Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3737
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3737
Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I
cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Estudo clínico de diferentes sistemas de resina composta em cavidades de Classe I
(um ensaio clínico randomizado de 18 meses)
Hend Ali IBRAHIM1 , Ali Ibrahim ABDALLA1,2 , Hussein Yehia EL-SAYED1
1 - Tanta University, Faculty of Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry. Tanta, Egypt.
2 - Saveetha University, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Department of Orthodontics. Chennai, India.
How to cite: Ibrahim HA, Abdalla AI, El-Sayed HY. Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I cavities (an 18-month
randomized clinical trial). Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(3):e3737. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3737
Objective: this double-blind randomized clinical trial evaluate the clinical performance of Thermo-Viscous
Bulk Fill composite, Self-Adhesive Flowable composite, and Filtek Bulk Fill Composites restorations in Class I
cavities over a period of 18 months. Material and Methods: twenty individuals between the ages of 30 and
45 participated in this research. Each patient should have at least three occlusal Class I carious lesions on their
molars. They were dispersed at random, with n=20 teeth representing each tested material. Group I (Futurabond
M+ and VisCalor Bulk Fill which heated in a viscolar dispenser at 68 °C for 30s and placed in a 4 mm thickness),
Group II (Fusio Liquid Dentin self-adhesive composite which put in a thin layer (1mm increment)), and Group
III (Single Bond Universal and Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior composite which applied in 4 mm thickness without
heating). Using (USPHS) criteria, all restorations were assessed clinically at baseline, 6 months, 12 months, and
18 months. Using an inverse replica, the marginal seal of the investigated restorations was further evaluated under
SEM. Statistical analysis was performed with Chi-square test for all USPH parameters. Results: the three tested
groups recorded a one hundred percent retention rate after 18 months follow up period. Concerning marginal
adaptation, marginal discoloration, anatomical form, surface texture, and color matching, there was a signicant
difference (p˂0.05) between the three tested groups after 12 & 18 months. After 12 & 18 months, SEM analysis
of the marginal seal revealed a statistically signicant difference between the three groups. Conclusion: Bulk
ll resin composite restorations showed satisfactory acceptable clinical performance after 18 months of clinical
service compared to self-adhesive owable composites, and Viscalor Bulk Fill composite demonstrated excellent
results with considerable changes in marginal integrity as a consequence of thermal viscous technology and
increased adaptability of restorations toward cavity walls and margins.
Bulk ll; Class I; Clinical; Scanning electron microscope; Viscalor.
Objetivo: este ensaio clínico randomizado duplo-cego avaliou o desempenho clínico de restaurações de resina
Bulk Fill Termo-Viscosa, resina autoadesiva Flowable e Filtek Bulk Fill Composites em cavidades Classe I durante
um período de 18 meses. Material e Métodos: 20 indivíduos com idade entre 30 e 45 anos participaram da
pesquisa. Cada paciente deveria ter pelo menos três lesões de cárie oclusais de Classe I nos molares. Eles foram
divididos aleatoriamente, com n=20 dentes representando cada material testado. Grupo I (Futurabond M+ e
VisCalor Bulk Fill aquecido em dispensador viscolar a 68 °C por 30s e colocado em uma espessura de 4 mm),
Grupo II (resina composta autoadesiva Fusio Liquid Dentin colocada em uma camada na (incremento de 1 mm))
e Grupo III (resina composta Single Bond Universal e Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior aplicado em espessura de 4 mm
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3737
Ibrahim HA et al.
Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Ibrahim HA et al. Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I
cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Composite resins are the material of choice
in restorative dentistry due to the growing need
for high-quality cosmetic results in daily practice.
They are commonly employed in the restoration
of posterior teeth due to the growing need for
esthetics and the signicant progress of newer
generations of adhesive methods and composite
resin formulations [1].
Despite the recent advancements in restorative
materials and procedures, postoperative sensitivity
with composite restorations remains a difculty
for clinicians [2]. One of the drawbacks of
composite resins is the polymerization shrinkage
that leads to contraction stresses that can cause
tension at the tooth-restoration interface,
and if the stresses exceed the bond strength,
microleakage occurs [3].
