Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3767
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3767
The ability of different formulations of artificial saliva to protect dentin
from erosive wear
Ação protetora de diferentes formulações de saliva artificial no desgaste erosivo
Graziela Ribeiro BATISTA
, Rayssa Ferreira ZANATTA
, Marina Gullo AUGUSTO
, Gabriela Souza ARANTES
Alessandra Bühler BORGES
, Carlos Rocha Gomes TORRES
1 - A.T. Still University, Missouri School of Dentistry and Oral Health. City- Kirksville, Missouri, USA.
2 - Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Departamento de Odontologia. Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil.
3 - Centro Universitário de Cascavel. Cascavel, Paraná, Brazil.
4 - Universidade Estadual Paulista, Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia, Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora. São José dos Campos, Brazil.
How to cite: Batista GR, Zanatta RF, Augusto MG, Arantes GS, Borges AB, Torres CRG. The ability of different formulations of articial
saliva to protect dentin from erosive wear. Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(2):e3767. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3767
Objective: Evaluate the protective effect of articial saliva formulations associated or not with mucin on dentin.
Materials and Methods: Bovine dentin specimens were randomly allocated to 10 groups (n = 20) according
to the articial saliva tested and the presence or absence of mucin: Amaechi et al. (1998); Klimek et al. (1982);
Vieira et al. (2005) and Eisenburger et al. (2001) and deionized water (control). Samples were submitted to
an erosive cycle consisting of two immersions of 120 min in the saliva, followed by 1 min in hydrochloric acid
solution, and new storage in saliva for 120 min. Surface loss (μm) was measured before and after the cycle. Data
were analyzed using 2-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test (p < 0.05). Results: A signicant difference was observed
for the saliva formulation but not for the presence of mucin. The deionized water provided the highest surface
loss and the Eisenburger’s saliva formulation the lowest. The groups testing the Amaechi, Klimek, and Vieira
saliva did not present signicant differences. Conclusion: Eisenburger’s saliva formulation provides a higher
protective effect against dentin erosion. The presence of mucin did not increase the erosion-preventive effect of
articial saliva formulations.
Articial saliva; Dental erosion; Dental Wear; Prolometry; Surface loss.
Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito protetor de formulações de saliva articial associadas ou não à mucina sobre a dentina
submetida a erosão. Material e Métodos: Espécimes de dentina bovina foram alocados em 10 grupos (n = 20)
de acordo com a saliva testada e a presença ou ausência de mucina: . Amaechi et al. (1998); Klimek et al. (1982);
Vieira e cols. (2005), Eisenburger et al (2001) e agua deionizada (controle). As amostras foram submetidas a um
ciclo erosivo composto por duas imersões de 120 min na saliva, seguidas de 1 min em solução de ácido clorídrico
e novo armazenamento na saliva por 120 min. A perda de superfície (μm) foi medida antes e depois do ciclo. Os
dados foram analisados usando ANOVA 2 fatores e teste de Tukey (p <0,05). Resultados: Foi observada diferença
signicativa para a formulação de saliva, mas não para a presença de mucina. A água deionizada proporcionou
a maior perda de superfície e a formulação de saliva de Eisenburger a menor. Os grupos que testaram a saliva
Amaechi, Klimek e Vieira não apresentaram diferenças signicativas entre si. Conclusão: A formulação de saliva
de Eisenburger fornece o maior efeito protetor contra a erosão dentinária e a presença de mucina não aumentou
o efeito preventivo de erosão de formulações de saliva articial.
Erosão dental; Desgaste dental; Perda de estrutura; Perlometria; Saliva articial.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3767
Batista GR et al.
The ability of different f ormulations of artificial saliva to pr otect dentin from er osive wear
Batista GR et al.
The ability of different formulations of artificial saliva to protect
dentin from erosive wear
Erosive tooth wear (ETW) is a multifactorial
condition resulting from a chemical-mechanical
process involving the dissolution of enamel and
dentin by non-bacterial acids and modulated by
several behavioral and biological aspects [1].
Dental surface loss due to erosive conditions is
considered a frequent condition, mainly among
children and young adults [2-4], enhancing the
scientic community’s interest in this topic and
encouraging the development of preventive
measures and treatment options.
