Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2024.e4357
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4357
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Impact of plasticization temperature on the mechanical properties
of sports mouthguards
Impacto da temperatura de plastificação nas propriedades mecânicas de protetores bucais esportivos
Ester Stephany Rodrigues da SILVA1 , Thales Ribeiro de MAGALHÃES FILHO2 , Simone Saldanha Ignácio de OLIVEIRA3 ,
Karin de Mello WEIG2 , Luise Gomes da MOTTA2 , Juliana Nunes da Silva Meirelles Dória MAIA2
1 - Universidade Federal Fluminense. Niterói, RJ, Brazil.
2 - Universidade Federal Fluminense, Disciplina de Materiais Dentários. Niterói, RJ, Brazil.
3 - Universidade Federal Fluminense, Disciplina de DTM e Dor Orofacial. Niterói, RJ, Brazil.
How to cite: Silva ESR, Magalhães Filho TR, Oliveira SSI, Weig KM, Motta LG, Maia JNSMD. Impact of plasticization temperature on the
mechanical properties of sports mouthguards. Braz Dent Sci. 2024;27(2):e4357. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2024.e4357
Objective: Mouthguards can reduce or even prevent orofacial injuries. These devices are responsible for
absorbing part of the energy of an impact force, while the remaining part is dissipated. The present study aimed
to evaluate how the plasticization temperature of the sports mouthguards’ manufacturing process inuences
their mechanical properties and protective potential. Material and Methods: Specimens were made according to
different plasticization temperatures (85°C, 103°C, 121°C and 128°C) and different dental brands of EVA sheets
(Bio-art and FGM). Plasticization temperatures were measured using a culinary thermometer (Term; TP300).
The mechanical properties evaluated were: energy absorption capacity, deformation, and modulus of elasticity.
Compression testing was carried out in the Emic universal testing machine with a speed of 600 mm/min to
simulate a punch. Results: EVA sheets submitted to the highest temperatures (121°C and 128°C) had their energy
absorption capacity reduced. In addition, the samples that plasticized at the lowest temperature (85°C) showed
higher absorption capacity, lower elastic modulus, and less variation in its dimensions. It proved to be the most
effective in protection and with greater durability. Conclusion: The plasticization temperature proved to be an
inuential factor in the absorption capacity of mouthguards, so the increase in temperature led to a reduction in
this property, especially when higher than 120°C. In addition, the plasticization temperature may vary depending
on the sheet brand used. Finally, the kitchen thermometer used proved to be efcient and practical, thanks to
its easy-to-read display and wide availability on the market.
Modulus of elasticity; Mouthguards; Physicochemical absorption; Polyethylene vinyl acetate; Temperature.
Objetivo: Os protetores bucais são capazes de reduzir ou mesmo prevenir lesões orofaciais. Esses dispositivos são
responsáveis por absorver parte da energia de uma força de impacto, enquanto a parte restante é dissipada. Este
estudo teve como objetivo avaliar como a temperatura de plasticação de protetores bucais esportivos inuencia
em suas propriedades mecânicas e no seu potencial protetivo. Material e Métodos: Foram confeccionados modelos
de trabalho segundo diferentes temperaturas de plasticação (85°C, 103°C, 121°C e 128°C) e distintas marcas
odontológicas de placas de EVA (Bio-art e FGM). As temperaturas de plasticação foram medidas com termômetro
culinário da marca Term/TP300. As propriedades mecânicas avaliadas foram capacidade de absorção de energia,
deformação e módulo de elasticidade. O teste de compressão foi realizado na máquina de ensaios universal Emic
com velocidade de 600 mm/min, a m de simular um soco. Resultados: As placas de EVA submetidas às mais
altas temperaturas (121°C e 128°C) tiveram sua capacidade de absorção de energia reduzida. Além disso, as
amostras que plasticaram na temperatura mais baixa (85°C) apresentaram maior capacidade de absorção, menor
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4357
Silva ESR et al.
Impact of plasticization temperature on the mechanical pr operties of sports mouthguards
Silva ESR et al. Impact of plasticization temperature on the mechanical
properties of sports mouthguards
Several studies point out how sports practice
is closely related to orofacial injuries and brain
concussions. Among the sports, the most affected
are those of contact, such as football, basketball,
handball, and, mainly, martial arts [1-5].
Mouthguards are devices crafted to cover
both the teeth and gums, aiming to prevent
trauma. Their key objectives involve safeguarding
soft tissues like the tongue, cheeks, and lips,
along with providing protection to teeth and their
associated structures. Additionally, it prevents the
occurrence of brain concussions and injuries to
the temporomandibular joint [6-8].
