Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3735
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3735
Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical management by Brazilian dentists:
a nationwide e-survey
Manejo clínico de lesões cariosas oclusais profundas por cirurgiões-dentistas brasileiros: uma pesquisa eletrônica nacional
Nayara de Oliveira SOUZA
, Diana Araújo CUNHA
, Nara Sousa RODRIGUES
, Monique Marques RIBEIRO
Letícia Regina Morello SARTORI
, Marcos Britto CORREA
, Flávia Pires RODRIGUES
, Vicente de Paulo Aragão SABOIA
1- Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil.
2 - Faculdade Paulo Picanço, Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil.
3- Universidade de Fortaleza, Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil.
4- Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora, Pelotas, RS, Brazil.
5- Universidade Paulista, Programa de Pós graduação em Odontologia, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
How to cite: Souza NO, Cunha DA, Rodrigues NS, Ribeiro MM, Sartori LRM, Correa MB, et al. Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical
management by Brazilian dentists: a nationwide e-survey. Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(4):e3735. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3735
Objective: To investigate the clinical management of deep occlusal carious lesions in permanent teeth by Brazilian dentists.
Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study included a sample of 732 Brazilian dentists who responded to an electronic questionnaire
composed of 20 questions addressing socio-demographic information, training and professional activity characteristics, and clinical management of
deep carious lesions. Descriptive analysis was performed, considering relative and absolute frequencies and 95% condence intervals. The association
between the dentists’ variables of interest (age group, type of higher education institution, years in practice, highest academic degree completed
and main sector of professional activity) and the mean number of incorrect answers regarding deep carious lesions management was analyzed by
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), followed by the Bonferroni post-test (p<0.005). Results: Stepwise removal was the strategy pointed out by most
dentists (42.8%). However, 16% of the dentists selected nonselective carious tissue removal. Furthermore, 45.6% of the dentists disagreed with
maintaining carious tissue over the pulp in deep lesions with a risk of pulpal exposure. When using instruments to remove carious dentine, 17%
of the dentists chose a diamond burn while 13% preferred tungsten carbide burs. Dentists who graduated from public institutions had a lower
mean of non-conservative decisions than those from private institutions. Dentists with master’s or doctoral degrees were more conservative, as
well as dentists from public service compared to those from the private sector. Conclusion: The dissemination of conservative approaches in the
management of deep carious lesions needs to be strengthened and increasingly based on updated scientic literature.
Dental caries; Dental pulp capping; Dentists; Dentistry; Evidence-based practice.
Objetivo: Investigar o manejo clínico de lesões cariosas oclusais profundas em dentes permanentes por cirurgiões-dentistas brasileiros.
Material e Métodos: Este estudo transversal incluiu uma amostra de 732 dentistas brasileiros que responderam a um questionário eletrônico
composto por 20 questões abordando informações sociodemográcas, formação, características da atividade prossional e manejo clínico de
lesões cariosas profundas. Foi realizada análise descritiva, considerando frequências relativas e absolutas, e intervalos de conança de 95%.
A associação entre as variáveis de interesse (faixa etária, tipo de instituição de ensino superior, anos de prática, maior titulação acadêmica
concluída e principal setor de atividade prossional) dos cirurgiões-dentistas e a média de acertos no manejo de lesões cariosas profundas
foi analisada pela Análise de Variância (ANOVA), seguida do pós-teste de Bonferroni (p<0,005). Resultados: A remoção seletiva foi a
estratégia apontada pela maioria dos cirurgiões-dentistas (42,8%). No entanto, 16% dos dentistas selecionaram a remoção não seletiva do
tecido cariado. Além disso, 45,6% dos dentistas discordaram da manutenção de tecido cariado sobre a polpa em lesões profundas com risco de
exposição pulpar. Ao usar instrumentos para remover a dentina cariada, 17% dos dentistas escolheram uma broca diamantada, enquanto 13%
preferiram brocas de carboneto de tungstênio. Cirurgiões-dentistas formados em instituições públicas apresentaram menor média de decisões
não conservadoras do que os de instituições privadas. Os cirurgiões-dentistas com mestrado ou doutorado foram mais conservadores, assim
como os cirurgiões-dentistas do serviço público em relação aos do setor privado. Conclusão: A disseminação de abordagens conservadoras
no manejo de lesões cariosas profundas precisa ser fortalecida e cada vez mais baseada em literatura cientíca atualizada.
