpastes to act against dental
plaque [48], although it has been replaced in
the recently launched toothpastes due to its
potential hormonal disfunction properties [49].
This active agent may be released in a higher
concentration than the ions present in the S-PRG
particle, to exert its antimicrobial effect on the
mature biolm, but this was not tested in the
present study.
It was previously shown that the inhibitory
effect of a S-PRG eluate was less pronounced when
the eluate was applied in the post-logarithmic
phase of biofilm growth, suggesting that the
main action of these bioactive particles is related
to the inhibition of
S. mutans
virulence and
growth [32]. The fact that S-PRG could decrease
the number of bacteria in the clinical strain, but
not in the standard strain may be related to the
fact that
S. mutans
standard strain UA 159 is
known to be a highly cariogenic strain, besides
being adapted to the culture medium since it is
the strain of choice for many studies in cariology.
The difference between the cariogenicity and
adaptation potential of the standard strain
UA159 and the clinical strain SM6 is clear when
we observed that for the three types of biolms
tested, the products presented better results with
the clinical strain.
These less favourable results observed
with the mature biolms can be explained by
the fact that the dental products containing
S-PRG particles, in general, are characterized as
agents that constantly release the ions present
in their composition. However, the amount of
ions released from the experimental toothpastes
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Jan/Mar;26 (1): e3672
Spinola MS et al.
Antimicrobial efficacy of S-PRG containing toothpastes on S. mutans biofilm dev elopment
Spinola MS et al. Antimicrobial efficacy of S-PRG containing toothpastes on
S. mutans biofilm development
might not be high enough to act in the rupture
of a mature biolm. In addition, the short time
of exposure to the treatments and the dilution
of the products in articial saliva prior to the
treatment of enamel specimens, to simulate
the dilution caused by saliva in the oral cavity,
may also have influenced the efficacy of the
products. Previous studies have shown that low
concentrations of S-PRG in eluates, for example,
were not effective on mature biolm and that
higher concentrations of these products were
needed to cause a rupture in the mature biolm
when compared to the concentration to inhibit
the biolm development [31]. This may be due
to the fact that the properties of a mature biolm
are completely different when compared to a
newly formed biolm. In a mature cariogenic
biofilm, formed by the interaction between
bacteria and sucrose, we can observe the presence
of an extracellular polysaccharide matrix that is
responsible for its virulence and that interferes
with the physical and chemical properties of the
biolm [50,51].
The presence of the extracellular matrix
promotes a support for the development of the
biolm because it encourages bacterial adhesion,
besides hindering the diffusion of substrates from
the medium to the interior of the biolm [50],
thus impairing the action of the ions inside the
The results obtained with the experimental
toothpastes containing S-PRG are promising,
especially those with higher concentrations of
particles in their composition. Nevertheless, more
studies are needed to conrm the action of these
agents on the dental biolm in more relevant
clinical conditions.
Experimental dentifrices containing
S-PRG showed antimicrobial activity mainly on
microorganisms’ adherence and on early-stage
biolm, being promising agents to prevent
S. mutans
biolm growth and development.
The authors wish to express thanks to
Shofu Inc., Japan for providing the materials
for this study, and to CAPES and CNPq (processes
38882.434264/2019-01 and 51256/2019) for the
scholarships granted.
Author’s Contributions
MSP, JCJ, CRGT, ABB: Conceptualization.
MSP, JLM, MTG, JCJ: Methodology. MSP, MTG,
ABB: Formal Analysis. ABB: Resources. MSP, ABB:
Writing Original Draft Preparation. MSP, TMFC,
JCJ, CRGT, ABB: Writing Review & Editing.
ABB: Supervision. ABB: Project Administration.
Conict of Interest
No conicts of interest declared concerning
the publication of this article.
Part of this study was funded by CNPq
(process 51256/2019).
Regulatory Statement
The study protocol was approved by the local
Ethics Committee in Research and the approval
code for this study is: CAAE:005611/2017.
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Taciana Marco Ferraz Caneppele
(Corresponding address)
Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora, Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia da
UNESP, São José dos Campos, Brasil.
Email: taciana.caneppele@unesp.br
Date submitted: 2022 Oct 02
Accept submission: 2023 Jan 21