Mouthguards work by absorbing part of the
energy of an impact force, while the remaining
part is dissipated. Thus, it must have a high power
of energy absorption in addition to the ability to
dissipate forces along its entire length [6,8,9].
There are 3 types of mouthguards: prefabricated
(Type I), thermoplastic (Type II), known as “boils
and bites,” and customized (Type III). Type IIIs
are manufactured in the laboratory by a dentist
from plaster models of the patient’s dental arches.
Since they ensure greater proportionality with the
dental arch, these present greater adaptation and
retention, being the gold standard [6,8,10].
Nowadays, a new variant classication of
type III has been developed, the personalized
multilaminate mouth guards (Type IV), which are
made from several layers of EVA sheets [11,12].
EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate), a material
known for its exceptional qualities, stands
out as the optimal choice for crafting sports
mouthguards. Its remarkable damping capacity,
coupled with a reduced hardness, ensures
superior energy absorption and steadfast product
quality. These attributes make EVA particularly
favorable for the construction of reliable and
stable mouthguards [8,9,13]
The manufacturing of mouthguards is carried
out by EVA sheets and the vacuum process
is composed of different stages that can be
summarized as placing the model in the center
of the vacuum former machine and then pressing
the heated sheet onto it with negative pressure.
Several factors can inuence the result, such as
the nal thickness of the mouthguard, the residual
humidity of a previous process, the height and
positioning of the sheet in the former, and the
forming temperature are some of the variables
described in the literature. Therefore, the variation
in the production process can directly inuence
its impact on energy absorption capacity [14-16].
Beyond the fabrication process, Haddad
and Borro et al. [17], argue that the surface
treatment of the mouthguard during its cleaning
and storage also inuences the maintenance of its
properties. Their study evaluated the interference
in the wettability and roughness properties of
the mouthguard, according to different cleaning
methods. The investigation revealed that immersion
of EVA in an effervescent solution of sodium
bicarbonate induced notable surface alterations.
In contrast, employing a toothbrush, water, and
neutral soap for mouthguard cleaning exhibited
superior efcacy, thus indicating their superiority
as the more appropriate method. In parallel with
this study, there is a clear need to investigate
and standardize the fabrication and maintenance
methods of sports mouthguards in order to
preserve their comfort and protective capabilities.
Furthermore, a narrative literature review
conducted by de Queiroz et al. [8], concludes
that there is a need to develop mouthguards
with higher stress-absorption efciency. There
exists a vast range of research opportunities
in the field of mouthguards, mainly regarding
force dissipation, reinforcement incorporation,
and additive manufacturing. It is imperative to
undertake studies to explore the possibility of
módulo de elasticidade e menor variação em suas dimensões. Assim, mostraram-se a mais ecaz na proteção
e com maior durabilidade. Conclusão: A temperatura de plasticação demonstrou ser um fator inuente na
capacidade de absorção dos protetores bucais, de modo que o aumento da temperatura levou a uma redução
desta propriedade, principalmente quando superior a 120°C. Além disso, a temperatura de plasticação pode
variar dependendo da marca comercial utilizada. Por m, o termômetro culinário utilizado mostrou-se eciente
e prático, pela facilidade de leitura e por ser facilmente encontrado no mercado.
Módulo de elasticidade; Protetores bucais; Absorção físico-química; Polietileno vinil acetato; Temperatura.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4357
Silva ESR et al.
Impact of plasticization temperature on the mechanical pr operties of sports mouthguards
Silva ESR et al. Impact of plasticization temperature on the mechanical
properties of sports mouthguards
using different reinforcing materials and new
fabrication methodologies for these devices
Bearing in mind the necessity to elevate the
stress-absorption capacity of these devices, the
present work aims to investigate the inuence
of temperature in the manufacturing process of
a mouthguard on its energy absorption capacity.
Two different groups of dental brands of soft
sheet for mouthguards, Group B (EVA soft plate;
Bio-art Dental Equipment Ltd; São Paulo, Brazil)
and Group F (EVA soft plate; FGM Whiteners -
Whiteness do Brasil Industry Ltd; Santa Catarina,
Brazil), based on ethylene and vinyl acetate
copolymer (EVA) with 3mm thicknesses, were
thermoplasticized onto a plateau-shaped working
model. In order to guarantee two different
temperatures of plasticization, two different
vacuum-forming machines were used: No. 1 with
ceramic resistance (Vacuum forming machine with
motor; Essence Dental Import and Export Ltd; São
Paulo, Brazil) and No. 2 with carbon resistance
(Plastvac P7; Bio-art Dental Equipment Ltd; São
Paulo, Brazil).
