Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2024.e4273
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4273
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In vitro evaluation of the dimensional accuracy of total single-unit
provisional crowns produced by digital workflow
Estudo in vitro avaliativo da acurácia dimensional de coroas totais unitárias provisórias produzidas pelo método digital
André Bueno VIEIRA1 , Diogo Henrique NAKAIE1 , Isabela Inoue KUSSABA1 , Eduardo KURIHARA1
1 - Universidade Estadual de Maringá. Maringá, PR, Brazil.
How to cite: Vieira AB, Nakaie DH, Kussaba II, Kurihara E. In vitro evaluation of the dimensional accuracy of total single-unit provisional
crowns produced by digital workow. Braz Dent Sci. 2024;27(3):e4273. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2024.e4273
Objective: This in vitro study aims to digitally analyze and compare the accuracy of single-unit provisional crowns
produced through digital workows, using both subtractive (milling) and additive (3D printing) methods. The
analysis employs image overlay methods and area calculations. Material and Methods: To conduct the research, a
total crown preparation was performed on a dental mannequin for tooth 26, using the silhouette technique. After
scanning the preparation, a provisional single-unit crown was designed using 3D CAD software, resulting in the
production of 30 crowns: 15 milled and 15 printed. All specimens were scanned and analyzed using specialized
3D image software. Measurements were focused on the internal and marginal areas of the crowns, with a total of
30 measurements for the internal area and 120 for the marginal area. The original design, projected in 3D CAD
software, served as the reference. Statistical analysis, including independent samples t-tests, Shapiro-Wilk normality
tests, and descriptive statistics, was applied to all collected data. Results: Regarding the internal area, there was
a statistically signicant difference when comparing groups P (printed) and M (milled). Group P showed higher
discrepancies compared to group M. Conclusion: Milled provisional crowns demonstrated higher accuracy and
delity to the original design projected in 3D software compared to 3D printed crowns in both areas of analysis.
Crowns; Digital Technology; Printing Three-dimensional; Workow; Computer-Aided design.
Objetivo: Este estudo in vitro tem como objetivo analisar e comparar digitalmente a precisão das coroas provisórias
unitárias produzidas por meio de uxo de trabalho digital, utilizando métodos tanto subtrativos (fresagem) quanto
aditivos (impressão 3D). A análise emprega métodos de sobreposição de imagens e cálculos de área. Material e
Métodos: Para conduzir a pesquisa, um preparo para coroa total foi realizada em um manequim dentário para o
dente 26, usando a técnica de silhueta. Após a digitalização do preparo, uma coroa provisória unitária foi projetada
usando software CAD 3D, resultando na produção de 30 coroas: 15 fresadas e 15 impressas. Todas as amostras
foram digitalizadas e analisadas usando software especializado em imagens 3D. As medições foram focadas nas
áreas interna e marginal das coroas, com um total de 30 medições para a área interna e 120 para a área marginal.
O design original, projetado no software CAD 3D, serviu como referência. A análise estatística, incluindo testes t
para amostras independentes, testes de normalidade de Shapiro-Wilk e estatísticas descritivas, foi aplicada a todos
os dados coletados. Resultados: em relação à área interna, houve diferença estatisticamente signicante quando
comparados os grupos P (impresso) e M (fresado). O grupo P apresentou maiores discrepâncias em relação ao
grupo M. Conclusão: As coroas provisórias fresadas demonstraram maior precisão e delidade ao design original
projetado no software 3D em comparação com as coroas impressas em ambas as áreas de análise.
Coroas dentárias; Tecnologia digital; Impressão tridimensional; Fluxo de trabalho; Desenho assistido por computador.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4273
Vieira AB et al.
In vitro evaluation of the dimensional accuracy of total single-unit provisional crowns produced by digital workflow
Vieira AB et al. In vitro evaluation of the dimensional accuracy of total single-unit
provisional crowns produced by digital workflow
Dental prosthesis is the dental specialty
responsible for the artificial replacement of
one or more dental elements, often including
the total replacement of teeth, in addition to
their associated structures. It is traditionally
divided into two large groups: removable dental
prosthetics and xed dental prosthetics.
In general, xed prosthesis can be dened as
any type of piece that is rmly xed to a natural
tooth, or one or more implants and that cannot
be removed by the patient [1]. The main types
include inlay, onlay, overlay, dental crown, xed
complete denture, and xed partial denture (xed
bridge). Regardless of the type of xed prosthesis
work, a provisional restoration is necessary to aid
in creating the nal prosthesis.
