Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia
Campus de São José dos Campos
ORIGINAL ARTICLE DOI: https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2024.e4511
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4511
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Biocompatibility and bioactive potential of new bioceramic sealers
in rat bone tissue: histological analysis
Biocompatibilidade e potencial bioativo de novos selantes biocerâmicos em tecido ósseo de rato: análise histológica
Marcus Victor Vaz Soares CASTRO1 , Wanderson Carvalho de ALMEIDA1 , Humbelina Alves da SILVA1 ,
Brunna da Silva FIRMINO1 , Daniel Fernandes FALCÃO2 , Lucas Fernandes FALCÃO2 , Moara e Silva Conceição PINTO1 ,
Antonione Santos Bezerra PINTO1 , Maria Ângela Arêa Leão FERRAZ1 , Carlos Alberto Monteiro FALCÃO1
1 - Universidade Estadual do Piauí, Faculdade de Odontologia. Parnaíba, PI, Brazil.
2 - Focus Grupo Educacional. Teresina, PI, Brazil.
How to cite: Castro MVVS, Almeida WC, Silva HA, Firmino BS, Falcão DF, Falcão LF et al. Biocompatibility and bioactive potential of
new bioceramic sealers in rat bone tissue: histological analysis. Braz Dent Sci. 2024;27:e4511. https://doi.org/10.4322/bds.2024.e4511
Objective: Sealer Plus BC and Bio-C Sealer are new silicate-based sealers. We aimed to evaluate the biocompatibility
and bioactivity of these silicate-based endodontic sealers compared to that of AH Plus epoxy resin sealer. Material
and Methods: Fifteen rats underwent a surgical procedure to create a cavity in the tibial bone, where the sealer was
inserted according to the group. The animals were euthanized after postoperative period of 15 days. Histological
analysis was made, and the results were scored according to the signs of repair, quality of the bone tissue, and presence
of inammation. ANOVA Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (p <0.05) were performed. Results: Sealer Plus
BC showed neoformation or presence of bone tissue in 73.33% of samples. Bio-C Sealer showed connective tissue
in differentiation or presence of bone in 66.66%. AH Plus showed 80% (p = 0.01) of the samples with granulated
tissue in the bone defect. Sealer Plus BC presented 46.66% of samples with absence of inammatory cells and Bio-C
Sealer showed moderate inammatory process in 66.66% (p = 0.02). Conclusion: The two silicate-based sealers
presented better biocompatibility and bioactivity compared to AH Plus epoxy resin sealer.
Animal Model; Calcium Silicate; Endontics; Endodontic obturation; Material testing.
Objetivo: Sealer Plus BC e Bio-C Sealer são novos selantes à base de silicato. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar a
biocompatibilidade e bioatividade desses cimentos endodônticos à base de silicato em comparação com o cimento
de resina epóxi AH Plus. Material e Métodos: Quinze ratos foram submetidos a procedimento cirúrgico para
confecção de cavidade no osso tibial, onde foi inserido o cimento de acordo com o grupo. Os animais foram
eutanasiados após 15 dias de pós-operatório. Foi feita análise histológica e os resultados foram pontuados de
acordo com sinais de reparo, qualidade do tecido ósseo e presença de inamação. Foram realizados testes ANOVA
Kruskal-Wallis e Mann-Whitney (p<0,05). Resultados: O Sealer Plus BC apresentou neoformação ou presença
de tecido ósseo em 73,33% das amostras. O Bio-C Sealer apresentou tecido conjuntivo em diferenciação ou
presença de osso em 66,66%. O AH Plus apresentou 80% (p = 0,01) das amostras com tecido granulado no
defeito ósseo. O Sealer Plus BC apresentou 46,66% de amostras com ausência de células inamatórias e o Bio-C
Sealer apresentou processo inamatório moderado em 66,66% (p = 0,02). Conclusão: Os dois cimentos à base
de silicatos apresentaram melhor biocompatibilidade e bioatividade em relação ao cimento resina epóxi AH Plus.
Modelo Animal; Silicato de cálcio; Endodontia; Obturação endodôntica; Teste de materiais.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4511
Castro MVVS et al.
Biocompatibility and bioactive potential of new bioceramic sealers in rat bone tissue: histological analysis
Castro MVVS et al. Biocompatibility and bioactive potential of new bioceramic
sealers in rat bone tissue: histological analysis
To understand the material–tissue interaction
is critical to improving the biomaterial-assisted
healing process; therefore; studies have focused
on assessing biocompatibility [1], considering
that root canal sealers can be extruded into the
periapical medullary bone producing harmful
effects like additional inammation, and foreign
body reactions [2]. Bone tissue has a complex
structure, and researchers have sought to study
materials capable of repairing structural defects.
