Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2024.e4270
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4270
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Compatibility between variable taper mechanized instruments and
corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis
Compatibilidade entre instrumentos mecanizados com conicidade variável e cones de guta-percha correspondentes: análise
por meio de fotomicrografias
Márcia Eugênia de Sousa Damasceno Feitosa1 , Gabriela Martins Rodrigues Rosa2 , Suyane Maria Luna-Cruz1 ,
Elilton Cavalcante Pinheiro-Júnior3 , Nilton Vivacqua-Gomes2 , Bruno Carvalho de Vasconcelos1
1 - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Odontologia. Fortaleza, CE, Brazil.
2 - Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic, Escola Cearense de Odontologia. Fortaleza, CE, Brazil.
3 - Universidade de Fortaleza, Curso de Odontologia. Fortaleza, CE, Brazil.
How to cite: Feitosa MESD, Rosa GMR, Luna-Cruz SM, Pinheiro-Júnior EC, Vivacqua-Gomes N, Vasconcelos BC. Compatibility
between variable taper mechanized instruments and corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis. Braz Dent Sci.
2024;27(3):e4270. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2024.e4270
Objective: This study aimed to assess the compatibility between variable taper NiTi instruments and corresponding
gutta-percha cones. Material and Methods: Protaper Gold F2 (F2/PTG), Wave One Gold Primary (PRI/WOG),
and Reciproc Blue R25 (R25/RB) instruments (n = 3) were included, along with corresponding gutta-percha
cones (n = 10), produced by the manufacturers and from three other brands (Diadent, MK Life, and Tanari).
Images of both instruments and cones were obtained through photomicrographs using a digital microscope (500x).
The instruments were photographed at seven angles, rotating on their axis to record the maximum diameter
at desired levels; the gutta-percha cones, due to their cross-section, were photographed only once. The images
were analyzed using Image J software by a blinded operator at 1.0 (D1), 6.0 (D6), and 12.0 (D12) millimeters
from their tip. ANOVA and Tukey tests were employed for statistical analysis, with signicance set at 5.0%.
Results: Considering the correspondence between F2/PTG and PRI/WOG instruments, signicant differences
were observed when the manufacturer’s cones were analyzed (P < 0.05). In relation to R25/RB instruments,
statistical differences were observed only for the Tanari cone at D1 (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Within the study’s
limitations, it can be concluded that the tested instrument systems and dedicated gutta-percha cones exhibited
some dimensional variability among them. Furthermore, among the evaluated cones, the cones corresponding
to F2/PTG and PRI/WOG instruments from the manufacturer itself showed the greatest discrepancies.
Endodontics; Gutta-Percha; Photomicrography; Root canal preparation; Root canal obturation.
Objetivo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a compatibilidade entre instrumentos de NiTi de conicidade
variável e cones de guta-percha correspondentes. Material e Métodos: Foram incluídos instrumentos Protaper
Gold F2 (F2/PTG), Wave One Gold Primary (PRI/WOG) e Reciproc Blue R25 (R25/RB) (
= 3); ainda, cones de
guta-percha correspondentes (
= 10), produzidos pelos fabricantes e de outras três marcas (Diadent, MK Life
e Tanari). Imagens tanto dos instrumentos quanto dos cones foram obtidas por meio de fotomicrograas com
microscópio digital (500x). Os instrumentos foram fotografados sete angulações, com giros em seu próprio eixo,
a m de registrar-se o maior diâmetro nos níveis desejados; os cones de guta-percha, em função de sua secção
transversal, foram fotografados uma única vez. As imagens foram analisadas por meio do
Image J, por
um operador cego, a 1,0 (D1), 6,0 (D6) e 12,0 (D12) milímetros de sua ponta. Para análise estatística foram
empregados os testes ANOVA e Tukey, com signicância estabelecida em 5,0%. Resultados: Considerando a
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4270
Feitosa MESD et al.
