Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2024.e4503
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4503
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
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Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold in
the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy
Análise morfológica das cerdas de escovas de dentes vendidas no mercado peruano, utilizando microscopia eletrônica de
Pablo Alonso LOPEZ BERAUN1 , Edward Antonio ALEGRIA CARHUANAMBO1 , Alberth Jeremias SOTO AMANTE1 ,
1 - Universidad de Huánuco. Huánuco, Huánuco, Peru.
How to cite: Lopez Beraun PA, Alegria Carhuanambo EA, Soto Amante AJ, Paredes Zelada E. Morphological analysis of the bristles
from toothbrushes sold in the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy. Braz Dent Sci. 2024;27(4):e4503. https://doi.
Objective: To analyze, using scanning electron microscopy, the morphological characteristics of the bristle
laments of toothbrushes marketed in Peru. Material and Methods: Images obtained through scanning electron
microscopy of 23 adult toothbrushes with nylon bristles (621 bristles) were used, and the morphology of their
lament tips was evaluated using the Silverstone and Featherstone classication modied by Reiter and Wetzel
and classied as Acceptable or Non-acceptable. Results: Of the bristles evaluated, 169 (27.2%) were classied as
acceptable, while 452 (72.8%) were non-acceptable. Among the toothbrushes analyzed, four exhibited more than
50% acceptable bristles, including one with 100% acceptability. Conversely, another four brushes displayed 100%
non-acceptable bristles. Conclusion: The results demonstrate a high frequency of non-acceptable bristles, with a
ratio 2.5 times greater than the acceptable ones. This variability indicates a lack of uniformity in manufacturing
standards across brands, emphasizing the urgency to implement stricter regulations to ensure the quality and
safety of these crucial oral hygiene instruments.
Dental and oral hygiene products; Oral hygiene; Oral self-care devices; Personal hygiene products; Toothbrushing.
Objetivo: Analisar, por meio de microscopia eletrônica de varredura, as características morfológicas dos lamentos
das cerdas de escovas de dentes comercializadas no Peru. Material e Métodos: Foram utilizadas imagens obtidas
por microscopia eletrônica de varredura de 23 escovas de dentes para adultos com cerdas de náilon (621 cerdas),
avaliando-se a morfologia das pontas dos lamentos com base na classicação de Silverstone e Featherstone,
modicada por Reiter e Wetzel, e categorizadas como Aceitáveis ou Não aceitáveis. Resultados: Das cerdas
avaliadas, 169 (27,2%) foram classicadas como aceitáveis, enquanto 452 (72,8%) foram consideradas não
aceitáveis. Entre as escovas analisadas, quatro apresentaram mais de 50% de cerdas aceitáveis, incluindo uma
com 100% de aceitabilidade. Por outro lado, outras quatro escovas apresentaram 100% de cerdas não aceitáveis.
Conclusão: Os resultados demonstram uma alta frequência de cerdas não aceitáveis, com uma proporção 2,5
vezes maior que a de cerdas aceitáveis. Essa variabilidade indica a falta de uniformidade nos padrões de fabricação
entre as marcas, destacando a urgência de implementar regulamentações mais rigorosas para garantir a qualidade
e a segurança desses instrumentos essenciais para a higiene bucal.
Dispositivos de autocuidado oral; Higiene bucal; Produtos de higiene dental e oral; Produtos de higiene pessoal;
Escovação dos dentes.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4503
Lopez Beraun PA et al. Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold in the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy
Lopez Beraun PA et al. Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold
in the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy
Dental caries and periodontal diseases are
highly prevalent pathologies among humans
and are the leading causes of tooth loss. Both
conditions, chronic and complex in nature, share
several risk factors, with the presence of bacterial
plaque being the most notable. This biolm is a
crucial element that poses a signicant threat to
oral health [1-8].
Effective control of biolm, both profession-
ally and personally, is essential to ensure and
maintain oral health, highlighting the removal of
bacterial plaque as a critical strategy in the pre-
vention of oral diseases, using two main methods:
mechanical, such as brushing and ossing, and
chemical, through mouth rinses. Dental hygiene,
particularly through daily and regular toothbrush-
ing, is the most popular and widely adopted
method for this purpose. This approach is the
most important component of prophylaxis against
dental caries and periodontal diseases [3,9-15].
