Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3769
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3769
Influence of traverse and waveone gold glider glide path files on
the amount of apically extruded debris
Influência das limas glide path Traverse e Wave One Gold Glider na quantidade de detritos extruídos apicalmente
Afra Rashid Saeed Ali ALMHEIRI
, Bassem EID
1 - Ministry of Interior, Medical Services Department, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
2 - Gulf Medical University, Restorative Dental Sciences Department, Ajman, United Arab Emirates
3 - Ain Shams University, Endodontic Department, Cairo, Egypt
How to cite: Almheiri ARSA, Elsewify T, Eid B. Inuence of traverse and waveone gold glider glide path les on the amount of apically
extruded debris. Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(2):e3769. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3769
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different glide path les on the amount of apically
extruded debris. Material and Methods: Sixty single-canaled mandibular premolars were accessed and randomly
divided into three groups (n= 20) according to the le used for glid path creation; group A using Traverse le,
group B using WaveOne Gold Glider, group C using stainless steel K le. All teeth were then instrumented using the
Reciproc system. The debris extruded apically during instrumentation were collected into pre-weighed Eppendorf
tubes which were then stored in an incubator at 70 °C for 5 days. The weight of the dry extruded debris was
established by subtracting the pre-instrumentation and post-instrumentation weights of the Eppendorf tubes. The
data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA test, and post hoc analysis. Results: WaveOne Gold Glider produced
the least amount of apical extruded debris (0.41±0.25) followed by the Traverse group (0.59±0.20) then the
K-le group (0.64±0.16) with a statistically signicant difference (p=0.003). Conclusion: Apical extrusion
of debris is inevitable during root canal cleaning and shaping. Creation of glide path using engine-driven les
produces less amount of apically extruded debris compared to hand-driven K-les.
Root canal preparation; Nickel titanium alloy; Dental instruments.
Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes limas glide path na quantidade de detritos
extruídos apicalmente. Metodologia: Sessenta pré-molares inferiores com canal único foram acessados e
divididos aleatoriamente em três grupos (n= 20) de acordo com a lima utilizada para criação do glid path;
grupo A usando lima Traverse, grupo B usando WaveOne Gold Glider, grupo C usando lima K de aço inoxidável.
Todos os dentes foram então instrumentados usando o sistema reciprocante. Os detritos extruídos apicalmente
durante a instrumentação foram coletados em tubos Eppendorf pré-pesados que foram então armazenados em
uma incubadora a 70°C por 5 dias. O peso dos detritos secos extruídos foi estabelecido subtraindo-se os pesos dos
tubos Eppendorf antes e após instrumentação. Os dados foram analisados por meio do teste one-way ANOVA e
análise post-hoc. Resultados: WaveOne Gold Glider produziu a menor quantidade de detritos apicais extruídos
(0,41±0,25) seguido pelo grupo Traverse (0,59±0,20) e depois pelo grupo K-le (0,64±0,16) com uma diferença
estatisticamente signicativa (p=0,003). Conclusão: A extrusão apical de detritos é inevitável durante a limpeza
e modelagem do canal radicular. A criação do glide path usando limas acionadas por motores produz menos
quantidade de detritos extruídos apicalmente em comparação com as limas K manuais.
Preparo do canal radicular; Liga de niquel-titânio; Instrumentos odontológicos.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3769
Almheiri ARSA et al.
Influence of traverse and waveone gold glider glide path files on the amount of apically extruded debris
Almheiri ARSA et al.
Influence of traverse and waveone gold glider glide path files
on the amount of apically extruded debris
Success of root canal treatment depends
mainly upon proper debridement and disinfection
of the root canal system, as well as three-
dimensional obturation [1]. During root canal
preparation, dentin chips, microorganisms,
and pulpal tissue may be extruded beyond the
apical foramen which may lead to flare-ups,
postoperative pain, delayed healing, and/or
periapical inammation.
By denition, glide path is the creation of a
smooth tunnel starting from the root canal orice
all the way to the apical foramen [2]. Glide path
helps in decreasing stresses, preventing rotary le
separation, and enhancing the performance of NiTi
les in addition to the reduction of the extrusion
of debris during root canal preparation [3].
Preparing a glide path is a crucial step in root
canal instrumentation to avoid procedural errors
during root canal treatment.