Saliva is considered the main biological factor
responsible for modulating the development of
ETW lesions [5]. It acts as a reservoir of ions
responsible for remineralizing the dental tissues
softened by extrinsic or intrinsic acids. It also
functions as a diluent of them and promotes their
buffering, reducing surface loss [6,7]. Most of the
evidence in dental erosion is obtained by
in vitro
studies. These set-ups allow standardization of the
study variables under controlled situations, reduce
costs compared to clinical studies, and enable
a rapid assessment of products or treatments
without considering ethical aspects [8].
in vitro
experiments should mimic
the clinical conditions to produce results
comparable to the clinical situations [9];
therefore, in 1982, Klimek et al. [10] described
an artificial saliva formulation to be used in
erosion experiments [10], and later, different
formulations were proposed, such as the ones from
Amaechi et al. (1998) [11], Vieira et al. (2005) [12]
and Eisenburger et al. (2001) [13]. To make the
articial saliva consistency more similar to natural
human saliva, some formulas add mucin to the
mixture, an important component of the salivary
pellicle and the main lubricant constituent of
saliva [5]. This aims to increase the representativity
of the
in vitro
experiments and facilitate the
performance of such experiments since there
would be no need to collect human saliva from
volunteers. However, there are a few suggestions
that using articial saliva formulations and human
saliva in
in vitro
experiments does not reect the
actual intraoral situation [8] and that the presence
of mucin in the articial saliva formulation may
increase its remineralizing effect [14].
Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the
dentin erosion-preventive effect of articial saliva
formulations used in previous studies [11-13]
with or without mucin. The null hypotheses
tested were that the different articial saliva
formulation does not influence the dentin
erosive surface loss and that the presence of
mucin in the formulation does not improve its
protective effect.
Specimen preparation and allocation to the
Fresh and sound bovine incisors were
collected for this study. The crowns were separated
from the roots and stored in 0.5% thymol solution
at 4
C until use [15]. Two hundred cylindrical
dentin specimens (3 mm diameter) were obtained
from the roots using a diamond-coated trephine
mill. The specimens were embedded in acrylic
resin (diameter: 6 mm, height: 3 mm; JET,
Classico, Sao Paulo, Brazil). The external surfaces
of the specimens were ground at and polished
using silicon carbide paper in sequential grits of
1200, 2400, and 4000 (Extec Corp, CT, USA) in
a polishing device (DP-10, Panambra Industrial
e Técnica SA, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil) under water
irrigation for 30, 60 and 120 s, respectively.
After each paper grit change, specimens were
kept in ultrasonic baths in distilled water for
10 min to remove debris and abrasive grains.
The prepared samples were examined under a
stereomicroscope (Discovery V20, Karl Zeiss,
Jena, Germany) to ensure the absence of cracks
or other surface defects. After preparation, the
specimens were stored at 100% relative humidity
at 4
C to avoid dehydration.
Articial saliva formulations were prepared
according to the descriptions in the previous
studies: Amaechi et al. (1998) [11], Klimek et al.
(1982) [10], Vieira et al. (2005) [12], and
Eisenburger et al. (2001) [13]. Table I shows the
composition of the articial saliva formulations.
Each formulation was made with and without
mucin, as shown in Figure 1.
After preparing artificial saliva, the
specimens were randomly assigned to ten
groups (n = 20) according to the storage media
(Figure 1). The control group was deionized
water (negative control).
Surface loss assessment and erosive cycling
In each specimen, two parallel groves were
made to provide a reference for the surface loss
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3767
Batista GR et al.
The ability of different f ormulations of artificial saliva to pr otect dentin from er osive wear
Batista GR et al.