Each dental brand EVA sheet was assigned to a
type of vacuum forming machine, with Groups B1,
B2, F1, and F2 referring to the specimens resulting
from Groups B and F submitted to vacuum forming
machines 1 and 2, as shown in Table I.
Around 40 specimens for each group were
obtained by manually cutting four sheets of each
brand. On average, each specimen exhibited
initial diameters and thicknesses of 9.23 mm and
2.72 mm, respectively.
During the heating process, a culinary
thermometer (Term TP300; Knup Import and
Export Ltd., China) was used, positioned in the
vacuum forming machine between the thermal
source and the base where the sheet is attached
to measure the temperature. The sheet was
considered ready to use by visual observation
based on the parameters of changes in translucency
and the lowering of the sheet in relation to the
base level in the form of a bubble. Once these
properties were achieved, the plasticization
temperature was determined, and the heated
sheet was pressed on the working model.
Compression test
The compression test was carried out on the
Emic DL2000 (Instron Brazil Scientic Equipment
Ltd.; Parana, Brazil) universal testing machine
with the Tesc program version 3.04. A speed of
600 mm/min was determined for all 4 groups. For
each group, the elasticity modulus was determined
and is illustrated in Figure 1, while the average
absorbed energy is presented in Table II.
Specimens’ measurement
A digital caliper (Digimess, Precision
Instruments Ltd; São Paulo, Brazil) with an
accuracy of 0.01mm was used to measure the nal
and initial thicknesses (mm) and diameters (mm) of
Table I - Plasticization temperature
Groups Temperature
B1 103°C
B2 128°C
F1 85°C
F2 121°C
Table II - The average energy absorbed standard deviation is in
parentheses. The same letter means statistical equality
Average energy
absorbed (N.mm/mm3)
Group B1 (
Group B2 (
Group F1
Group F2
Figure 1 - Elastic modulus graph.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4357
Silva ESR et al.
Impact of plasticization temperature on the mechanical pr operties of sports mouthguards
Silva ESR et al. Impact of plasticization temperature on the mechanical
properties of sports mouthguards
the specimens from the 4 groups. The variations in
these measurements and the average deformation
for each group are presented in Table III.
Results analysis
Data analysis was carried out according to
the following parameters:
Absorbed energy (N.mm/mm3): Obtained
with the Tesc program version 3.04
Average deformation (mm/mm): Obtained
with the Tesc program version 3.04
Percentage of thickness variation (%), with
the formula:
( )
/ *100)Ef Ei Ef
Ef: Average thickness after the compression test
Ei: Average thickness before the compression test
Percentage of diameter variation with the
( )
/ *100)Df Di Df
Df: Average diameter after the compression test
Di: Average diameter before the compression test
Modulus of elasticity obtained by Hooke’s
σ: Stress (MPa)
E: Modulus of elasticity (MPa)
ε: Deformation (dimensionless)
The analysis was carried out with 40 sample
units per group using ANOVA followed by Tukey’s
test for multiple comparisons. The test power
was calculated Post Hoc, showing a test power
of 0.998 (G*Power The confidence
interval adopted was 95% and p<0.05 (5%) was
considered statistically signicant.
Comparison of means
Statistical analysis of the comparison of
means was performed using Tukey`s test with
p=0.05. It was found that Group F1 obtained
the best results with statistical signicance, while
the other groups proved to be statistically equal.
Absorbed energy determined in the com-
pression test
Concerning the average energy absorbed, as
shown in Table II, Groups F1 and B1 reveal the
highest absolute values, respectively, followed
by Groups F2 and B2. Furthermore, Group
B1 presents the lowest standard deviation among
all, revealing a lower rate of failures when using
this device material.
Although Groups B1 and B2 are from the
same brand, Group B2 was plasticized at a
higher temperature (128°C) compared to Group
B1 (103°C), thus the average energy absorbed in
Group B2 was lower than Group B1.
Likewise, despite Groups F1 and F2 being
of the same brand, Group F2 was plasticized
at a higher temperature (121°C) than Group
F1 (85°C), so the average energy absorbed in
Group F2 was lower compared to Group F1.
When comparing the groups of each dental
brand in general, the average values of absorbed
energy for Brand F are higher than for Brand B.
