Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
SYSTEMATIC REVIEW DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e4065
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e4065
Morphological alterations of the apical foramen after foraminal enlargement:
a systematic review of
ex vivo
Alterações morfológicas do forame apical após ampliação foraminal: uma revisão sistemática de estudos
ex vivo
Isabella Figueiredo Assis MACEDO1 , Alexandre Henrique dos REIS-PRADO1 , Gabriela da Costa FERREIRA1 ,
Gustavo Oliveira CAMPOS1 , Isabella da Costa FERREIRA1 , Francine BENETTI1 , Isabella Faria da Cunha PEIXOTO1 ,
Warley Luciano Fonseca TAVARES1 , Ana Cecília Diniz VIANA1
1 - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Faculdade de Odontologia, Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.
How to cite: Macedo IFA, Reis-Prado AH, Ferreira GC, Campos GO, Ferreira IC, Benetti F, et al. Morphological alterations of the apical foramen
after foraminal enlargement: a systematic review of
ex vivo
studies. Braz Dent Sci. 2023;26(4):e4065. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2023.e4065
Foraminal enlargement has been recommended to optimize the disinfection of infected root canals, although some authors
still claim that the foramen should be kept in its original shape and position. This study aimed to evaluate morphological
alterations of apical foramen after foraminal enlargement through a systematic review. An electronic search was conducted
until April 2022. E
x vivo
studies evaluating inuence of foraminal enlargement in the morphologic changes of apical foramen
were included. Studies without a control group or available full text were excluded. Foraminal deformation and area increase
were considered as primary outcomes. Risk-of-bias assessment was performed according to a modied Joanna Briggs
Institute’s Checklist. From 702 studies retrieved, ve were eligible. Most studies used single-rooted teeth, and rotary systems
for instrumentation ranging from – 2 mm to + 1 mm to the apex. All studies found increased major foramen deformation
after foraminal enlargement. Among four studies that evaluated foraminal area, all found increased area after foraminal
enlargement. Insufcient data for touched/untouched walls by instruments and dentinal microcrack formation was observed.
A low risk of bias was found. Foraminal enlargement during root canal preparation seems to increase deformation and major
apical foramen area. Future investigations with standardized methodologies are encouraged.
Apical foramen; Endodontics; Root canal preparation; Root canal therapy; Tooth apex.
A ampliação foraminal tem sido recomendada para otimizar a desinfecção de canais radiculares infectados, embora
alguns autores ainda armem que o forame deve ser mantido em sua forma e posição originais. Este estudo teve como
objetivo avaliar alterações morfológicas do forame apical após ampliação foraminal por meio de uma revisão sistemática.
Uma busca eletrônica foi realizada até abril de 2022. Foram incluídos estudos
ex vivo
que avaliaram a inuência da
ampliação foraminal nas alterações morfológicas do forame apical. Foram excluídos estudos sem grupo controle ou com
texto completo indisponível. A deformação foraminal e o aumento da área foram considerados desfechos primários.
A avaliação do risco de viés foi realizada de acordo com uma lista de vericação modicada do Instituto Joanna Briggs.
Dos 702 registros recuperados, cinco foram elegíveis. A maioria dos estudos utilizou dentes unirradiculares e sistemas
rotatórios para instrumentação, com comprimento de trabalho variando de – 2 mm a + 1 mm até o ápice. Todos os
estudos encontraram aumento da deformação do forame maior após ampliação foraminal. Dos quatro estudos que
avaliaram a área foraminal, todos encontraram aumento de área após alargamento foraminal. Foram observados dados
insucientes para paredes tocadas/intocadas pelos instrumentos e formação de microssuras dentinárias. Um baixo risco
de viés foi encontrado. A ampliação foraminal durante o preparo do canal radicular parece aumentar a deformação e a
área do forame apical. Futuras investigações com metodologias padronizadas são incentivadas.
Ápice dentário; Endodontia; Preparo de canal radicular; Tratamento do canal radicular; Forame apical.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e4065
Macedo IFA et al.
