Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3988
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept; 26 (3): e3988
Scientific writing with artificial intelligence: key considerations and alerts
Escrita científica com inteligência artificial: principais considerações e alertas
How to cite: Fardim KAC, Gonçalves SEP, Tribst JPM. Scientic writing with articial intelligence: key considerations and alerts. Braz Dent Sci.
2023;26(3):e3988. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e3988
The integration of articial intelligence (AI) text generators in scientic reports demands careful evaluation
of specic ethical considerations. While these AI technologies offer text generation support, addressing the
ethical implications is vital. This editorial highlights the need for a thoughtful and responsible approach,
emphasizing the establishment of guidelines and best practices by researchers and scientic communities.
Collaborative efforts between AI developers, researchers, and ethical committees can ensure the seamless
integration of AI technologies while upholding the integrity, quality, and ethical standards of scientic
reporting. This text comprehensively summarizes the key considerations to be followed when utilizing
articial intelligence text generators in scientic reports.
Articial intelligence; Dental society; Ethics; Forecasting; Scientic society.
A integração de geradores de texto de inteligência articial (IA) em relatórios cientícos exige uma
avaliação cuidadosa de considerações éticas especícas. Embora essas tecnologias de IA ofereçam
suporte à geração de texto, abordar as implicações éticas é fundamental. Este editorial destaca a
necessidade de uma abordagem ponderada e responsável, enfatizando o estabelecimento de diretrizes
e melhores práticas por parte de pesquisadores e comunidades cientícas. Esforços colaborativos
entre desenvolvedores de IA, pesquisadores e comitês éticos podem garantir a integração perfeita
das tecnologias de IA, ao mesmo tempo em que mantêm a integridade, qualidade e padrões éticos
da divulgação cientíca. Este texto oferece um resumo abrangente considerações-chave ao se utilizar
geradores de texto de inteligência articial em relatórios cientícos.
Inteligência articial; Sociedade odontológica; Ética; Previsão; Sociedade cientíca.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept; 26 (3): e3988
Fardim KAC et al.
Scientific writing with artificial intelligence: key considerations and alerts
Fardim KAC et al. Scientific writing with artificial intelligence:
key considerations and alerts
Overcoming barriers and pushing beyond
a beautiful smile, modern dentistry subtly
consolidates itself, conquering millimeter by
millimeter new advances on the threshold of
knowledge. In this constant search for professional
assertiveness and patient well-being, performance
in diagnosis, treatment planning, improvement
of materials, harmonization, and execution of
techniques are the agships of studies in various
specialties [1-3]. Recent research explores
promising techniques, and thus, primordial
dentistry establishes its foundations in the “gold
standard” and underpins the steps of progress
in modern/contemporary dentistry, which now
goes hand in hand and is already awakening
with Articial Intelligence (AI) [4]. What once
seemed distant to us is now perceived as part
of our routine: Speech recognition and natural
language processing voice assistants provide
personalized and sometimes humorous responses
to our inquiries. They are capable of performing
daily tasks and controlling other smart devices.
Internet browsing behavior suggests products,
websites, and images based on previous searches,
feeding into this “intelligence”. Trafc control
systems optimize vehicle ow and safety, facial
recognition aids in identication, and big data
analysis targets patterns and trends, adding
significant value to areas such as marketing,
nance, arts (Figure 1), and scientic research.
AI silently permeates our daily lives.
Speaking of scientific research and the
promising capabilities of numerous AI tools,
we now turn to the production or renement
of scientic writing. While AI appears to assist
in the development of laboratory research, its
use for improving and perhaps even guiding
scientic language is a subject of interest [5].
Researchers and authors continue to play a
crucial role since no groundbreaking idea can
be developed without skillful and meticulous
hands and thoughtful minds. Creating a paper
using AI may seem akin to plagiarism, as it
relies on existing knowledge [6]. Therefore,
we acknowledge the merit of AI in language
corrections and improvements, which could
potentially minimize the “Tower of Babel” effect
between countries. However, it is essential to
emphasize that AI is powered by brilliant minds
who have worked naturally, posing questions
and searching for answers the “old way.” The
human mind is necessary for creative and
ethical thinking, while AI currently acts as a
helpful tool rather than a threat. It relies on
properly trained and qualied individuals to
function effectively.