Self-adhesive owable composites (SAFC)
were introduced to the market to minimize
procedure steps a few years ago. Vertise Flow
and Fusio Liquid Dentine are now commercially
available [4]. SAFC combines the characteristics
of adhesive and restorative material technologies
in a single product, giving new possibilities
to restorative procedures, since it is a direct
restorative composite resin material that contains
both an adhesive resin and a owable composite
resin [5].
Currently, incremental layering method is
regarded as the gold standard for the placement
of light-curing composite materials [6]. In order
to shorten the duration of the method without
compromising the durability of the materials,
so-called “bulk-fill” composites were brought
to the market with the commercial advantage
of lowering polymerization shrinkage and
eliminating the incremental technique. Due to
their low polymerization stress and excellent
light-curing reactivity, these materials are suitable
for insertion in a 4 mm bulk placement [7].
However, the high viscosity and stickiness
of composites make them difcult to handle and
manipulate, resulting in inadequate marginal
adaptation to preparation walls [8]. A new
alternative invention involves preheating of
conventional composites in a chair-side warming
device prior to polymerization [9].
Pre-heating of high viscosity bulk-fill
composites might provide a transitory viscosity
decrease equivalent to that of a flowable
composite without compromising the better
mechanical properties associated with highly
lled resin composites [10].
The thermo-viscous bulk-fill composite
VisCalor bulk ll takes a recent technique. This
is a composite material with a high viscosity at
room and body temperature that is transformed
into a owable consistency by heating to 68 °C
in a particular dispenser with a heating function
(Thermo-Viscous-Technology). In a single
restorative composite material, it combines the
owability of a low-viscosity composite during
insertion with the sculpting ability of a high-
viscosity composite [6].
This study aims to assess the clinical
performance of Thermo-Viscous, Self-Adhesive
Flowable, and nano hybrid bulk-ll composite
restorations. The null hypothesis was that the
investigated materials would demonstrate
identical clinical performance in simple Class I
sem aquecimento). Usando os critérios (USPHS), todas as restaurações foram avaliadas clinicamente no início, 6
meses, 12 meses e 18 meses. Usando uma réplica inversa, o selamento marginal das restaurações investigadas foi
avaliado em MEV. A análise estatística foi realizada com o teste qui-quadrado para todos os parâmetros USPH.
Resultados: os três grupos testados registraram uma taxa de retenção de cem por cento após um período de
acompanhamento de 18 meses. Em relação à adaptação marginal, descoloração marginal, forma anatômica,
textura da superfície e combinação de cores, houve uma diferença signicativa (p˂0,05) entre os três grupos
testados após 12 e 18 meses. Após 12 e 18 meses, a análise SEM do selamento marginal revelou uma diferença
estatisticamente signicativa entre os três grupos. Conclusão: as restaurações de resina composta Bulk Fill
apresentaram desempenho clínico aceitável satisfatório após 18 meses de atendimento clínico em comparação
com as resinas compostas uidas autoadesivas, e a resina composta Viscalor Bulk Fill demonstrou excelentes
resultados com mudanças consideráveis na integridade marginal, como consequência da tecnologia viscosa
térmica e maior adaptabilidade de restaurações nas paredes e margens da cavidade.
Bulk ll; Classe I; Clínico; Microscópio eletrônico de varredura; Viscalor.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3737
Ibrahim HA et al.
Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Ibrahim HA et al. Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I
cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Trial design
This study was conducted as a double-blind
randomized clinical study.
Trial setting
This study was carried out at the clinic of
Department of Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of
Dentistry, Tanta University.
Sample size
The total sample size in this study was
60 cases divided into 3 groups at the signicance
level of 95% using a computer program G
power version 3. The cases were distributed on
20 patients. Each patient have three moderate
posterior occlusal carious lesions. This was
performed according to the equation:
( )
Z = Z value (1.96 for 95% confidence level)
p = percentage picking a choice, expressed as decimal
c = condence interval, expressed as decimal.
Ethical considerations
All procedures and nature of the study
were explained to the patients and their written
informed consents was obtained according to the
guidelines on human research performed by the
Ethics Committee at Faculty of Dentistry, Tanta
University which approved the performance of
the partical part of this research after fullling
the necessary requirements of committee with
code #R-RD-5-20-2.
