Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
CASE REPORT DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3698
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3698
Cherubism in Saudi population: a rare case report
Querubismo na população Saudi: relato de um caso raro
, Bassam Ali HAMDI
, Nasser Ali KORERI
, Mazen Ahmed QADI
, Loay Ebrahim NAJMI
Faisal Hadi KHORMI
1 - Jazan University, Department of Restorative Dental Sciences. Jazan, Saudi Arabia.
2 - Jazan University, School of Dentistry. Jazan, Saudi Arabia.
How to cite: Boreak N, Hamdi BA, Koreri NA, Qadi MA, Najmi LE, Khormi FH. Cherubism in Saudi population: a rare case report. Braz
Dent Sci. 2023;26(2):e3698. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3698
Cherubism is a rare hereditary benign bro-osseous disorder characterised by bilateral swelling of the mandible
and/or maxilla with varying severity of involvement. It occurs because of dominant mutations in SH3BP2 gene
on the chromosome 4p16.3. On radiography cherubic lesions appear as multilocular cystic radiolucencies in the
jaw bones giving a soap bubble appearance. These lesions usually heal by themselves by the time the patient
attains puberty. Treatment is necessary only in aggressive cases where there is severe facial deformity or vital
functions are hampered. Surgical corrections are preferred when the lesion is in its dormant phase. The aim of the
present case report is to illustrate a case of cherubism in a 9-year-old Saudi boy which is a very rare occurrence
as only 1 case of cherubism has been reported so far in the Saudi Arabian population.
Cherubism; Genetic mutation; Multilocular cystic lesions; Self-regressive lesion; Calcitonin therapy.
Querubismo é uma desordem bro-óssea hereditária rara caracterizada por aumento de volume bilateral da
mandíbula e/ou maxila com graus variáveis de severidade. Ocorre devido a mutação dominante no gene SH3BP2
no cromossomo 4p16.3. Radiogracamente as lesões de querubismo aparecem como radiolucência multilocular
semelhantes a bolhas de sabão nos ossos maxilares. Geralmente as lesões involuem espontaneamente quando o
paciente atinge a puberdade. O tratamento se faz necessário apenas nos casos mais agressivos que demonstram
deformidade facial severa ou comprometimento de funções vitais. Correções cirúrgicas são preferíveis quando
a lesão está na fase dormente. O objetivo do presente relato é ilustrar um caso de querubismo em um paciente
de 9 anos da Arábia Saudita, sendo este um evento raríssimo com apenas um outro caso relatado na população
da Arábia Saudita.
Querubismo; Mutação genética; Lesão cística multilocular; Lesão com regressão espontânea; Terapia com
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3698
Boreak N et al.
Cherubism in Saudi population: a rare case report
Boreak N et al.
Cherubism in Saudi population: a rare case report
Cherubism, also called Multilocular Cystic
Disease of the jaws, is an uncommon inherited
bone condition occurring in paediatric patients of
age 2- 7 years and early teenagers and regresses
following puberty. Sir William Jones rst studied
it in 1933 in a family in which several members
were affected. He coined the term CHERUBISM,
which means children with “full round faces
gazing upwards to the sky”, describing the
affected patients’ appearance [1,2].
Cherubism occurs mainly due to mutation in
the SH3 - domain binding protein 2 (SH3BP2) on
chromosome 4p16.3, called autosomal dominant
cherubism [3-5]. According to the WHO, it is a
self-limiting ailment [6]. In cherubism, the normal
bone structure is substituted by proliferating
fibrous tissue consisting of many osteoclasts.
The resultant bony septae give the characteristic
multilocular appearance on radiographs [7].
It is a familial disease with a 100% penetrance
in males and a 50%–70% penetrance in females
for the autosomal dominant characteristic (2:1).
Although it was initially diagnosed as “familial
brous dysplasia of the jaws,” current genomic
studies have revealed that it is a distinct entity at
the molecular level [8,9]. Although cases without
a familial past have also been documented, most
cases exhibit a linked family history [10,11].
The diagnosis of cherubism is made using
histology and radiographic evidence though
biopsy and histopathologic examinations are not
an absolute necessity in most cases to conrm
the diagnosis of cherubism [12]. The clinical
ndings include Familial occurrence, bilateral
swelling of the mandible, high-arched palate, lack
of second and third molars, lymph node swelling,
self- resolution of the lesion after puberty [13].
Numerous dental alterations can be observed,
such as early primary tooth shedding, misplaced
permanent teeth, supernumerary teeth, irregular
eruption patterns, and root resorption [13,14].
