Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3736
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3736
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete
dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
Avaliação da manutenção protética para próteses totais fixas suportadas por implantes e
: um ensaio clínico
Nesma Mohamed AWAAD
, Marwa Abdelaal ELSADEK
Doaa Mahmoud ELKADY
1 - Cairo University, Faculty of Dentistry, Prosthodontic Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
How to cite: Awaad NM, Elsadek MA, El Kady DM. Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant xed complete dentures and implant
overdentures: a randomized clinical trial. Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(2): e3736. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3736
Objective: The rehabilitation choice for the edentulous patients usually lies between the xed and removable
prosthetic options. The treatment decisions are affected by many factors where complications and maintenance
needs are both considered crucial factors, in addition to the cost effectiveness of the chosen treatment.
Material and Methods: This study was applied on 44 edentulous patients, where 22 patient for each group
were enrolled in the outpatient clinic of prosthodontics, Cairo University as per a set of eligibility criteria. Four
inter-foraminal implants were installed for all eligible participants. Three months later, healing abutments
were used for soft tissue preparation prior to the fabrication of the nal prosthesis. A prosthetic treatment
option was then randomly allocated to obtain two equal groups via computer generated randomization
program; Group. A received telescopic implant overdentures, and Group. B received screw retained dentures.
All Complications (Screw loosening or fracture, tooth or denture base fracture and mucositis) were reported
after overdenture insertion along the follow up period (1, 6, 9 and 12 months respectively). Results: The
frequency of the screw loosening for hybrid overdentures where (59.1%) compared to (27.3%) of telescopic
prosthesis at 12 months follow up period (p=0.035), mucositis reporting at 6m interval had shown the highest
frequency in both groups (Group A (54.5%), Group B (81.8%), (p=0.045), all other reported complications
that lack statistical signicance either within the same group or between both groups at different time intervals.
Conclusion: Both treatment modalities; telescopic implant overdenture and hybrid xed screw-retained are
reliable for restoring the completely edentulous arches, the decision whether to make a xed or removable
implant denture shall be guided with the patient preference together with the dentist assessment in relation
to the patient’s state of general and oral health.
Dental prosthesis; Implant-supported, Denture; Overlay; Dental prosthesis design; Maintenance/standards.
Objetivo: A escolha da reabilitação para pacientes edêntulos geralmente recai entre próteses xas e removíveis.
As decisões de tratamento são afetadas por muitos fatores onde as complicações e as necessidades de manutenção
são consideradas critérios cruciais, além do custo-efetividade do tratamento escolhido. Material e Métodos:
Este estudo foi aplicado em 44 pacientes edêntulos, onde 22 pacientes para cada grupo foram matriculados no
ambulatório de prótese dentária da Universidade do Cairo de acordo com um conjunto de critérios de elegibilidade.
Quatro implantes interforaminais foram instalados para todos os participantes elegíveis. Três meses depois,
pilares de cicatrização foram utilizados para preparação dos tecidos moles antes da fabricação da prótese nal.
Uma opção de tratamento protético foi então alocada aleatoriamente para obter dois grupos iguais por meio de
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3736
Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete
dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
The implant-supported overdentures provided
a long-term successful and satisfying restoration
when used to rehabilitate an edentulous jaw [1,2].
Other patients with similar oral conditions would
prefer xed treatment modality aiming to increase
their self-esteem and decrease their anxiety.
The clinical decision among different prosthetic
options commonly relied on the available bone
quantity and quality, the number, location and
implant distribution, the available inter-arch distance
and maxilla-mandibular relationship in addition to
the nature of the opposing occlusion [3,4].
Different attachments as bar, ball, and
magnetic attachments together with telescopic
crowns were suggested to connect the
overdentures to the dental implants [5].
The usage of the telescopic retainers were
expanded to include the implant retained
prostheses. These retainers provided an excellent
retention arising from the frictional t between
the abutment and the sleeve. They also reported
better force distribution and axial transfer for the
occlusal loads that minimize the rotational torque
on the abutment thus preserving the underlying
alveolar bone [6].
