Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3749
Setijanto D et al.
Caregiver perception of children’s dental caries and experience of accessing dental health services for their children
Setijanto D et al.
Caregiver perception of children’s dental caries and experience
of accessing dental health services for their children
According to Riskesdas in 2018, the
prevalence of dental caries in children was
90.2% in Indonesia, with def-t mean index was
8.1 in children under 5 years old [1]. However,
according to Control Disease Center in 2007,
dental caries cases had increased, especially in
toddlers and preschoolers, from 24% to 28%.
Meanwhile, dental health association was trying to
reduce the number of dental caries in children [2].
Therefore, there is a need for early education, as
a preventive measure, regarding dental and oral
health. In this education, various components are
involved. Caregiver is one of the main components,
can be interpreted as many people, but mainly
parents and teachers. In children, caregiver has an
important role especially parents play a major role
when the child is out of school, while the teacher
plays a major role when the child is entering the
school area [2,3].
Nowadays, most children’s time is a time
for school. According to that condition parent in
school or teacher has high responsibility in children.
All caregivers including teachers who have good
education and knowledge should influence the
welfare of their children. However, as previously
explained, the prevalence of caries is still high,
especially in children. Further research is needed
to determine the understanding and perception
of caregivers, especially on good tooth-brushing
behavior. Previous studies showed that the role of
caregivers in maintaining the oral health of children
is important [3]. The problem is the emergence of
some wrong perceptions of dental and oral health,
especially in children [4,5]. Some of them are poor
oral and dental health indicated only by pain in the
teeth. In addition, there is a perception that primary
teeth are only temporary and will be replaced by
permanent teeth, so there is an assumption that
damage to primary teeth is not something that must
be considered, etc. This ultimately affects the child’s
tooth-brushing behavior [2,6].
According to Health Belief Model Theory,
parents are most likely to associate with childcare,
if these parents feel that their children are prone
to developing problem behaviors in the future
(perceived susceptible) [3]. Parents can also believe
that these problems will have a very unwanted
impact (perceived severity). The perception that the
parenting program implemented will be effective
in reducing the formation of risky behavior in
their children (perceived benets), not considering
the parenting program implemented to be too
demanding (perceived barrier), and feel condent
that parents will be able to carry out and apply the
healthy behavior they have (self-efcacy) [3,5].
Experience is one of the things that can shape
perception of people. In this case, the experience
of accessing dental and oral health services is an
important factor in the caregiver’s perception [5].
How the caregiver acts and educates their children
depends on their experience and knowledge about
oral health [3,4]. Therefore, what will be discussed
further in this study is the caregiver’s perception
of children’s dental caries and tooth brushing
behaviour in terms of experiences in accessing
children’s dental and oral health services [2,7].
Based on previous studies, the perception of
caregivers needs to be considered more. So that
caregivers will have good perception of accessing
dental health services. When the caregivers have
good perception, the oral health problem in
children can be reduced and children can receive
an early diagnosis and prompt treatments [4,6].
Based on this background, the purpose of this
study was to know the caregiver’s perception of
children’s dental caries and their experience of
accessing dental health services in children.
Study design and samples
This research was an analytic observational
with a cross-sectional study approach. Written
a severidade percebida, o benefício percebido e a autoecácia de cuidadores mulheres em idade produtiva foram
bons, mas a barreira percebida apresentou uma média alta. Os entrevistados com essas características não tinham
empregos xos. Conclusão: mulheres cuidadoras na faixa etária de 21 a 40 anos acreditam que a manutenção
da saúde bucal é benéca e resultará em maior número de acessos aos serviços de saúde bucal de seus lhos.
No entanto, cuidadoras que eram mulheres, mas que não tinham emprego xo, apresentavam barreiras para o
acesso à saúde bucal de seus lhos.
Saúde da criança; Cuidador; Cárie dentária; Serviço de saúde bucal; Percepção.