Patient Selection - Twenty individuals
between the ages of 30 and 45 participated
in this research. Each patient should have
at least three occlusal Class I carious lesions
on their molars (Figure 1). Patients were
chosen from the clinic of the Department of
Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry,
Tanta University, based on inclusion and
exclusion criteria. Before procedures of
treatment, all patients were given oral
hygiene instructions, and when necessary,
they were sent to the periodontology
department for scaling and polishing [11].
Inclusion criteria
Good oral hygiene.
Patient should have normal occlusion.
Accessible isolation with rubber dam.
Good periodontal health.
Availability for follow up recalls.
Exclusion criteria
Patients with bad oral hygiene.
Abnormal occlusion.
Patients with compromised medical history.
Sever or chronic periodontitis.
Non-vital or endodontically treated teeth.
Randomization and allocation concealment
These randomization sketches were
performed utilizing tools available on the
website www.sealedenvelope.com. A researcher
not involved in the research plan performed the
Figure 1 - Preoperative image of patient having three molars with simple Class I carious lesions.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 1
Figure 2
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3737
Ibrahim HA et al.
Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Ibrahim HA et al. Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I
cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
randomization process. Each participant was
randomized 30 min before starting the procedures
with help of researcher. The randomization
sketch of the patient was sent to operator just
before starting the dental procedures to avoid
The evaluators who were not included
in the restorative procedures, were blinded to
investigated groups. The patient was also consider
blinded to tested groups, but the operator wasn’t
blinded to these groups as result of the signicant
difference between the tested materials, this is
what describe the double-blind study.
The materials used in this study are three types
of composites (Self-Adhesive Flowable composite,
Thermo-Viscous composite and Filtek Bulk Fill
Composites with their two recommended types
of adhesives (Futura bond M+ and Single Bond
Universal adhesives respectively). The chemical
composition, manufacturer and web site of each
material are provided in (Table I).
Restorative procedures
To minimize salivary contamination and
to ease the restorative treatments, the eld was
isolated by a rubber dam. The cavity of occlusal
Class I was prepared in accordance with the
extension of caries. Cavity preparation was
restricted to the removal of carious lesions up
to 4 mm in depth (Figure 2). Using a graded
periodontal probe, the cavity’s depth was
measured [12].
All cavities were prepared using straight
carbide ssure burs number 57 (Dentsply, United
Kingdom) held in a high-speed handpiece with
a water-cooling system. In cases of deep caries,
a thin coating of calcium hydroxide (Dycal
chemically cured Calcium Hydroxide, Dentsply
Sirona, United Kingdom) was applied, followed
by a layer of glass ionomer cement base (Ionoseal
Resin modified Glass Ionomer Cement Base,
Voco, Germany).
Three groups were evaluated based on the
materials utilized for restoration (Figure 3).
These materials were randomly divided in
each patient having 3 different carious molars
either upper or lower teeth. Restorations were
randomly distributed intra-orally to eliminate
variables such as tooth type and position as
shown in (Table II). In accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions, the cavities were
restored with the appropriate adhesive system
and composites.
Group (I): cavities were restored with
VisCalor Bulk Fill using the corresponding
adhesive system Futurabond M+
Group (II): cavities were restored with Fusio
Liquid Dentin self-adhesive composite
Table I - Chemical composition, manufacturer and web site of tested materials in this study
Material Composition Manufacturer Web Site
VisCalor Bulk Fill
(Thermoviscous, Nano hybrid
bulk-fill composite compules)
Matrix: BIS-GMA (10-25%), aliphatic
dimethacrylate(2.5-5%) Inorganic Filler: nano-
scale filler(83% by wt)
www.voco.comshade A2 Cuxhaven, Germany
Futurabond M+ (one-step self-
etch adhesive, PH=2)
BIS-GMA, 2-Hydroxy ethyl methacrylate
(HEMA), ethanol, adhesive momomer, catalyst
and Urethanedimethacrylate (UDMA)
Fusio liquid Dentin (Self-
Adhesive Flowable Composite) Matrix: 4MET, HEMA, UDMA, TEGDMA, Fillers:
Nano-sized amorphous silica and barium glass
(65% by wt)
Pentron Clinical,
Orange, CA, USA www. Pentron. com
shade A2
Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior
Restorative (Nanohybrid bulk-
fill composite)
AUDMA, UDMA, fillers are a combination of
non-agglomerated /non-aggregated 20 nm
silica filler, a non-agglomerated/non-aggregated
4 to 11 nm zirconia filler, an aggregated
zirconia/silica cluster filler and a ytterbium
trifluoride filler (76.5% by wt)
3M ESPE, St. paul, MN,
USA www.3M ESPE.comshade A2
Single Bond Universal (one-
step self-etch adhesive, PH=2.7)
10-MDP phosphate monomer, Di methacrylate
Resin filler, BISGMA, Vitrebond copolymer,
HEMA, saline, water
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3737
Ibrahim HA et al.
Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Ibrahim HA et al. Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I
cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Group (III): cavities were restored with
Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior composite using the
corresponding adhesive system Single Bond
Universal (Control group)
Group (I): the following Prior to the application
of VisCalor Bulk ll composite, Futurabond M+
adhesive (one-step self-etch adhesive) was
applied by micro-brush and light cured using LED
curing light device for 10s in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions. VisCalor Bulk ll
was heated in a viscolar dispenser at 68 °C for
30s and placed in a 4 mm thickness as a single
piece; then the unpolymerized and still plastic
composite was adapted with a Teflon-coated
condenser and light-cured using LED curing light
device with an intensity >850mW/cm2 max reach
1200 mW/cm2 for 20s following manufacturer’s
Group (II): Fusio Liquid Dentin self-adhesive
composite resin was put in a thin layer (1mm
increment) and agitated with a needle tip for
20s, followed by 10s of light curing. Then, when
required, additional layers were applied in
increments of 2mm and light-cured for 10s per
the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Group (III): Prior the application of Filtek
Bulk Fill restorative material, the suggested
Single Bond Universal adhesive (one-step self-
etch adhesive) was applied by micro-brush
and light cured for 10s per manufacturer’s
recommendations. This restorative material was
placed in a 4 mm thickness, tted with a Teon-
coated condenser, and light-cured for 10s per the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Restorations were nished using a composite
finishing kit (Enhance Finishing & Polishing
System, Dentsply) and then polished using
aluminium oxide extra thin polishing disks (Sof-
Lex XT, 3M Espe, Germany) according to the
manufacturer’s instructions [11,13].
Table II - Intra- oral random distribution of restorations
Type of restoration Lower
Group (I) VisCalor Bulk Fill 18 molar 2 molar 20 molar
Group (II) Fusio Liquid Dentin 13 molar 7 molar 20 molar
Group (III) Filtek Bulk Fill 16 molar 4 molar 20 molar
Figure 2 - An image of patient showing Class I cavity preparation of three molars.
Figure 3 - An image showing final restoration of group I with preheated Viscalor Bulk Fill composite (a), group II with self-adhesive composite
Fusio Liquid Dentin (b) and group III with Filtek Bulk Fill composite resin (c).
Figure 1
Figure 2
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3737
Ibrahim HA et al.
Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Ibrahim HA et al. Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I
cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Clinical evaluation
Each restoration was clinically assessed at
baseline, 6 months, 12 months, and 18 months
by two calibrated investigators not including
the dentist who restored the lesions, utilizing an
intraoral camera, at-surfaced mouth mirrors,
and a dental explorer in accordance with modied
United States Public Health Service (USPHS)
criteria [14]. Included in these parameters are
retention rate, marginal adaption, postoperative
sensitivity, marginal discoloration, secondary
caries, anatomical form, surface texture, and
color matching. If disagreement was occurred
between the examiners, a third equally calibrated
expert was asked for evaluation.
SEM evaluation
In addition, for evaluation of marginal
integrity, impressions of the restored teeth
were made using a silicone impression material
(Aquasil Ultra XLV, Dentsply, United Kingdom),
and an inverse replica of the restored teeth
was prepared along evaluation periods and
gold sputtered to be examined under scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) with magnication
x200 to study the restoration-tooth interface [15].
The resultant micrographs were be scanned on
monitor screen, then they were transferred onto
Orion 6.60.6 software program and these images
were appeared on the computer to determine
marginal integrity.
