Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3680
Wulandari P et al.
Effectiveness freeze dried platelet rich plasma combination of hyaluronic acid after periodontal surgical healing: an experimental study on animal model
Wulandari P et al.
Effectiveness freeze dried platelet rich plasma combination
of hyaluronic acid after periodontal surgical healing:
an experimental study on animal model
On the fourteenth day, all treatment groups had a
BOP value of 0, which indicated an inammation-free
surgical area. Abdul Ameer et al. [23] stated
that the application of PRP in the periodontal
pocket has an anti-inflammatory effect that
can accelerate the healing process. This will be
seen in the improvement of periodontal clinical
parameters, such as a decrease in plaque index,
gingival index, BOP and clinical attachment
level. Vera et al. [24] stated that hyaluronic acid
can have an indirect effect on inflammation,
stabilize granulation tissue and prevent the
release of protease enzymes from inammatory
cells that cause inammation can break down
extracellular matrix proteins during the healing
process. This research has limitations, including
the need to nd the best dose selection in the use
of freeze-dried platelet-rich plasma to support the
stability and durability of the material combined
with FDPRP and hyaluronic acid.
The combination of FD-PRP and HA has
accelerated the healing of periodontal surgical
We gratefully thank the Research Centre
Universitas Sumatera Utara through Hibah Talenta
“Hibah Penelitian Dasar” Research Grant 2021.
Author’s Contributions
PW, DS, MA, B, RS: Researcher, Critically
Revised the Manuscript. PW: Writing, Analysis,
Interpretation. PW, DS, MA: Conception and
Data Design. B, RS: Performed the Experiments.
Conict of Interest
The authors certify that they have no
commercial or associative interest representing
a conflict of interest in connection with the
The authors are grateful for the research
funding provided by the Research Centre
Universitas Sumatera Utara through Hibah Talenta
“Hibah Penelitian Dasar” Research Grant 2021.
Regulatory Statement
Before the commencement of research, the
ethical approval for the current study was obtained
from the institutional ethical committee. The approval
code for this study is No. 0350/KEPH-FMIPA/2021.
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