Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3853
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3853
Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study
Efeito de reparação tecidual de uma semana de enxaguante bucal de Aloe Vera: um estudo piloto
Basima Gh. Ali1 , Hadeel Mazin Akram1 , Sarah A. Abed2 , Farah Sabah Rasheed2
1 - University of Baghdad, Collage of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology. Baghdad, Iraq.
2 - Iraqi Ministry of Health. Baghdad, Iraq.
How to cite: Ali BG, Akram HM, Abed SA, Rasheed FS. Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study.
Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(3):e3853. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3853
Aloe Vera, a perennial Liliaceae plant, has medical, cosmetic, and wound-healing properties. Aloe vera has antioxidant,
anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, and regenerative effects. Glucommannan increases collagen synthesis and aids healing after
ginivectomy treatment. Natural mouthwashes may offer gingival wound healing efcacy with reduced side-effects
when compared to Chlorhexidine. Objective: the objective of this clinical study was to compare the effects on wound
healing of a one-week Aloe vera mouthwash with chlorhexidine mouthwash before gingivectomy surgical therapy.
Material and Methods: a total of 45 individuals experiencing inammatory gingival enlargement were included in the
study. They underwent professional mechanical plaque removal and were then randomly divided into three groups.
In group I, comprising 15 patients, participants were advised to utilize 100% Aloe vera juice as a mouthwash twice
daily. Group II, also consisting of 15 patients, was instructed to use Chlorhexidine (0.2%) mouthwash twice daily.
The Control group, which consisted of 15 patients, was recommended to use a placebo mouth rinse in addition to
mechanical plaque removal. During the second visit, which occurred one week after the initial visit, the enlarged gingival
tissue was surgically removed through scalpel gingivectomy. Immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis was performed on
the excised tissue to measure the levels of broblast growth factor-2. Results: when compared to the control group,
Aloe vera showed signicant differences regarding the expression of broblast growth factor-2(FGF-2), and highly signicant
differences in angiogenesis. At the same time, there were substantial differences in angiogenesis with no signicant
differences in the expression of FGF2 between Chlorhexidine and control groups. Conclusion: aloe vera has exhibited
potential wound-healing effects as it signicantly affected the IHC expression of FGF2 and angiogenesis when used
as an adjunct to plaque control before gingivectomy surgical therapy.
Aloe-vera; Fibroblast growth factor-2; Gingival overgrowth; Chlorhexidine; Mouthwash.
Aloe Vera, uma planta perene de Liliaceae, tem propriedades médicas, cosméticas e cicatrizantes. Aloe vera
tem efeitos antioxidantes, anticancerígenos, antidiabéticos e regenerativos. O glucomanano aumenta a síntese
de colágeno e auxilia na cicatrização após o tratamento de gengivectomia. Enxaguatórios bucais naturais
podem oferecer ecácia na reparação de feridas gengivais com efeitos colaterais reduzidos quando comparados
à clorexidina. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo clínico foi comparar os efeitos na cicatrização de feridas de
uma semana de enxaguatório bucal de Aloe vera com clorexidina antes da terapia cirúrgica de gengivectomia.
Material e Métodos: um total de 45 indivíduos com aumento gengival inamatório foram incluídos no estudo.
Eles foram submetidos à remoção mecânica prossional da placa e foram divididos aleatoriamente em três
grupos. No grupo I, composto por 15 pacientes, os participantes foram orientados a utilizar 100% de suco
de Aloe vera como enxaguante bucal duas vezes ao dia. O grupo II, também composto por 15 pacientes, foi
instruído a usar enxaguante bucal com clorexidina (0,2%) duas vezes ao dia. O grupo controle, composto
por 15 pacientes, foi recomendado o uso de enxaguatório bucal placebo além da remoção mecânica da placa.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3853
Ali BG et al.
Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study
Ali BG et al.
Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study
Regardless of gender, age, or ethnicity, over
90% of individuals experience gingivitis caused
by plaque, making it one of the most prevalent
periodontal conditions [1]. Gingivitis is initiated
by the noxious substances resulting from the
deposition of microbial plaque at or close to the
gingival sulcus [2].