Morphological alterations of the apical foramen after foraminal enlargement: a systematic review of ex vivo studies
Macedo IFA et al. Morphological alterations of the apical foramen after foraminal
enlargement: a systematic review of ex vivo studies
Chemical-mechanical preparation is an
important step in endodontic treatment, which aims
to eliminate microorganisms and their products from
the root canal system in order to promote repair of
periradicular tissues. In addition, this procedure
aims at removing necrotic pulp tissue that can serve
as a substrate for reinfection [1-3]. To achieve an
effective chemical-mechanical preparation of the
root canal system, the determination of an adequate
working length (WL) is essential. Instrumentation
below the appropriate WL can leave remnants
of necrotic tissue [2,4], in which can maintain
endodontic infection. Conversely, instrumentation
beyond the apical foramen might exacerbate
the inflammatory response in the periodontal
tissue [5-7] and result in apical extrusion of debris
and lling materials [8].
Traditionally, it was recommended that root
canal instrumentation should be restricted to the
interior of the dentinal canal. In practice, a WL
of 0.5 mm to 1 mm short of the radiographic
apex is considered acceptable, although it might
be not possible to exactly determine the location
of the cementum-dentin junction [9]. While
some authors suggest that the penetration of
an endodontic instrument through the apical
foramen is necessary for an adequate root canal
cleaning due to the presence of necrotic tissue
occupying the apical portion [10-12], other point
out the importance of avoiding the excessive
removal of apical dentin and cementum [6,13].
Hence, a consensus among studies regarding the
most ideal WL has not been reached yet [6,9,14].
Additionally, assessment of the most
appropriate apical foramen enlargement should
be considered, to enhance root canals cleaning and
disinfection, minimizing concerns associated with
this procedure, such as foramen deviation [15,16],
dentinal microcracks [15,17], extrusion of
microorganisms beyond the apex [18] and lling
materials [8]. According to some studies [16,19]
foraminal enlargement can be conducted by
expanding the foramen at least three diameters
(of the ISO standard for endodontic instruments)
larger than the initial apical le (IAF) (rst le
that binds canal walls in the WL), even although
the actual canal diameter determination, by
the IAF, is imprecise [20]. However, there is no
well-dened protocol for performing foraminal
enlargement in the literature, neither in relation
to how much to expand, nor to the ideal WL.
At this point, it’s important to distinguish
between apical patency and foraminal enlargement.
Apical patency maintains access to the apical
foramen using a smaller instrument [14], while
foraminal enlargement, focus of our study, cleans
and disinfects the foraminal region for optimal
healing [11,12]. The objective of the present study
was to evaluate, through a systematic review, if the
foraminal enlargement increases morphological
alterations of the apical foramen, through the
assessment of
ex vivo
The present systematic review was reported
according to the Preferred Reporting Items for
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
checklist [21]. A research protocol was registered
in the Open Science Framework (OSF) register
Eligibility criteria
The inclusion criteria were: (1) studies
that evaluated morphological alterations of
the foramen using WL at the major foramen,
and (2) studies that evaluated morphological
alterations of the foramen using WL beyond
the foramen. Exclusion criteria were as follows:
(1) studies without a comparison group with
WL short of the foramen; (2) case report
studies; (3) studies for which the full text was
unavailable; (4) studies that assessed only the
secondary outcomes. There were no restrictions
on the language and date of publication.
The population, intervention, comparison,
outcome, and study design (PICOS) format
was used to address the following research
question: “Does foraminal enlargement inuence
morphologic changes of the apical foramen?”
The study population was extracted human
teeth submitted to root canal preparation.
The intervention explored was root canal
preparation with foraminal enlargement; the
comparison used was root canal preparation
without foraminal enlargement, when WL was
set short of the foramen. The primary outcomes
evaluated were the deformation and area of
the apical foramen. Secondary outcomes were
touched or untouched areas by the instruments
and dentinal microcrack formation. The eligible
study design was
ex vivo
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e4065
Macedo IFA et al.
Morphological alterations of the apical foramen after foraminal enlargement: a systematic review of ex vivo studies
Macedo IFA et al. Morphological alterations of the apical foramen after foraminal
enlargement: a systematic review of ex vivo studies
Search strategy and sources of information
Electronic searches were conducted in
PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science,
SciELO, Embase and Cochrane Library databases
up to April 2022. Grey literature was consulted
through Google Scholar, and manual searches
were carried out in the reference list of the eligible
articles. The search strategy used a combination of
keywords and Medical Subject Heading (MeSH)
terms associated with the Boolean operators ‘AND’
and ‘OR’ as shown in Table I.