Clinical signs such as painless lesions, increased
bone volume, and sporadic symptoms, including
tooth loss, slobbering, xerostomia, impacted
teeth, phonetic issues, and malocclusion,
impact the patients’ psychosocial well-being and
aesthetics [14]. In rare circumstances, airway
impairment is accompanied by vision and hearing
loss [15-17].
Many variations have been reported in
cherubism regarding the age of presentation,
clinical signs and symptoms, gender and familial
history. Motamedi and Raposo- Amaral suggested
a grading system to classify cherubism based on
the facial bones involved and other signs and
symptoms [18,19] (Figure 1). Though many
clinicians use this classification to define the
lesion and other signs, some clinicians don’t
Figure 1 - Classification of Cherubism according to Motamedi (1998) and Raposo- Amaral (2007).
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3698
Boreak N et al.
Cherubism in Saudi population: a rare case report
Boreak N et al.
Cherubism in Saudi population: a rare case report
use the classication as the presentation of the
disease is unique in different patients.
Cherubism is a self-limiting disease that
degenerates extemporaneously after adolescence.
The radiolucent spaces are lled up with a sclerotic
bone. In rare cases, the radiolucent spaces may
remain, and surgical correction is necessary to
restore normal facial features [19,20].
The present case report aims to illustrate a
case of cherubism in the Saudi Arabian population
which is a very rare occurrence as only 1 case of
cherubism has been reported and published in
the population.
In the present case, an 8 years 9 months old
male child reported to the dental clinics of Jizan
University for a routine dental check-up. During
the oral examination, it was detected that the
cheeks of the patient were abnormally swollen
and chubby (Figure 2). There was no history
of pain or fever or any associated symptoms.
The mother reported that the swelling was
present for 2 years with no obvious discomfort
to the patient.
When examined, the patient was noted
to have mixed dentition with exfoliating
primary teeth and erupting permanent teeth.
In addition, 75 was affected by dental caries, and
85 was missing due to extraction that was done
previously. Panorama and CBCT were advised
for further diagnosis.
The orthopantomogram (OPG) showed
multiple, symmetric radiolucent lesions in the
angle of the mandible, giving a typical soap
bubble appearance, a classical sign of cherubism
(Figure 3). In addition, these multilocular lesions
extended into the ramus and coronoid process
of the mandible, sparing the condylar process,
a pathognomonic sign of cherubism. In OPG,
maxillary involvement was not evident. Thus,
CBCT was done.
CBCT imaging showed the absence of a
significant part of the body of the mandible,
ramus of the mandible and the coronoid process
(Figures 4 and 5). The maxillary tuberosity
was involved, pushing the permanent teeth
buds mesially. No histopathological analysis
was undertaken for this case as the presenting
symptoms were not the chief complaint and it
would be an invasive procedure for the paediatric
Diagnosis of the present case was made
based on the age of the patient, presenting clinical
symptoms and radiological findings. Patient
was treated for dental caries with least surgical
intervention and patient was advised a long-term
follow- up.
Cherubism is a type of non-cancerous bone
disease that only affects the jaws. Additionally,
some publications refer to this condition as
Figure 2 - Facial Appearance of the patient.
Figure 3 - CBCT (Frontal View).
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3698
Boreak N et al.
Cherubism in Saudi population: a rare case report
Boreak N et al.
Cherubism in Saudi population: a rare case report
familial brous dysplasia, which is a member
of the family of brous osseous illnesses [6,7].
Cherubism is associated with mutations in
genes encoding the binding protein SH3BP2 on
chromosome 4p16.3 [21,22]. Mutation in this
binding protein causes dysregulation of the
Msx-1 gene which is implicated in the regulation
of mesenchymal collaboration in craniofacial
morphogenesis [22].
In cherubism, the affected child appears
normal at birth, but unilateral or bilateral painless
swelling occurs at the age of 14 months to
12 years on average. Frazier et al. [23] reported
a case of unilateral swelling of the maxilla and
mandible in an 8-year-old female patient. In the
present case, an 8-year-old boy was affected
by bilateral, painless swelling. This swelling
may continue to grow until puberty and later
undergo involution where the radiolucent space is
replaced with sclerotic bone [24]. By the 4
or 5
decade of life, normal facial features are naturally
restored. However, in extreme or severe cases
surgical corrections may become necessary [25].
Cherubism has been classied in the past
by Marck and Kudryk in 1992 into 4 grades
based on the bones involved and the symmetry
of the lesion [26]. In 2007, Motamedi and
Raposo- Amaral suggested a system of grades
to classify cherubism based on the facial bones
involved and other signs and symptoms [18,19].