Cárie dentária; Capeamento da polpa dentária; Dentistas; Odontologia; Prática clínica baseada em evidências.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3735
Souza NO et al.
Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical management by Br azilian dentists: a nationwide e-survey
Souza NO et al.
Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical management by Brazilian dentists:
a nationwide e-survey
The removal of carious tissue is a common
procedure performed by dentists, considering that
dental caries is globally one of the main public
oral health problems [1]. Traditionally, for carious
lesions, restorative treatment has been performed
by complete and non-selective removal of carious
tissue, regardless of location and hardness.
This removal continues until sound tooth tissue
is achieved, providing a stable substrate for
subsequent restoration
. However, this strategy
used in primary or permanent teeth with deep
cavity creates a potential risk of iatrogenic pulp
exposure and other post-operative complications,
compromising tooth longevity [2,3].
Currently, the management of permanent
teeth with deep carious lesions in asymptomatic
pulps or with symptoms of reversible inammation
is based on carious tissue removal in conservative
strategies, such as stepwise removal and selective
removal, both encouraged by the International
Caries Consensus Collaboration (ICCC) [2].
Stepwise removal advocates partial removal of
carious tissue and provisional restoration followed
by remineralization-inducing materials and
complete removal in a second dental visit for the
denitive restoration [2,4]. The initial procedure
aims to provide a favourable environment for the
dentin-pulpal complex physiological reactions
that provide the formation of tertiary dentin and
remineralization of the lesion before the complete
excavation of the carious tissue, avoiding a
possible pulpal exposure [2,3]. Therefore, selective
removal of carious tissue supports the restricted
removal of superficial, necrotic, disorganized
carious tissue, with demineralized dentine
remaining on the pulpal wall [2]. A frequent
concern of dentists about this technique is the
presence of residual bacteria in the cavity after
the denitive restoration [5,6]. Nevertheless, there
is no need to perform a complete elimination of
microorganisms during cavity preparation given
that the restorations are properly sealed [2].
Although new concepts and recommendations
have been developed, neither knowledge
reach dentists nor they do not practice this
knowledge in their offices [7,8]. This lack of
knowledge or interest can be perceived in previous
questionnaire surveys that have shown a wide
variation in strategies of carious tissue removal
in primary or permanent teeth among dentists
worldwide [8,9,10,11]. Brazilian studies regarding
the clinical management of deep carious lesions
in both dentitions have been conducted only
in small and local samples [5,7,8,12]. For this
reason, it would be of great interest to know
how deep knowledge of the criteria, strategies,
and methods of caries removal are established in
the clinical practice of Brazilian dentists. Thus, if
necessary, best practices would be recommended
regarding the uniformity of the clinical procedures.
Therefore, the present study investigated the
knowledge and clinical management of dentists
from different regions of the country regarding
deep occlusal carious lesions in permanent teeth.
Study design and ethical issues
The present observational, cross-sectional,
descriptive, and quantitative study was developed
using an online questionnaire applied to Brazilian
dentists from October to December 2020. This study
was approved by the Research Ethics Committee
of the Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil on
September 15, 2020 (protocol #4.277.387). Before
the questionnaire application, all participants
agreed to the Consent Form displayed on the
rst page of the online form, which guaranteed
the confidentiality of the data and personal
information collected.
Questionnaire development and pre-survey
The questionnaire was developed by a
group of restorative dentistry specialists, based
on information obtained from the previous
studies [2,8,9], as well as additional relevant
questions about the topic. During the development
of the instrument, a pre-test was conducted within
one week with 10 dentists not previously involved
with the study, aiming to verify the clarity and
objectivity of the questions, gauge the reliability
of the instrument to data collection, as well as
to determine the average time to complete the
form. The pre-survey questionnaire was hosted
in the Google Forms® (Google Corp., USA)
platform and the link was sent to pre-survey
participants by e-mail. Furthermore, based on
the answers, small adjustments were made to
adapt the questionnaire, considering the inclusion
of a description of technical terms about the
management of deep carious lesions that worked
like a glossary. The average preview time to
complete the pre-survey form was 9 minutes.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3735
Souza NO et al.
Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical management by Br azilian dentists: a nationwide e-survey
Souza NO et al.
Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical management by Brazilian dentists:
a nationwide e-survey
Questionnaire content, sample size, and survey
After the pre-survey procedures, the final
questionnaire consisted of 20 mandatory close-ended
questions distributed in four blocks: (1) socio-
demographic variables (sex, age, Brazilian regional
division – states/macroregion, and main sector of
professional activity) and training and professional
activity characteristics (type of higher education
institutions, years in practice, highest academic
degree completed, dental specialty and service
provision); (2) deep carious lesion treatment
(criteria, strategies, and methods for deep carious
tissue removal); (3) materials for protecting the
pulp-dentin complex (with and without pulp
exposure); (4) concepts regarding deep carious
lesions (permanence of residual microorganisms
from cavity preparation, maintenance of remaining
demineralized dentine, and cavity sealing).
The target population for this study was
Brazilian dentists, who numbered approximately
330,000 in 2020 (data provided by the Federal
Council, 2022). The sample size calculation was
performed in the OpenEpi Menu, web version
3.01, available online at www.OpenEpi.com.
Considering the variables of interest with an
unknown prevalence of 50%, a margin of error of
5 percentage points, and a 95% condence interval,
a sample size of 384 dentists was estimated.
The nal questionnaire was hosted in the
Google Forms® (Google Corp., USA) online
platform. The participants received a link sent
via e-mail and social networks - WhatsApp®
(WhatsApp LLC, Meta Inc., USA), Facebook®
(Meta Inc., USA), and Instagram® (Kevin Systrom,
Mike Krieger, Burbn, Inc., USA). The dissemination
of the link to the survey and other information was
done using a prole specially developed for the
survey on Instagram® (@questcarie). There were
no nancial or material incentives for participation
in the research. All participants were volunteers.
The answers were collected between October 3
2020 and December 3
, 2020. At the end of the
questionnaire, the participants could enter their
contact e-mail in a specic eld if they desired
to receive the answers to questions about the
management of deep carious lesions. After the
data collection period, a le with the answer key
and comments on questions of blocks 2, 3 and 4,
according to current scientic evidence, was sent
to the dentist via e-mail using the research account
Data management and analysis
After the data collection period, data
was imported into a Microsoft Excel 2016
(Excel 2016, Microsoft, Richmond, USA)
spreadsheet. To improve data presentation the
state of professional activity was categorized
into Brazilian macroregions. For the variable
age group, the categories “50 to 59 years old”
and “60 years old or above” were grouped into
50 years old”. Also, the variables years in
practice and highest academic degree completed,
respectively question 5 and 6, had their categories
grouped, as presented in the results. For question
4 – The type of higher education institution
had its categories “Community” and “Public”
grouped into “Public” category and question
8 - The main sector of professional activity
had grouped the categories “Private dental
clinic” and “Private dental clinics network”
into “Dentist- Private sector” and the category
“Graduate program dental clinic” grouped with
“Teaching”. Finally, question 16 – Management
of minor pulpal exposure (pinpoint exposure)
with bleeding in deep carious lesions, had the
answer alternatives “I do not apply the material,
I perform pulpotomy” and “I do not apply
material, I perform pulpectomy” grouped into
“Pulpotomy or Pulpectomy”.
All statistical analysis was performed using
Stata®, version 14.2 (Stata Corp. College
Station, TX, USA) software. For all variable
missing data was treated as a loss of information
and excluded from the analysis. Descriptive
analysis was performed to assess frequencies
of categorical variables and 95% confidence
intervals. To assess the association between a
dentist´s characteristics and level of knowledge
about conservative management of dental caries
a quantitative variable was created based on
9 questions (from questions 9 to 12 and 14 to 19).