It is through the provisional piece that we
determine important factors for the success of
the rehabilitation treatment, such as occlusion,
periodontal protection, pulp protection, and
aesthetics [2]. In the case of dental crowns,
whether temporary or permanent, a good
marginal and internal adaptation is of great
importance, as failure to seat the piece can result
in low clinical longevity, marginal discoloration,
caries, tooth sensitivity, plaque accumulation,
and dissolution of cement [1].
There are several techniques for producing
provisional using the conventional “analog”
method, namely: alginate matrix, silicone matrix,
stock teeth, pressed and plastic matrix [2]. It is
important to highlight that these procedures
are made up of followed manual steps that may
present failures and depend on the manual skill
of the operator for their success [3].
However, with the advent of digital dentistry
in recent years, the availability of intraoral
scanners has allowed the “virtual reading” of oral
structures and the creation of prostheses through
digital ow, using design software, 3D printers
and /or milling machines. Popularly known by
the acronym CAD\CAM (computer-aided design/
computer-aided machine), the digital method is
capable of consistently producing high-quality
parts using different materials and equipment,
with high patient acceptance [3,4].
Initially, the accuracy of margins in
restorations produced via CAD\CAM faced
significant criticism due to lower fidelity and
lower-than-expected accuracy in the rst systems
available on the market from 1980 onwards,
compared to traditional manufacturing methods.
However, as these technologies have improved
over time, this perception has been reversed.
Currently, it is believed that the marginal
integrity achieved by digital systems can be of
excellent quality [5].
Therefore, the objective of this study is to
digitally compare, through the method of image
overlay and area calculation, the accuracy of
provisional single-unit crowns produced by
digital workflow using both subtractive and
additive methods. At the end of this work, it
is expected to discover which equipment (3D
printer or milling machine) was able to better
reproduce the characteristics determined in the
virtual planning of the provisional crown.
The null hypothesis is that there were no
differences in the crowns produced by the two
production units used compared to the design
projected in the design software.
Dental preparation and reference crown
Initially, a full crown preparation was made
on tooth 26 in a dental mannequin (Pronew, São
Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro), following the principles
of wear in the silhouette technique. Subsequently,
this preparation was scanned by a benchtop
scanner (Identica Blue, Medit, Seoul, South
Korea), and an STL le of the dental preparation
was obtained.
The preparation le was imported into a
3D CAD dental software (dental CAD Valletta,
Exocad, Darmstadt, Germany), and the design
of a single-unit full crown was performed by a
dental prosthetics technician with over 10 years
of experience (Figures 1 and 2).
Production of crowns using milling machine
and 3D printer
Using the le of the full crown, we began
the fabrication phase of the provisional pieces
using two different production units, a 5-axis
milling machine (Programill dry, Ivoclar, Schaan,
Liechtenstein) and a DLP 3D printer (Photon
mono m5s, Anycubic, Shenzhen, China). Fifteen
milled crowns (Figure 3) and fifteen printed
crowns (Figure 4) were produced. The blocks
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4273
Vieira AB et al.
In vitro evaluation of the dimensional accuracy of total single-unit provisional crowns produced by digital workflow
Vieira AB et al. In vitro evaluation of the dimensional accuracy of total single-unit
provisional crowns produced by digital workflow
selected for milling were PMMA (Evoblock
multicolor, Evoden, Pirassununga, São Paulo),
and the resin for printing was provisional type
(Bio prov, Prizma, Birmingham, England).
Scanning of produced crowns
All produced pieces were scanned using
an intraoral scanner (i700 Medit, Seoul, South
Korea), thus generating 30 STL les, which formed
2 groups: group 1 - Milled and group 2 - Printed.
The crowns underwent basic nishing to remove
the supports used in production. The scans were
performed by the same operator scanning each
crown individually. For this step, the pink light
filter was activated on the scanner, and the
operator wore pink gloves. In this way, the pieces
were held in hand, and their external part was
scanned rst, followed by the internal region
Image overlay and analysis method
The aim of the study is to evaluate the internal
and marginal accuracy of these pieces, with the
original design of the provisional crown projected
as a reference. To assess internal accuracy, the
internal area of all produced pieces (Figure 5) and
the internal area of the reference (Figure 6) were
calculated using 3D image analysis software (Medit
Crown Fit., v 1.1.2, Medit Link, Medit, Seoul, South
Korea). Using the same software, marginal accuracy
was also evaluated using the image overlay method.
In this method, each le of the produced crowns
was individually aligned with the design of the
projected crown, and sagittal cuts were made in
the mesio-distal and vestibulo-lingual directions
to measure the value of distortions found in the
cervical region of interest (Figure 7).