For better preservation of the root canal
anatomy, the majority of the NiTi les available
show improved flexibility through the use of
stabilized martensite crystalline arrangement
and various thermal treatments together with a
noncutting tip [4]. Therefore, it can’t be used for
the initial negotiation of the root canal, despite
the le being used in reciprocation or rotational
motion. Therefore, creating a glide path is highly
recommended when using any le system in order
to prevent torsional failure of the shaping le [5].
Traverse le (Kerr, Michigan, USA) is a glide
path le with an advanced technology that helps
creating a more tarped glide path reducing the
stresses upon the shaping les used thereafter.
Traverse file consists of one file that comes
in 21 mm, 25 mm, 31 mm with a 0.06 taper,
and a 0.13 and a 0.18 tip size. Traverse file
possesses a non-cutting tip and a triangular
cross-section. It is claimed to have high torsional
resistance, preserve the canal anatomy, and have
high cutting efciency. Traverse le is used in
continuous rotational motion [6].
WaveOne Gold Glider (WGG) (Dentsply
Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland) is a path file
manufactured using the heat-treated Gold-wire
which has been shown to signicantly improve the
exibility and cyclic fatigue resistance compared to
non-heat-treated les [7]. It shows a progressive
taper over the active portion reducing the taper
lock and screw-in effect. The WGG file has a
parallelogram cross-section with two cutting edges
and a 0.15 mm tip diameter. The WGG shows
a progressive taper ranging from 0.02 to 0.06.
WGG is available in three lengths 21 mm, 25 mm,
and 31 mm, used in reciprocation motion [8].
Traverse le is relatively a novel le, up to
our knowledge no studies have been performed
to assess its effect on apical debris extrusion.
Therefore, the aim of the current study was to
assess the effect of Traverse and WGG les on
the amount of apically extruded debris. The null
hypothesis tested is that there is no statistically
signicant difference between both les in the
amount of apically extruded debris.
Ethical approval
This study was approved by the Institutional
Review Board with approval number IRB/COD/
Sample size calculation
A power analysis was designed to have
adequate power to apply a statistical test of the
null hypothesis that there is no difference would
be found between tested groups. By adopting an
alpha and beta levels of (0.05) (i.e. power=95%),
and an effect size (f) of (0.521) calculated based
on the results of a previous study [9], the predicted
sample size (n) was a total of (60) samples (i.e.
20 samples per group). Sample size calculation
was performed using G*Power version 3.1 [10].
Sample selection
Mandibular premolars with complete root
development, one canal with one apical foramen,
and root canal curvature of less than 5° according
to the Schneider [11] method were selected.
Teeth with previous root canal treatment, apical
foramen diameter larger than #25, external or
internal root resorption, calcied canals, root
caries, and root cracks were excluded.
Samples preparation
Soft and hard deposits attached to the
external root surfaces were gently removed using
a sharp periodontal curette. The teeth were stored
in saline solution. Decoronation was performed
using a diamond disk 19 mm from the root apex
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3769
Almheiri ARSA et al.
Influence of traverse and waveone gold glider glide path files on the amount of apically extruded debris
Almheiri ARSA et al.
Influence of traverse and waveone gold glider glide path files
on the amount of apically extruded debris
in a 90-degree angulation relative to the long
axis of the root creating a relatively standard
root canal length [12]. Working length was then
determined at 0.5 mm short from the apical
foramen using a #10 K-le.
Sample classication
The samples were randomly allocated into
three groups (n=20) using a computer algorithm
(www.random.org) according to the glid path
le used; group A using Traverse, group B using
WGG and group C using K-les.
Apparatus setup and initial weighing
Myers and Montgomery’s [13] model
was followed for the current study (Figure 1).
An Eppendorf tube was marked and weighed
separately for each sample in the study using
an analytical weighing scale with a precision of
g. The average of three subsequent weights
was used to determine and record the mean
weight of each tube.
A total of 60 glass vials with rubber caps
were used to x the sample teeth at the level of
the cementoenamel junction using cyanoacrylate.
Eppendorf tubes were then placed inside the
glass vials. Equalization of the air pressure was
achieved by inserting a needle along the rubber
cap. To eliminate operator bias, all vials were
covered using aluminum foil.
Glide path preparation
Group A: traverse glide path le
A stainless-steel K-file #10 was used to
negotiate the canal to the working length with
increasing amplitudes of 1–3 mm. Traverse le
0.18/06 was used in continuous rotation of
500 rpm and 150 g/cm torque according to the
manufacturer recommendations until the full
working length was achieved. After every 1-2 mm
of apical advancement, the le was removed and
cleaned from debris and reconrmed patency.