Compatibility between variable taper mechanized instruments and corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis
Feitosa MESD et al. Compatibility between variable taper mechanized instruments
and corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis
Root canal obturation is characterized by
the filling, whenever possible hermetic and
three-dimensional, of the pulp space with
biocompatible obturation materials (gutta-percha
and endodontic cements). The primary aim of this
phase is to maintain the disinfection achieved
during cleaning and shaping by closing all access
routes to the canal system, favoring the biological
process of periapical tissue repair [1].
Many techniques have been suggested for this
purpose, ranging from “classic” techniques that do
not use heat to the most currently recommended
ones that seek, through plasticization, better
adaptation of the obturation material to the canal
walls [2,3]. Among the more recent suggestions
is the use of instrumentation/obturation systems,
which provide corresponding gutta-percha cones
theoretically designed similarly to mechanized
preparation instruments [4]. However, variations
in gutta-percha cone tip diameters or mismatches
in their taper compatibility with the preparations
performed may pose difficulties in achieving
working length by the cones or, conversely, provide
a thicker cement layer. Both occurrences could
hinder the treatment and jeopardize its success [5].
Over the years, Endodontics has undergone
significant changes due to the incorporation
of technological innovations. Companies
increasingly invest in creating and launching
new mechanized instruments, both rotary
and reciprocating, some with very distinct
characteristics. The Protaper Gold rotary system
(PTG; Dentsply/Tulsa Dental Specialties, Tulsa,
OK, USA), and the reciprocating systems,
WaveOne Gold (WOG; Dentsply/Maillefer,
Ballaigues, Switzerland) and Reciproc Blue (RB;
VDW GmbH, Munich, Germany), are examples
of systems that feature instruments with variable
tapers and also offer clinicians the option of
corresponding gutta-percha cones [6].
However, despite discussions about
standardization of instruments and corresponding
gutta-percha cones, clinical everyday practice
raises questions about the accuracy of this
correspondence. The study conducted by
Vieira et al. 2019 [7] aligns with such inquiries,
with their results pointing to signicant differences
when verifying this compatibility. Sometimes,
after canal shaping and instrumentation, the
corresponding cone does not match the diameter
and taper of the last instrument used at the
working length, potentially hindering canal
obturation [7].
Due to the aforementioned issues, this study
aimed to evaluate the compatibility of Protaper
Gold F2, WaveOne Gold Primary, and Reciproc
Blue R25 instruments with corresponding gutta-
percha cones, both from the manufacturers
themselves and from three other commercially
available brands: Diadent, MK Life, and Tanari.
Study type
This study is an experimental evaluation
conducted in a laboratory setting, utilizing
mechanized endodontic preparation systems’
instruments and corresponding gutta-percha
cones to investigate their compatibility in vitro
through analysis via photomicrographs using a
digital microscope.
Sample selection
Three instruments (n = 3) belonging to
three mechanized instrumentation systems were
selected based on their variable taper throughout
the instruments. Protaper Gold F2 (#25/.08;
F2/PTG), WaveOne Gold Primary (#25/.07;
PRI/WOG), and Reciproc Blue R25 (#25/.08;
R25/RB) instruments were evaluated, and all
included rotary and reciprocating instruments
correspondência entre os instrumentos F2/PTG e PRI/WOG, diferenças signicantes foram observadas quando
os cones do próprio fabricante foram analisados (
< 0,05). Em relação aos instrumentos R25/RB, diferenças
estatísticas foram observadas unicamente para o cone Tanari em D1 (
< 0,05). Conclusão: Nas limitações do
estudo pode-se concluir que os sistemas de instrumentos e cones de guta-percha dedicados testados apresentaram
alguma variabilidade dimensional entre eles. Ainda, dentre os cones avaliados, os cones correspondentes aos
instrumentos F2/PTG e PRI/WOG do próprio fabricante foram os que apresentaram as maiores discrepâncias.
Endodontia; Guta-Percha; Fotomicrograa; Preparo do canal radicular; Obturação do canal radicular.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4270
Feitosa MESD et al.