Study selection
Study selection was carried out independently
by two reviewers (I.F.A.M. and G.C.F.), in a
two-step process. Duplicates were identied and
removed using Mendeley Desktop software (version
1.19.8, Elsevier Inc. New York, US). In step 1, the
reviewers appraised titles and abstracts of the
records retrieved from the searches. In step 2, a
full-text assessment of the remaining studies was
performed by the authors. Studies complied with
the eligibility criteria were included in this review.
Table I - Search strategy used for the electronic databases
Medline through PubMed
(“apical enlargement”[All Fields] OR “apical preparation”[All Fields] OR “apical expansion”[All Fields] OR
“apical widening”[All Fields] OR “apical debridement”[All Fields] OR “foraminal enlargement”[All Fields] OR
“foraminal expansion”[All Fields] OR “foraminal widening”[All Fields] OR “foraminal debridement”[All Fields])
AND (“endodontal”[All Fields] OR “endodontic”[All Fields] OR “endodontical”[All Fields] OR “endodontically”
[All Fields] OR “endodontics”[MeSH Terms] OR “endodontics”[All Fields] OR (“instrumentation”[MeSH
Subheading] OR “instrumentation”[All Fields] OR “instrumentation s”[All Fields] OR “instrumentational”
[All Fields] OR “instrumentations”[All Fields] OR “instrumention”[All Fields]) OR “root canal instrumentation”
[All Fields] OR “root canal preparation”[All Fields] OR “root canal therapy”[All Fields] OR “root canal
treatment”[All Fields]) AND (“morpholog*”[All Fields] OR “geometr*”[All Fields] OR (“alter”[All Fields] OR
“alterated”[All Fields] OR “alteration”[All Fields] OR “alterations”[All Fields] OR “altered”[All Fields] OR
“altering”[All Fields] OR “alters”[All Fields]) OR (“change”[All Fields] OR “changed”[All Fields] OR “changes
[All Fields] OR “changing”[All Fields] OR “changings”[All Fields]) OR “apical transportation”[All Fields] OR
(“abnormalities”[MeSH Subheading] OR “abnormalities”[All Fields] OR “deformities”[All Fields] OR “congenital
abnormalities”[MeSH Terms] OR (“congenital”[All Fields] AND “abnormalities”[All Fields]) OR “congenital
abnormalities”[All Fields] OR “deformity”[All Fields] OR “deform”[All Fields] OR “deformabilities”[All Fields] OR
deformability”[All Fields] OR “deformable”[All Fields] OR “deformably”[All Fields] OR “deformation”[All Fields]
OR “deformational”[All Fields] OR “deformations”[All Fields] OR “deformative”[All Fields] OR “deformed”[All
Fields] OR “deforming”[All Fields] OR “deforms”[All Fields]) OR “apical displacement”[All Fields] OR (“crack
cocaine”[MeSH Terms] OR (“crack”[All Fields] AND “cocaine”[All Fields]) OR “crack cocaine”[All Fields] OR
crack”[All Fields] OR “crack s”[All Fields] OR “cracked”[All Fields] OR “cracking”[All Fields] OR “crackings
[All Fields] OR “cracks”[All Fields]) OR “micro*”[All Fields] OR (“struct equ modeling”[Journal] OR “scan electron
microsc”[Journal] OR “sem”[All Fields]))
TITLE-ABS-KEY ((“apical enlargement” OR “apical preparation” OR “apical expansion” OR “apical widening”
OR “apical debridement” OR “foraminal enlargement” OR “foraminal expansion” OR “foraminal widening” OR
“foraminal debridement”) AND (endodontic OR instrumentation OR “root canal instrumentation” OR “root canal
preparation” OR “root canal therapy” OR “root canal treatment”) AND (morpholog* OR geometr* OR alteration
OR change OR “apical transportation” OR deformation OR “apical displacement” OR crack OR micro* OR sem))
(“apical enlargement” OR “apical preparation” OR “apical expansion” OR “apical widening” OR “apical
debridement” OR “foraminal enlargement” OR “foraminal expansion” OR ” foraminal widening” OR “foraminal
debridement”) AND (endodontic OR instrumentation OR “root canal instrumentation” OR “root canal
preparation” OR “root canal therapy” OR “root canal treatment”) AND (morpholog* OR geometr* OR alteration
OR change OR “apical transportation” OR deformation OR “apical displacement” OR crack OR micro* OR SEM)
in Title Abstract Keyword
Web of Science
(“apical enlargement” OR “apical preparation” OR “apical expansion” OR “apical widening” OR
“apical debridement” OR “foraminal enlargement” OR “foraminal expansion” OR “foraminal widening” OR
“foraminal debridement”) AND (endodontic OR instrumentation OR “root canal instrumentation” OR “root canal