Among the various instruments designed
for oral hygiene, the toothbrush stands out due
to its remarkable efcacy in removing bacterial
plaque, achieving a level of performance that other
devices have not matched [16]. From ancient
Babylon around 3500 BC, where chewing sticks
were used for their antimicrobial properties, to the
invention of the rst toothbrushes with pig bristles
and bamboo or bone handles during the Tang
Dynasty (618-907 AD) in China, the toothbrush
has undergone signicant evolution. These early
designs spread to Europe, where pig bristles were
replaced with softer bristles, such as horsehair, to
suit local preferences. The mass production of the
modern toothbrush began with William Addis in
England in 1780, followed by industrialization
in the United States starting in 1885 [17,18].
The 20th century marked a turning point with
the replacement of bone handles by celluloid
and later other plastics, and the introduction of
nylon bristles and synthetic fibers by DuPont,
which improved the hygiene and durability of
toothbrushes. The innovative design by Dr. Robert
Hutson in the 1950s, featuring multi-tufted nylon
laments with rounded tips and a at cut, known
as the Oral-B manual toothbrush, set a standard
for modern toothbrush design [13,19].
The contemporary market offers a diverse
range of toothbrushes, each claiming superior
plaque reduction capabilities [10], incorporating
design improvements that include the number
and distribution of bristles, as well as the size
and shape of the head, aimed at overcoming
limitations associated with brushing duration and
technique [11,19]. These products are equipped
with unique features, designed to meet precise
standards that facilitate effective dental biolm
management while preserving the integrity of
oral tissues [20].
In the development of new toothbrushes, it
is crucial to assess not only their efcacy in plaque
reduction and improvement of gingival health but
also their safety [19,21,22], which is directly related
to the functional characteristics of the bristles, often
imperceptible to the public, thus necessitating
studies that evaluate this aspect [21,23].
Bristles constitute a critical component of
toothbrushes, being the only part that comes into
direct contact with dental surfaces. For this reason,
a deep understanding of the characteristics of these
components is essential for selecting the appropriate
brush. Factors such as length, diameter, material,
and color of the bristles significantly influence
the brush’s effectiveness in removing plaque and
cleaning teeth effectively [17].
The American Dental Association (ADA)
recommends that bristle tips be rounded
to minimize the risk of dental and gingival
abrasions [12,21,24,25]. In 1988, Silverstone
and Featherstone evaluated the tips of various
toothbrush bristles using a scanning electron
microscope (SEM) and classied them into two
groups: acceptable (nearly rounded) and non-
acceptable (not rounded) [26].
In the toothbrush market, there is a notable
lack of information regarding the rounding of
bristle tips in many available products. This
omission leads to a wide variability in lament
morphology, with tips ranging from completely
rounded to notably sharp [21]. This variability
is also reected in the Peruvian market, where
a wide range of toothbrushes is sold in different
establishments at various prices. Consequently,
the present study aims to analyze, through SEM,
the morphological characteristics of toothbrush
bristle laments marketed in Peru.
Selection of toothbrushes
This study was conducted at the SEM
Laboratory of the Universidad de Huánuco
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4503
Lopez Beraun PA et al. Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold in the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy
Lopez Beraun PA et al. Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold
in the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy
during the year 2024. Prior to the experiment,
a survey of commercially available toothbrushes
was conducted in various pharmacies, wholesale
stores, and supermarkets in the city of Huánuco.
Nylon toothbrushes with cylindrical laments of
varying stiffness (hard, medium, and soft) were
selected, excluding those with conical bristles that
are chemically treated rather than mechanically
processed. The sample was limited to adult
toothbrushes to reduce variability. After the initial
evaluation, 23 toothbrushes met the established
criteria. One unit of each selected model was
purchased, totaling 621 bristles for analysis. The
details of the models, including toothbrush names,
manufacturers, country of origin, and bristle
stiffness, were documented in Table I, based on
the specications provided by the manufacturers.
Sample preparation
An examiner prepared the samples from
the selected toothbrush brands, assigning
numerical codes to each according to the previous
Table. A tuft was randomly selected from each
toothbrush to cut the filaments using a No.
15 scalpel. To standardize the counting of
laments to be observed, the 10 samples with
the fewest laments per tuft were selected, and
an average was conveniently established across
all observations, resulting in 27 laments =
26.8) selected for each toothbrush brand. The
cut laments were mounted on aluminum slides
using carbon adhesive discs and examined under
a Thermo Scientific Prisma E SEM, operating
under low vacuum conditions at 75 Torr and
30 kV. The microscope was set to a 2 mm
magnication and a 90° viewing angle relative
to the longitudinal axis of the laments.
