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ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2024.e4472
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4472
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The Er.Cr.YSGG laser’s impact in the occlusion of dentinal tubules:
in vitro study
Impacto do laser de Er.Cr.YSGG na oclusão dos túbulos dentinários: estudo in vitro
Mohammed Ziad TARIK1 , Mohamed K. DHAHIR1 , Salah A. ALKURTAS2
1 - University of Baghdad, Institute of Laser for Postgraduate Studies. Baghdad, Iraq.
2 - Al-Turath University. Baghdad, Iraq.
How to cite: Tarik MZ, Dhahir MK, Alkurtas SA. The Er.Cr.YSGG laser’s impact in the occlusion of dentinal tubules: in vitro study. Braz
Dent Sci. 2024;27(4):e4472. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2024.e4472
Background: Severe discomfort due to exposed dentin that is brought on by thermal, tactile, evaporative,
electrical, osmotic, or chemical stimulation is known as dentinal hypersensitivity. It typically includes the
teeth’s facial surfaces close to the cervical boundary and, typically, in premolars and canines. It might be caused
by either cemental or enamel loss. Objective: To assess how well the Er.Cr.YSGG laser seals dentinal tubules
when it’s used on exposed dentine. Material and Methods: Twenty-nine natural posterior teeth were prepared,
sectioned, cleaned, and made ready for treatment. Samples were split into groups: Group A, the group under
negative control (N = 10), and Group B: Er.Cr.YSGG (Waterlase, I plus, Biolase Technology, Irvine, CA) was
administered (N = 10) along with a pilot research group (N = 9). Wavelength of 2780 nm, irradiation mode
is free-running pulse, power of 0.25 W, frequency of 20 Hz, pulse width of 60 μs, time of 2 seconds, Fiber tip
size: 600 μm, non-contact mode, power density of 83.33 W/cm2 with 0% water and 0% air, ber tip xed on a
distance of 1 mm perpendicular to the dentin surface with a clamp holder. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
was used to analyze dentin-obstructed surfaces. A qualitative evaluation of the micrographs was conducted to
analyze the shift in surface features. Data analysis was performed using (spss) software (version 26, IBM,USA)
to investigate the data’s normal distribution. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests revealed that the
data had an abnormal distribution. Mann-Whitney U test was carried out to show a comparison between groups
(control, laser group). Results: The data obtained from the laser group showed a large reduction in tubular
diameter (0.737 μm) as compared to the control group (3.095 μm). The selected parameters (0.25W/2s, 83.33
W/cm2) were best to reduce and plug any exposed dentinal tubules without any indication of ssures or cracks.
Conclusion: The study conclusively demonstrates that Er:Cr:YSGG laser irradiation offers a viable solution for
dentin hypersensitivity by partially or completely occluding dentin tubules. Future clinical trials are warranted
to further explore its efcacy.
Dentinal tubules; Er.Cr.YSGG; Hypersensitivity; Laser; Teeth sensitivity.
Contexto: O desconforto severo devido à dentina exposta que é causado por estimulação térmica, tátil, evaporativa,
elétrica, osmótica ou química é conhecido como hipersensibilidade dentinária. Normalmente acomete as
superfícies vestibulares dos dentes próximas ao limite cervical e, tipicamente, em pré-molares e caninos. Pode
ser causado por perda de cemento ou esmalte. Objetivo: Avaliar o nível de ecácia do laser de Er.Cr.YSGG ao
selar os túbulos dentinários quando aplicado em dentina exposta. Material e Métodos: Vinte e nove dentes
posteriores naturais foram preparados, seccionados, limpos e preparados para tratamento. As amostras foram
divididas em grupos: Grupo A: grupo sob controle negativo (N = 10); e Grupo B: Er.Cr.YSGG (Waterlase, I plus,
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4472
Tarik MZ et al.
The Er.Cr.YSGG laser’s impact in the occlusion of dentinal tubules: in vitro study
Tarik MZ et al. The Er.Cr.YSGG laser’s impact in the occlusion of dentinal
in vitro
Dessensibilizantes dentinários; Terapia a Laser;
Hipersensibilidade; Laser; Sensibilidade dentária.
Dentin hypersensitivity (DH) is marked
by localized, acute pain in exposed dentin
triggered by external thermal, mechanical,
chemical, or osmotic stimuli, not attributable
to other dental defects or pathologies. Factors
like erosion, abrasion, and attrition, as well
as periodontal treatments or surgery, may
link it to the condition [1-4]. Several theories
have been proposed regarding the cause of
tooth hypersensitivity. One of the most well-
articulated is Brännström’s Hydrodynamic
theory [5]. It suggests that fluid flow inside
dentinal tubules may cause a painful sensation.