When compared to other attachments,
the studies showed more favorable gingival
conditions of the telescopic overdentures above
the bar-blocked implants resulting from the better
cleansing abilities of the telescopic over-denture
that in turn lead to less plaque accumulation [7,8].
Regarding maintaining requirement, the telescopic
attachments showed less prosthetic maintaining
than the bar attachment [9].
On the other hand, “All-on four concept” which
was developed by Paulo Malo using the straight
and angled multi-unit abutments, to retain an
immediately loaded full arch restoration with only
four implants was encouraged by many studies for
the rehabilitation of both arches
However, the
main descriptions were limited to the survival rates,
implant failures and technical complications [10].
All-on-four treatment concept offers a
predictable way for treating the edentulous jaw
especially the atrophic cases where patients
refuse the regenerative procedures, however, the
current evidence is limited due the scarcity of the
information referred to methodological quality,
a lack of adequate follow-up [11].
There are two types of complications in implant
prosthesis; biologic and prosthetic. The biologic
complications refer to the disorders in the implant
function that disturb the supporting peri-implant
tissues resulting in the mucositis or peri-implantitis
in severe conditions, the technical complications
refer to subjecting the implant, implant parts
and/or the superstructures to a damage such as
the screw loosening, attachment wear, fracture
to part of the prosthesis or some of its teeth [12].
The prosthetic complications after the insertion
of the nal prosthesis may or may not lead to the
implant loss, but may lead to an increase demand
for the repair and maintenance [13].
This study aimed to assess whether the
telescopic overdenture as a removable prosthesis
randomização gerada através programa de computador. O Grupo A recebeu
de implantes telescópicos
e o Grupo B recebeu dentaduras xas parafusadas sobre os implantes. Todas as complicações (afrouxamento
ou fratura do parafuso, fratura da base do dente ou da prótese e mucosite) foram relatadas após a inserção da
ao longo do período de acompanhamento (1, 6, 9 e 12 meses, respectivamente). Resultados: A
frequência do afrouxamento do parafuso para
híbridas (59,1%) em comparação com (27,3%) da
prótese telescópica no período de acompanhamento de 12 meses (p=0,035), o relato de mucosite no intervalo
de 6 meses mostrou a maior frequência em ambos os grupos (Grupo A (54,5%), Grupo B (81,8%), p=0,045,
todas as outras complicações relatadas foram sem signicância estatística dentro do mesmo grupo ou entre os
dois grupos em intervalos de tempo diferentes. Conclusão: Ambas as modalidades de tratamento;
sobre implantes telescópicos e próteses híbridas xas parafusadas são conáveis para reabilitar as arcadas
completamente edêntulas. A decisão de fazer uma prótese xa ou removível sobre implantes deve ser guiada
pela preferência do paciente juntamente com a avaliação do dentista em relação ao estado geral do paciente e
sua saúde bucal.
Prótese dental; Prótese suportada por implante;
; Desenho de prótese dentária; Manutenção/padrão.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3736
Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete
dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
would necessitate performing maintaining work
at a frequency similar to that with a screw
retained hybrid overdenture as a xed prosthesis.
Ethical approval
This study was approved by the ethical
committee; faculty of dentistry, Cairo University
with the approval No. 31922.
Sample size calculation
This power analysis utilized the frequency of
implant complications as the primary outcome.
Based upon the results of Ragheb et al. [14]; the
proportions of the complications were 0.407 and
0.037 in the two groups, respectively. Using alpha
(α) level of (5%) and Beta (β) level of (20%) i.e.,
power = 80%; the minimum estimated sample
size was 19 implants per group. The sample
size was increased to twenty-two implants per
group to compensate for a drop-out rate of 30%
after two years. The sample size calculation was
performed using G*Power Version No.
Patients’ enrollment
Only male Patients were engaged in the study
from the Outpatient Clinic of the Prosthodontics
Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University.
All of which were dissatised with their previous
denture experience and are seeking better retention
to their mandibular denture. The patients received
verbal and written information about the study
procedures and a written informed consent was
signed prior their participation in the study.
