Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4368
Abdullah HA et al.
Evaluation of flexural strength and degree of conversion of temporary crown materials at different aging periods in artificial saliva
Abdullah HA et al. Evaluation of flexural strength and degree of conversion
of temporary crown materials at different aging periods in
artificial saliva
We are extremely grateful to Dr. Julkar
from Haider for his valuable contributions in
preparation of the present work.
Author’s Contributions
HAA: Conceived, designed the analysis,
and writing draft. ZAAI: Collected the data.
MAM: Performed the data analysis. SAN: Formal
analysis, Validation, Supervision, Reviewing and
Conict of Interest
We declare no conicts of interest related
to the present article. The views expressed are
entirely those of the authors and have not been
affected by any nancial or personal relationships.
The authors declare that no nancial support
was received.
Regulatory Statement
The present article did not include the
use of hazardous materials, living organisms,
or any procedures that could potentially harm
the environment. There was no requirement
to adhere to specific regulations related to
occupational health and safety or environmental
protection. All appropriate steps were taken to
ensure adherence to ethical research standards
and laboratory safety protocols.
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