Analysis of toothbrush lament morphology
Based on the images obtained, the percent-
ages of rounded bristles were evaluated in relation
to the total number of bristles. All determinations
Table I - Distribution of toothbrushes by name and manufacturer
ID Name Manufacturer Bristle
No. of tufts/
Filaments per tuft Origin
ID_001 Family Care - - 40 / 26 China
ID_002 Pro® Múltiple acción PROCTER & GAMBLE mfg. México Soft 45 / 52 Mexico
ID_003 Pro® Doble acción mayor
alcance PROCTER & GAMBLE mfg. México Medium 50 / 35 Mexico
ID_004 Pro® Doble acción profile PROCTER & GAMBLE mfg. México Hard 50 / 18 Mexico
ID_005 Oral B® Pro-Salud 4 beneficios PROCTER & GAMBLE mfg. México Soft 38 / 32 Mexico
ID_006 Colgate® Extra clean COLGATE SANXIAO Co. Hard 43 /16 China
ID_007 Colgate® Extra clean COLGATE SANXIAO Co. Medium 43 / 36 China
ID_008 Connert Djimba - Soft 35 / 34 -
ID_009 Colgate® Premier Clean COLGATE PALMOLIVE Medium 38 / 42 Vietnam
ID_010 New biofresh - Soft 42 / 28 China
ID_011 Kolynos® Master Plus COLGATE SANXIAO Co. Medium 39 / 32 China
ID_012 Dento® INTRADEVCO INDUSTRIAL Medium 40 / 24 Peru
ID_013 Oral B® 1,2,3 RIALTO ENTERPRISES PVT. Ltda Medium 38 / 50 China
ID_014 Vitis® Medio DENTAID S.L. Medium 29 / 35 Spain
ID_015 Vitis® Suave DENTAID S.L. Soft 29 / 42 Spain
ID_016 Vitis® Duro DENTAID S.L. Hard 40 / 30 Spain
ID_017 Colgate® 360° Advanced
Luminous COLGATE SANXIAO Co. Soft 26 / 52 China
Ltd Medium 37 / 30 China
ID_019 Oral B® Pro-Salud 7 beneficios RIALTO ENTERPRISES PVT. Ltda Soft 35 / 72 India
ID_020 Oral B® Complete 4 beneficios PROCTER & GAMBLE mfg. México Medium 38 / 42 Mexico
ID_021 Daily Caristop® MAVER PERÚ S.A.C. Soft 41 / 50 Peru
ID_022 Colgate® Recy Clean COLGATE SANXIAO Co. Soft 39 / 45 China
ID_023 Total Dent - n.s. 41 / 32 China
n.s. = …
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4503
Lopez Beraun PA et al. Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold in the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy
Lopez Beraun PA et al. Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold
in the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy
of the rounding patterns of toothbrush bristles
were performed by two blind, duly calibrated
investigators. To mitigate the risk of bias related to
the prior knowledge of the toothbrush brands by
the investigators responsible for sample prepara-
tion, rigorous measures were adopted to ensure
the impartiality of the analysis. The samples
were exclusively evaluated by two independent
researchers who did not participate in the prepara-
tion phase or in the capture of images using SEM.
This strategy ensured complete blinding of the
evaluators, avoiding any inuence derived from
familiarity with the toothbrush brands.
For the evaluation of the bristle tip
morphology, the Silverstone and Featherstone
classification [26], modified by Reiter and
Wetzel [27], was used, as shown in Figure 1,
taken from the study by Lee et al. [23]. In this
classication, bristles with adequately rounded
ends were considered acceptable and were
subdivided into three categories (A1–A3).
On the other hand, bristles with undesirable
characteristics, such as sharp edges, sharp
rectangular tips, sharp oblique tips, triangular tips,
and tips with protruding plastic material, were
classied as non-acceptable. These were further
grouped into ve subcategories (N1–N5) [23].
Due to the microscope’s magnification
settings, it was necessary to capture multiple views
to observe the 27 laments for each brush ID.
Analysis of the obtained data
After data collection, the cumulative
frequency distribution by characteristics and
pattern type was analyzed according to the
Silverstone and Featherstone classication [26],
modied by Reiter and Wetzel [27]. Subsequently,
the ratio between the total bristles per pattern
and the total number of bristles in the study was
calculated to determine the relative frequency of
the characteristics and pattern types of the bristles
for each toothbrush ID.