In recent years, attention has been paid to
the potential of bioactive materials, including
bioceramics, given the possibility of favorable
interaction for tissue repair [3].
Bioceramic sealers have advantages as
biocompatibility, presence of calcium phosphate
in their composition, they are non-toxic and non-
absorbable, generally recognized as inducers of
bone formation [4-6]. It has been reported the
importance of hydraulic calcium silicate cements as
advantageous root sealers like lling bone defects
[2,4]. Given their physicochemical and biological
characteristics, calcium silicate sealers have obtained
similar or superior results to conventional cements
both in vitro and in vivo [7]. Animal models
are indispensable for testing bone-substitute
biomaterials. The small animal models, including
rats, are benecial because they have easy handling
and a life span suitable for observation [8-12].
Sealer Plus BC is a calcium silicate-based
material with excellent biochemical properties
known to promote an increase in pH [6], which is
thought to be associated with calcium release and
thus accelerated healing [13,14]. Bio-C Sealer is
another premixed sealer containing calcium silicates
in this composition [15]. This material can induce
mineralization according to the release of calcium
ions [16] and present alkalinity ability [17].
This primary goal of this work was to
compare the biocompatibility and bioactivity
of these two silicate-based endodontic sealers
with that of AH Plus resin cement, which has
a long history of use due to its faster setting
time, lower solubility, lower lm thickness and
higher radiopacity compared to other materials
. We focused on the mineralized-tissue-inducing
capacity according to tissue scores of formation
and quality, maturation score, and degree of
inammation. The null hypothesis is that have
no difference between the bone healing provide
by bioceramics or epoxy resin sealers.
The research protocol was approved by
the Animal Use Ethics Committee of Piaui State
University (protocol no.: 0175/2018). We used
15 male rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus, Wistar;
250–300 g; 8–12-weeks old). The animals were
kept in clean cages (n = 5/cage) with litter
bedding and a 12-hour light/dark cycle. Animals
were provided a normal diet and water ad libitum.
The animals were used to assess
biocompatibility and bioactivity according to the
bone regeneration-inducing capacities of Sealer
Plus BC (lot no.: WR770100; MK Life, Porto
Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; composition:
zirconium oxide, tricalcium silicate, dicalcium
silicate, calcium hydroxide, and propylene glycol)
and Bio-C Sealer (lot no.: 45225; Angelus,
Londrina, Paraná, Brazil; composition: calcium
silicates, calcium aluminate, calcium oxide,
zirconium oxide, iron oxide, silicon dioxide, and
dispersing agent) relative to AH Plus (lot no.:
337957J; Dentsply DeTrey, Konstanz, Baden-
Württemberg, Germany).
To understand the bone-healing process
associated with these materials, we created a
bone defect. For this purpose, animals were
randomly assigned to three groups: group 1,
Sealer Plus BC cement test; group 2, Bio-C Sealer;
and group 3, AH Plus. We used ve animals per
group based on previous studies [18-20].
Surgical procedure
At 1 h before the procedure, dipyrone was
applied subcutaneously (160 mg/kg). The rats
were weighed and then intraperitoneally injected
with 100 mg/kg of ketamine combined with
10 mg/kg of xylazine for general anesthesia.
Trichotomy was performed in the right hind leg,
followed by disinfection with polyvinylpyrridoline-
iodine and incision with a No. 15 scalpel blade.
When visualizing the tibial bone tissue, a cavity
was prepared using a low-speed dental drill (Kerr,
Sollentuna, Sweden) with isotonic saline irrigation.
The size of the defect was 2.3 mm in diameter. The
cements were prepared according to manufacturer
guidelines and applied immediately after handling,
lling the entire cavity. Subsequently, the wound
was sutured with 3-0 nylon thread and washed
with polyvinylpyrrolidone-iodine.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4511
Castro MVVS et al.
Biocompatibility and bioactive potential of new bioceramic sealers in rat bone tissue: histological analysis
Castro MVVS et al. Biocompatibility and bioactive potential of new bioceramic
sealers in rat bone tissue: histological analysis
Tetracycline antibiotic was administered
in a single dose (20 mg/kg) immediately after
surgery. At 12-h post-surgery, subcutaneous
dipyrone (160 mg/kg) was used. Given that
this was a preliminary study, we adopted a
short timeline for evaluation (i.e., a single time
point was chosen according to previous studies
to analyze initial healing progressing) [14,15].