For each incorrect answer to the question, a point
was attributed to the scale variable. This variable
named “non-conservative” was used to evaluate
the degree of responses considered incorrect
concerning the current recommendations for
the treatment of deep carious lesions. Thus,
the questionnaire score corresponded from 0-9,
where lower values corresponding to more
conservative decisions. Data distribution of the
“non-conservative” variable was verified by
Bartlett’s Test, followed by Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) and Bonferroni’s Test (p<0.05).
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3735
Souza NO et al.
Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical management by Br azilian dentists: a nationwide e-survey
Souza NO et al.
Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical management by Brazilian dentists:
a nationwide e-survey
Sample characteristics
A total of 732 dentists participated in this
e-survey. The socio-demographic, training and
professional activity characteristics of the dentists
are presented in Table I. Females were predominant
in the sample (70.1%), as well as dentists in young
adulthood (20 to 29 years old – 41.4%), trained
in public institutions of higher education, and
with more than 5 years in practice. Approximately
30% of the sample had only an undergraduate
degree in Dentistry, completed until the research
period. Regarding professional activity, most of
the participants worked as a dentist in the private
sector (65.7%). The highest number of answers
was obtained in the Northeast region of the country
(39.8%), followed by the Southeast (37.3%).
Criteria for tissue removal in deep carious
Table II presents the responses of the study
participants regarding the criteria used for the
removal of carious tissue on the pulpal wall of
deep lesions. The colour was not considered
a relevant criterion by 57.4% of the dentists
though 12.4% of the dentists reported removing
darkened dentine close to the pulp. Considering
the hardness of the remaining dentine, 56.8% of
the dentists used to excavate softened carious
tissue, 28.4% remove dentin with a leathery
aspect, and 3% did not use this criterion.
Table I - Absolute frequencies (n), relative frequencies (%), and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) of the socio-demographic, training, and
professional activity characteristics of Brazilian dentists (n=732)
Variable n % 95% CI
Female 512 70.1 66.7 to 73.3
Male 218 29.9 26.6 to 33.3
Type of higher education institution
Private 349 47.7 44.1 to 51.3
Public 383 52.3 48.7 to 56.0
Years in practice
≤ 5 years 345 47.3 43.6 to 50.9
6 to 10 years 135 18.5 15.8 to 21.5
11 to 20 years 120 16.4 13.9 to 19.3
>20 years 130 17.8 15.1 to 20.8
Age group
20 to 29 years old 303 41.4 37.9 to 45.0
30 to 39 years old 244 33.3 30.0 to 36.8
40 to 49 years old 103 14.1 11.7 to 16.8
≥50 years old 82 11.2 9.1 to 13.8
Highest academic degree completed
Undergraduate degree in dentistry 226 30.9 27.6 to 34.3
Residency or advanced special training (certification) 327 44.7 41.1 to 48.3
Master’s or Doctorate degrees 179 24.4 21.5 to 27.7
Main sector of professional activity
Dentist – Private sector 468 65.7 62.1 to 69.0
Dentist – Public sector 200 28.0 24.9 to 31.5
Teaching 45 6.3 4.7 to 8.3
Brazilian regional division
Southeast 273 37.3 33.8 to 40.9
Northeast 291 39.8 36.3 to 43.3
South 129 17.6 15.0 to 20.6
Central-West 16 2.2 1.3 to 3.5
North 23 3.1 2.1 to 4.7
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3735
Souza NO et al.
Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical management by Br azilian dentists: a nationwide e-survey
Souza NO et al.
Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical management by Brazilian dentists:
a nationwide e-survey
About half of dentists do not consider moisture
as a parameter for dentine tissue removal. On the
other hand, 8% reported removing dry dentine.
Strategies and methods for carious tissue
removal and materials to protect the
dentin-pulp complex
Stepwise removal was the strategy used
for most of the dentist (42.8%), followed by
the selective removal of remaining dentine
(Table III). On the other hand, a significant
percentage of dentists (16.1%) still perform
nonselective removal (Table III). According to the
dentists, the decision for or against a strategy was
based on clinical practice guidelines, scientic
evidence, and familiarity/ease of the procedure.