The characteristics of the bristles of the
toothbrushes evaluated in this study are shown in
Table II. According to the total number of bristles
analyzed by SEM (n=621), it was observed
that the number of acceptable bristles was 169
(27.2%). Of the total toothbrushes analyzed,
only four codes (ID 001, 002, 006, and 023)
had a percentage of over 50% acceptable bristles
based on the number of laments per sample.
Additionally, four codes (ID 010, 011, 012, and
022) were observed with a 100% percentage
of non-acceptable bristles. The remaining
observations ranged from 7.4% to 48.1% for
acceptable bristles. ID 002 had an observation
equal to 100% acceptable bristles.
On the other hand, Table III shows the
distribution of bristle characteristics by pattern
type according to the classication of Silverstone
and Featherstone [26], modified by Reiter
and Wetzel [27]. In the case of patterns with
Acceptable tips, ordered from highest to lowest,
category A3 presented a percentage of 12.6%,
followed by A1 with 8.4% and A2 with 6.3%.
Figure 1 - Classification of toothbrush bristle tip morphology according to Silverstone and Featherstone [26], modified by Reiter and Wetzel [27].
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4503
Lopez Beraun PA et al. Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold in the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy
Lopez Beraun PA et al. Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold
in the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy
Table II - Distribution of bristle characteristics according to SEM observation
ID Acceptable % Non-Acceptable % Total bristles
per tuft %
ID_001 19 70.4% 8 29.6% 27 4.3%
ID_002 27 100.0% 0 0.0% 27 4.3%
ID_003 11 40.7% 16 59.3% 27 4.3%
ID_004 4 14.8% 23 85.2% 27 4.3%
ID_005 5 18.5% 22 81.5% 27 4.3%
ID_006 18 66.7% 9 33.3% 27 4.3%
ID_007 6 22.2% 21 77.8% 27 4.3%
ID_008 3 11.1% 24 88.9% 27 4.3%
ID_009 5 18.5% 22 81.5% 27 4.3%
ID_010 0 0.0% 27 100.0% 27 4.3%
ID_011 0 0.0% 27 100.0% 27 4.3%
ID_012 0 0.0% 27 100.0% 27 4.3%
ID_013 3 11.1% 24 88.9% 27 4.3%
ID_014 8 29.6% 19 70.4% 27 4.3%
ID_015 4 14.8% 23 85.2% 27 4.3%
ID_016 4 14.8% 23 85.2% 27 4.3%
ID_017 10 37.0% 17 63.0% 27 4.3%
ID_018 13 48.1% 14 51.9% 27 4.3%
ID_019 7 25.9% 20 74.1% 27 4.3%
ID_020 2 7.4% 25 92.6% 27 4.3%
ID_021 5 18.5% 22 81.5% 27 4.3%
ID_022 0 0.0% 27 100.0% 27 4.3%
ID_023 15 55.6% 12 44.4% 27 4.3%
Total 169 27.2% 452 72.8% 621 100%
Table III - Distribution of bristles by pattern type
ID Acceptable Non-Acceptable Number of bristles analyzed %
A1 A2 A3 N1 N2 N3 N4 N5
D_001 7 - 12 - 4 4 - - 27 4.30%
ID_002 3 6 18 - - - - - 27 4.30%
ID_003 - 4 7 - 9 7 - - 27 4.30%
ID_004 1 3 - - 23 - - - 27 4.30%
ID_005 5 - - 3 19 - - - 27 4.30%
ID_006 - - 18 - 8 1 - - 27 4.30%
D_007 - - 6 - 4 17 - - 27 4.30%
ID_008 - 3 - 5 - - 9 10 27 4.30%
ID_009 - - 5 - 5 17 - - 27 4.30%
ID_010 - - - 2 7 - 18 - 27 4.30%
ID_011 - - - - 17 10 - - 27 4.30%
ID_012 - - - 2 9 16 - - 27 4.30%
ID_013 1 2 - 1 7 5 5 6 27 4.30%
ID_014 8 - - 4 12 3 - - 27 4.30%
ID_015 4 - - 9 10 3 - 1 27 4.30%
ID_016 1 3 - - 11 12 - - 27 4.30%
ID_017 3 7 - 9 2 - 6 - 27 4.30%
ID_018 7 2 4 9 1 4 - - 27 4.30%
ID_019 2 2 3 3 11 5 1 - 27 4.30%
ID_020 - - 2 9 11 5 - - 27 4.30%
ID_021 5 - - 7 9 4 2 - 27 4.30%
ID_022 - - - 6 - 21 - - 27 4.30%
ID_024 5 7 3 1 3 8 - - 27 4.30%
Subtotal 52 39 78 70 182 142 41 17 621 100%
fr (%) 8.40% 6.30% 12.60% 11.30% 29.30% 22.90% 6.60% 2.70% 1215 100%
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4503
Lopez Beraun PA et al. Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold in the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy
Lopez Beraun PA et al. Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold
in the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy
Likewise, in the Non-Acceptable pattern group,
the category that presented the highest frequency
was N2 with 29.3%, followed by N3, N1, N4, and
N5 with frequencies of 22.9%, 11.3%, 6.6%, and
2.7%, respectively.