The ability of different formulations of artificial saliva to
protect dentin from erosive wear
Table I - Composition of tested artificial saliva formulations
Artificial saliva formulations
Klimeketal. [10] Vieiraetal. [12] Amaechietal. [11] Eisenburgeretal. [13]
2 mg/l
30 mg/l
NaCl 580 mg/l
170 mg/l
Cl 160 mg/l
KCl 1270 mg/l 11182.50 mg/l 624.73 mg/l 2236.50 mg/l
NaSCN 160 mg/l
330 mg/l 326.62 mg/l 544.36 mg/l
O 200 mg/l
340 mg/l
O 60.12 mg/l
NaF 0.066 mg/l
O 160.19 mg/l
Tris Buffer 12114.00 mg/l
804.712 mg/l
O 166.130 mg/l 77.690 mg/l
2000 mg/l
CMC-Na 10000 mg/l
O 58.96 mg/l
19.04 mg/l
S HEPES 4766.20 mg/l
Mucin* 2700 mg/l 2700 mg/l 2700 mg/l 2700 mg/l
Deionized water 1000 ml 1000 ml 1000 ml 1000 ml
pH 6.4 7.0 6.75 7.0
*Only in the groups containing mucin.
Figure 2 – Schematic chart of the steps performed in the study.
Figure 1 – Specimen allocation according to the storage media.
determination (prolometry), as shown in Figure 2.
The baseline proles of each specimen were obtained
using a contact prolometer (MaxSurf XT 20,
Mahr-Goettingen, Germany). The diamond stylus
moved from the rst groove in the acrylic resin
to the second one (4.2 mm long). Three prole
measurements were performed for each specimen
at intervals of 0.25 mm.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3767
Batista GR et al.
The ability of different f ormulations of artificial saliva to pr otect dentin from er osive wear
Batista GR et al.
The ability of different formulations of artificial saliva to protect
dentin from erosive wear
After obtaining the baseline profiles,
the erosive cycling was performed under
agitation (40 rpm) and at room temperature.
The specimens of each group were stored in the
respective articial saliva for 120 min. Then,
they were immersed for 1 min in a hydrochloric
acid solution (2.5 mmol/l, pH = 2.6).
The specimens were washed with deionized
water (pH = 5.5) for 10 s. Additional storage
in the respective articial saliva (120 min) and
erosive challenge (1 min) were performed [8].
After the second erosive challenge, the nal
proles of each specimen were obtained using
the same parameters previously described.
Figure 2 shows a schematic chart illustrating
the erosive cycle.
At the end of the cycling, a second prole
reading was performed in each specimen using
the same parameters described above. The initial
and final profiles were overlapped, and the
dentin loss was calculated by the difference in
height between them using dedicated software
(MarSurf XCR 20 4.50-07 SP3, 2011).
Statistical analysis
The assumption of normal distribution
(Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) was checked for
the variable tested. Descriptive and inferential
statistical analyzes were performed using
SigmaPlot 13 (Systat Software Inc, San Jose, CA, EUA).
Two-way ANOVA was performed for prolometry
analysis, followed by Tukey’s test with 5%
The results of 2-way ANOVA showed a
signicant difference (p < 0.05) for the different
articial saliva formulations (p = 0.0001) and the
interaction between the two factors (p = 0.040),
but not for the presence of mucin (p = 0.360).
Tukey’s test revealed that the deionized water
without mucin (control group) provided the highest
surface loss compared with the other formulations.
The lowest surface loss was observed for the
Eisenburger’s saliva formulation, while the groups
testing the formulas from Amaechi, Klimek, and
Vieira presented similar surface loss. The mean
surface loss (μm), standard deviations, and results
of Tukey’s test are shown in Figure 3.
This study showed that the different articial
saliva formulations signicantly inuenced the
erosive surface loss but not by the presence
of mucin. Hence, the rst null hypothesis was
denied, and the second one was accepted.
Hydrochloric acid is a strong inorganic acid,
easily ionizable in an aqueous solution and resistant
to buffering by saliva, making it a potent agent
to erode dental tissues and cause surface loss.
It was used in the present study in short erosive
events (1 min) aiming to simulate patients with
gastroesophageal disorders, such as GERD or
bulimia [16]. Also, the storage in articial saliva for
120 minutes aimed to optimize the remineralization
process as proposed previously [17].
Figure 3 – The mean surface loss (µm), standard deviations, and results of Tukey’s test for the artificial saliva, with or without the presence of mucin.
Different letters mean significant difference among groups.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3767
Batista GR et al.
The ability of different f ormulations of artificial saliva to pr otect dentin from er osive wear
Batista GR et al.