The use of hand instruments combined or not
with tungsten carbide burs was the most cited
tool for excavation of carious dentin (Table III).
After the removal of carious tissue in deep
lesions, about 35% of dentists reported performing
only cavity-lining followed by restorative material
and 7.9% reported applying the adhesive directly
into the dentine (Table III). In the case of pinpoint
pulpal exposure during excavation, direct pulpal
capping was preferred over pulpotomy and
pulpectomy (Table III). For direct pulpal capping,
81.6% of the dentists reported that they used
calcium hydroxide-based powder and cement
materials (Table III).
Concepts about carious tissue removal in
deep lesions
Table IV presents the dentists’ responses
regarding the concepts related to deep lesions.
The majority of participants (64.3%) disagree or
strongly disagree that caries-related microorganisms
should be completely removed during the cavity
preparation, as the residual bacteria may form
a new carious lesion. In addition, most of the
participants (74.6%) agreed or strongly agreed that
residual microorganisms from cavity preparation
can be left in it because well-sealed restorations
block the carbohydrate supply to bacteria, which
stops lesion progression. However, about 20% of
dentists responded to these statements incorrectly.
Moreover, almost half of the dentists (45.6%)
disapproved maintenance of carious tissue near the
pulp to avoid pulpal exposure.
Association between dentists’ socio-demographic
characteristics and the mean of “non-conservative”
No statistically significant association
was found between years in practice and the
mean number of answers considered incorrect
(p=0.128), based on the current scientific
knowledge (Table V). Dentists who graduated
from public institutions had a lower mean of
non-conservative responses than those who
graduated from private schools (p<0.001).
Table II - Absolute frequencies (n), relative frequencies (%), and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for variables related to the criterion for
tissue removal in deep carious lesions (n=732)
Variable n % 95%CI
Color of remaining dentine
Did not use color as a criterion 420 57.4 53.7 to 60.9
Pale/Yellow dentine 221 30.2 27.0 to 33.6
Dark/Brown/Black dentine 91 12.4 10.2 to 15.0
Hardness of remaining dentine
Did not use hardness as a criterion 22 3.0 2.0 to 4.5
Soft dentine 416 56.8 53.2 to 60.4
Leathery/Firm dentine 208 28.4 25.2 to 31.8
Hard dentine 86 11.8 9.6 to 14.3
Moisture of remaining dentine
Did not use moisture as a criterion 374 51.1 47.5 to 54.7
Wet dentine 209 28.5 25.4 to 32.0
Moist dentine 89 12.2 10.0 to 14.7
Dry dentine 60 8.2 6.4 to 10.4
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3735
Souza NO et al.
Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical management by Br azilian dentists: a nationwide e-survey
Souza NO et al.
Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical management by Brazilian dentists:
a nationwide e-survey
Table III - Absolute frequencies (n), relative frequencies (%), and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) for variables related to strategies and
methods for carious tissue removal, and pulp protection materials used for deep carious lesions (n=732)
Variable n % 95%CI
Strategies for carious tissue removal
Stepwise removal of carious tissue 313 42.8 39.2 to 46.4
Selective removal of carious tissue 254 34.7 31.3 to 38.2
Nonselective removal of carious tissue 118 16.1 13.6 to 19.0
Other 47 6.4 4.8 to 8.4
Methods for carious tissue removal
Hand excavators 359 49.1 45.5 to 52.7
Tungsten carbide burs 100 13.7 11.4 to 16.4
Hand excavators + Tungsten carbide burns 148 20.2 17.5 to 23.3
Diamond burs 124 17.0 14.4 to 19.9
Most used pulp protection material in deep carious lesions without pulpal exposure
(considering resin composite as restorative material)
Only cavity-lining material 258 35.2 31.8 to 38.8
Only cavity base material 100 13.7 11.3 to 16.3
Cavity-lining material + Cavity base material 316 43.2 39.6 to 46.8
Did not use, applies the adhesive directly into the dentine 58 7.9 6.2 to 10.1
Management of minor pulpal exposure (pinpoint exposure) with bleeding in deep carious lesions
Using calcium hydroxide powder 169 23.1 20.2 to 26.3
Using calcium hydroxide paste 81 11.1 9.0 to 13.5
Using calcium hydroxide cement 35 4.8 3.4 to 6.6
Using calcium hydroxide powder + calcium hydroxide cement 258 35.2 31.8 to 38.8
Using calcium hydroxide paste + calcium hydroxide cement 54 7.4 5.7 to 9.5
Using Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) 26 3.5 2.4 to 5.2
Pulpotomy or Pulpectomy 109 14.9 12.5 to 17.7
Table IV - Absolute (n) frequencies, relative (%) frequencies, and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) for variables related to concepts about
carious tissue removal in deep carious lesions (n=732)
Variable N % 95% CI
“Caries-related microorganisms should be removed completely during cavity preparation, because the permanence
of residual bacteria may form a new carious lesion.”