Statistical analysis
The collected data along the evaluation
periods were tabulated and statistically analyzed
using Statistical Package for Social Sciences
(SPSS) version 25 computer program. The three
tested groups statistically evaluated by Chi-
Square test, was used to examine the statistical
relationship between clinical evaluation periods
and scores in the same group, also used to shows
the signicant difference between groups in the
same duration for primary outcome (retention)
and secondary outcomes (marginal adaptation,
marginal discoloration, surface roughness, color
match, anatomical form and postoperative
A total of 60 cases (were distributed on
20 patients) were selected and recalled all over
18 months of follow-up. Regarding the retention
rate of the composite restorations that were
evaluated. After 18 months of follow-up, the Chi-
Square test indicated that all tested groups had a
hundred percent (100%) retention rate.
Regarding marginal adaptation, marginal
discoloration, anatomic form, surface texture
and color matching, the Chi-Square test revealed
a statistically signicant difference between the
three examined groups after 12 and 18 months of
follow-up (p˂0.05). Chi-square test demonstrated
a statistically significant difference between
follow-up periods in group II, as group II Fusio
Liquid Dentin self-adhesive composite scored
the greatest rate of deterioration of these clinical
criteria (Table III), (Figures 4, 5, 6, 7).
In the current investigation, marginal
adaptation of group II (Fusio Liquid Dentin)
recorded 50 percent Alfa scores and 50 percent
Bravo scores throughout the duration of the
study, as group II Fusio Liquid Dentin self-
adhesive composite scored the greatest rate
of marginal breakdown. These clinical results
were comparable to those observed by SEM
examination of the inverse replica, which revealed
a signicant difference between the three groups
after 12 & 18 months (p= 0.033, 0.016) as group
II Fusio Liquid Dentin self-adhesive composite
had the highest rate of marginal seal deterioration
(Figures 8, 9). In addition, there was a statistically
signicant difference (p = 0.014) in the clinical
follow-up times in group II.
Group I recorded an Alfa rating during all
evaluation periods, with the exception of surface
roughness and color matching (5 percent bravo
score after 18 months follow up). During the
clinical assessment period, none of the tested
restorations exhibit secondary caries; all tested
materials achieved a perfect Alfa score.
In terms of post-operative hypersensitivity,
in the present investigation, sensitivity was
identied in only 5% and 10% of patients restored
with Viscalor and Filtek Bulk Fill composite
restorations (groups I and III respectively) at
baseline, and it dissipated within a few days.
At the baseline, the Chi-Square test indicated no
signicant difference between the three examined
groups (p = 0.349). In group II, which utilized
the self-adhesive composite Fusio Liquid Dentin,
no post-operative sensitivity was identified
throughout any of the assessment periods.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3737
Ibrahim HA et al.
Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Ibrahim HA et al. Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I
cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Table III - Number and percentage of restorations that scored Alfa at baseline (BL), 6, 12 and 18 months for each parameter
Viscalor Bulk Fill Fusio Liquid Dentin Filtek Bulk Fill
BL 6M 12M 18M BL 6M 12M 18M BL 6M 12M 18M
Retention 20
color match 20
Figure 4 - Clinical photo represents Alfa score of marginal adaptation of
Viscalor Bulk Fill
and Filtek Bulk
b) at base line
(a) & Bravo score
of marginal adaptation
Filtek Bulk Fill only
(b) after 18 months follow up period.
Figure 3
Base line After 18 months
Figure 4
Figure 3
Base line After 18 months
Figure 4
Figure 3
Base line After 18 months
Figure 4
Figure 5 – (A) Clinical photo represents Bravo score of marginal adaptation and discolration of
Fusio Liquid Dentin
. (B) Clinical photo represents
Bravo score of of marginal adaptation and marginal discoloration
Fusio Liquid Dentin
After 6months After 18 months
Base line After 18 months
Figure 5
After 6 month After 18 months
Figure 6
After 6months After 18 months
Base line After 18 months
Figure 5
After 6 month After 18 months
Figure 6
After 6 month After 18 months
Figure 7
After 6 month After 18 months
Figure 7
After 6 month After 18 months
Figure 7
Figure 3
Base line After 18 months
Figure 4
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3737
Ibrahim HA et al.
Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Ibrahim HA et al. Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I
cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
The present participants were chosen based
on specic inclusion and exclusion criteria, and
the majority of them had good dental hygiene
and periodontal health. To get tested restorations,
these patients must have had at least three simple
occlusal carious posterior teeth. To prevent the
high pulp horns, huge pulp chambers, and hidden
microscopic pulpal exposures that are always
linked with young age patients [16], the age
range of the selected patients was (30-45) years.
Class I cavity design was chosen for the
current investigation because it resembled
complex cavity preparation and restoration
clinically. The large configuration factor of
Figure 8 - SEM image of VisCalor Bulk Fill at base line showing
sealed marginal interface between composite (C) and tooth (T)
without micro-gaps (arrow). Figure 9 - SEM image of Fusio liquid
after 18 months follow
up showing different measurements of micro-gaps at interface
between composite (C) and tooth (T) (arrow).
Figure 7 - Clinical photo represents Bravo score of anatomic form of Fusio Liquid Dentin (b), Filtek Bulk Fill (c) after 6 and 18 months follow up.
After 6 month After 18 months
Figure 7
After 6 month After 18 months
Figure 7
After 6 month After 18 months
Figure 7
Figure 6 - Clinical photo represents Bravo score of color match of Fusio Liquid Dentin after 6 and 18 months follow up.
After 6months After 18 months
Base line After 18 months
Figure 5
After 6 month After 18 months
Figure 6
After 6 month After 18 months
Figure 7
After 6 month After 18 months
Figure 7
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3737
Ibrahim HA et al.
Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Ibrahim HA et al. Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I
cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
these cavities limits composite resin flow
during polymerization shrinkage, hence raising
contraction stresses at the bonding contact and
the likelihood of microleakage [17].
Today, bulk-fill composite resins are the
preferred material for direct dental restorations.
They exhibit less post-gel shrinkage and more
reactivity to light polymerization than the
majority of traditional composites due to their
improved translucency, which increases light
penetration and cure depth [18].
When the composite resin was heated, its
viscosity reduced, which improved its adaptability
to the walls of the cavity preparation, as well
as several physical properties, such as a better
degree of conversion and less polymerization
shrinkage [19]. Typically, the temperature utilized
to enhance these properties ranges between 54°C
and 68°C, depending on the available device.
There are new resins on the market, such as
Viscalor [20], created specically for preheating
with enhanced manipulation capabilities.
Concerning the retention rate, the current
results recorded a 100 percent retention rate
after 18 months of follow-up in all three tested
groups. This can be attributed to the effect of
preheating and increasing the owability of the
materials, as well as increasing the bond strength
at the tooth/restoration interface and utilizing
the specic adhesive system recommended by
the manufacturers. The high retention rate of
Viscalor Bulk Fill restorations in the current
investigation was conrmed by Abdalla [21] and
Favoreto et al. [22], which stated that there was
no retention loss of Viscalor Bulk Fill restorations
during the trial.
In addition, Shaalan et al. [23] ,
AlHumaid et al. [14], and Shaalan & Abou-Auf [24]
conrmed the current ndings for Fusio Liquid
Dentin restorations. In basic occlusal cavity
preparations, even in conservative designs, the
inuence of macro-mechanical ways of retention
might have enhanced the overall performance of
SAFCs, according to their results.
On the other hand, Çelik et al. [11] disagreed
with the current results, who evaluated Fusio
Liquid Dentin (SAFC) in non-carious cervical
lesions; they reported that success rate of Fusio
Liquid Dentin was recorded 33% after six months
and concluded that, the poor performance of
the material may be attributed to lack of macro-
mechanical retention and weak bonding due to
hydrolytic instability of the functional monomer
(4-MET) and the lower etching ability of self-
adhesive composite it-self.
Concerning the clinical evaluation of
marginal adaptation, the marginal adaptation
of Viscalor Bulk Fill restorations (group I)
maintained alfa scores of one hundred percent
throughout the clinical research periods. This
is consistent with ndings of numerous other
researchers [21,25] who reported that Viscalor
Bulk Fill demonstrates excellent results due to its
thermo-viscous technology and excellent physical
properties, such as a reduction of polymerization
shrinkage accompanied by low shrinkage stresses.