Oral hygiene adjuncts, such as mouth rinses,
are commonly utilized as anti-plaque agents [3],
and also act as vehicles to deliver active agents to
the teeth and gingiva [1]. According to a review,
there is strong evidence supporting the effectiveness
of chlorhexidine (CHX) mouthwash in reducing
gingivitis and plaque levels among patients with
mild to moderate disease. However, there is
moderate evidence suggesting that prolonged use
of CHX mouthwash can lead to external staining
of teeth. Furthermore, the prolonged usage of
chlorhexidine (CHX) mouthwash is discouraged
due to several side effects, such as brown staining
of teeth and tongue, altered taste sensation, and
increased calculus formation [4]. Hence, there is
a need to develop natural products and domestic
and economic oral hygiene aid. Aloe vera extract
could be one such plaque control aid [1].
Aloe vera, belonging to the Liliaceae family,
is a cactus-like plant known for its gel-like
mucilaginous tissue. This gel has been traditionally
used as a laxative and for the treatment of various
conditions, including sunburn, wounds, and
digestive tract disorders [5]. Pharmacological
attributes of Aloe vera show that it acts as an
antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antioxidant,
and anti-inammatory [6]. Upon oral or topical
administration, a specic active ingredient found
in Aloe vera stimulates the proliferation and
activity of broblasts. This stimulation, in turn,
affects the composition of collagen, particularly
an increase in type III collagen. Additionally,
there is an enhancement in collagen synthesis and
cross-linking, which contributes to the process of
wound contraction [7]. A study done by Abed and
Al-Hijazi in 2016 used Aloe vera gel in periodontal
defects related to its ability to accelerate wound
healing as it increases syndecan 1 expression in
epithelial cells, precursor progenitor cells and in the
early stage of cell proliferation of the mesenchymal
cell, inammatory cells, and cementoblast [8].
Aloe vera contains approximately 75 potentially
active components, including water, sugars, enzymes,
lignin, vitamins, amino acids, and minerals [9]. One
of these compounds is glucomannan, a growth
hormone and mannose-rich polysaccharide; it
interacts with growth factor receptors on the
fibroblast to activate proliferation and increase
collagen synthesis [10]. Aloe vera may change
collagen composition (increasing type III collagen),
improve collagen cross-linking [11] and increase
the amount of collagen in wounds thereby promote
wound healing [12]. Prior studies on aloe vera gel
have indicated that it has the potential to decrease
skin fragility and enhance skin flexibility [13].
In a study that was done on rats; following oral
and topical treatment with aloe-vera, an increase
in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and dermatan
sulfate in the granulation tissue of a healing wound
has been seen [14].
Growth factors are natural biological
mediators responsible for regulating important
events in the cell, including the tissue-repairing
process by binding to a specic receptor on the
cell’s surface [15].
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are a group
of growth factors known for their involvement
in angiogenesis, wound healing, and embryonic
development. Specically, FGF-2 plays a crucial
role by promoting the proliferation of broblasts
and osteoblasts, as well as enhancing angiogenesis.
Durante a segunda visita, que ocorreu uma semana após a visita inicial, o tecido gengival aumentado foi removido
cirurgicamente por meio de gengivectomia com bisturi. A análise imuno-histoquímica (IHC) foi realizada no tecido
excisado para medir os níveis do fator de crescimento de broblastos-2 (FGF-2). Resultados: quando comparado
ao grupo controle, o Aloe vera apresentou diferenças signicativas em relação à expressão do FGF-2, e diferenças
altamente signicativas na angiogênese. Ao mesmo tempo, houve diferenças substanciais na angiogênese, sem
diferenças signicativas na expressão de FGF-2 entre a clorexidina e os grupos controle. Conclusão: Aloe vera
exibiu potenciais efeitos de cicatrização de feridas, pois afetou signicativamente a expressão IHC de FGF-2 e a
angiogênese quando usada como adjuvante no controle de placa antes da terapia cirúrgica de gengivectomia.
Aloe Vera; Fator 2 de crescimento de broblastos; Crescimento excessivo da gengiva; Clorexidina; Antissépticos Bucais.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3853
Ali BG et al.
Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study
Ali BG et al.
Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study
These activities have a direct association with
the regeneration of periodontal tissues [16].
Some efcacy can be expected from FGF- 2 in
stimulating the regeneration of periodontal tissue
in patients having periodontitis [17].