During their involvement in the study, the
patients passed through a thorough history and
clinical examination. Factors that might interfere
with tissue healing and implant Osseointegration
were excluded among which were systemic diseases
that interfere with the bone quality, normal healing
mechanism, osseointegration of the implants or
proper bone response to the applied forces [15].
The irradiated patients were also excluded
from the study as the implants placed in the
irradiated bone showed signicantly lower survival
rates, risk of osteoradionecrosis, obliteration of
ne vasculature and progressive brosis [16].
Heavy smoker (more than 20 cigarette/day)
were excluded, as smoking is a signicant factor
that may lead to the implant failure due to its
adverse impact on the immune cells and tissue
reparative capacity along with the signicant
increased risk of failure [17].
Also, the patients with the parafunctional
habits as the bruxism and clenching were
excluded in order to avoid undue stresses that
might affect the implant’s success. Those with
TMJ disorders were excluded to avoid any
degree of muscular incoordination which might
overload the implant and the prosthesis [18].
The male patients were selected to avoid the
female hormonal changes such as the calcium
insufciency and osteoporosis which have a high
prevalence among the females and might affect
the Osseointegration of the placed implants [19].
The patients selected had completely
edentulous maxillary and mandibular arches
with normal maxilla-mandibular relationship
to facilitate the implant insertion and avoid the
implants overloading [20].
Each patient was evaluated for a proper
restorative space not less than 15 mm to allow
a proper space for the attachment and the
over-denture [21].
The patients were selected with the adequate
buccolingual width of the keratinized mucosa
equal to or greater than 5 mm over the crest
of the lower ridge; its presence was correlated
with less plaque accumulation and mucosal
inammation [22]. All the patients were selected
with a good physical and psychological condition
to tolerate the conventional implant surgical
protocol and commit to the follow-up schedule.
The panoramic radiograph was taken for
each patient to assess the bone height and
location of the nearby vital structure in the areas
planned to receive the implants followed by CBCT
imaging for the accurate Implant planning.
Study design
This study is a randomized clinical trial,
which was approved by the Ethics Committee of
Scientic Research of Cairo University.
In this study, all the participants had to install
four interforaminal implants to receive either the
telescopic over-denture or screw retained denture.
Before the prosthetic phase, both groups
were randomly assigned as per a computerized
random allocation program where the data of
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3736
Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete
dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
randomization were entered by the secretary
of the department who neither participated in
recruitment nor in examination procedures.
The randomization and allocation concealment
were guaranteed as the randomization table was
locked with the study coordinator who wasn’t
involved in any clinical intervention. The operator
was informed about the treatment modality in a
sealed enveloped delivered by the secretary of the
department before the impression procedures.
The data collection was performed by the
study coordinator, blinding of the operator or
data collector was not applicable due to the
clear difference between the two prostheses, but
collected data was coded prior to sending to the
statistician (Blinded statistician).
Surgical and prosthetic procedure
A preoperative CBCT scan was taken for
the participant’s mandibular arch with a scan
appliance (Duplicated from his previous denture)
with (PLANMECA Pro max 3D mid CBCT
machine). The resultant image was obtained as
DICOM le (Digital imaging and communications
in medicine) on a compact disc. The virtual
planning was made using blue-sky software (Blue
sky Bio, LLC. planning software).
The surgical steps were explained for all the
participants and an informed consent was signed
before the surgery. All the patients were instructed
to rinse their mouth with an antimicrobial mouth
wash (Chlorohexidine, Kahira pharma and chem.
Ind. Co. Cairo, Egypt) three times daily starting
two days before the surgery and one hour before
surgery. The patient was also pre-medicated
by a prophylactic antibiotic (2 gm amoxicillin-
clavulanic) 1 hour before surgery.
The mental and lingual nerve block
(Artinibsa, Spain) were given bilaterally adjacent
to the dental implant installation sites. Surgical
stent was used to mark the bleeding points
by using a periodontal probe opposing to the
proposed implants sites.