Strongly disagree 253 35.2 31.2 to 38.8
Disagree 209 29.1 25.8 to 32.5
Neither agree nor disagree 32 4.4 3.2 to 6.2
Agree 159 22.1 19.2 to 25.3
Strongly agree 66 9.2 7.3 to 11.5
“Residual microorganisms from the cavity preparation can be left in the cavity because well-sealed restorations
block the carbohydrate supply to the bacteria, which interrupts carious lesion progression.”
Strongly disagree 51 7.2 5.6 to 9.4
Disagree 84 12 9.8 to 14.6
Neither agree nor disagree 43 6.1 4.6 to 8.2
Agree 240 34.2 30.8 to 37.8
Strongly agree 283 40.4 36.8 to 44.0
“The carious tissue near the pulp should not be removed in order to avoid pulpal exposure.”
Strongly disagree 152 20.9 18.1 to 24.0
Disagree 180 24.7 21.7 to 28.0
Neither agree nor disagree 32 4.4 3.1 to 6.1
Agree 255 35.0 31.6 to 38.6
Strongly agree 109 15.0 12.5 to 17.8
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3735
Souza NO et al.
Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical management by Br azilian dentists: a nationwide e-survey
Souza NO et al.
Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical management by Brazilian dentists:
a nationwide e-survey
Also, dentists with post-graduate studies had
more conservative responses (p<0.001), as well
as those who work in the public dental service
than their counterparts (p<0.001) (Table V).
The clinical management of deep carious
lesions as well as changes in its paradigm have
been discussed in several countries [2,3,13,14].
The present study showed that most Brazilian
dentists decide on stepwise removal in cavities
involving the inner third of the dentine. This
result corroborates with Sales et al. (2020) [8]
and diverges from the ndings of Weber et al.
(2011) [5], both conducted in South Brazil.
The latter reported that most dentists (71%)
performed complete and nonselective carious
tissue removal in permanent teeth and only 17%
preferred stepwise removal. This divergence
of results between studies is probably due to
time. In the last years, less invasive dental
procedures have been encouraged to be used by
dentists. More invasive approaches in primary or
permanent teeth were also reported in studies
conducted in Norway and Germany [6,15].
The lack of a consensus regarding the depth of
excavation, strategies and appropriate diagnostic
criteria for caries removal may have favoured
non-conservative practices in the recent past as
observed in the aforementioned studies. However,
in 2016, a set of clinical recommendations (ICCC)
on the management of deep carious lesions in
both dentitions was developed, discouraging its
complete removal, which may have favoured
changes in clinical practices [2,16].
In the present study, almost half of the
dentists reported that they do not keep the carious
tissue close to the pulp, which may have been
reected in the choice of strategy of carious tissue
removal. Although selective removal presents a
lower risk of pulpal exposure when compared
to stepwise removal, only 34.7% of the dentists
point out it. Indeed, dentists are afraid that
the remaining carious tissue into the denitive
restoration - advocated in the selective removal
of carious tissue - could cause postoperative pain,
caries progression, and restorative failure [2,9].