Group B: WaveOne gold glider le
A stainless-steel K-file #10 was used to
negotiate the canal to the working length with
increasing amplitudes of 1–3 mm. Glide path
preparation using WGG size 0.15 mm and
0.2 tapers using “WAVE ONE ALL” mode according
to the manufacturer recommendations with gentle
inward pressure. The le was passively progressed
until the full working length was reached.
Group C: stainless steel K-le
The glide path was initially established using
a stainless-steel K-le # 10 until the hand le
was loosely tted in the canal followed by K-le
# 15 and 20. K-le # 20 reaching the working
length was pulled coronoally 4 mm, then pushed
with light nger pressure to the working length
again to conrm a glide path.
Root canal preparation
Single le, Reciproc R40 (40/.06) was used
to prepare all canals in a reciprocating motion
with vertical strokes of 3 mm. After three strokes,
the blades were cleaned with a gauze. Patency
was maintained using K-file #15 file to the
working length. Instrumentation was performed
till the R40 reached the working length easily.
After the preparation, wash with 1 mL of
distilled water was performed for collection of
the adherend AED. Finally, patency was checked
using a #10 K-le after irrigation with distilled
Irrigation protocol
Each canal was irrigated with 10 mL of distilled
water using Navi Tip 29 G irrigation needle (Navi
Tip, Ultradent Products, Utah, USA) 2 mm shorter
than the working length. A nal ush was then
performed with 2 mL of distilled water as well.
Final weighing of eppendorf tubes
After preparation, the Eppendorf tubes
were incubated for 5 days at 70°C to evaporate Figure 1 - Experimental model for AED evaluation.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3769
Almheiri ARSA et al.
Influence of traverse and waveone gold glider glide path files on the amount of apically extruded debris
Almheiri ARSA et al.
Influence of traverse and waveone gold glider glide path files
on the amount of apically extruded debris
water remnants [14]. Weight calculation was
performed by the second author who was blinded
to the group assignment. The mean of three
readings was calculated.
Statistical analysis
Numerical data were represented as mean
and standard deviation (SD) values. Intraclass
correlation coefficient was calculated to test
for intra-rater reliability and yielded a value
of 0.99 which indicates highly correlated
measurements of each sample. Shapiro-Wilk’s
test was used to test for normality. Homogeneity
of variances was tested using Levene’s test. Data
showed parametric distribution and variance
homogeneity, so they were presented as mean
and standard deviation values and were analyzed
using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s
post hoc test. The signicance level was set at
p 0.05 for all tests. Statistical analysis was
performed with R statistical analysis software
version 4.1.2 for Windows.
Mean, standard deviation values, and results
of intergroup comparisons for extruded debris
was presented in Table I and Figure 2.
Results of post hoc pairwise comparisons
showed WGG (0.41±0.25) to have a signicantly
lower value than K-file (0.64±0.16) and
Traverse le (0.59±0.20) (p=0.004 and 0.027),
respectively. However, the difference between
groups Traverse and K-le was not statistically
signicant (p=0.771).
Glide path creation is recommended when
using rotary NiTi le systems [15]. Creating a
patent channel from the coronal access cavity
to the apical terminus will help enhancing the
performance of the rotary NiTi les and reduces
the extrusion of debris.
As preparation of curved root canals shows a
great challenge, straight single-rooted premolars
were preferred in the current study to avoid
cleaning and shaping mishaps and allow for
better standardization [16,17]. Natural teeth
were chosen to better simulate
in vivo
because resin blocks lack natural tooth properties,
such as dentin hardness, canal irregularities, and
natural apical constriction [18].
Myers & Montgomery’s experimental model
was used in the current study [13] despite its
limitations including lack of simulation of the
apical pressure of the periodontium, inability to
standardize the dentin surface hardness and the
very small amount of debris measured [19]. This
technique allows for differentiation between the
extruded debris and the irrigant [20].
Distal water was used as an irrigant for two
reasons; rst to avoid any impurities of different
irrigants which may affect the weight of dry
debris, second is to avoid sodium hypochlorite
crystallization [21,22]. Several factors affect
the amount of apically extruded debris. One of
which is the single versus multi-file shaping.
Tanalp et al. [23] has concluded that single le
systems yield less amount of apically extruded
debris and therefore, Reciproc R40 was used as
a single le for the root canal preparation.