The mid-crestal incision was made slightly
behind the location of the implant placement via
blade 15 (Swan Morton England) with the buccal
realizing incisions for an easy release of the ap
without laceration. A complete flap retraction
was made by using a suitable size mucoperiosteal
elevator (Martin Germany). The sequential drilling
with copious irrigation guided by the path initially
created by the pilot drill was made. A parallel pin
was then used to guide the next site drilling.
The root form tapered threaded dental
implants (Neo Biotech Co. Ltd, Seoul, Korea)
were installed with 3.5/11.5 mm for the anterior
and 3.5/10 mm for posterior sites after which
primary stability was checked. The interrupted
sutures were done using 000 silk sutures (/0 silk
braided Shandong Weigao Co. LTD) for the ap
closure. The analgesic drugs (Ibuprofen 600 mg,
Knoll AG, Ludwigshafen, Germany) was prescribed
every 8 hours for the next three days to control
post-operative pain and reduce the inammation.
Participants were instructed to rinse with
0.2% chlorohexidine antimicrobial mouthwash
three times daily starting the day after the
surgery. The sutures were removed 7 days later,
and the dentures were relieved adjusted with soft
liner opposite the previous surgical site. (Dura
Base Worth, Illinois 60482)
Three months later, the surgical stent
was used to relocate the implants position for
uncovering. The inltration anesthesia was given
to the patient and small crestal incision was made
for each implant sites then slightly widened by
a small mucoperiosteal elevator till the covering
screw was seen, unscrewing was made using
the screwdriver and the healing abutment was
screwed with the collar height 5 mm to allow a
proper gingival healing around the implants prior
making the impression as shown in Figure 1.
Prosthetic fabrication stage
The impression was made with an open
tray splinted implant level impression technique.
The healing abutments were removed, and
impression copings were inserted and screwed
in position. After splinting, the impression was
taken using putty and light consistency silicon
impression material (Zeta plus Zhermack, Italy)
on a modied stock tray.
The impression was checked, and analogues
were screwed in place over the copings before
pouring the impression. A verication Jig was
prepared over the resulted cast and used to
check implant’s positions inside the patient
mouth. The lack of the passivity during the
insertion of the impression copings were dealt
with via copings separation and reseating over
the implants. They were then reattached using
Duralay (Duralay GC AMERICA INC.3737, ALSIP
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3736
Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete
dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
IL 60803 USA), and impression was repeated.
According to randomization, either a telescopic
implant supported overdenture (Group A), or a
screw retained denture (Group B) was fabricated
for each case as shown in Figures 2 and 3.
After the prosthetic insertion, participant
were recalled according to a follow up schedule
(1, 6, 9 and 12 months respectively)
During the follow-up period, prosthetic
complications were grouped and their frequency
was documented as per the type of prosthesis.
Both the prosthetic and biological aspects were
Group A: For telescopic overdenture (Screw
loosening, screw fracture, tooth wear, teeth
fracture and/or separation, acrylic fracture and/or
separation, mucositis, relining need for the denture
and coping retention loss was seen for this group)
Group B: For screw retained denture (Screw
loosening, screw fracture, tooth wear, teeth
fracture and/or separation, acrylic fracture and/or
separation, mucositis) patients were recalled each
month for the rst 6 months and each 3 months
the rest of the study period unless the patient
complained, he was then seen immediately. Each
complication was documented with stating the
frequency of its occurrence, any complication was
managed and repaired. Figures 4 and 5, Table I.
Figure 1 - Healing abutments in position.
Figure 3 - Screw retained denture inside the patient’s mouth.
Figure 4 - Mucositis under screw retained denture.
Figure 5 - Acrylic fracture from screw retained denture group.