To provide valuable insights, this editorial
presents a summary of ethical considerations
within the dental field that can also apply to
health sciences. The following six topics are
described in detail below:
1. Accuracy and Reliability: One primary concern
is ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the
AI-generated text. Dentistry involves critical
decision-making processes that directly
impact patients’ oral health. Any inaccuracies
or errors in the AI-generated text could lead
to incorrect diagnoses, treatment plans, or
advice, potentially causing harm to patients.
2. Accountability and Responsibility: As AI
systems are developed and trained by
human creators, the issue of accountability
and responsibility comes into play. It is
essential to establish clear guidelines and
regulations to determine who is responsible
for the actions and decisions made based
on AI-generated text in dentistry. This
includes determining liability in case of any
negative consequences resulting from the
AI’s recommendations.
Figure 1 - AI-generated image using the input “open access science,
digital art”
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept; 26 (3): e3988
Fardim KAC et al.
Scientific writing with artificial intelligence: key considerations and alerts
Fardim KAC et al. Scientific writing with artificial intelligence:
key considerations and alerts
3. Informed Consent and Transparency: Dentists
have an ethical obligation to provide patients
with accurate and comprehensible information
about their oral health and treatment options.
With AI-generated text, it becomes crucial to
ensure that patients are fully informed about
the use of AI in their diagnosis or treatment.
Dentists should communicate the limitations,
potential biases, and uncertainties associated
with AI-generated text to obtain informed
consent from patients.
Data Privacy and Security: AI systems rely
heavily on vast amounts of data to train and
improve their performance. Dentistry involves
handling sensitive patient information, such as
medical records, X-rays, and personal details.
It is imperative to protect patient privacy and
ensure that AI-generated text is developed
and used in compliance with data protection
regulations. Safeguards should be in place to
prevent unauthorized access, use, or misuse of
patient data.
5. Equity and Bias: AI systems are susceptible to
biases present in the data they are trained on,
potentially resulting in unequal treatment or
disparities in dental care. To avoid perpetuating
existing biases, it is essential to address data
biases during the development and training of
AI systems. Efforts should be made to ensure
that the AI-generated text is fair, unbiased, and
equitable, providing equal and appropriate
care to all patients, irrespective of their
demographic characteristics.
Professional Autonomy and Human Judgment:
AI-generated text should be viewed as a tool to
augment human decision-making rather than
replacing it entirely. Dentists must retain their
professional autonomy and use AI-generated text
as an aid in their clinical practice, considering
it alongside their expertise and patient-specic
factors. Human judgment, empathy, and
intuition should continue to play a central role
in dentistry, ensuring the holistic care of patients.
Addressing these ethical considerations
requires a multidisciplinary approach involving
dental professionals, AI developers, regulatory
councils, and ethicists. It is essential to establish
clear guidelines, standards, and regulations to
govern the development, implementation, and
use of AI-generated text in dentistry, with the
primary aim of promoting patient well-being,
safety, and ethical practice.
Checking something twice is often done
to ensure accuracy, avoid errors, or maintain
quality. In the AI scenario the terms “garbage in,
garbage out” (GIGO) refer to the concept that
the quality of output or results from a system is
directly dependent on the quality of the input or
data provided to it [7]. It suggests that if you feed
a system with faulty, inaccurate, or low-quality
data, the output or results produced by the system
will also be awed, inaccurate, or of low quality.
“GIGO” highlights the importance of
ensuring high-quality input data and the careful
validation and preprocessing of data before using
it to make clinical decisions or use it in a scientic
manuscript. It serves as a reminder that even the
most advanced algorithms or technologies can
only work with the information provided to them
and are not capable of compensating for poor-
quality or awed data. Consequently, by ensuring
that high-quality data is fed into a system, we
increase the likelihood of obtaining meaningful
and trustworthy results [7,8].
Without checking the AI-provided information,
and trying to boost productivity without ethics,
authors can cite non-existing references and
made-up data from unreliable sources as noticed in
a retracted preprint article that contained several
fake references [9].