Table I - Mean, standard deviation values, confidence bounds and results of intergroup comparisons for extruded debris
f-value p-value
Traverse WGG K file
6.34 0.003*
Means with different superscript letters within the same horizontal row are significantly different. *significant (p<0.05).
Figure 2 - Bar chart showing mean and standard deviation values
for extruded debris for different glide path files.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3769
Almheiri ARSA et al.
Influence of traverse and waveone gold glider glide path files on the amount of apically extruded debris
Almheiri ARSA et al.
Influence of traverse and waveone gold glider glide path files
on the amount of apically extruded debris
In the present study, all groups showed
AED with a statistical signicance of (p=0.003);
therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected.
K-les produced signicantly more AED than
both rotary glide path les tested. This comes in full
agreement with numerous studies [2,12,24-27]
who concluded that the engine-driven glide path
les yielded less amount of AED than hand-driven
ones. This can be mainly attributed to two main
factors; first is the file’s design features and
second is the kinematics applied [28]. The push-
and-pull action of the hand-driven les will result
in more pressure in the apical direction. Hence,
more AED will form. This push-and-pull action
of the hand-driven les will pack more debris in
the apical third of the root canal [22,29].
WGG showed the minimal amount of AED.
This can be also attributed to the le design and
kinematics applied. WGG shows a progressive
taper and a 0.15 mm tip diameter allowing for
minimal contact with the dentin surface to be
cut, minimizing the screw-in effect. In addition to
the parallelogram-shaped cross-sectional design
that allows for a considerable clearance space.
WGG is a reciprocating le that works with a
150/30 reciprocating angle. This motion allows
for better cutting efciency, less screw-in effect
and more clearance of debris coronally [27,30].
Less AED with reciprocating motion compared
to continuous rotation has been highlighted by
many studies [16,31,32] in agreement with the
current study. This could be attributed to the
enhanced debris extrusion control for reciprocating
kinematics instruments in comparison to rotational
systems due to their balanced force movement,
expelling lower apical pressure. Reciprocating
glide path instruments have higher cutting
efciency, advanced root canal shaping efciency,
and lower apically extruded debris amounts in
comparison to continuous rotation instruments.
Fontana et al. [32] has shown that clockwise-
counterclockwise reciprocating motion allows for
better preparation centralization, thus minimizing
pressure towards the apical direction in comparison
to continuous rotation systems hence lowering
debris extrusion.
Traverse results could not be directly compared
to other studies as none could be identied in the
literature till now evaluating its effect on AED. In this
study, Traverse le resulted in less debris than the
K-les; however, this difference was not statistically
significant, and it was statistically significantly
greater than the WGG. This could be attributed to
the differences in instrument geometric designs and
movement kinematics between systems. Traverses
le shows a triangular cross-sectional design with
sharp cutting angles offering increased cutting
efciency and more AED. Traverse le operates in
continuous rotational motion which will result in
more screw-in effect and less clearance of debris
during cutting.
Based on the results of the current study, it
can be concluded that apical extrusion of debris is
inevitable during root canal cleaning and shaping.
Creation of a glide path using engine-driven les
produce lower amounts of AED than hand-driven
K-type les. Reciprocation motion results in lower
amount of apically extruded debris when compared
to rotational motion. The file design also has a
signicant effect on the amount of debris extruded.
Author’s Contributions
ARSAA: Samples preparation, instrumen-
tation, manuscript preparation. TE: Statistical
analysis, manuscript preparation and revision.
BE: Study design, manuscript preparation and
Conict of Interest
No conicts of interest declared concerning
the publication of this article.
The authors declare that no nancial support
was received.
Regulatory Statement
This study was conducted in accordance with
all the provisions of the local human subjects
oversight committee guidelines and policies of
Gulf Medical University’s Institutional Review
Board. The approval code for this study is: IRB/
COD/ STD/41/Apr-2021.
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Braz Dent Sci 2023 Apr/Jun;26 (2): e3769
Almheiri ARSA et al.
Influence of traverse and waveone gold glider glide path files on the amount of apically extruded debris
Almheiri ARSA et al.
Influence of traverse and waveone gold glider glide path files
on the amount of apically extruded debris
Tarek Elsewify
(Corresponding address)
Gulf Medical University, College of Dentistry, Thumbay Medicity, Ajman, United
Arab Emirates.
Email: tarek_elsewefy@dent.asu.edu.eg
Date submitted: 2023 Jan 06
Accept submission: 2023 Mar 24