Figure 2 - Telescopic primary coping inside the patient’s mouth and
fitting surface of the telescopic implant overdenture.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3736
Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete
dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
Table I - Frequency of maintenance in different groups
Maintenance Need
Group A (Telescopic Overdenture) Group B (Screw retained)
N % n %
Screw Loosening
1 m
No 22 100 20 90.9
0.152 ns
Yes 0 0 2 9.1
6 m
No 18 81.8 12 54.5
0.055 ns
Yes 4 18.2 10 45.5
9 m
No 17 77.3 17 77.3
1 ns
Yes 5 22.7 5 22.7
12 m
No 16 72.7 9 40.9
Yes 6 27.3 13 59.1
No 8 36.4 4 18.2
0.181 ns
Yes 14 63.6 18 81.8
Screw Fracture
1 m
No 22 100 22 100
1 ns
Yes 0 0 0 0
6 m
No 22 100 21 95.5
0.317 ns
Yes 0 0 1 4.5
9 m
No 22 100 22 100
1 ns
Yes 0 0 0 0
12 m
No 22 100 22 100
1 ns
Yes 0 0 0 0
No 22 100 21 95.5
0.317 ns
Yes 0 0 1 4.5
Tooth Fracture
1 m
No 22 100 22 100
1 ns
Yes 0 0 0 0
6 m
No 21 95.5 20 90.9
0.554 ns
Yes 1 4.5 2 9.1
9 m
No 22 100 22 100
1 ns
Yes 0 0 0 0
12 m
No 22 100 22 100
1 ns
Yes 0 0 0 0
No 21 95.5 20 90.9
0.554 ns
Yes 1 4.5 2 9.1
Acrylic base
1 m
No 22 100 22 100
1 ns
Yes 0 0 0 0
6 m
No 22 100 21 95.5
0.317 ns
Yes 0 0 1 4.5
9 m
No 22 100 22 100
1 ns
Yes 0 0 0 0
12 m
No 22 100 22 100
1 ns
Yes 0 0 0 0
No 22 100 21 95.5
0.317 ns
Yes 0 0 1 4.5
*; significant (p<0.05), ns; non-significant
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3736
Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete
dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
The mean and standard deviation values
were calculated for each group in each test. Data
were explored for normality using Kolmogorov-
Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests, data showed
non-parametric distribution.
Mann Whitney test was used to compare
between the two groups in non-related samples.
The signicance level was set at P 0.05.
The statistical analysis was performed with IBM®
SPSS® Statistics Version No. 20 for Windows.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment
I- Screw looseness:
During the rst month, 6 months and 9 months
there was no statistically significant difference
Maintenance Need
Group A (Telescopic Overdenture) Group B (Screw retained)
N % n %
1 m
No 19 86.4 19 86.4
1 ns
Yes 3 13.6 3 13.6
6 m
No 10 45.5 4 18.2
Yes 12 54.5 18 81.8
9 m
No 12 54.5 9 40.9
0.371 ns
Yes 10 45.5 13 59.1
12 m
No 16 72.7 14 63.6
0.522 ns
Yes 6 27.3 8 36.4
No 5 22.7 1 4.5
0.082 ns
Yes 17 77.3 21 95.5
Relining of over-
1 m
No 22 100 - -
Yes 0 0 - -
6 m
No 22 100 - -
Yes 0 0 - -
9 m
No 20 90.9 - -
Yes 2 9.1 - -
No 20 90.9 - -
Yes 2 9.1 - -
No 18 81.8 - -
Yes 4 18.2 - -
Loss of coping
1 m
No 22 100 - -
Yes 0 0 - -
6 m
No 22 100 - -
Yes 0 0 - -
9 m
No 22 100 - -
Yes 0 0 - -
12 m
No 18 81.8 - -
Yes 4 18.2 - -
No 18 81.8 - -
Yes 4 18.2 - -
*; significant (p<0.05), ns; non-significant
Table I - Continued...
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Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete
dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
between (Group A) and (Group B) where (
=0.055), and (
=1) respectively where the
highest frequency was found in (Group B), and the
least frequency was found in (Group A).
At 12 months, there was a statistically
signicant difference between (Group A) and
(Group B), where (
=0.035), where the highest
frequency was found in (Group B),
Through the follow up period, the
screw looseness reveled a non-statistically
signicant difference between (Group A) and
(Group B), where (
= 0.181). With the highest
frequency was found in (Group B), while the least
frequency was found in (Group A).