preparation” OR “root canal therapy” OR “root canal treatment”) AND (morpholog* OR geometr* OR alteration
OR change OR “apical transportation” OR deformation OR “apical displacement” OR crack OR micro* OR SEM)
(All Fields)
(‘apical enlargement’ OR ‘apical preparation’ OR ‘apical expansion’ OR ‘apical widening’ OR ‘apical debridement’
OR ‘foraminal enlargement’ OR ‘foraminal expansion’ OR ‘foraminal widening’ OR ‘foraminal debridement’)
AND (endodontic OR ‘instrumentation’/exp OR instrumentation OR ‘root canal instrumentation’ OR ‘root canal
preparation’/exp OR ‘root canal preparation’ OR ‘root canal therapy’/exp OR ‘root canal therapy’ OR ‘root canal
treatment’) AND (morpholog* OR geometr* OR alteration OR ‘change’/exp OR change OR ‘apical transportation’ OR
deformation’/exp OR deformation OR ‘apical displacement’ OR ‘crack’/exp OR crack OR micro* OR ‘sem’/exp OR sem)
(“apical enlargement” OR “apical preparation” OR “apical expansion” OR “apical widening” OR “apical
debridement” OR “foraminal enlargement” OR “foraminal expansion” OR ” foraminal widening” OR “foraminal
debridement”) AND (endodontic OR instrumentation OR “root canal instrumentation” OR “root canal
preparation” OR “root canal therapy” OR “root canal treatment”) AND (morpholog* OR geometr* OR alteration
OR change OR “apical transportation” OR deformation OR “apical displacement” OR crack OR micro* OR SEM)
Google Scholar
(“foraminal enlargement” OR “foramen enlargement” OR “foraminal debridement” OR “foraminal widening”)
AND (endodontic OR “root canal therapy”) AND (morpholog* OR alteration OR “apical transportation” OR
deformation OR micro* OR SEM)
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e4065
Macedo IFA et al.
Morphological alterations of the apical foramen after foraminal enlargement: a systematic review of ex vivo studies
Macedo IFA et al. Morphological alterations of the apical foramen after foraminal
enlargement: a systematic review of ex vivo studies
Discrepancies were resolved through discussion,
and when necessary, a third reviewer (A.H.R.P.)
was consulted. Cohen’s kappa coefficient for
inter-investigator agreement during studies’
selection was assessed [22].
Data extraction
One reviewer (I.F.A.M.) collected data from
the included studies using a guided data extraction
form in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The following
data were retrieved: rst author’s last name, year
of publication, teeth used, sample size, groups, and
experimental protocol. Data were also collected on
the analysis concerning evaluation methods and the
main ndings of the study. Unavailable data were
classied as “not informed”. Subsequently, a second
author (A.C.D.V.) revised the data.
Critical appraisal of studies
The risk of bias of the selected studies was
independently assessed by two reviewers (I.F.A.M
and G.O.C.), in compliance with a modied version
of the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal
Checklist for Experimental Studies (JBI) [23-25].
The items included in the checklist were: clearly
stated aim, justication of sample size, sample
randomization, blind treatment allocation,
baseline equivalence of control and treatment
groups, possibility of comparison between control
and treatment groups, clear description of
root canal preparation, measurement method,
measurement standardization, and statistical
analysis. Each item was assessed on a two-point
scale: 0,
not reported or reported inadequately
; 1,
reported and adequate
. Doubts and discrepancies
between investigators were discussed to reach a
consensus, and when necessary, a third investigator
(A.H.R.P.) was consulted.
Study selection
Figure 1 shows de owchart of the selection
process the studies. A total of 702 studies
were found after searching the databases and
through manual search in the references lists.
After the rst screening (Step 1), twenty-eight
studies were selected and submitted to a
full-text reading (Step 2). Then, 23 studies were
excluded [15,26-47] with reasons being available
in Figure 1. Finally, ve studies were included in
the qualitative analysis [16,48-51].
Figure 1 - Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flowchart.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e4065
Macedo IFA et al.