However, there is no scientic evidence correlating
the permanence of residual carious tissue with
Table V - Association between socio-demographic, training, and professional activity characteristics of Brazilian dentists and the mean number
of incorrect answers regarding the management of carious tissue removal in deep lesions. One-way ANOVA
Variable Mean ± SD
Age group
20 to 29 years old 4.76±1.56
30 to 39 years old 4.77±1.62
40 to 49 years old 4.97±1.56
≥50 years old 4.76±1.43
Type of higher education institution
Public 4.48±1.48
Private 5.13±1.59
Years in practice
≤ 5 years 4.76±1.56
6 to 10 years 4.68±1.62
11 to 20 years 5.09±1.62
< 20 years 4.68±1.45
Highest academic degree completed
Undergraduate degree in dentistry 4.78±1.50
Residency or advanced special training (certification) 5.06±1.54
Master’s or Doctorate degrees 4.32±1.59
Main sector of professional activity
Dentist – Public sector 4.48±1.48
<0.001Dentist – Private sector 5.00±1.57
Teaching 3.84±1.36
Note: Different lower-case letters represent statistically significant difference between groups (p<0.05).
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3735
Souza NO et al.
Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical management by Br azilian dentists: a nationwide e-survey
Souza NO et al.
Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical management by Brazilian dentists:
a nationwide e-survey
postoperative complications [2]. Selective
removal seems to be more advantageous because
it is not necessary reopening the cavity, avoiding
the possibility of pulpal damage and reducing
clinical time and treatment costs [2,17].
It is important to note that there are limitations
in the present study. Firstly, the sample was dened
according to the availability of the participant,
thus being considered a convenience sample.
Thus, selection bias can be present in our results.
Randomized recruitment of participants would
better reect the knowledge, attitudes and practices
about the clinical management of deep carious
lesions. Secondly, the questionnaire was not
submitted to a previously protocolled validation
process, however, a rigorous pre-testing process,
described before, was carried out, besides having
a language adapted to the routine of the Brazilian
dentist. Finally, it is worth mentioning that this study
was performed during the COVID-19 pandemic. The
use of instruments with aerosols was discouraged
due to the risk of the spread of the virus. Therefore,
it is possible that more conservative approaches
were elected by dentists also due to the reects of
the pandemic in dental practice.
When using instruments and methods to
remove carious dentine, 17% of dentists decided
for diamond burs while 13% preferred tungsten
carbide bur. Currently, there are several methods
available for removing carious tissue such as
dentine excavators, and metallic polymeric,
tungsten carbide, and ceramic burs, air dental
abrasion, ultrasonic abrasion, chemical-mechanical
method and lasers [2]. The diamond burn is not
recommended, as it is ineffective in cutting
softened carious tissue. During cavity preparation,
its use should be employed to open the cavity
accessing the carious lesion [18].
Pulp exposure is a critical point that can
result in an unfavourable prognosis [19,20].
For this reason, calcium hydroxide and mineral
trioxide material (MTA)-based products are
indicated in cases of direct pulp capping in
permanent teeth [21]. In the present study,
most dentists (81.6%) decided for one of the
presentation forms of calcium hydroxide, probably
due to the tradition of its use in educational
institutions, its low cost, and its ease of application.
However, the mineral barrier produced by the
calcium hydroxide is porous and does not adhere
to the pulp wall, thus generating an inefcient
sealing. Moreover, the high solubility generates
its dissolution over time, causing spaces between
the tertiary dentin and the restorative material
that can be easily populated by microorganisms
(tunnel defects) [22]. On the other hand, MTA
produces a more homogeneous and continuous
mineralized barrier, achieving an efcient pulp
seal [22,23]. Despite presenting better results,
MTA was chosen as a pulp capping material by
only 3.5% of the dentists and the main reason for
this is probably due to its high cost for most of
Brazilian dentists. Besides, this material has been
developed during the last twenty years which
can be considered little time compared calcium
hydroxide that has been used as a pulp-capping
agent for over ninety years and is widespread
worldwide. Thus, dentists may not be aware of
the promising results of MTA.