Figure 2 presents SEM images showing the
tips of toothbrush bristles. Images labeled I and
II represent bristles classied within acceptable
quality standards. In contrast, images labeled
III and IV show bristles that do not meet the
established quality criteria and are considered
The purpose of this study was to analyze,
through SEM, the morphological characteristics
of the bristle laments from toothbrushes sold in
the Peruvian market.
Good oral hygiene practiced regularly can
help maintain functional dentition throughout
life. However, it is also known that good oral
hygiene standards have often been associated
with soft tissue complications, such as
gingival abrasions [1,10,19,28,29], which are
characterized as localized, reversible epithelial
lesions that can range from supercial wounds
to erosions exposing the underlying connective
tissue. This complication can be caused by
various factors, including excessive use of the
toothbrush, brush design, bristle stiffness and
quality, as well as brushing frequency and the
characteristics of the bristle material [21].
Specically, the use of brushes with non-rounded
lament tips has been linked to a higher incidence
of these lesions [12,21,24,25]. Hennequin
Hoenderdos et al. [21] have demonstrated that
a rounding of bristle tips between 40% and
50% can signicantly reduce the risk of gingival
abrasions. It has been emphasized that repeated
gingival abrasions constitute a signicant factor
in the development of gingival recession [1,30].
However, there is no clear evidence that gingival
abrasion caused by toothbrushing leads to
recession [1], as the etiology of gingival recession
is multifactorial, involving anatomical and
iatrogenic factors, in addition to pathological
conditions associated with dental plaque, such
as periodontitis [28].
Figure 2 - SEM images showing the tips of toothbrush bristles. Images labeled I and II were classified as acceptable, while labels III and IV
correspond to bristles considered non-acceptable.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4503
Lopez Beraun PA et al. Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold in the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy
Lopez Beraun PA et al. Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold
in the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy
The ADA also mentions dental abrasions
as a pathology that can be prevented by using
toothbrushes with rounded bristles [12,21,24,25].
These non-carious lesions are common among
patients who suffer from dental sensitivity and
discomfort resulting from dentin exposure [31],
and are associated with gingival recession [1].
However, it has been established that nylon
toothbrushes alone have insignificant effects
on hard dental tissues and could only indirectly
inuence the abrasion process by modulating the
action of toothpaste abrasives carried over the
dental surface, which varies depending on the
design of each brush [32].
According to the guidelines of the “European
Workshop on Mechanical Plaque Control,”
the optimal toothbrush should be tailored to
the user’s individual needs. It is essential that
the brush head is proportionate to the oral
cavity of the person using it, considering their
age and motor skills. Moreover, the brush
laments should be soft and comply with ISO
standards, with materials such as nylon or
polyester being preferred. These laments should
have rounded ends to prevent injuries to the gums
and soft tissues, and their diameter should not
exceed 0.25 mm to facilitate effective and safe
brushing [12,24]. It is crucial that the proportion
of bristles with an acceptable morphology exceeds
those considered non-acceptable according to
Silverstone and Featherstone’s denition [12].
A wide range of toothbrushes shows
variability in the degree of bristle tip rounding,
and a signicant percentage of these do not meet
acceptable quality standards [21]. The results of
the present study revealed a notable variability
in the quality of the analyzed toothbrushes,
with some samples presenting 100% non-
acceptable bristles, while others exhibited
entirely acceptable bristles. This heterogeneity
is consistent with ndings reported in previous
literature, reflecting the variability among
different brands and models. Rehman et al. [10]
found that between 57.6% and 91.7% of the
bristles met the acceptability criteria, whereas
studies like that of Yildiz Telatar et al. [12]
reported lower compliance percentages, ranging
from 8.9% to 41.3%. These differences may be
inuenced by variability in toothbrush design
and manufacturing processes used by different
producers. Additionally, Lee et al. [23] observed
even lower percentages of acceptable bristles
(1.4% to 20.2%) in children’s toothbrushes,
which is particularly concerning given that
children are more vulnerable to harm caused
by poorly designed bristles. On the other hand,
Jung et al. [29] identified greater variability
in children’s electric toothbrushes, with an
acceptability percentage ranging from 18.9% to
94.3%; for adult toothbrushes, they found that
between 21.7% and over 80% of the bristles
were acceptable. This suggests that electric
toothbrushes also suffer from inconsistencies
in quality standards. These findings align
with those of MeyerLueckel et al. [33] and
Checchi et al. [24], who reported a wide variation
in bristle quality (34% to 98% and 0% to
70%, respectively). The results of this research
contribute to the growing body of evidence
highlighting inconsistencies in toothbrush
manufacturing standards. This underscores the
need for more rigorous regulations at both local
and global levels to ensure the quality and safety
of these essential products.