This classification was more widely accepted
as it describes the disease in terms of grade,
class and sub-class (Figure 1). According to this
classication, our case could be categorized into
the grade 2 class1 category.
In the present case, OPG was taken to rule
out swelling due to dental infection. The mother
of the patient mentioned that the swelling was
present for 2 years. In OPG, bilateral, multilocular
radiolucencies were observed in the ramus of the
mandible involving the coronoid process however
preserving the condyles. This observation is a
pathognomonic sign of cherubism [27]. But this
was not found to be the case as Bianchi et al.
reported a case of cherubism with condylar
involvement [28]. The roots of primary and
permanent teeth were found to be intact, and
no signs of resorption were observed. These OPG
observations were found to be similar to a case
reported by Shakeel et al. [29] To conrm the
involvement of maxilla, CBCT was advised for the
patient. In CBCT, it was seen that the maxillary
Figuere 4 - CBCT image (Lateral View).
Figure 5 - OPG of the Patient.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3698
Boreak N et al.
Cherubism in Saudi population: a rare case report
Boreak N et al.
Cherubism in Saudi population: a rare case report
tuberosity was involved in displacing the primary
and permanent teeth anteriorly. The base of the
skull was observed to be intact. No resorption of
the roots of permanent teeth was observed.
The radiographic differential diagnosis
for cherubism comprises of brown tumour
of hyperparathyroidism, craniofacial fibrous
dysplasia, Gigantiform cementoma and Jaffe-
Campanacci syndrome. Even though lesions of
cherubism and craniofacial fibrous dysplasia
display similar radiologic features, they can be
differentiated based on clinical and histological
ndings [30]. Signs and symptoms more explicitly
found in cherubism are bilateral swellings of the
mandible, the lesion involving the maxilla and
mandible, and self-regression of the lesions by
adolescence [31,32]. Whereas patients suffering
from brous dysplasia classically do not present
with swelling of cheeks and eyes turning upwards,
or displacement of teeth. Cherubism is reported
to be associated with various other syndromes
such as Noonan’s syndrome, neurobromatosis
type 1, fragile X syndrome and Ramon’s syndrome.
Biopsy and histopathological examination are
not absolute necessarity in cases of cherubism
because histologically we can see many randomly
dispersed multinucleated giant cells and vascular
spaces in the connective tissue stroma which is
a similar nding in hyperthyroidism and Central
giant cell granuloma, making it nearly impossible
to differentiate between the disorders [12,33].
Yet, in some reports biopsies have been performed
in order to address the chief complaint of the
patient [34].
Cherubism is a self-regressing disease which
resolves by puberty. Treatment is necessary only
in cases where esthetics and mastication, and
deglutition are compromised. It is preferred
by physicians and surgeons to wait till puberty
before opting for a treatment plan [35]. Surgical
correction is done in aggressive forms of cherubism
where ocular disturbances and problems with
breathing or deglutition are reported. If surgery
is done in the active phase of the lesion, there
is a higher chance of relapse, and the disease
may exacerbate [36]. Calcitonin therapy has
been reported to be successful in reducing the
resorption of bone and reducing the maxillary
and mandibular cystic lesions [37]. In the present
case, no treatment was advised for the swelling
of the jaw. Dental caries with primary molars
was restored with the least surgical intervention.
The patient has been placed under observation
and is recalled at an interval of 6 months for
There are no pathognomonic features of
cherubism as every case presents with diverse
signs and symptoms. The diagnosis of cherubism
can be done by considering the clinical features,
radiological features and histological features.
Though histological features are inconclusive and
do not signicantly contribute to the diagnosis.
Genetic testing can be a more advanced diagnostic
tool in the case of cherubism.
Author’s Contributions
NB: Corresponding author. BAH, NAK, MAQ,
LEN, FHK: Co-author.
Conict of Interest
There is no conict of interest.
Regulatory Statement
This case report was prepared in accordance
with all the provisions of the local human subjects
oversight committee guidelines and policies of:
Ethics Committee of Scientic Research at Faculty
of Dentistry.
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Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3698
Boreak N et al.
Cherubism in Saudi population: a rare case report
Boreak N et al.
Cherubism in Saudi population: a rare case report
Date submitted: 2022 Nov 16
Accept submission: 2023 Feb 03
Nezar Boreak
(Corresponding address)
Jazan University, Department of Restorative Dental Sciences, Jazan, Saudi Arabia
Email: nboraak@jazanu.edu.sa
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