When dentinal tubules are exposed to cold, the
ow increases quickly, which the patient may
interpret as pain [6]. The literature mentions
a variety of dentin hypersensitivity treatment
techniques, but for them to be successful,
they must fulfill specific requirements. These
treatments need to be easy to use, provide a
long-lasting effect, operate swiftly, avoid causing
irritation or discoloration to the tooth pulp, and
be cost-effective. Obstructing the teeth’s exposed
tubules by blocking pulpal sensory neurons can
accomplish desensitization [2]. Desensitizing
products that contain potassium nitrate have the
ability to function by obstructing the synapses
between nerve cells, which in turn reduces nerve
activation and associated discomfort. Moreover,
a variety of substances, including calcium
phosphate, potassium oxalate, and sodium
uoride, have been reported to obstruct dentinal
tubules. Additionally, there have been reports
that adhesive materials, cements, varnishes, and
lasers can occlude dentinal tubules [2].
Recently the clinical application of lasers had
increased. Dentists use a variety of these lasers,
classifying them as either hard or soft. Hard
lasers consist of CO2 (carbon dioxide), Nd:YAG
(neodymium yttrium aluminum garnet), and
Er:YAG. These lasers can treat both hard and soft
tissue, although they may cause harm to the pulp.
Conversely, low-level laser treatment (LLLT),
also known as biostimulation, involves the use
of soft or cool lasers that utilize semiconductor
diode technology to produce laser energy in a
non-thermal manner [7].
In general, lasers have a wide range of
applications in dentistry, including photodynamic
therapy for cancer, orthodontic treatments
that expose partially and unerupted teeth,
removal of hypertrophic, inflamed tissue,
periodontal treatments that lengthen crowns,
and oral medicine procedures that remove
various types of tissue. Not only did they treat
dentinal hypersensitivity, but they also made
big steps forward in hard tissue treatments like
removing cavities, preparing cavities, or taking
out restorative material [7]. Erbium Chromium:
The class 4 laser employed in this investigation
is the Yttrium-Scandium-Gallium-Garnet laser
(Waterlase®, ©BIOLASE, Inc., USA). It has a
wavelength of 2780 nm. The patient will benet
from having this kind of laser at the dentist’s ofce
Biolase Technology, Irvine, CA), que foi administrado (N = 10) juntamente com um grupo de pesquisa piloto
(N = 9). As características do laser aplicado foram: comprimento de onda de 2780 nm, modo de irradiação é
pulso de corrida livre, potência de 0,25 W, frequência de 20 Hz, largura de pulso de 60 μs, tempo de 2 segundos,
tamanho da ponta da bra: 600 μm, modo sem contato, densidade de potência de 83,33 W/cm2 com 0% de
água e 0% de ar, ponta da bra xada a uma distância de 1 mm perpendicular à superfície da dentina com um
suporte de grampo. Microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) foi usada para analisar superfícies obstruídas pela
dentina. Uma avaliação qualitativa das micrograas foi conduzida para analisar a mudança nas características
da superfície. A análise de dados foi realizada usando o software (SPSS) para investigar a distribuição normal
dos dados. Os testes de Kolmogorov-Smirnov e Shapiro-Wilk revelaram que os dados tinham uma distribuição
anormal. O teste U de Mann-Whitney foi realizado para mostrar uma comparação entre os grupos (controle,
grupo laser). Resultados: Os dados obtidos do grupo laser mostraram uma grande redução no diâmetro tubular
(0,737 μm) em comparação ao grupo controle (3,095 μm). Os parâmetros selecionados (0,25 W/2s, 83,33 W/
cm2) foram os melhores para reduzir e tampar quaisquer túbulos dentinários expostos sem qualquer indicação
de ssuras ou rachaduras. Conclusão: O estudo demonstra conclusivamente que a irradiação a laser Er:Cr:YSGG
oferece uma solução viável para a hipersensibilidade dentinária ao ocluir parcial ou completamente os túbulos
dentinários. Futuros ensaios clínicos são necessários para explorar melhor sua ecácia.
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Tarik MZ et al.
