Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec;26 (4): e3823
Sacramento LV et al.
Calcifying odontogenic cyst with AO T-like features: a case r eport and literatur e re view
Sacramento LV et al. Calcifying odontogenic cyst with AOT-like features: a case
report and literature review
Ledesma-Montes et al. [6], cases of isolated or
combined COC are indeed associated with low
This study reported a case of COC with
AOT-like features, highlighting the morphological
diversity of odontogenic lesions. These cysts
are uncommon and we believe that each case is
indeed unique and has its particularities, since the
inductive effects between odontogenic epithelium
and ectomesenchyme are complex. In addition, the
multipotentiality of the odontogenic epithelium
favors a diversied potential for differentiation.
Finally, COC with AOT-like features does not
seem to differ about the biological behavior from
that of classical COC when the period of follow-up
of the present case is considered.
We thank the Laboratório de Anatomia
Patológica, Faculdade de Odontologia da UFBA,
Salvador, BA, Brazil, for help with the study.
Author’s Contributions
LVS: Investigation, Data Curation, Writing
– Original Draft Preparation, Writing – Review
& Editing, Visualization. IJVAC: Writing –
Original Draft Preparation, Writing – Review &
Editing, Visualization. LMGF: Conceptualization,
Investigation. BCJ: Conceptualization,
Investigation. JNS: Investigation, Writing –
Review & Editing. ACGH: Conceptualization,
Investigation, Writing – Original Draft Preparation,
Writing – Review & Editing.
Conict of Interest
The authors declare no conict of interest.
Regulatory Statement
A signed consent form was obtained from
the patient to disclose the case.
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