II- Screw fracture:
Throughout the whole follow up records
(1, 6, 9 and 12 m), there were no statistically
signicant difference between (Group A) and
(Group B) (p= 1). (p= 0.317). (p= 1). (p= 1)
respectively). This Resulted in an overall non-
statistically signicant difference between the
two groups (p= 0.317) with relatively higher
frequency in (Group B).
II- Tooth fracture:
No statistically signicant difference was
reported between (Group A) and (Group B), after
1, 6, 9 and 12 months (
= 1). (
= 0.554). (
= 1)
and (
= 1) respectively). Both groups showed the
same frequency, except after 6 months where the
higher frequency was found in (Group B). Total
values showed non-statistically significant
difference between the two groups (
despite (Group B) showed more incidence of
III- Acrylic Base Fracture:
There was no statistically signicant difference
between (Group A) and (Group B) in 1, 6 , 9, and
12 months ((
= 1). (
=0.317). (
= 1) and (
= 1)
respectively). Both groups exhibited no fracture
in the acrylic base at all time periods except
after 6 months when (Group B) reported single
incidence of occurrence.
At the end of the follow-up period, there
was no statistically signicant difference between
(Group A) and (Group B) (
= 0.317).
IV- Mucositis:
A month after insertion, there was no
statistically significant difference between
(Group A) and (Group B) (
= 1). Both groups
showed the same frequency.
After 6 months, there was a statistically
significant difference between (Group A)
and (Group B) where (
=0.045) with higher
incidence in (Group B). after 9 and 12 months,
there was no statistically signicant difference
between (Group A) and (Group B) (
= 0.371).
and (
=0.522) respectively, where the higher
frequency was found in (Group B). with a total
result of non-statistically signicant difference
between both groups (
= 0.082).
In all complications for all time periods, there
were no statistically signicant difference between
(Group A) and (Group B). Group B reported
relatively a higher incidence over Group A, and
signicantly higher incidence for screw loosing at
(12 m) and mucositis at (6 m).
The difference in the tissue response
between the xed screw retained denture and
telescopic removable overdenture is due to the
nature of each type and accessibility for the oral
hygiene measures, where the removable type is
much more accessible by the patient to a proper
massage and clean the underneath mucosa even
if it is compared to the hygienic type of the screw
retained denture which requires a dentist visit
to perform a deep cleaning of the underneath
mucosa [23]. Therefore, the patient is only
able to rinse and use the dental floss, which
reflects the results of this study considering
the biological complication as mucositis where
it was signicantly higher for Group B than in
Group A with statistically signicant difference
in the rst 6 months due to the mucosal covering
with less accessibility to the oral hygiene which
increases the mucositis unless the patient was
meticulously care about his oral hygiene.
Although the screw retained prosthesis,
including the hybrid prostheses, have the
advantages of easy retrievability, but screw
hole affecting the esthetics and bulkiness of the
overlying restoration and the patient still needs
the dentist to remove the prosthesis [24], but
when comparing with the removable prosthesis
removal and insertion is much easier for both the
patient and dentist.
Considering the mechanical complication
in terms of the screw loosening, screw fracture,
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3736
Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete
dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
teeth fracture and acrylic fracture in the xed
screw retained denture; are usually occurred
because of the prosthesis and tissue response to
the applied forces [25].
Abutment screw looseness frequency was
more in Group B than in Group A, but with the
statistically non- signicant difference, which
can be due to the transmission of chewing
forces to the implant -abutment interface where
the energy in turns transmitted to the screws
which may lead to its loosening in addition to
the passivity which cannot be totally obtained
in any prosthesis. The superstructure of the
implant retained prosthesis misfit is a result
of the accumulative distortions that occurred
during the whole procedure of the nal prosthesis
fabrication, which is known as the distortion
equation, Theoretically, the total passive t can
be achieved if the summation of this distortion
equation was zero [26]. Also the decient preload
on the screws, over tightening of the screws
may cause stripping, screw distortion and/
or excessive occlusal load from parafunction,
occlusal interferences, or exceedingly long
cantilevers [27].