Only a few studies have been conducted
to assess and compare the effects of Aloe
vera and chlorhexidine on the expression of
broblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) [18,19], so
it was eventually needed to carry out this study
to study and compare the effects on wound
healing between Aloe-vera and chlorhexidine
mouthwashes when used one-week before
Sample/study design
This pilot study adhered to the guidelines
outlined in the 1975 Helsinki Declaration, revised
in 2013, and received approval from the ethical
committee of the University of Baghdad. Prior
to participation, each subject provided informed
consent, acknowledging their understanding
of the study’s objectives and their freedom to
withdraw at any time. The study was conducted at
the teaching hospital of the College of Dentistry,
University of Baghdad, spanning from September
2019 to July 2020.
Inclusion criteria
To be included in the study, patients had to
meet the following criteria:
Being systemically healthy, with an age
range between 15 and 30 years old;
Not having used any medication within the
past three months;
Having inammatory gingival enlargement;
Not having any known allergy to chlorhexidine
or aloe vera.
Exclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria for the study are as
Patients with systemic conditions such as liver
and/or kidney dysfunction, inflammatory
bowel disease (e.g., Crohn’s disease), diabetes
mellitus, a history of organ transplant or cancer
treatment, or cardiovascular disease;
Patients who have undergone extensive
periodontal therapy in the past or are currently
undergoing active periodontal therapy;
Patients who have taken immunosuppressive
drugs or antibiotics within the previous three
Patients who have gingival enlargements not
caused by inammation;
Patients with a known allergy to aloe vera
or chlorhexidine.
Blinding and randomized
For the intervention assignment in this study,
a computer random number generator (such as the
one available in Microsoft Excel) was used. Each
participant had an equal chance of being assigned
to one of the interventions. The study involved three
different compounds: aloe vera juice (test group),
0.2% chlorhexidine (control group), and distilled
water with avors (placebo group).
To ensure blinding and allocation concealment,
an independent dentist who was not involved
in the study assigned sequential number codes
(1, 2, and 3) to identical, opaque bottles containing
the mouthwashes. This process ensured that neither
the examiner nor the participants could identify
the interventions contained in the opaque bottles.
After the study concluded, the decoding of the
interventions took place.
The examiner received the blinded
interventions according to a predetermined
sequence list of interventions identied by numbers.
This methodology ensured a double-blinded trial,
where both the examiner and the participants
were unaware of which interventions were being
administered until the decoding process occurred.
Study sample and grouping
In this study, a total of 45 subjects (13 males,
32 females) with inammatory gingival enlargement
and an age range of 15 to 30 years participated.
During the rst phase of periodontal treatment,
which included motivation, oral hygiene instructions,
scaling, and polishing, the patients underwent
the necessary procedures. Plaque index (PI) and
gingival index (GI) were measured for the patients
to ensure that plaque control was satisfactory to
proceed to the surgical phase. For gingivectomy,
a plaque index of less than 0.5 was deemed
suitable. Afterward, the participants were randomly
assigned one of the mouthwash bottles labeled as
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3853
Ali BG et al.
Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study
Ali BG et al.
Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study
No. 1, No. 2, or No. 3. These 45 participants were
examined and assisted by the same professional
dental examiner who underwent intra and inter
examiner calibrations to ensure taking the right
measurements of the parameters. The assessment
of inter- and intra-examiner calibration for (PI)
and (GI) was conducted by the utilization of the
kappa-coefcient assay. A kappa value of 75%
was established as the threshold for determining
the presence of a satisfactory level of agreement.
The subjects were instructed to rinse their
mouths with the assigned mouthwash for one
minute, twice daily, over a period of seven days.
The participants in the study were divided
into three groups as follows:
Study Group I (Aloe vera group): Consisting of
15 patients who used aloe vera mouthwash.
The mouthwash used in this group was made
of 100% pure aloe vera juice.
The subjects were instructed to rinse their
mouths with 10 ml of it for one minute, twice
daily, over a period of seven days.
Study Group II (CHX group): Comprising
of 15 patients who used chlorhexidine
mouthwash (0.2%) and rinse with 10 ml of
it for 1 minute, twice daily for seven days.
This group served as the positive control.
Control Group: Including 15 patients who used
a mouthwash made of distilled water with
avors. The same instructions were given
to this group too. This group served as the
placebo or negative control in the study.
All the participants were instructed to rinse
after 30 minutes from brushing and to restrain
from eating and drinking for another 30 minutes
after rinsing.