Compatibility between variable taper mechanized instruments and corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis
Feitosa MESD et al. Compatibility between variable taper mechanized instruments
and corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis
were new. Next, ten gutta-percha cones (n =
10) from the respective manufacturers of the
preparation systems, PTG (Dentsply/Tulsa Dental
Specialties), WOG (Dentsply Ind. Com. LTDA,
Petropolis, Brazil), and RB (VDW GmbH), were
Additionally, gutta-percha cones from
three other commercial brands producing cones
compatible with the selected instruments were
included: Diadent (Burnaby, BC, Canada),
MK Life (Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil), and Tanari
(Amazonas, AM, Brazil). Cones from two distinct
lots, without deformities, with ve cones acquired
from each lot, were included. Cones displaying
noticeable inclinations or imperfections during
photomicrography were discarded.
Records of instruments and gutta-percha
The selected instruments were longitudinally
arranged on a protractor individually and
secured with utility wax for recording through
photomicrographs using the digital microscope
(FX-500; BWX, Shandong, China) (Figure 1).
A millimeter ruler was used in parallel to the object
under study for software calibration (Figure 2).
Photographic records of each instrument were
taken at angles of 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°, 120°, 150°,
and 180° to capture the maximum diameter at
each level due to their cross-sectional shape.
Cones, having a circular cross-section, were
photographed only once (Figure 3).
Determination of instrument and gutta-per-
cha cone design
The captured images of both instruments
and gutta-percha cones were then analyzed by a
single calibrated and blinded operator regarding
the cone’s brand, using Image J software
(NIH, Bethesda, MA, USA). The analyses were
conducted at 1.0 mm (D1), 6.0 mm (D6), and
12.0 mm (D12) from the tips of the instruments
and gutta-percha cones, aiming to determine the
diameter in mm of the samples at these positions,
as specied by ISO 6877:2006 standards.
Analysis of discrepancies between instru-
ments and gutta-percha cones
After obtaining the diameter measurements,
the data were tabulated and analyzed separately.
For the instruments, the seven images of each
instrument were analyzed at the three positions to
determine the largest measured diameter at each,
recorded as the instrument’s diameter. This value
was statistically considered when comparing with
the other two evaluated instruments to obtain an
average value for each tested instrument. For the
gutta-percha cones, the measured diameters at
each position for each specimen in the sample were
considered to determine the discrepancy (mm)
Figure 1 - Reciproc Blue file instrument positioned parallel to a millimeter ruler for calibrating the measurement software.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4270
Feitosa MESD et al.
Compatibility between variable taper mechanized instruments and corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis
Feitosa MESD et al. Compatibility between variable taper mechanized instruments
and corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis
between the gutta-percha cones and the mean of
the corresponding instruments.
Statistical analysis
For statistical analysis, conducted using
Stat Plus for Windows software (Analyst Soft,
Walnut, CA, USA), the average error values,
considered as discrepancies measured in mm
between the mean of the instruments and each
gutta-percha cone, were subjected to a normality
curve to determine the data’s parametric nature.
Accordingly, the values underwent evaluation
through analysis of variance (ANOVA) and
Tukey’s individual comparison test, both at a
signicance level of 5.0%.
Figure 2 - Photomicrograph and calibration using Image J software of the gutta-percha cone.
Figure 3 - Recording of gutta-percha cone diameters.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4270
Feitosa MESD et al.
Compatibility between variable taper mechanized instruments and corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis
Feitosa MESD et al. Compatibility between variable taper mechanized instruments
and corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis
Tables I, II, and III present, respectively,
the means and standard deviations in mm of
the discrepancy between the F2/PTG, PRI/
WOG, and R25/RB instruments and their
corresponding gutta-percha cones from the
evaluated brands. Analysis of the F2/PTG-
compatible cones indicated that, in D1 and D6,
the manufacturer’s cones showed statistically
signicant discrepancies compared to the other
evaluated brands (P < 0.05).
However, in D12, only the Tanari brand
cone showed closer compatibility to the
ideal, offering the lowest discrepancy values
(P < 0.05). Regarding PRI/WOG instruments,
in all three analyzed positions—D1, D6, and
D12—the manufacturer, Denstply, consistently
presented the highest discrepancy values, with
signicant differences in the conducted analyses
(P < 0.05). Concerning R25/RB instruments, no
statistically signicant differences were observed
between the groups at D6 and D12 (P > 0.05).