Also, Demirel et al. [26] agree with the
current results concerning Viscalor Bulk Fill
material based on their in vitro ndings revealing
that the best internal adaptation was observed in
sonically inserted SF2 and preheated Viscalor bulk
ll, which were the manufacturers’ recommended
insertion techniques.
Favoreto et al. [22] who evaluated the clinical
performance of a new preheating thermoviscous
composite compared to a non-heating composite
resin in restorations of non-carious cervical
lesions over a period of 6-month, disagree
with current outcomes concerning Viscalor
Bulk Fill. It reported that 24% Viscalor Bulk
Fill group showed small defects related to the
marginal adaptation. This attributing to several
methodological differences (including cavity
type, adhesive type used and lower retention rate
of adhesive restorations in NCCLs) between both
studies explaining these differences.
Due to the material’s viscoelastic properties,
Alomairy et al. [27] explained and conrmed
the present outcomes of Filtek Bulk Fill
restoration. The tensions created during the
setting and polymerization process, which may
be compensated by the ow of the material and
have no effect on the restoration’s quality.
Throughout the current investigation,
marginal adaptation of group II received 50
percent Alfa scores and 50 percent Bravo
scores. This was consistent with the ndings of
Sabbagh et al. [4] who reported that Alfa scores
were obtained after 1 and 2 years (58.8% and
50%) respectively. This is due to the inclusion
of an adhesive component in the formulation
of self-adhesive composites, which may have
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Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Ibrahim HA et al. Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I
cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
deleterious impacts on the composite’s physical
characteristics. Due to the addition of hydrophilic
monomers, the self-adhesive composite exhibited
the least dimensional stability [28].
An example of improper sealing of SAFCS
could be attributed to the fact that the acidity
of the monomers in the self-adhesive materials
is not low enough to promote extensive resin
penetration through smear-covered surfaces or
into aprismatic enamel and that the viscosity of
owable materials is not low enough to achieve
good adaptation to the cavity wall [29]. Only
after typical etch-and-rinse treatments with
strong phosphoric acid is their bond strength
improved [30].
Alomairy et al. [27] confirmed the
existing results of Filtek Bulk Fill restoration in
connection to Postoperative hypersensitivity.
They hypothesized that the use of a calcium
hydroxide-based liner over deep restorations
topped with a glass ionomer cement foundation
might reduce postoperative sensitivity.
Regarding Fusio Liquid Dentin restorations,
no hypersensitivity was reported throughout the
follow-up periods. This was consistent with the
findings of Shaalan et al. [23] and Shaalan &
Abou-Auf [24] and can be attributed to the fact
that the self-adhesive owable composite material
dissolved the smear layer but did not remove it.
Concerning the clinical evaluation of
marginal discoloration, the outstanding ndings
of group I (Viscalor Bulk Fill) supported by
Abdalla [21] who recorded 100 percent alfa
scores throughout the trial and attributed this
to Viscalor Bulk Fill, demonstrate exceptional
marginal adaption outcomes.
Favoreto et al. [22] and Elkaffas et al. [31]
supported the current results of Viscalor Bulk
Fill. Elkaffas et al. [31] reported that only a
few favorable results for resin restorations
with preheated composites after 3 years of
clinical evaluation, with less marginal staining
in the preheating composite than non-heating
composite resin restorations.
In addition, the current ndings on Filtek Bulk
Fill were supported by other researches [27,32].
This is because nanofillers allow for great
polishability, which minimizes surface roughness
and discoloration.
Elbaz et al. [33] attributed their results to
the aging of materials and the change in their
marginal integrity over time, which resulted in
an increase in marginal discoloration.
Secondary caries were not observed in any
restorations made using the tested materials
during the research period (Alfa score of 100
percent); this might be ascribed to the inclusion
of only people with good oral hygiene and/or the
short clinical time of assessment. In addition, the
present ndings on Fusio Liquid Dentin concurred
with those of others [12,14,32]. Elbaz et al. [33]
demonstrated that Fusio Liquid Dentin undergoes
hygroscopic expansion over time; this may have
contributed to enhanced marginal adaption by
compensating for resin polymerization shrinkage.
Therefore, in the current study regarding
the clinical assessment of anatomic form, the
excellent results of group I (Viscalor Bulk Fill)
are supported by others [21,34] who recorded
excellent anatomic form (100 percent alfa scores)
throughout the study and stated that Preheating
of bulk ll composite results in increased micro-
hardness and, therefore, the composite exhibits
greater wear resistance.