Other studies showed that the prosthetic
maintenance/complication were more in
removable types of the implants retained
overdentures than the xed ones [14]. As for
the prosthetic maintenance requirement found
in the telescopic implant retained overdentures
especially after 12 months was the loss of the
retention between the primary & secondary
copings resulting from the wear happened between
both copings due to the loss in the retentive
mechanism of the removable overdenture’s
attachments as prosthetic complication [28,29].
Recently Secondary coping of the telescopic
crowns can be fabricated by one of these
generation of polymers as Poly Ether Ketone-
Ketone (PEKKTON) and Poly Ether-Ether Ketone
(PEEK), these are the two most well-known of
the family Pol aryl ether ketone PEEK which
overcomes the wear happens between similar
coping materials [30].
Relining required for the overdentures
happens in four cases; two cases needed relining
after 9 months, other two cases at 12 months
due to the undesirable forces transmitted to
the denture bearing area, which led to the bone
resorption atrophy of the denture bearing area
overtime [31]. Rigid telescopic abutments and
the height of the telescopic attachments in the
implant overdentures had a marked impact
on the lateral force on the implants and the
transmitted force to the denture bearing area,
which may be attributed to the need for relining
in some patients depending on the type of both
the supporting structure and its quality together
with the masticatory forces which differ from a
patient to another [32].
Acrylic base Fracture of the prosthesis was
found with the xed screw retained type more
when found with the removable telescopic
implant overdentures, which can be due to the
attachment mechanism of the acrylic resin with
the metallic framework, which may be related
to the poor chemical bonding of the acrylic resin
to base metal alloys, which can results in the
microleakage and bond failure [33]. In this study
resin fracture occurred due to the improper usage
of the prosthesis with 1 patient who stated that
he used the denture to cut a hard object.
Tooth fracture in Group B with a higher
frequency than Group A, but with non-statistically
significant difference, which may be due to
the improper utilization of the denture by the
patient for putting hard objects inside his mouth
which was revealed by taking the history from
the patients. Some studies reported fracture of
anterior acrylic teeth more than posterior ones.
Incidence of the tooth fracture varies in the
studies from low incidence to a frequent ones that
may be due to the different follow-up periods or
patient’s behaviors [34].
Both treatment modalities; telescopic
implant overdenture and hybrid fixed screw-
retained are reliable for restoring the completely
edentulous arches. Regarding to the prosthetic
complications and maintenance; screw retained
showed a higher incidence than telescopic
overdenture in abutment screw loosening and
fracture. Also, screw retained showed a higher
incidence of mucositis, while relining was
more evidenced in the telescopic overdentures.
Therefore, the decision whether to make a xed
or removable implant denture shall be guided
with the patient preference together with the
dentist opinion in relation to the patient’s general
and oral health state.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3736
Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
Awaad NM et al.
Prosthetic maintenance assessment for implant fixed complete
dentures and implant overdentures: a randomized clinical trial
The authors are grateful to DR Nancy
El-Shafaey, the statistician, who made the
statistics for the development of this manuscript.
Author’s Contributions
NMA: Conceptualization, data curation.
MAE : Writing – Original Draft Preparation
DME: Methodology , Writing – Review &
Conict of Interest
The authors have no proprietary, nancial,
or other personal interest of any nature or type
in any product, service, and/or company that is
presented in this article.
This research did not receive any specic
grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-prot sectors.
Regulatory Statement
This study was conducted in accordance with
all the provisions of the local human subject’s
oversight committee’s guidelines and policies of
the ethical committee; Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo
The approval code for this study is: 31922.
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(Corresponding address)
Nesma Mohamed Awaad
Cairo University, Faculty of Dentistry, Prosthodontic Department
Email: nesmaawaad@dentistry.cu.edu.eg
Date submitted: 2022 Dec 11
Accept submission: 2023 Apr 17