Morphological alterations of the apical foramen after foraminal enlargement: a systematic review of ex vivo studies
Macedo IFA et al. Morphological alterations of the apical foramen after foraminal
enlargement: a systematic review of ex vivo studies
The assessed Cohen’s kappa coefcient for
inter-investigator agreement during the studies’
selection was, equal to 0.917 for Pubmed, 0.922
for Scopus, 0.867 for Web of Science, 1.000 for the
Cochrane Library, 0.905 for Embase, and 0.955 for
Google Scholar. These values indicated an almost
perfect level of agreement between reviewers
during the selection of studies according to the
scale of Landis and Koch [22].
Characteristics of the included studies
Table II summarizes the main characteristics
and results of the selected studies. All evaluations
were performed in extracted human teeth, especially
molars, with different root curvatures, such as
straight root canal [51], mild [16], and moderate
to severe degree of curvature [50]. Two studies did
not report root curvature of evaluated teeth [48,49].
Table II - Characteristics and main results of included
ex vivo
Author/ Year Teeth used n Groups
final FD
to MAF
Analysis Main results
Souzaetal., 2021
G1: Largo #2, Hero (#20/.06), GG drills (#5, #4, #3, #2),
Mtwo (#40/.04), WL = +1 mm; G2 (control): Largo #2,
Hero (#20/.06), GG (#5, #4, #3, #2), Mtwo (#40/.04),
WL = -1 mm.
G1: 0.44 Foraminal area
and foraminal
transportation using
Foraminal enlargement
increased foraminal area
and increased foraminal
For all groups, irrigation was performed with 2% CHX gel,
0.9% saline solution, 17% EDTA.
G2: n/a
Marin, 2019
human teeth;
FD ≤ 0.40 mm
G1 (control): PDL (#25/.06 and #40/.05), WL = -1 mm;
G2: PDL (#25/.06, #40/.05 and Glide Path file #45/.01),
WL = 0.0; G3: PDL (#25/.06, #40/.05 and Glide Path file
#45/.01), WL = +1 mm; G4: PDL (#25/.06, #40/.05 and
Glide Path file #50/.01), WL = 0.0; G5: PDL (#25/.06,
#40/.05 and Glide Path file #50/.01), WL = +1 mm.
G1: ≤ 0.40
Foraminal area
and foraminal
transportation using
Foraminal enlargement
increased foramen
area compared to
instrumentation 1 mm
short of the foramen
(control); it increased
foraminal transportation
compared to control
G2: 0.45
G3: 0.46
G4: 0.50
For all groups, irrigation was performed with 2.5%
NaOCl and 17% EDTA G5: 0.51
Schmidt, 2019
MB and
ML canals
of human
(curvature <30º)
G1 (control): R25 (#25/.08) WL = -1 mm, K #10 at
foramen; G2: R25 WL = -1 mm, FF (#20, #25 or #30) at
foramen; G3: PDS (#25/.01, #30/.10, #25/.06, #25/.08),
WL = 0.0; G4: R25, WL = 0.0; G5: PDS (#25/.01, #30/.10,
#25/.06, #25/.08), WL = +1 mm; G6: R25, WL = +1 mm.
G2: 0.20,
0.25 or 0.30 Foraminal area,
perimeter, and
cementum wall using
a stereomicroscope,
and apical
transportation using
Foraminal enlargement
increased foraminal
area and deviation;
instrumentation 1 mm
beyond the foramen
did not influence
untouched cementum
walls compared to
instrumentation 1 mm
short of apical foramen
G3: 0.25
G4: 0.25
G5: 0.33
For all groups, irrigation was performed with 2.5%
NaOCl G6: 0.33
Silvaetal., 2016
Palatal roots of
human molars
(curvature ≤ 5°)
For all groups, instrumentation in cervical and middle
thirds was performed with K3 files (#25/.10, #25/.08)
and apical third with IAF + 3 with a .06 taper.