Currently, Filtek Bulk Fill restorations
have achieved favorable outcomes, consistent
with the ndings of earlier studies [27,31,35].
Alomairy et al. [27] interpreted their ndings
as a result of the incorporation of a unique nano
ller size and technology of bulk-lled materials;
exhibiting superior anatomic shape and good
wear resistance.
Shaalan & Abou-Auf [24] veried the existing
results of Fusio Liquid Dentin restorations,
attributing this to the lower ller loading and
weaker mechanical characteristics of self-
adhesive owable composites, which diminish
the wear resistance of such restorations.
In terms of surface texture, the current
results of Viscalor Bulk Fill concur with those of
Attia [36] who found no statistically signicant
difference between warmed and non-heated
incremental nano hybrid composite over any
follow-up period. These results demonstrated that
preheating did not increase surface roughness
over the duration of the trial.
Currently, Filtek Bulk Fill restorations
have documented favorable surface texture
outcomes; our results concur with those of earlier
studies [31,35]. This may be the result of the
incorporation of nanoller size and technology
into bulk-lled materials; these materials may
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Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Ibrahim HA et al. Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I
cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
exhibit great polishability, hence reducing any
surface roughness.
Shaalan & Abou-Auf [24] corroborate
the current finding for Fusio Liquid Dentin
restorations, attributing this to the surface wear
of Fusio Liquid Dentin restorations over time. In
contrast, AlHamid et al. [14] and Elbaz et al. [33]
found that the addition of nano-sized amorphous
silica and glass ller in a self-adhesive owable
composite produces a material with a smoother
surface and a superior nish after polishing.
Regarding the clinical assessment of color
match, the results of Viscalor Bulk Fill, supported
by Abdalla [21] and Elkaffas et al. [31] who
reported that these restorations showed superior
color stability and clinical performance after 12
and 36 months clinical follow up respectively.
Concerning color match, Fusio Liquid Dentin
results were conrmed by Çelik et al. [11] who
showed a signicant difference in color stability
between Fusio Liquid Dentin and traditional
composite due to the increased solubility of Fusio
Liquid Dentin. According to some experts, the
amount of ller inside composites may inuence
color variations. It is assumed that composites
having more than 70 percent by weight of ller
are dened by high color stability; nevertheless,
Fusio Liquid Dentin, which has 65 percent by
weight of ller, demonstrates exceptional color
mismatch [37].
It was concluded that Bulk ll resin composite
restorations showed satisfactory acceptable clinical
performance after 18 months of clinical service
compared to self-adhesive owable composites,
and Viscalor Bulk Fill composite displayed
excellent results with considerable changes in
marginal integrity as a result of thermal viscous
technology and enhancing cavity wall and margin
adaptability. Regarding SEM investigation, the
time had a detrimental effect on the marginal seal
of self-adhesive owable composite restorations,
which degraded at the conclusion of an 18-month
clinical assessment period.
Author’s Contributions
AB, CDE, FG: Conceptualization. HI, JKF:
Methodology. LMN, OP: Software. CDE, FG:
Validation. CDE, FG: Formal Analysis. RTY:
Investigation. LMN, OP: Data Curation. AB, CDE,
FG: Writing – Original Draft Preparation. HI, JKF:
Writing – Review & Editing.CDE, FG: Supervision.
CDE, FG, RTY, UIH: Project Administration.
Conict of Interest
No conicts of interest declared concerning
the publication of this article.
The authors declare that no nancial support
was received.
Regulatory Statement
This study was conducted in accordance with
all the provisions of the local human subjects
oversight committee guidelines and policies
of faculty of dentistry, Tanta university. The
approval code for this study is: #R-RD-5-20-2.
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Ibrahim HA et al.
Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Ibrahim HA et al. Clinical study of different composite resin systems in Class I
cavities (an 18-month randomized clinical trial)
Hussein Yehia El-Sayed
(Corresponding address)
Tanta University, Faculty of Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, Tanta, Egypt.
Email: dr-hussein-yehia@hotmail.com Date submitted: 2022 Dec 12
Accept submission: 2023 Mar 19