Deformation and percentages of variation in
thickness and diameter
Table III reveals that groups B1, B2, and
F2 recorded very close deformation averages,
Table III - Deformation and variation in thickness and diameter. The same letter represents statistical equality
Deformation average (mm/mm) Thickness variation (%) Diameter variation (%)
Group B1 (
0.7440 8.3% 6.63%
Group B2
0.7069 13% 5.6%
Group F1(
0.1599 5% 4.6%
Group F2
0.7247 8% 6.63%
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4357
Silva ESR et al.
Impact of plasticization temperature on the mechanical pr operties of sports mouthguards
Silva ESR et al. Impact of plasticization temperature on the mechanical
properties of sports mouthguards
however, the average in Group F1 proved
to be around 5 times lower than the others.
The percentage of thickness variation in Group
F1 proved to be the smallest, while that in Group
B2 was the largest. The diameter variation in Group
F1 presented the lowest percentage, however, the
greatest variation was observed in Groups B1 and
F2, which presented the same values.
Group F2, plasticized at a higher temperature,
showed an increase in the percentages of variation
in thickness and diameter. In Brand B, the greatest
variation in thickness was noted in Group B2, which
was in agreement with what was observed in Brand
F, also plasticized at a higher temperature. However,
the opposite occurred with the diameter, where
Group B1 with the lowest plasticization temperature
expressed the greatest variation.
Modulus of elasticity
As illustrated in Figure 1, and according to
Hooke’s Law, where the angle under the stress-
strain curve indicates the modulus of elasticity,
Group F1 showed the lowest modulus of elasticity.
Even though there is a consensus that the
type III protector is considered the gold standard,
there is no standardization of its manufacturing
method in the literature, which allows for
different variations that are likely to decrease its
protective capacity [10].
The mechanical behavior of EVA was
analyzed by Coto et al. [9], who observed that
the thickness of the material had a great inuence
on the protection potential, so that the greater
the thickness of the mouthguard, the better the
dissipation and redirection of forces.
In 2016, Mizuhashi et al. [18], evaluated
the variation in mouthguard thickness according
to different heating conditions. To accomplish
this, the EVA sheet was heated until the center
was displaced by 10, 15, and 20 mm from the
baseline of the vacuum-pressure former. Thus, the
greater the distance from the center, the greater its
heating. It was found that among the 3 evaluated
conditions, 20 mm, corresponding to the highest
temperature reached, obtained the best result since
it adopted a greater thickness to the mouthguard.
Yamada and Maeda [14] conducted a
study on the influence of temperature and
pressure application time on the mouthguard
formation. As a result, the ideal temperature for
plasticization of the EVA sheet was determined
in the range of 80°C – 120°C through the
observation of an evaluator regarding the change
in the characteristics of thickness, texture, and
shape of the working models.
In the present study, working models were
made similarly to the study by Yamada and
Maeda [14], since it had a single evaluator to
determine the moment of vacuum plasticization
by changes in shape, texture, and translucency.
Mizuhashi et al. [18], used dental arch models
for plasticization and found that in the incisor
region, the thickness of the incisal portion was
smaller than the cervical portion of the tooth.
In the present study, however, it was stipulated
that working models were plasticized on a plateau
in order to isolate the variance in thicknesses
resulting from the different dental anatomical
regions. According to Takahashi et al. [19], the
continuous use of the same former machine could
change the properties of the mouthguard, so a
minimum interval of 10 minutes should be applied
between each lamination. To maintain a pattern
and avoid interference, the current research
respected this interval.
Tribst et al. [5] carried out a comparative
study where the stress caused by different types of
punches was measured in models of human skulls
with and without a mouthguard. The results
showed that the highest tensile stress peaks
were observed in the upper central incisors and
that the closer the impact region is to the dental
structures, the greater the stress dissipation
capacity of the protector.
A good performance in boxing depends on
the combination of strength and speed in applying
punches in a ght. A comparative study sought
to analyze these kinematic parameters between
2 groups of boxers, one composed of Olympic
medalists and the other of well-trained young
people. Punch speed and impact force were
higher in the Elite group, however, it was possible
to identify an average equivalent to 10 m/s or
600,000 mm/min between the two groups [20].
Considering the above study, the present
research established a speed of 600 mm/min
for analysis of energy absorption in type III
mouthguards to simulate the average impact
speed of a punch.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4357
Silva ESR et al.