Statistical analysis
For all statistical analyses, the Jamovi
software was used, an open-source statistical
Figure 1 - Digital file of the preparation for total crown.
Figure 2 - Digital file of the total crown designed in dental modeling
software (Dental CAD Valletta, Exocad, Darmstadt, Germany).
Figure 3 - Milled crowns.
Figure 4 - Printed crowns.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4273
Vieira AB et al.
In vitro evaluation of the dimensional accuracy of total single-unit provisional crowns produced by digital workflow
Vieira AB et al. In vitro evaluation of the dimensional accuracy of total single-unit
provisional crowns produced by digital workflow
platform that offers a wide range of tools for
data analysis (available at www.jamovi.org).
Initially, the data underwent descriptive analysis.
All values obtained from the internal areas were
tabulated, as well as the values of distortions at
the cervical margin of the pieces. The reference
for calculating internal and cervical distortions
was the original design projected in the 3D CAD
dental software (dental CAD Valletta, Exocad,
Darmstadt, Germany). To verify the normality
of the sample data distribution, the Shapiro-
Wilk test was used, with p<0.05 set as the
threshold for signicance. We proceeded with
statistical comparison using Student’s t-test for
independent samples. This test was chosen for
its suitability in analyzing differences within
related groups when the data follows a normal
distribution. We adopted p<0.05 as the criterion
for determining the statistical significance of
these comparisons.
During the process of calculating the
discrepancies found between the manufactured
total provisional single-unit crowns (group M
- milled; group P - printed) compared to the
original reference le designed in the Exocad®
software, we obtained 30 measurements for
internal area analysis and 120 measurements
for marginal analysis of the pieces.
Based on the data obtained through the Medit
crown t® 3D image analysis software, descriptive
statistical analysis was performed for the two
regions of interest (internal area and cervical
area) of the crowns produced.
Based on the data obtained in Table I, it is
observed that for the milled group, the face with
the lowest average discrepancy (0.0353 mm)
compared to the reference le was the Lingual,
while the Vestibular face had the lowest standard
deviation (0.0041), indicating less dispersed
and more uniform measurements. For the
printed crown group, the face with the lowest
average discrepancy (0.143 mm) was the
Mesial, and it also had the lowest dispersion
among the measurements with a standard
deviation of 0.0302. The total average of marginal
discrepancies was 0.04843 millimeters for milled
crowns and 0.2351 millimeters for printed crowns
The data presented in Table II are related
to the measurements of the internal areas
of Group M and Group P. Group M (Milled)
showed an average discrepancy of the internal
area of 0.8111 mm2 and a standard deviation
of 0.6429, while group P (Printed) presented
an average discrepancy for the internal area
of 8.580 mm2 and a standard deviation of
Figure 5 - Calculation of the internal area of milled crown 1.
Figure 6 - Calculation of the internal area of the reference crown.
Figure 7 - Mesio-distal and vestibulo-palatal sagittal cuts for
analysis of discrepancy in the cervical region of the fabricated
piece. The red line represents the reference crown and the blue line
the milled crown.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4273
Vieira AB et al.
In vitro evaluation of the dimensional accuracy of total single-unit provisional crowns produced by digital workflow
Vieira AB et al. In vitro evaluation of the dimensional accuracy of total single-unit
provisional crowns produced by digital workflow
0.9306. Thus, regarding the internal area, there
was a statistically signicant difference when
comparing groups P and M. Group P showed
higher discrepancies compared to group M
The comparative investigation of digitally
manufactured provisional full crowns using
milling machines and 3D printers has been
the subject of extensive study in recent years,
with various analysis methodologies being
employed. Among these, the Silicone Replica
technique stands out, followed by manual sagittal
cuts and microscopic analysis [3]; Silicone
Replica technique followed by microtomographic
analysis [6]; and microtomographic scanning
followed by digital image analysis [1]. A common
point among these methods is the evaluation of
internal and marginal adaptation of the pieces,
through measurements of the internal spaces
formed between the preparation walls and the
interior of the crowns. The systematic review by
Di Fiore et al. [7] describes these methodologies
as also useful for analyzing the internal and
marginal adaptation of partial crowns.
In the present study, an adapted methodology
was implemented for comparing printed and
milled provisional crowns. A double scanning
technique was utilized, where scanning of the
dental preparation and the produced piece
separately allowed alignment of the reference 3D
le with the obtained manufacturers. The results
enabled the assessment of the accuracy of these
crowns in relation to the design projected in
the design software. After statistical analysis
focused on marginal precision, it was observed
that Group M (Milled) exhibited a lower mean
discrepancy (0.04843 mm) compared to Group
P (Printed) (0.2351 mm), along with lower
standard deviation values, indicating greater
delity to the reference le and more uniform
These findings corroborate the study by
Wu et al. [6], which found better performance
in the marginal adaptation of milled provisional
crowns compared to printed ones. However, they
diverge from the results of Alharbi et al. [1],
which indicated better marginal adaptation
of printed crowns compared to milled ones.