The ability of different formulations of artificial saliva to
protect dentin from erosive wear
When acid comes into contact with dentin,
it dissolves the mineral phase, but the organic
part remains as a spongy and demineralized
structure that acts as a physical barrier for all
chemical processes, including active ingredients
from preventive measures and remineralizing
agents [18]. It is suggested that in
in vivo
the exposed collagen matrix can be broken down
by collagenases and proteolytic enzymes found
in the oral uids [18,19] or through abrasion
such as toothbrushing. However, in this study,
salivary collagenases and toothbrushing were not
performed, so this collagen barrier resultant from
the erosive process might have remained intact
and helped to modulate the remineralization
by the ions from some of the artificial saliva
formulations. Still, it is suggested that the collagen
brils of organic matrix exposed during erosive or
carious events house some prenucleation mineral
crystals that aggregate into larger amorphous
calcium phosphate (ACP) nanoparticles and
induce mineral formation [20] in the presence of
remineralizing ions, such as calcium, phosphate,
or magnesium.
From the solutions tested, the articial
saliva formulation described by Eisenburger
presented the lowest values of surface loss,
which might have been due to the presence
S), an organic chemical
buffer known as zwitterionic sulfonic acid and
classied as a good buffer [21], thus able to
neutralize the H
ions from the dissociation
of HCl and promote an anti-erosive effect.
The groups testing the formulation from
Amaechi, Klimek, and Vieira did not differ
from each other, even though the last one
also presented a buffer in its composition
- Tris Buffer), and the possible
explanation for that relies on the different
degrees of saturation with respect of calcium
phosphates in each solution [8].
Regarding the groups in which mucin was
included, it has been reported that they contribute to
a large extent to the protective effect of the acquired
pellicle against enamel erosion [22]. However,
this study showed that mucin did not signicantly
reduce dentin erosive surface loss. Even for the
comparison between the control group (deionized
water) with and without mucin, the absence of
signicant differences indicated that this protein
was not able to protect dentin against erosion.
This may be because the surface of eroded enamel
presents high mineral content, whereas the mesh
of collagen matrix from eroded dentin might have
interfered with the deposition of mucin, thus reducing
its protective effect against erosion. Although, a
previous study found that the anti-erosive protection
of the acquired pellicle in dentin is lower than in
enamel [23]. Moreover, it is essential to consider
that the behavior of the synthetic mucin used in
studies may be different from the mucin found
in human saliva. Its stability in the formulations
and the combination with the other components
may be able to cause differences from the natural
human saliva.
Thus, the result from the present study
suggested that the protection of dentin submitted
to erosive challenges is affected by the formulation
of the articial saliva tested, and future studies,
including the comparison with human saliva in
protocols, are encouraged, aiming to nd the
best suitable formula for in vitro analysis. It can
be concluded that the protective effect of different
articial saliva against erosion must be considered
to avoid incorrect inferences in
in vitro
The presence of mucin did not provide a signicant
reduction in the erosive surface loss of dentin.
Author’s Contributions
GRB: Conceptualization. GRB: Methodology.
RFZ: Formal Analysis. GRB, MGA, GSA:
Investigation. GRB, MGA, GSA: Data Curation.
GRB, RFZ: Writing Original Draft Preparation.
ABB, CRGT: Writing Review & Editing. ABB,
CRGT: Visualization. ABB, CRGT: Supervision.
CRGT: Project Administration. CRGT: Funding
Conict of Interest
The author’s disclosure any conflict of
This research was supported by National
Council for Scientific and Technological
Development (CNPq).
Regulatory Statement
The authors have no proprietary, nancial,
or other personal interest of any nature or kind
in any product, service, and/or company that is
presented in this article.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3767
Batista GR et al.
The ability of different f ormulations of artificial saliva to pr otect dentin from er osive wear
Batista GR et al.
The ability of different formulations of artificial saliva to protect
dentin from erosive wear
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Graziela Ribeiro Batista
(Corresponding address)
A.T. Still University, Missouri School of Dentistry and Oral Health,
Kirksville, MO, USA.
Email: grazielabatista@atsu.edu
Date submitted: 2023 Jan 24
Accept submission: 2023 Apr 04