Impact of plasticization temperature on the mechanical pr operties of sports mouthguards
Silva ESR et al. Impact of plasticization temperature on the mechanical
properties of sports mouthguards
The comparative analysis of plasticization
temperatures showed that the groups subjected to
the highest temperatures, corresponding to 128°C
in Group B2 and 121°C in Group F2, had their
energy absorption capacity reduced. This nding
reafrms the study by Yamada and Maeda [13]
since both temperatures are higher than the ideal
EVA plasticization range (> 120°C) and present a
lower performance of the material. Groups B1 and
F1, plasticized within the ideal range between
80°C and 120°C, showed better energy absorption.
The physical and mechanical properties of
the sheets vary with the chemical composition
of the material, and even commercial brands
made of the same material can also vary in terms
of these properties [13,21]. Likewise, when
comparing Groups B1 and F1, composed of EVA
and plasticized within the ideal temperature
range, the last one showed that it reached the
plasticization point at a lower temperature and
also presented a better capacity to absorb energy.
The modulus of elasticity refers to a fundamen-
tal mechanical property of the material that can be
measured through the slope coefcient of a straight
line and a stress-strain graph obtained in the elastic
regime. In the elastic regime, when removing the
force causing deformation, all absorbed energy
must be fully returned. Flexible materials undergo
greater deformation within their elasticity range,
while rigid materials do not ex and, when absorb-
ing energy, can reach their fracture limit. Therefore,
the modulus of elasticity is higher in rigid materials
and lower in exible materials such as EVA [22].
The graphs referring to the modulus of
elasticity show that Group F1 plasticized at the
lowest temperature and with the highest absorp-
tion capacity, presented the lowest modulus of
elasticity among the others. At rst, considering
the plasticized groups within the ideal temperature
range, Brand F proved to be superior to Brand B
in terms of energy absorption capacity. However,
with the increase in temperature, the performance
of the Brand F test specimens became similar to
that presented by Brand B, which can be possibly
attributed to the change in the microstructure of
the Brand F material and, consequently, its change
in elastic modulus. As a result, it is possible to
establish as a preliminary result that, depend-
ing on the commercial brand, the plasticization
temperature can in fact inuence the modulus of
elasticity of the material and, consequently, its
ability to absorb energy.
Furthermore, Group F1, which was plasti-
cized at the lowest temperature, showed greater
absorption capacity, and lower modulus of elastic-
ity, in addition to less variation in its dimensions.
As a result, it proved to be the most effective
in protection and with the greatest durability.
However, in Brand B, the different plasticization
temperatures showed little interference in the
change in the elastic modulus, expressing a toler-
able difference. Furthermore, Group B2 exhibited
the lowest standard deviation during compression
tests, which may be an indication that this is a
more reliable material for experiments since it had
a lower failure rate.
Finally, the present study highlighted the
possibility of measuring the temperature of a
vacuum laminator using a culinary thermometer,
an accessible tool in terms of value and availability
on the market. Thus, the dentist can check and
control the plasticization temperature in his own
ofce in order to promote better properties for
the sports mouthguard.
The plasticization temperature of EVA sheets
signicantly inuences the absorption capacity
of mouthguards. An increase in temperature led
to a reduction in this property, especially when
higher than 120°C. However, the inuence of
the plasticization temperature on the process
of manufacturing a mouthguard may vary
depending on the commercial brand used.
The culinary thermometer can be easily
used to check the plasticization temperature by
the dentist in his ofce in order to provide better
properties to the mouthguard.
Author’s Contributions
ESRS: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Investigation, Resources, Data Curation,
Writing – Original Draft Preparation. TRMG:
Conceptualization, Methodology, Resources,
Writing – Review & Editing, Visualization,
Supervision. SSIO: Validation, Formal Analysis,
Writing – Review & Editing, Visualization,
Supervision. KMW: Validation, Formal Analysis,
Visualization, Supervision. LGM: Validation,
Formal Analysis, Visualization. JNSMDM:
Validation, Formal Analysis, Visualization.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Apr/June;27 (2): e4357
Silva ESR et al.
Impact of plasticization temperature on the mechanical pr operties of sports mouthguards
Silva ESR et al. Impact of plasticization temperature on the mechanical
properties of sports mouthguards
Conict of Interest
The authors have no conicts of interest to
The present research did not receive any
specic grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-prot sectors.
Regulatory Statement
Not applicable.
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Ester Stephany Rodrigues da Silva
(Corresponding address)
Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ, Brazil.
Email: dra.esterrodrigues@gmail.com
Date submitted: 2024 Apr 30
Accept submission: 2024 June 10