In Viega’s study [8], which compared the
reproduction trueness and precision of dental
casts made by the conventional, milling, and 3D
printing techniques, it was shown that the milling
technique was found to be signicantly more
accurate than the conventional and 3D printing
techniques, which corroborate our ndings.
Regarding the statistical analysis of the
internal area, it was observed that Group M
exhibited a lower mean discrepancy (0.811mm2)
and standard deviation (0.643) compared to
Table I - Descriptive analysis of the data obtained regarding the marginal discrepancies of the Milled (M) and Printed (P) crowns
Group N Mean Standard
Deviation Standard error p-value
Buccal M 15 0.0516 0.0171 0.00441 *p<0.001
P 15 0.281 0.0424 0.01094
Lingual M 15 0.0353 0.0246 0.00636 *p<0.001
P 15 0.307 0.0657 0.01698
Mesial M 15 0.0710 0.0185 0.00479 *p<0.001
P 15 0.143 0.0302 0.00779
Distal M 15 0.0367 0.0191 0.00493 *p<0.001
P 15 0.208 0.0516 0.01333
*Student t-test with significant statistical differences.
Table II - Descriptive analysis of internal area discrepancies for Group M (Milled) and Group P (Printed)
Group N Mean Standard
error p-value
Difference in
internal area
M 15 0.8111 0.6429 0.16598 *p<0.001
P 15 8.590 0.9306 0.24027
*Student t-test with significant statistical differences.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 July/Sept;27 (3): e4273
Vieira AB et al.
In vitro evaluation of the dimensional accuracy of total single-unit provisional crowns produced by digital workflow
Vieira AB et al. In vitro evaluation of the dimensional accuracy of total single-unit
provisional crowns produced by digital workflow
Group P (8.59 mm2) and (0.931), indicating
higher accuracy. These results contradict the
ndings of Alharbi et al. [1], who demonstrated
better performance in internal adaptation
for printed pieces. These discrepancies may
be attributed to differences in brands and
models of equipment used and in the research
methodologies adopted.
In general, this study has shown that milled
crowns exhibited greater accuracy compared
to the original design projected in the 3D CAD
software (Exocad®) than printed crowns, both
in the internal and marginal areas. One possible
explanation for the lower performance of 3D
printers in this study could be based on the studies
by Della Bona et al. [9], whose systematic review
concluded that the printing angle used can impact
the accuracy of the print, as well as properties such
as strength, morphology, and biocompatibility.
The null hypothesis of this study was
rejected, indicating deviations in both production
methods. However, several studies have already
demonstrated that both 3D printers and milling
machines have the ability to produce restorations
with adaptation within the recommended
parameters [10]. These promising technologies
have contributed to greater predictability and
quality in dental work [11].
The clinical relevance of this study lies in
the analysis methodology employed, which, if
applied in daily clinical practice, allows for the
anticipation of problems and the evaluation of
distortions and mists in the produced prosthesis
before their installation, thus contributing to a
reduction in clinical adjustment time and greater
effectiveness in results.
Provisional single-unit total crowns obtained
by milling demonstrated superior accuracy and
precision when compared to their counterparts
produced by 3D printing, both in the internal and
marginal areas. Further studies are recommended,
employing updated methodologies, in the eld
of manufacturing provisional crowns for xed
prostheses using the CAD/CAM system.
Author’s Contributions
ABV: Writing Review & Editing. DHN:
Conceptualization, Methodology. IIK: Software,
Validation, Writing Original Draft Preparation.
EK: Visualization, Investigation, Supervision.
Conict of Interest
The authors have no proprietary, nancial,
or other personal interest of any nature or kind
in any product, service, and/or company that is
presented in this article.
This research did not receive any specic
grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-prot sectors.
Regulatory Statement
This study was conducted in accordance
with the guidelines and ethical standards of the
Institution. There was no involvement of human
subjects, nor any collection of personal data.
The authors declare that there are no conicts
of interest related to this research.
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Isabela Inoue Kussaba
(Corresponding address)
Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Maringá, PR, Brazil.
Email: isabelaikussaba@gmail.com
Date submitted: 2024 May 15
Accept submission: 2024 Sept 03