During the second visit, after a period of 7 days,
the gingival tissue of patients who underwent
conventional gingivectomy was carefully excised
using a surgical scalpel. Following the excision,
a periodontal dressing was applied to cover the
surgical area for protection. The excised gingival
tissue was then washed with normal saline to
remove any debris or contaminants. Subsequently,
the tissue samples were xed using a 10% formalin
solution to preserve their structure for subsequent
histological evaluation. In addition to histological
evaluation, immunohistochemical analysis of
the basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) was
performed on the xed gingival tissue samples.
This analysis aimed to study the presence and
distribution of FGF-2 in the excised gingival tissue
Tissue preparation and staining
Sections: From each of these parafn-embedded
tissue blocks; serialized sections of 4μm were
cut as follows:
· Sections were mounted on standard glass
slides, stained with Hematoxylin and
Eosin (H&E), and histopathologically
re-evaluated by an experienced pathologist;
· One section for each case was cut and
mounted on positively charged slides for
Immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining
with broblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2)
polyclonal antibodies;
· For each immunohistochemistry run,
one slide of positive controls (Figure 1)
and one negative control slide were
Histomorphometric analysis
After the tissue sections were prepared
on slides, the following steps were taken for
immunohistochemical analysis:
1. Slide baking: The slides were baked at 60°C
overnight to ensure proper adhesion of the
tissue sections to the slides;
Deparafnization: The slides were deparafnized
by immersing them in three changes of xylene
for 10 minutes each. This step removes the
parafn wax from the tissue sections;
Figure 1 - IHC staining of hepatocellular carcinoma (40X).
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3853
Ali BG et al.
Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study
Ali BG et al.
Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study
3. Hydration: The slides were then hydrated
by sequentially immersing them in a series
of alcohol solutions and distilled water.
Each immersion lasted for 5 minutes. This
process gradually removes the alcohol and
rehydrates the tissue sections;
4. Heat-induced epitope retrieval (HIER): The
tissue sections underwent heat-induced
epitope retrieval by subjecting them to heat at
a temperature of 95-99°C for 20 minutes. This
step helps to unmask the epitopes, making
them more accessible for antibody binding;
5. Cooling: After HIER, the slides were allowed
to cool down at room temperature for a
minimum of 20 minutes;
6. Blocking endogenous peroxidase activity: The
slides were treated with a peroxidase-blocking
reagent for 10 minutes. This step prevents
endogenous peroxidase activity, which can
interfere with the immunohistochemical
7. Washing: The slides were rinsed with a
washing buffer to remove any residual
reagents or debris;
8. Primary antibody incubation: The primary
antibody (or washing buffer for a negative
control) was added to the slides and incubated
for 30 minutes at 37°C. This step allows the
primary antibody to bind to the target antigen
in the tissue sections;
9. Washing: The slides were rinsed again with
the washing buffer to remove unbound
primary antibody;
10. Enhancer treatment: An enhancer solution
was added to the slides and incubated
for 20 minutes. This step enhances the
immunohistochemical staining signal;
11. Washing: The slides were rinsed once more
with the washing buffer;
12. DAB incubation: The prepared DAB
(3,3’-diaminobenzidine) solution, which
produces a brown color when reacting with the
peroxidase enzyme, was added to the slides
and incubated for 10 minutes;
13. Washing: The slides were rinsed again with
the washing buffer to remove excess DAB;
Counterstaining: The slides were counterstained
with hematoxylin for 10 seconds. Hematoxylin
imparts a blue color to the cell nuclei;
15. Washing: The slides were rinsed with tap
water to remove excess counterstain;
16. Dehydration: The slides were dehydrated
by immersing them in a series of alcohol
solutions and two changes of xylene. This step
removes water and ensures proper mounting;
17. Mounting: The nal step involved mounting
the slides with DPX, a mounting medium,
and covering them with coverslips. DPX
helps to preserve the stained tissue sections
and provides optical clarity.
Once the mounting is complete, the slides
are ready for examination under a microscope.
Immunohistochemical signal specicity was
demonstrated by the absence of immunostaining
in the negative control slides and its presence in
recommending positive controls. For FGF-2, cells
with clear brown cytoplasmic staining patterns
were considered positive. The extent of staining
was scored using the following scale:
Score 0 = 0-10% of cells (negative),
Score I = staining 10-25% of cells (weak positive),
Score II = staining 25-50% of cells (moderate
positive), and Score III = staining up to 50% of
cells (strong positive) [20].
Also, the number of newly formed blood
vessels (angiogenesis) was calculated and
compared between the groups [21].
