Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4270
Feitosa MESD et al.
Compatibility between variable taper mechanized instruments and corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis
Feitosa MESD et al. Compatibility between variable taper mechanized instruments
and corresponding gutta-percha cones: photomicrograph analysis
Despite limitations as a laboratory study, the
present study reinforces the need for understanding
the materials used in everyday endodontic practice.
Although the preparation and shaping of the canal do
not always correspond solely to the design of the last
instrument used in this phase, such incompatibility
can generate a series of difculties, especially for
less experienced professionals. Undoubtedly, further
investigations are necessary to observe whether such
discrepancies can indeed interfere with the clinical
use of these gutta-percha cones.
Under the study conditions and considering
its limitations, it can be concluded that dedicated
instrument systems and gutta-percha cones
showed some dimensional variability among them,
notably among the cones evaluated, with Dentsply
cones exhibiting signicant discrepancies.
GMRR, NV-G, BCV: Conceptualization.
MESDF, GMRR, SML-C, NV-G, BCV: Methodology.
MESDF, GMRR, SML-C: Validation. MESDF,
GMRR, SML-C: Investigation. ECP-J, NV-G, BCV:
Formal Analysis. MESDF, GMRR, SML-C: Writing
– Original Draft Preparation. ECP-J, NV-G, BCV:
Writing – Review & Editing. BCV: Supervision.
The authors have no proprietary, nancial,
or other personal interest of any nature or kind
in any product, service, and/or company that is
presented in this article.
This research did not receive any specic
grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-prot sectors.
The study does not involve teeth, animals,
or human beings.
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