However, at D1, the Tanari brand cones showed
a signicant difference compared to the other
groups, presenting the highest discrepancy values
(P < 0.05).
The present study aimed to assess the
compatibility of NiTi instruments with variable
tapers F2, Primary, and R25, belonging to the
mechanized preparation systems Protaper Gold,
Wave One Gold, and Reciproc Blue, respectively,
with corresponding gutta-percha cones, from the
manufacturer and three other brands available in
the market. To date, few pieces of information are
available in the literature regarding these systems
and cones evaluated in this study.
Table I - Compatibility analysis of the Protaper Gold instrument and gutta-percha cones
D1 D6 D12
DENTSPLY 0.16 0.06 0.30 0.11 0.28 0.10
DIADENT 0.06 0.04 0.13 ab 0.03 0.27 0.03
MK LIFE 0.03 0.03 0.19 0.05 0.22 0.06
TANARI 0.04 0.04 0.10 0.04 0.11 0.04
a,b Different superscript letters demonstrate significant differences between cones at the same level, according to the Tukey test (
< 0,05).
sd: standard-deviation
Table II - Compatibility analysis of the WaveOne Gold instrument and gutta-percha cones
D1 D6 D12
DENTSPLY 0.08 0.04 0.12 0.06 0.17 0.04
DIADENT 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.04 0.08 ab 0.05
MK LIFE 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.10 0.04
TANARI 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.04
a.b Different superscript letters demonstrate significant differences between cones at the same level. according to the Tukey test (
< 0.05).
sd: standard-deviation
Table III - Compatibility analysis of the Reciproc Blue instrument and gutta-percha cones
D1 D6 D12
VDW 0.06 0.02 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.01
DIADENT 0.06 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.02
MK LIFE 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02
TANARI 0.100.03 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.05
a.b Different superscript letters demonstrate significant differences between cones at the same level. according to the Tukey test (
< 0.05).
sd: standard-deviation
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4270
Feitosa MESD et al.
Compatibility between variable taper mechanized instruments and corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis
Feitosa MESD et al. Compatibility between variable taper mechanized instruments
and corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis
Given that the goal of root canal obturation is
to efciently ll its space, preventing reinfection,
and restoring periapical tissue health [8,9], the
possibility of discrepancies between mechanized
instruments and their corresponding gutta-
percha cones, findings already reported in
the literature [9], might become problematic
considering the increasingly frequent suggestion
of simplifying treatment steps [8,10]
In 1955, Ingle suggested that root canal
instruments and filling materials should be
standardized, ensuring that the gutta-percha cone
matched the size of the last instrument used, thus
ensuring better adaptation to the canal walls [11].
However, manufacturing failures of these cones
have been previously reported by Mayne et al. [12],
raising concerns. Consequently, an international
standard (ISO 6877:2006) for gutta-percha
cones for endodontic obturation was adopted in
2006 [13]. The sizes of obturator cones specied
in this standard were aligned with corresponding
sizes of root canal preparation instruments specied
in ISO 3630-1 [14].
ISO 6877:2006 specifies, among other
points, that gutta-percha cones should be tapered
throughout their length, uniform in composition
and color, with smooth surfaces and free from
deformities unless indicated otherwise by the
manufacturer. The standard allows a tolerance
of +/- 0.05 mm in diameter for sizes #10 to
#25 and 0.07 mm for sizes #30 to #140. It also
dictates that the cone should be uniform for a
minimum of 16 mm from the tip [12,15].
According to Hatch et al. [16], there are
several possible reasons for different results in
studies on dimensional variability of instruments
and gutta-percha cones. One reason is that,
even if manufacturers adhere to a standard,
the wide variation allowed by the standards
accepts diameter tolerances of up to 0.05 mm for
cones, depending on the cone’s diameter. Thus,
cones of the same diameter may encompass a
diameter above or below the stated size, resulting
ultimately in unsatisfactory cone adaptation to
the root canal wall.