G1 (control): WL= -1 mm; G2: WL = 0.0; G3: WL = +1 mm. n/a
Foraminal area,
transportation using
SEM images
Foraminal enlargement
increased cementum
removal, and
instrumentation + 1mm
beyond the foramen led to
greater foraminal deviation
For all groups, irrigation was performed with 2% CHX,
saline solution and 17% EDTA
Liuetal., 2013
incisors with
straight roots
G1: GG drills (#2 and #1), K3 rotary files
(#35/.04 up to #25/.06), WL = - 2 mm; G2: GG
drills (#2 and #1), K3 rotary files (#35/.04 -
#25/.06), WL = -1 mm; G3: GG drills (#2 and #1),
K3 rotary files (#35/.04 - #25/.06), WL = 0.0; G4:
GG drills (#2 and #1), K3 rotary files (#35/.04
- #25/.06), WL = +1 mm; G5: GG drills (#2 and
#1), ProTaper (SX up to F3), WL= -2 mm; G6:
GG drills (#2 and #1), ProTaper (SX up to F3), WL = -1 mm;
G7: GG drills (#2 and #1), ProTaper (SX up to F3),
WL = 0.0 mm; G8: GG drills (#2 and #1), ProTaper
(SX up to F3), WL = +1 mm; G9: GG drills (#2 and #1),
Flex HF (20-35, SB: 40-50), WL = -2 mm; G10: GG drills
(#2 and #1), Flex HF (20-35, SB: 40-50), WL = -1 mm;
G11: GG drills (#2 and #1), Flex HF (20-35, SB: 40-50),
WL = 0.0 mm; G12: GG drills (#2 and #1), Flex HF
(20-35, SB: 40-50), WL = +1 mm. For all groups, irrigation
was performed with 2% NaOCl
G1: n/a
detachments and
apical cracks using
Foraminal enlargement
increased dentinal
detachments and
cracks than controls,
especially when using
mechanized files
G2: n/a
G3: 0.35
G4: 0.39
G5: n/a
G6: n/a
G7: 0.30
G8: 0.39
G9: n/a
G10: n/a
G11: 0.35
G12: 0.40
The symbol < indicates ‘less than’, ≤ indicates ‘less than or equal to, indicates ‘approximately equal to’, mm: millimeters. CHX:
chlorhexidine, μ-CT: micro-computed tomography, EDTA: ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, FD: foraminal diameter, FF: Flexofile, G: group,
GG: Gates-Glidden, HF: hand files, IAF: initial apical file (first file that binds the foramen), MAF: master apical file (larger file used to enlarge
apical region), MB: mesiobuccal, ML: mesiolingual, n/a: not applicable, NaOCl: sodium hypochlorite, PDL: ProDesign Logic, PDS: ProDesign
S, SB: step-back, SEM: scanning electron microscopy, WL: working length. *This column refers to the final FD, considering the determined WL
and file tip and taper described by the manufacturers.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e4065
Macedo IFA et al.
Morphological alterations of the apical foramen after foraminal enlargement: a systematic review of ex vivo studies
Macedo IFA et al. Morphological alterations of the apical foramen after foraminal
enlargement: a systematic review of ex vivo studies
Regarding the instrumentation protocol,
one study used rotary and reciprocating systems
in their experimental groups [50], while the
other four used only rotary systems for foraminal
enlargement [16,48,49,51]. Two studies also
used hand-les in their groups [50,51]. Most
studies had groups with WL that ranged
between – 1 mm and + 1 mm from the
apex [16,48-50]. Additionally, one study had
groups ranging between – 2 mm and + 1 mm
from the apical foramen [51].
Deformation and area of the apical foramen
Foraminal deformation was mostly assessed
using scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
Out of the ve studies that evaluated foraminal
deformation or transportation after foraminal
enlargement, three presented descriptive results
based on qualitative analysis of images [16,48,51].
Other two studies presented results through
measurement and numerical parameters [49,50].
The five studies observed that foraminal
instrumentation led to higher deformation compared
to control groups, in which instrumentation
occurred short of the apical foramen [16,48-51].
Comparing the foraminal deviation when WL was
determined at the foramen or beyond it, two studies
did not observe a statistically signicant difference
among the experimental groups [50,51]. Other two
studies observed that WL beyond the foramen led
to more cases of foraminal deviation compared to
WL at the foramen [16,49].
Four studies evaluated the increase in
foraminal area after foraminal instrumentation,
and comparing with the control groups, in
general, foraminal enlargement increased
foraminal area [16,48-50]. Regarding the different
experimental WL, one study did not observe
signicative difference when the same le systems
were used [50]. One study observed that the
#45.01 (WL=0) group had a lower average wear
during foraminal enlargement compared to the
other experimental groups (#45.01 WL= +1;
#50.01 WL = 0, WL = +1) [49].
Secondary outcomes
Two studies evaluated the amount of
untouched cementum walls after instrumentation
using a stereomicroscope [50] or SEM [16]
and showed that the percentage of all touched
cementum walls were similar when instrumentation
was performed at the foramen or 1 mm beyond.