The Er.Cr.YSGG laser’s impact in the occlusion of dentinal tubules: in vitro study
Tarik MZ et al. The Er.Cr.YSGG laser’s impact in the occlusion of dentinal
in vitro
in many ways. This study set out to assess how
the Er.Cr.YSGG laser inuenced the occlusion of
exposed dentinal tubules.
Teeth collection and preparation
We utilized twenty-nine adult human
wisdom teeth extracted for various purposes. We
discarded crowns that had caries, restorations,
cracks, or any other apparent abnormality. We
used an ultrasonic scaler (Castellani- Italy) to
clean the teeth in an apical-coronal direction,
removing any remnant cementum and attached
periodontal ligament. Next, we polished the
teeth for 20 seconds with a non-uoride paste
to remove any debris. Finally, we rinsed, dried,
and stored the teeth for 48 hours in distilled
water containing 0.1% thymol((2-Isoprpoyl-5-
methylphenol), expired date 06-2026, Uk) to
prevent any microbial growth. The teeth were
mounted on one hand of the surveyor and the
engine held on another arm for precision and
uniform sectioning of the tooth surface at a zero
plane with a double-faced diamond disk 0.2 mm
(Star dent, China) one disk for every 3 teeth, and
the cutting was done under water irrigation. The
teeth were sectioned transversely to expose the
dentine and put in an ultrasonic cleaner(HH-
S2china) for 3 min to remove the debris of
cutting, then dried with gauze. Following this, to
stimulate the surface of hypersensitive dentine,
teeth received 17% EDTA(Dia prep pro, Korea)
for 2 min. and 35% phosphoric acid for 10 sec
for smear layer removal; the prepared teeth were
then occupied in numbered containers.
Irradiation and temperature assessment for
the research groups
This study was done on 10 teeth for the
Study Group (G2); the teeth were fixed with
stainless- steel, and the handpiece of Er,Cr:
YSGG Laser was xed with a clamp 1mm from
the irradiated dentine surface.
A pilot study was conducted on nine teeth
to determine the optimal parameters (power and
exposure time) for the research group. Different
power parameters (0.25W, 0.5W, 0.75W) for
different exposure times (2 sec, 4 sec, 8 sec)
were taken.
For power 0.25W, we tested three different
times: 2 seconds, 4 seconds, and 8 seconds to
determine the optimal result. The results were
recorded and analyzed to identify the differences
in the effect of each parameter on the sample.
The pilot study followed the same procedure for
the other two power parameters.
According to the earlier, the chosen
parameters for pilot trials were (0.25W and 2sec).
Samples have been divided into groups,
each consisting of ten samples
Group 1(G1) control group did not receive
any treatment.
Group (G2) study group: Er, Cr:YSGG laser
treatment (Waterlase, 1 plus, Biolase Technology,
Irvine, CA) as depicted in Figure 1. Wavelength of
2780 nm, irradiation mode is free-running pulse,
power of 0.25 W, frequency of 20 Hz, pulse width
of 60 μs, time of 2 seconds, Fiber tip size: 600
μm, non-contact mode, power density of 83.33
W/cm2 with 0% water and 0% air, ber tip xed
on a distance of 1 mm perpendicular to the dentin
surface with a clamp holder.
Temperature and irradiance measurement
for the study group
To assess temperature, one root canal prepared
with the SX-le (protaper les) and treated with
deionized water and then dried with a paper
point is now ready for insertion of the head of the
thermocouple probe (prośket MT-1232, 1st Edition,
2013, Taiwan) to the opposite side of the irradiated
surface. The study was carried out on ten teeth for
the study group (G2). The teeth were secured with
a stainless-steel rack, the thermocouple probe was
positioned at the root of the teeth and set in place,
and the Er, Cr:YSGG laser handpiece was clamped
1 mm from the irradiated dentine surface. Then,
after 50 seconds, as soon as the pulp’s temperature
reached a stable state in the water path, the teeth
were irradiated using the 2780 nm Er, Cr:YSGG
laser, and temperature was recorded every second
Figure 1 - Settings for laser exposure group.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4472
Tarik MZ et al.
The Er.Cr.YSGG laser’s impact in the occlusion of dentinal tubules: in vitro study
Tarik MZ et al. The Er.Cr.YSGG laser’s impact in the occlusion of dentinal
in vitro
for 60 seconds, which was a 2-second exposure time
and a 58-second observation time for documenting
any increase in temperature during the exposure
period and the irradiated tooth’s recuperation time
during the observation period.
SEM results
Surfaces of dentin revealed different levels
of dental tubule occlusion with various samples.