Statistical analysis: the statistical analysis
was done by SPSS by the use of Descriptive and
inferential statistic and Multiple Mann-Whitney U
test (Bonferroni method) with the P value <0.05.
Tables I and II show descriptive and statistical
analysis of matrix FGF2 at the second visit. The
median in Aloe-vera and CHX groups was 2,
whereas, in the control group, it was 1, with
signicant differences among groups as the p-value
(0.021). The intergroup comparison in matrix
FGF2 at second visits shows a signicant difference
between Aloe-vera and control groups. At the same
time, there was no signicant difference between
CHX and control groups and between CHX and
Aloe-vera groups (Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7).
Regarding the angiogenesis; The Aloe-vera
group had the highest median value of angiogenesis
at 24, followed by the CHX group with a median of 22.
The control group had the lowest mean value of
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3853
Ali BG et al.
Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study
Ali BG et al.
Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study
angiogenesis at 15 indicating less angiogenesis
compared to the other two groups (Table III).
When comparing the angiogenesis levels between
the groups at the second visits, there was a highly
signicant difference between the Aloe-vera group
and the control group. There was also a signicant
difference observed between the CHX group
and the control group. However, no significant
difference was found between the CHX group and
the Aloe-vera group (Table IV).
These ndings are summarized in Table III.
Additionally, Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 may provide
visual representations of the data or further analysis
related to angiogenesis in the different groups.
Table I - Descriptive and inferential statistic of matrix FGF2 at 2nd visit for all groups
Statistics Control CHX Aloe-vera
N 15 15 15
Minimum 1.000 1.000 1.000
Maximum 3.000 3.000 3.000
Median 1 2 2
Mean rank 16.96 21.30 28.87
Chi-square 7.714
df 2
P-value 0.021(Sig.)
Sig. = Significant at P<0.05; df = degree of freedom.
Table II - Multiple Comparisons of Matrix FGF2 at the second visit
(I) Groups (J) Groups
Multiple Mann-Whitney U test (Bonferroni method)
Z Sig.
Control CHX -0.996 0.957 NS
Aloe-vera 2.734 0.018 Sig.
CHX Aloe-vera 1.769 0.231 NS
Sig. = Significant at P<0.05; NS = Non-significant; Z: z-score
Table III - Descriptive and inferential statistic angiogenesis at 2nd visit for all groups
Statistics Control CHX Aloe-vera
N 15 15 15
Minimum 7.000 11.000 18.000
Maximum 30.000 36.000 37.000
Median 15 22 24
Mean rank 13.39 24.83 28.67
Chi-square 11.034
df 2
P-value 0.004 (HS)
HS = High Significant at P<0.01; df = degree of freedom.
Table IV - Multiple Comparisons of angiogenesis at the 2nd visit
(I) Groups (J) Groups
Multiple Mann-Whitney U test (Bonferroni method) Descriptive and inferential statistic
Z Sig.
Control CHX 2.402 0.048 Sig.
Aloe-vera 3.206 0.003 HS
CHX Aloe-vera 0.819 1.00 NS
HS = High Significant at P<0.01; Sig. = Significant at P<0.05; NS = Non-significant. EZ = t/√N, 0.2 = small, 0.5 medium, 0.8 Large; Z: z-score.
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Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study
Ali BG et al.
Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study
Figure 2 - IHC staining for Aloe-vera case (20X).
Figure 3 - IHC staining for Aloe-vera case (40X).
Figure 4 - IHC staining for CHX case (20X).
Figure 5 - IHC staining for CHX case (40X).
Figure 6 - IHC staining for control case (20X).
Figure 7 - IHC staining for control case (40X).
The findings of this study suggest that
the wound-healing capacity of Aloe vera may
contribute to these observed differences. Aloe
vera has been studied for its wound healing
properties in various research studies. For
example, Davis et al. [22] conducted a study that
highlighted the wound-healing ability of Aloe
vera. Aloe-vera was found to increase oxygenation
by promoting angiogenesis, which is the growth
of new blood vessels. This increased blood ow to
the wound, leading to improved oxygen supply.
The study utilized a rat model and demonstrated
that Aloe vera accelerated wound closure and
enhanced the tensile strength of the wounds.
Overall, the signicant differences observed
in the study’s results between the Aloe-vera
group and the control group, as well as the
observed angiogenesis, may be attributed to the
wound-healing properties of Aloe vera [22].
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Ali BG et al.
Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study
Ali BG et al.
Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study
In vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated
the positive effects of Aloe vera extract on broblast
proliferation. Glucomannan, an active ingredient
found in Aloe vera, has been shown to promote
increased collagen synthesis by interacting with the
broblast growth factor receptor (FGFR), thereby
stimulating broblast activity. A study conducted by
Zhi et al. [23] investigated the effects of glucomannan
extract derived from Aloe vera on fibroblast
proliferation and migration. The results of the study
revealed that glucomannan extract increased the
proliferation and migration of broblasts, which are
critical cells involved in the process of wound healing.
Based on their ndings, the authors suggested that
glucomannan may hold promise as a potential
wound healing agent due to its ability to enhance
broblast activity. These studies support the notion
that Aloe vera, specifically its active component
glucomannan, can positively inuence broblast
function and collagen synthesis, which are essential
processes for effective wound healing [23]. Aloe
vera gel polysaccharide acemannan has also been
shown to have a signicant role in wound healing.
Acemannan activates macrophage proliferation,
which is important for the body’s immune response
to injury. In a rodent model, the authors of the
study discovered that acemannan promoted wound
healing; these findings suggest that acemannan
could be used as a potential healing agent [24].
In a study conducted by Sargowo et al. [25], the
researchers investigated the effects of Aloe vera
gel on angiogenesis in diabetic patients. The study
revealed that Aloe vera gel played a signicant role
in promoting angiogenesis. Specically, it enhanced
the activity of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs),
reduced the levels of circulating endothelial cells
(CECs), and increased the expression of vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and endothelial
nitric oxide synthesis (eNOS). The findings of
the study suggested that Aloe vera gel has the
potential to improve wound healing in diabetic
patients by stimulating angiogenesis. Angiogenesis,
the formation of new blood vessels, is crucial for
delivering oxygen and nutrients to the wound
site, as well as for removing waste products. By
promoting angiogenesis and increasing blood
flow to the wound, Aloe vera gel may facilitate
the healing process in individuals with diabetes.
These results support the use of Aloe vera gel as a
potential therapeutic option for enhancing wound
healing in diabetic patients, due to its ability to
promote angiogenesis and improve blood circulation
to the wound area [25].
For future studies, we suggest doing mechanistic
studies to investigate the underlying mechanisms
by which Aloe-vera affects FGF-2 expression and
angiogenesis. This could involve in vitro studies using
cell culture models or animal studies to explore the
molecular pathways involved in the wound healing
properties of Aloe vera.
Regarding the limitation of this study, this
study had a relatively small sample size, which
may limit the generalizability of the ndings and
also the study has a short duration of intervention.
Longer intervention periods could provide a more
comprehensive understanding of the sustained
effects of Aloe-vera.
Aloe vera significantly has affected the
immunohistochemical expression of FGF2 and
angiogenesis in gingival tissue, which may
explained the wound healing effects of Aloe
vera. It can be used as might be considered a
potential alternative to Chlorhexidine, especially
in low socio-economic status populations. Further
randomized controlled studies are necessary to
investigate these ndings.
Author’s Contributions
BGA: Review & Editing, Supervision, Methodology.
HMA: Review & Editing, Software, Writing. SAA:
Conceptualization, Formal Analysis, Investigation,
Resources, Data Curation, Writing – Original Draft
Preparation, Writing – Review & Editing. FSR:
Visualization, Supervision, Project Administration.
Conict of Interest
There is no interest of coniction.
This study is self-funded.
Regulatory Statement
We certify that this study involving human
subjects is by the Helsinki declaration of 1975, as
revised in 2013 and that the relevant institutional
ethics committee has approved it. The protocol
number is 41 in 5-3-2019.
This clinical trial emphasizes on the wound
healing effects of Aloe vera on gingival tissue so; it might
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept;26 (3): e3853
Ali BG et al.
Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study
Ali BG et al.
Wound healing effect of a one-week Aloe Vera mouthwash: a pilot study
be considered a potential alternative to Chlorhexidine
(CHX); and an alternative to CHX as an adjunct to
mechanical plaque control before gingivectomy,
especially in low socio-economic status population.
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Hadeel Mazin Akram
(Corresponding address)
University of Baghdad, Collage of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology,
Baghdad, Iraq.
Email: Hadeel.mazin@codental.uobaghdad.edu.iq
Date submitted: 2023 Apr 05
Accept submission: 2023 Aug 17