The occurrence of dentinal microcracks were
evaluated in only one study using a stereomicroscope.
Instrumentation short of the foramen caused less
cracks than WL = 0 or +1 mm [51].
Critical appraisal of included studies
Table III and Figure 2 summarize the results
of the risk of bias assessment by using the JBI
tool. All the included articles showed a clearly
stated aim, baseline equivalence of control and
treatment groups, clear root canal preparation
protocol, measurement standardization, reliable
measurement method, and adequate statistical
approach. However, a high risk of bias was
noticed for some domains, including justication
of sample size, sample randomization and blind
treatment allocation.
ynthesis of results
Meta-analysis was not performed due to wide
variations in methods for assessment, anatomical
variation of samples, NiTi systems and protocols
used for root canal preparation among the
ex vivo
studies. In addition, a lack of
available data was observed for some evaluated
This systematic review primarily investigated
the morphological changes of the major apical
foramen after foraminal enlargement with data
from ve
ex vivo
studies. All studies demonstrated
increased foraminal deformation and area, though
one study did not measure the latter parameter.
Besides the different WL considered for
foraminal enlargement in the literature, such
as instrumentation at the major foramen [43]
or beyond [41,48], the size of the endodontic
instrument used during instrumentation is also
an important consideration. In this procedure, the
endodontic instrument diameter must guarantee
the preparation of the cemental canal [16,49].
Clinically, a common practice is to rstly estimate
the apical foraminal size, known as the IAF, and
subsequently, choose the instrument that will be
used for foraminal enlargement [16]. The chosen
IAF is normally smaller than the actual size of the
foramen [20], from that, one possibility to determine
how much to enlarge, in terms of instrument
diameter, is increasing apical enlargement to three
ISO diameters larger than IAF [16].
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e4065
Macedo IFA et al.
Morphological alterations of the apical foramen after foraminal enlargement: a systematic review of ex vivo studies
Macedo IFA et al. Morphological alterations of the apical foramen after foraminal
enlargement: a systematic review of ex vivo studies
Table III - Critical appraisal of included studies
Quality criteria
Was the aim of the study clearly stated?
Was the sample size justified?
Was the assignment to treatment groups truly random?
Were those assessing the outcomes blind to the treatment allocation?
Were control and treatment groups comparable at entry?
Were groups treated identically other than for the named interventions?
Was root canal preparation clearly described?
Were outcomes measured in the same way for all groups?
Were outcomes measured in a reliable way?
Was appropriate statistical analysis used?
Total score
Souzaetal., 2021 [48] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10
Marin, 2019 [49] 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
Schmidt, 2019 [50] 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
Silvaetal., 2016 [16] 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
Liuetal., 2013 [51] 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
0, not reported or reported but inadequate; 1, reported and adequate.
Figure 2 - Assessment of the risk of bias in the included studies according to the percentage of the scores attributed to each evaluated study.
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Macedo IFA et al.
Morphological alterations of the apical foramen after foraminal enlargement: a systematic review of ex vivo studies
Macedo IFA et al. Morphological alterations of the apical foramen after foraminal
enlargement: a systematic review of ex vivo studies
The four studies, of the five included,
that evaluated foraminal area after foraminal
enlargement, observed that this procedure increased
foraminal area, as expected. It demonstrates that
foraminal enlargement really happened within
the parameter used by the authors [16,48-50].
Some articles point out the importance of
performing foraminal enlargement for microbial
reduction [12,52] as it was associated with a greater
reduction in the amount of bacteria within root canals
and better periapical healing compared to root canal
preparation without foraminal enlargement. On the
other way, foraminal enlargement may increase
amount of apically extruded debris and irrigants
to the periapical area [53]. Although it would
be expected to see an increase in the prepared
cemental walls when using the same instrument
at the level of the foramen or 1 mm beyond, some
articles in this study did not observe a signicant
difference in these parameter [16,50]. Surprisingly,
one study showed that over-instrumentation,
regardless of kinematics, did not differ signicantly
from instrumentation short of the foramen while
keeping it patent [50].