SEM micrographs showing the control group
after they were treated with 17% EDTA for
two minutes and 35% phosphoric acid for ten
seconds to remove the smear layer. The smear
layer does not cover the dentin; the tubules
were fully opened, as shown in Figure 2. The
diameters of control samples were measured by
SEM analysis and showed a mean (3.095 um).The
protocol we followed in measuring the samples
involved randomly selecting ten dentinal tubules
from each sample at a constant magnication of
10000x for all samples. The mean for each sample
was calculated, and the result was considered as
the outcome for each individual sample.
All dentin samples treated by Er,Cr:YSGG
Laser at a wavelength of 2780 nm, narrowing
with some of the occluded tubules, were observed
at power 0.25 W for an application time of 2 sec.
Figure 3 showed minimal surface precipitate and
total obliteration of most of the dentinal tubules.
The remaining tubules underwent some changes,
including a narrowing of their diameter.
Figure 2 - SEM views of two samples (control group). Magnification 10000x. A) open dentinal tubules sample 1; B)open dentinal tubules sample 2.
Figure 3 - SEM for two samples views of treated dentin (0.25w, 2sec). Magnification: 10000x.
Figure 4 - Illustrated diameters of study group with Magnification
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4472
Tarik MZ et al.
The Er.Cr.YSGG laser’s impact in the occlusion of dentinal tubules: in vitro study
Tarik MZ et al. The Er.Cr.YSGG laser’s impact in the occlusion of dentinal
in vitro
The diameters of treated samples were
measured by SEM analysis and showed a mean
reduction equal to 0.737 um, as shown in
Figure 4.
Temperature measurement
For temperature measurement, no changes
in samples temperature were recorded during
exposure or after that during observation time.
Statistical results
Data analysis was performed using SPSS
software (version 26, IBM, USA) to investigate the
data’s normal distribution. Both the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov and the Shapiro-Wilk tests were used,
they revealed that the data had an abnormal
distribution (p>0.00). So they were described
by (median, mean, standard deviation) and non-
parametric assessment. Mann-Whitney U test was
carried out to show a comparison between groups
(control, laser group). The data obtained from the
laser group showed a large reduction in tubular
diameter (mean, median) as compared to the
control group (median, mean) as shown in Table I.
Figure 5 illustrates the comparison between
the control and laser groups. The laser and
control groups exhibited a statistically signicant
difference (p-value 0.000) as shown in Table II.
Dentinal hypersensitivity can be mitigated by
reducing the uid circulation within the dentinal
tubules, so obstructing signals from reaching the
odontoblastic process [8]. In hypersensitive teeth,
the tubule diameter is considerably broader than
those of teeth that are not sensitive. Different
techniques can be used to block dentinal tubules,
initially by closing the dentin surface, occluding
in their orices, or occluding in the subsurface
dentin in their tubules [3,9]. For effective
desensitization, the treatment in our study
centered on reducing and obstructing the radius
of dentinal tubules by using Er.Cr.YSGG laser
with specications (0.25W/2s, 83.33 W/cm2).
This investigation involved exams completed
immediately post-exposure utilizing Scanning
Electron Microscopy (SEM). The samples
underwent multiple preparatory procedures:
Cleaning: samples were subjected to ultrasonic
Table I - Shows the mean tubular diameter for (A) control group
(B) laser group
Samples A Mean Samples B Mean
1 3.448 1 0.477
2 3.306 2 0.7
3 2.747 3 1.03
4 2.126 4 0.404
5 2.508 5 0.507
6 2.309 6 0.98
7 3.437 7 1.078
8 3.492 8 0.966
9 4.34 9 0.633
10 3.234 10 0.451
Figure 5 - Illustrates the comparison between the control and laser group.
Table II - Shows the impact of Er,Cr: YSGG laser used for this study
on the diameter of dentinal tubules
Group Median Mean Std. Deviation p-value*
Control 2.954 3.095 0.957 >0.000
Laser 0.640 0.737 0.315
*Mann-Whitney test.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4472
Tarik MZ et al.
The Er.Cr.YSGG laser’s impact in the occlusion of dentinal tubules: in vitro study
Tarik MZ et al. The Er.Cr.YSGG laser’s impact in the occlusion of dentinal
in vitro
scaling in an apico-coronal direction to eliminate
residual cementum and periodontal ligament.
Polishing: Samples were polished with non-
uoride paste for 20 seconds to eliminate debris,
then rinsed and dried. Storage: The purified
samples were maintained for 48 hours in distilled
water with 0.1% thymol to inhibit microbial
The dentinal tubules were deliberately
expanded to replicate dentine hypersensitivity.
