Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4394
Limrachtamorn T et al.
Volumetric measurement of sleep bruxism-like indentations on acrylic surface using intraoral scanner and inlay wax
Limrachtamorn T et al. Volumetric measurement of sleep bruxism-like indentations on
acrylic surface using intraoral scanner and inlay wax
so its efficacy could be evaluated. Blue inlay
wax had the highest agreement for all types of
indentations. Further study is needed in order to
verify the clinical application of the techniques.
The authors would like to thank Khon Kaen
University for funding the research, and the staff
in Synchrotron Light Research Institute, Thailand
for technical assistance in the analysis with the
Author’s Contributions
TL: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data
Curation, Formal Analysis, Writing- Original Draft
Preparation. TPJ: Methodology, Formal Analysis,
Writing - Review & Editing. SR: Methodology,
Formal Analysis, Writing - Review & Editing. RC:
Methodology, Formal Analysis, Writing - Review
& Editing. JP: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Formal Analysis, Supervision, Writing - Review
& Editing.
Conict of Interest
The authors have no conicts of interest to
The study has no external funding.
Regulatory Statement
This study did not utilize hazardous
substances, animal or human subjects. As a
result, adherence to specic regulatory laws or
guidelines concerning occupational health, safety,
or environmental protection was not required. All
appropriate steps were taken to uphold ethical
research standards and ensure laboratory safety.
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