Understanding each AI tool and its applicability
can make its incorporation into daily life easier
and more useful. The language models generate
responses based on patterns and information
present in the training data it has been exposed
to, including information about the dental
eld [10]. In its current status, it does not have
real-time access to the internet and cannot
retrieve or verify the latest information [11]. The
model’s responses are based on statistical patterns
rather than a deep understanding of specic facts
or real-time events and therefore may produce
inaccurate information about people, places,
facts, or even references from the article.
When using AI-generated text in scientic
reports, it is important to follow certain guidelines
to ensure responsible and ethical usage. Here are
some key guidelines to consider:
Braz Dent Sci 2023 July/Sept; 26 (3): e3988
Fardim KAC et al.
Scientific writing with artificial intelligence: key considerations and alerts
Fardim KAC et al. Scientific writing with artificial intelligence:
key considerations and alerts
Transparency and disclosure: Indicate when
AI-generated text has been used in the
report. Provide information about the specic
AI models, algorithms, or tools employed, as
well as the training data sources. Transpar-
ency helps readers understand the potential
limitations, biases, and uncertainties associ-
ated with AI-generated text.
Verication and validation: Validate the accu-
racy, reliability, and relevance of AI-generated
text before incorporating it into scientific
reports. Cross-check the generated content
against trusted sources, conduct additional
research or experiments to conrm ndings,
and critically evaluate the outputs to ensure
they align with scientic rigor. Open-access sci-
ence can play an important role in this regard
Contextualization and interpretation: Provide
proper context and interpretation for AI-
generated text. Clearly distinguish between
human-authored content and AI-generated
content. Explain the purpose and limitations
of AI-generated text, and offer critical analysis
and interpretation to complement the gener-
ated results.
Collaboration between AI and human research-
ers: Recognize that AI is a tool that can assist
in scientic research but should not replace
human expertise. Foster a multidisciplinary
approach where researchers with domain
knowledge work alongside AI systems, com-
bining their respective strengths for more
robust scientific reports. Using AI to help
write a scientic article is not equivalent to
co-authorship. AI lacks the ability to contribute
original ideas, understand context, make ethi-
cal decisions, or participate in rigorous critical
review. It can only be considered a helpful
tool, but not a co-author. Mentioning AI as
a tool is acceptable, but it cannot be granted
co-author status [12].
5. Ethical considerations: Be mindful of the
ethical considerations surrounding AI-gener-
ated text, as discussed earlier. Address issues
such as bias, misinformation, intellectual
property, privacy, and accountability. Take
steps to mitigate biases, ensure accuracy,
protect privacy, and properly attribute
Peer review and validation: Submit AI-gener-
ated text within scientic reports to rigorous
peer review. Independent experts can assess
the scientic validity, ethical implications,
and appropriateness of using AI-generated
text. Peer review helps maintain the quality
and integrity of scientic reports and pro-
vides additional scrutiny for AI-generated
7. Compliance with publishing guidelines: Fol-
low the publishing guidelines of the target
scientic journals or venues when including
AI-generated text. Ensure compliance with
citation standards, disclosure requirements,
and any specic guidelines related to the use
of AI or machine-generated content.
Ongoing monitoring and improvement:
Continuously monitor and evaluate the per-
formance and impact of AI-generated text.
Identify and address potential biases, inaccu-
racies, or unintended consequences that may
arise. Regularly update and rene AI models,
algorithms, and training data to improve the
quality and reliability of the generated text.
By adhering to these guidelines, researchers
can incorporate AI-generated text responsibly
into scientic reports while upholding scientic
integrity, transparency, and ethical principles.
The authors would like to acknowledge the
utilization of ChatGPT, an AI language model
developed by OpenAI, that provided initial
drafts and suggestions, which were subsequently
revised and improved by the authors. The English
language correctness and overall coherence of
the text were veried through the collaboration
between the authors.
The figure presented in this editorial was
generated using DALL-E, an AI model developed
by OpenAI that specializes in creating images
from textual descriptions. DALL-E utilizes a
combination of deep learning and generative
modeling techniques to produce unique and novel
visual representations based on the input provided.
Author’s Contributions
KACF: Conceptualization, Writing, Original
Draft Preparation, Review & Editing. SEPG:
Original Draft Preparation, Writing, Review &