Regarding the observed results, concerning
F2 and Primary instruments from PTG and WOG
systems, it was noted that the corresponding
cones from the manufacturers themselves
presented the largest discrepancies at the three
evaluated levels, being signicant in PTG both
in D1 and D6 (P < 0.05). The Tanari cones
showed the smallest diameter differences
compared to F2 les. In the case of the Primary
instrument from WOG, signicant differences
were observed at the three tested levels, also
presenting the highest discrepancy values for the
manufacturer’s cones. Among the other brands
tested, no consistent differences were observed.
These ndings raise concerns about the quality
of t of these cones in clinical conditions, mainly
because they are the manufacturers’ own cones.
The analysis of discrepancies between
R25 cones and instruments from the RB system
showed the smallest differences in diameters,
presenting signicance only in D1, where Tanari
cones significantly diverged from the others,
showing higher discrepancy values.
In Vieira et al.’s study [7], reciprocating
instruments R25 (Reciproc; VDW GmbH) and
#25/.06 (X1 Blue File; MK Life Dental Products)
and corresponding gutta-percha cones from
the manufacturers and Diadent brand were
evaluated. It was observed that the instruments
did not show statistically signicant differences
among themselves, but all gutta-percha cones,
in all diameters, showed statistical differences
in their dimensions.
The observed differences here are also in
line with the studies of Mirmohammadi et al. [8],
and Chesler et al. [10], where it was observed
that the diameters of gutta-percha cones were
significantly larger than the diameters of the
corresponding instruments at all levels and for all
brands. According to Mirmohammadi et al. [8],
even though these ndings may not be a signicant
problem for a skilled endodontist, an inexperienced
clinician may nd it frustrating and time-consuming.
This is because having a larger diameter than
the last instrument used in preparation would
result in poor cone adaptation inside the canal,
leading consequently to underllings and thereby
compromising the treatment’s success.
On the other hand, smaller diameters could
lead to recontamination problems inside the root
canals. According to Chybowski et al. [17], the
inability to effectively ll and seal anatomical
spaces can have a detrimental effect on the
success of endodontic treatment. Therefore, the
presence of empty spaces between the obturator
material and the canal walls may adversely affect
the physical properties of the materials and
facilitate the penetration of microorganisms and
metabolites into periapical tissues [18].
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4270
Feitosa MESD et al.
Compatibility between variable taper mechanized instruments and corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis
Feitosa MESD et al. Compatibility between variable taper mechanized instruments
and corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis
Despite limitations as a laboratory study, the
present study reinforces the need for understanding
the materials used in everyday endodontic practice.
Although the preparation and shaping of the canal do
not always correspond solely to the design of the last
instrument used in this phase, such incompatibility
can generate a series of difculties, especially for
less experienced professionals. Undoubtedly, further
investigations are necessary to observe whether such
discrepancies can indeed interfere with the clinical
use of these gutta-percha cones.
Under the study conditions and considering
its limitations, it can be concluded that dedicated
instrument systems and gutta-percha cones
showed some dimensional variability among them,
notably among the cones evaluated, with Dentsply
cones exhibiting signicant discrepancies.
GMRR, NV-G, BCV: Conceptualization.
MESDF, GMRR, SML-C, NV-G, BCV: Methodology.
MESDF, GMRR, SML-C: Validation. MESDF,
GMRR, SML-C: Investigation. ECP-J, NV-G, BCV:
Formal Analysis. MESDF, GMRR, SML-C: Writing
– Original Draft Preparation. ECP-J, NV-G, BCV:
Writing – Review & Editing. BCV: Supervision.
The authors have no proprietary, nancial,
or other personal interest of any nature or kind
in any product, service, and/or company that is
presented in this article.
This research did not receive any specic
grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-prot sectors.
The study does not involve teeth, animals,
or human beings.
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Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4270
Feitosa MESD et al.
Compatibility between variable taper mechanized instruments and corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis
Feitosa MESD et al. Compatibility between variable taper mechanized instruments
and corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis
Márcia Eugênia de Sousa Damasceno Feitosa
(Corresponding address)
Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em
Odontologia, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil.
Email: marciaesdfeitosa@gmail.com
Date submitted: 2024 Feb 02
Accept submission: 2024 Aug 28