More conservative approaches were preferred
over invasive treatment in case of pulpal exposure
during carious tissue removal. Nonetheless, 14.9%
of dentists indicate pulpotomy or pulpectomy in
the management of minor pulpal exposure. These
ndings are a source of concern, as according to the
European Society of Endodontics statement, invasive
procedures that compromise pulp vitality result in
tooth loss and elevated treatment costs [21,24].
Previous studies suggest that residual bacteria
in properly sealed cavities are deprived of nutrients
essential for their survival, which stops lesion
progression [2,17,25]. However, approximately
half of French, German, and Norwegian dentists
disagreed with the permanency of bacteria under
restorations fearing a continuity of the lesion and
loss of pulp vitality [2]. In the present study, most
dentists agreed that residual microorganisms
from cavity preparation can remain intothe
cavity, which suggests that Brazilian dentists
seem to have more conservative decision-making
than Europeans regarding caries tissue removal
daily in-ofce protocols
Dentists with post-graduate degrees as well
as those from public institutions decided for more
conservative approaches. Dentists involved in
scientic research tend to follow the scientic
literature up more frequently [26]. Brazilian
public universities have been responsible for
about 95% of Brazil’s scientic development and
this research activity may inuence students to
follow the current approaches [27]. Similarly,
dentists working in the public sector were more
conservative than those in the private sector,
probably due to the collaboration between health
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e3735
Souza NO et al.
Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical management by Br azilian dentists: a nationwide e-survey
Souza NO et al.
Deep occlusal carious lesions clinical management by Brazilian dentists:
a nationwide e-survey
agenciesand higher education institutions, in
promoting training and refresher courses for
dentists working in the Brazilian Public Health
System (SUS - acronym in Portuguese) [28].
Another aspect is that in public services dentists
feel free to choose treatment, with less market
pressure, which can favour choices for conservative
treatments. In the same way, access to endodontic
treatment in public services in Brazil exists but
is restricted, so conservative strategies may
be adopted by dentists to avoid the need for
treatments of high complexity.
Considering the size of Brazil and its
population and diversity, this is important to
highlight that this study is the rst research with
participants from all six Brazilian regions, which
makes it extremely relevant to guide educational
sectors and actions regarding the current and
future Brazilian dentists. At the end of this study,
it is clear that the management of deep carious
lesions is still controversial among dentists and
its theoretical basis is to be widely employed in
practice to promote a paradigm change. As the
main contribution from this study to future public
policies in Dentistry, it is necessary to emphasize
the importance of sending the key answer and
commentaries based on the updated literature
back to the participants, as performed in this
study. It is believed that these questions may lead
dentists, even the most sceptical, to reect on the
topic and make a change in their daily practice.
The questionnaire can be validated in the future
and used as a xed instrument to evaluate the topic
in Brazil and in other nations worldwide.
In summary, it can be concluded that most
of dentists is not aware of the minimally invasive
dentistry concepts that represents a drastic
change of paradigm and it can take a considerable
long time to incorporate those changes into their
clinical daily practice. To achieve this goal, the
dissemination of more conservative approaches
regarding the management of deep carious
lesions needs to be strengthened and increased,
based on the updated scientic literature.
The authors would like to express their
gratitude to the study participants for their time
and dedication to taking part in this study.
Author’s Contributions
NOS: Writing – Original Draft Preparation,
Methodology. DAC: Methodology. NSR:
Conceptualization. MMR: Software. LRMS:
Writing – Review & Editing. MBC: Data Curation.
FPR: Supervision. VPAS: Project Administration,
Funding Acquisition.
Conict of Interest
No conicts of interest declared concerning
the publication of this article.
This work was financially supported by
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal
de Nível Superior (CAPES) [grant numbers
Regulatory Statement
The study was conducted in accordance with
all the provisions of the local human subject’s
oversight committee guidelines and policies of
Research Ethics Committee of the Universidade
Federal do Ceará, Brazil. The approval code for
this study is: 4.277.387.
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Vicente de Paulo Aragão Saboia
(Corresponding address)
Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora,
Fortaleza, CE, Brazil
Email: vpsaboia@yahoo.com
Date submitted: 2022 Dec 10
Accept submission: 2023 Oct 14