Studies that evaluate the morphology of
bristle tips are generally conducted using optical
microscopy, stereomicroscopy, or SEM [12,29,33].
The latter method is preferred due to its high
resolution, which facilitates detailed visualization
of bristle tips. The SEM’s ability to capture
images with superior depth of focus allows the
researcher to discern variations in the surface
texture of multiple filaments within a single
tuft simultaneously [33]. Consequently, this
study used images from SEM to achieve precise
representations of the laments. However, it is
important to consider that the three-dimensional
representation of a lament tip is reduced to a
two-dimensional image in the capture process,
limiting the analysis to only the visible parts of
the lament tip, omitting any hidden aspects.
As a result, some judgments or measurements
may be erroneously positive, following the
evaluation instrument proposed by Silverstone
and Featherstone [33].
Another limitation identified in research
related to SEM is the potential morphological
alteration of toothbrush bristle tips. These
changes are attributed to temperature increases
during preparatory procedures for analysis,
which can signicantly compromise the integrity
of the samples and, consequently, affect the
reliability of the results obtained [23,29].
Franchi and Checchi [34], in a study, revealed
that the preparatory conditions for analyzing
toothbrush bristles using SEM affect their original
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4503
Lopez Beraun PA et al. Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold in the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy
Lopez Beraun PA et al. Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold
in the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy
morphology. Factors such as the distance to the
cathode in a sputter coater and the coating time
with gold-palladium inuence the temperature
within the vacuum chamber, which in turn
modies the morphology of the bristles. They
found that higher temperatures, around 59 °C,
near the cathode can alter the shapes of the
bristles, making them appear acceptable when
they are not, while lower temperatures, around
38 °C, tend to preserve their original shape.
This is why some of the studies mentioned
in the previous paragraph opted to use the
stereomicroscope [12,24]. In the present study,
a low-vacuum SEM method was used, where
the aforementioned preliminary coating was
not necessary, maintaining the integrity of the
laments throughout the process.
A signicant limitation of the present study
was the use of a single tuft per toothbrush,
selected at random. This methodology did not
allow for determining whether variations exist
between individual tufts or among different
toothbrushes of the same model. Therefore, it is
recommended that future research include the
evaluation of multiple toothbrushes per brand to
obtain more generalizable and accurate results.
The Comparative observation between
acceptable and non-acceptable bristles revealed
that the prevalence of non-acceptable bristles was
signicantly higher, surpassing the acceptable
ones by a ratio of 2.5 to 1.
Author’s Contributions
PALB: Conceptualization, Investigation,
Writing Original Draft Preparation, Writing
Review & Editing, Project Administration, Funding
Acquisition. EAAC: Investigation, Writing Original
Draft Preparation, Writing Review & Editing.
AJSA: Writing Original Draft Preparation, Writing
Review & Editing. EPZ: Conceptualization,
Investigation, Writing Original Draft Preparation,
Writing – Review & Editing.
Conict of Interest
The authors have no personal, nancial, or
proprietary interests in any product, service, and/
or company presented in this article.
This study was fully funded by the
Universidad de Huánuco, under Resolution No.
Regulatory Statement
This study was exempted from review by the
local ethics committee, since it did not involve
the participation of any volunteers, or the use of
any human material.
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Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold
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Lopez Beraun PA et al. Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold in the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy
Lopez Beraun PA et al. Morphological analysis of the bristles from toothbrushes sold
in the Peruvian market, using scanning electron microscopy
Date submitted: 2024 Aug 30
Accept submission: 2024 Nov 21
Pablo Alonso Lopez Beraun
(Corresponding address)
Universidad de Huánuco, Huánuco, Huánuco, Peru
Email: pablo.lopez@udh.edu.pe
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