Two chemical agents, 17% EDTA gel and 35%
phosphoric acid, were employed to replicate
the condition of sensitive dentine. This essential
measure was implemented to guarantee that the
prepared dentin surface was devoid of leftover
substances, including the smear layer and plugs.
The FDA had allowed the use of erbium lasers
on hard tissues; therefore, it is decided to employ
the Er.Cr.YSGG laser of 2780 nm (Waterlase®)
group for this therapy. This is consistent with
other research [10-17]. 0.25 W of power is used
for 2 sec from Er.Cr:YSGG laser. According to
Aranha et al. [18], the Er.Cr.YSGG laser, which
belongs to the family of erbium lasers, has
signicant absorption in the bound water of a
tooth’s crystalline structure, which results in the
expansion and detonation of dental hard tissues.
As reported by Hu et al. [19], the
desensitization with Erbium laser is accomplished
by water molecule absorption to produce a
microblasting action and deposition of insoluble
salts that narrow or block down dentinal tubules.
This results in a reduction of the tubular surface
diameter by up to 50%.
The clinical uses of high- and low-intensity
dental lasers have been the subject of a great
deal of research. Low-level laser therapy
induces photophysical, photobiological, and
photochemical effects on the cells of irradiated
tissues, while high-intensity lasers act by
increasing temperature to ablate, vaporize, cut,
and coagulate dental tissue [20].
Dentin exhibits low thermal conductivity,
which may lead to a notable increase in local
temperature. In the case of laser applications
in this study, the fundamental consequences
are photothermal and photomechanical effects.
Dentine primarily consists of hydroxyapatite
crystals and water, making infrared-emitted
lasers the most effective for its treatment [21].
Furthermore, Erbium lasers perform thermal
ablation on enamel and dentine, a process that is
mediated by water and characterized by explosive
effects. Because of the surrounding hard tissue,
this application causes the water in the subsurface
layers to heat up to a temperature of over 100 °C.
This pressure overcomes the strength of the tissue,
generating an “explosion” with the extirpation
of hard tissues. In order to accommodate this
occurrence, it’s crucial to stay below the melting
point of dentine or enamel, which varies according
on the kind of laser (for example, the ablation
threshold of Er, Cr: YSGG lasers can reach up to
800 °C, and CO2 lasers can reach 1000 °C) [22].
Brännström’s hydrodynamic theory
suggested that dentine hypersensitivity is due
to the movement of fluid within the dentinal
tubules. Obstruction of the tubules diminishes
uid mobility that activates nerve endings in the
dentin, resulting in reduced pain and discomfort
from stimuli like as temperature uctuations,
pressure, and osmotic changes. This underscores
the signicance of the research in diminishing
sensitivity by decreasing the diameter of the
tubules with minimal power and time.
Finally, the main purpose of our study
conducted in vitro was to examine the laser’s
occlusion of dentinal tubules; The laser’s impact
on nerves wasn’t taken into consideration.
As a limitation of the study we consider
that aging protocols to investigate the long term
effects of tubule occluding agents should be
performed in future studies.
The findings of this study indicate that
Er:Cr:YSGG laser irradiation can partially
or completely occlude dentin tubules, thus
recommending its consideration for the
management of dentin hypersensitivity in future
clinical trials.
Author’s Contributions
MZT: Investigation, Writing – Original
Draft Preparation. MKD: Supervision. SAA:
Conict of Interest
The authors have no conicts of interest to
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4472
The Er.Cr.YSGG laser’s impact in the occlusion of dentinal
in vitro
Tarik MZ et al.
The Er.Cr.YSGG laser’s impact in the occlusion of dentinal tubules: in vitro study
Tarik MZ et al. The Er.Cr.YSGG laser’s impact in the occlusion of dentinal
in vitro
Date submitted: 2024 July 29
Accept submission: 2024 Dec 12
Mohammed Ziad Tarik
(Corresponding address)
University of Baghdad, Institute of Laser for Postgraduate Studies, Baghdad, Iraq.
E-mail: mohammed.zeyed2202m@ilps.uobaghdad.edu.iq
This research did not receive any specic
grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-prot sectors.
Regulatory Statement
Not applicable, as in vitro studies do not
require approval from an ethics committee,
according to the Department of Biomedical
Applications, Institute of Laser for Postgraduate
Studies, University of Baghdad.
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