Regarding deformation of the apical foramen,
most studies used SEM images for evaluation, in
which a magnication ranging from
50 to
was reported [16,48,49]. Photomicrographs were
analysed with the aid of a software to perform
measurements and comparisons after different
instrumentation moments. SEM allows increasing
measurement accuracy and is a viable method
when analysing a large sample [43], meanwhile
it requires a device to standardize the acquisition
of the consecutive images [48]. All studies
concluded that instrumentation at the major
foramen or beyond the apex promoted foraminal
deformations [16,48-51]. Instruments with #25
tip size already showed to be able to cause apical
transportation when instrumentation reached
foramen or was beyond it, in comparison to
WL = -1 mm plus patency with #10 SS le [50].
The occurrence of foraminal deformation
or transportation may negatively impact in
the quality of obturation [8,54] and one of the
major concerns regarding performing foraminal
widening is the possibility of increased risk of
endodontic sealer extrusion. The possibility for
overow of lling materials into the perirradicular
tissues [8] can increase the risk of tissue irritation
or delayed healing. Conversely, two included
studies demonstrated that sealing ability is not
affected by over-instrumentation [16,48].
Regarding shape analysis, few data were
found. One study demonstrated that original oval
foramens turned into more circular shape. The use of
instruments with greater tip size and reduced taper
may provide greater exibility than larger taper les,
in which may reduce irregular deformation [49].
Only one study evaluated the occurrence
of dentinal microcracks showing that foraminal
enlargement increased the occurrence of this
outcome [51].
A modied JBI critical appraisal tool assessed
study quality, revealing methodological limitations
in sample size justication, randomization, and
blinding across most included studies. Enhanced,
standardized evaluations considering anatomical
variations are needed for robust evidence. Despite
this, many studies exhibited low bias risk and
adequate reporting, contributing to overall high-
quality evidence.
Laboratory studies commonly exhibit
methodological heterogeneity [55]. This review
found variability in instrumentation protocol,
instrument tip and taper sizes, working length
determination, and root canal curvature.
Inconsistent methodologies hampered comparisons
between studies. Additionally, only
ex vivo
using extracted human teeth were selected,
which must be considered when interpreting the
ndings and making assumptions to the clinical
setting. It is important to emphasize that it is only
ex vivo
studies that the selected outcomes
can be analysed more precisely, since, clinically,
microscopy or microtomography, for example,
cannot be performed in clinical studies. However,
future clinical research should delve into long-term
consequences of foraminal enlargement.
This review showed that foraminal enlargement,
whether performed at the apical foramen or beyond
it, causes both an increase in foraminal area and
its deformation. It was not possible to conclude if
there is a conservative, but effective, protocol for
foraminal enlargement due to great methodological
heterogeneity of studies. Well-designed evaluations
with standardized methodologies are necessary.
Clinicians must weigh benefits (e.g., bacterial
reduction) against possible risks of the foraminal
deformation (e.g., material leakage, debris and
irrigating solution extrusion) when choosing
foraminal enlargement, considering individual cases.
Braz Dent Sci 2023 Oct/Dec; 26 (4): e4065
Macedo IFA et al.
Morphological alterations of the apical foramen after foraminal enlargement: a systematic review of ex vivo studies
Macedo IFA et al. Morphological alterations of the apical foramen after foraminal
enlargement: a systematic review of ex vivo studies
Author’s Contributions
IFAM: Conceptualization, Investigation, Data
Curation, Formal Analysis, Writing – Original Draft
Preparation. AHRP: Methodology, Software, Formal
Analysis, Writing – Original Draft Preparation.
GCF: Investigation, Formal Analysis, Visualization.
GOC: Investigation, Formal Analysis, Visualization.
ICF: Conceptualization, Validation, Visualization.
FB: Methodology, Resources, Supervision and
Validation. IFCP: Resources, Supervision and
Validation. WLFT: Conceptualization, Writing –
Review & Editing, Project Administration. ACDV:
Conceptualization, Investigation, Formal Analysis,
Resources, Supervision, Writing – Review &
Editing, Project Administration.
Conict of Interest
No conicts of interest declared concerning
the publication of this article.
This research was partially financed by
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de
Minas Gerais - FAPEMIG - #340
Regulatory Statement
A regulatory statement is not applicable as this
is a systematic review study conducted through an
electronic database search.
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Ana Cecília Diniz Viana
(Corresponding address)
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Faculdade de Odontologia, Departamento de
Odontologia Restauradora, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.
Email: acdviana@ufmg.br Date submitted: 2023 Sept 25
Accept submission: 2023 Nov 21