At 15-days post-surgery, the animals were
euthanized by tiopental overdose (100 mg/kg)
according to the recommendations of the Panel
on Euthanasia of the American Association of
Veterinary Medicine, and tibial samples were
collected for histologic analysis.
The right tibia was harvested and immediately
xed in 10% formaldehyde in buffer. After 24 h,
the tissue was immersed in decalcifying solution
(4% nitric acid) until softened, followed by
washing and parafnization. Each sample was
sliced into three pieces, resulting in 15 per
group. Hematoxylin and eosin staining was
performed for histologic analysis to evaluate
the formation and quality of bone tissue, degree
of collagen maturation, tissue mineral density,
and degree of inammation. The denition of
the histological scores (Table I) was based on
previously established standardized scores [14]
adapted from literature [21-24]. The analysis was
performed by a blind professional.
Statistical analysis
SPSS statistical software (v.21.0; IBM Corp.,
Armonk, NY, USA) was used to perform statistical
analyses. Nonparametric comparative analyses
were performed between groups. According to
the sample characteristics and the 15 units per
group, a one-factor Kruskal–Wallis analysis of
variance test was performed in three groups for
each of the three parameters analyzed, which
allowed verication of the average of the ranks
for each of the groups. The results were supported
by Mann–Whitney U tests for comparison of two
groups. The level of signicance considered was
p< 0.05.
In the formation and quality of the newly
formed tissue (Tables II(A) and III(A)) Sealer Plus
BC show bone neoformation or presence of bone
Table I. Histological scores
Score (A) Bone tissue formation and quality
Tissue neoformation (defect filled with
connective tissue containing blood
capillaries, fibroblasts, macrophages, and
collagen fiber neoformation)
Dense connective tissue suggesting
differentiation into bone tissue with the
presence of many cells and fibers in the
process of organization
Bone neoformation, in which connective
tissue is in the process of differentiation,
forming bone matrix, or osteon
4 Presence of bone tissue
Score (B) Degree of collagen maturation and
tissue mineral density scores
1No sign of bone union, bed filling with
connective tissue
Osteon (formation of connective tissue in
bone with osteoprogenitor and osteogenic
3 Isolated spicules of immature bone
4 Compact bone formation
Score (C) Degree of inflammation score
1 Absence of inflammatory cells
2 Moderate presence of inflammatory cells
3 Intense presence of inflammatory cells
Table II. Distribution of groups according to sum and average
of posts
(A) Bone quality scores
Group Average of posts
1 - Sealer Plus BC 28.00
2 - Bio-C Sealer 27.10
3 - AH Plus 13.90
Note: χ2 = 12,06; gl = 2; p = 0,01.
(B) Tissue maturation scores
Group Average of posts
1 - Sealer Plus BC 27.77
2 - Bio-C Sealer 27.10
3 - AH Plus 14.13
Note: χ2 = 11,07; gl = 2; p = 0,01
(C) Inflammation degree scores
Group Average of posts
1 - Sealer Plus BC 16.67
2 - Bio-C Sealer 29.03
3 - AH Plus 23.30
Note: χ2 = 7,37; gl = 2; p = 0,02.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4511
Castro MVVS et al.
Biocompatibility and bioactive potential of new bioceramic sealers in rat bone tissue: histological analysis
Castro MVVS et al. Biocompatibility and bioactive potential of new bioceramic
sealers in rat bone tissue: histological analysis
tissue in 73.33% of samples, dense connective
tissue in 20% and defect lled with connective
tissue in 6.66%. Bio-C Sealer have 66.66% in
which connective tissue is in the process of
differentiation or presence of bone tissue and
33.33% presented tissue neoformation. These
two groups differed (p = 0.01) from AH Plus
(Table II(A) and III(A)) which have 80% of the
samples in the initial tissue-repair phase with a
predominance of granulated tissue in the bone
defect (Figure 1e and f), 13.33% have bone
neoformation and 6.66% presented bone tissue.
Degree of collagen maturation parameter
(Tables II(B) and III(B)) in Sealer Plus BC
presented 66.66% of samples with isolated
spicules of immature bone, in 26.66% have
connective tissue and no bone union in 6.66%.
Bio-C Sealer have isolated spicules in 53.33%
of samples, show compact bone in 13.33%
(Figure 1b and d), osteon was present in 6.66%
and 26.66% bed lling with connective tissue. AH
Plus differed (p = 0.01) from the other groups,
with no sign of bone union in 73.33%, isolated
spicules in 20% and connective tissue with
osteoprogenitor and osteogenic cells in 6.66%.
According to the inflammation parameter
(Tables II(C) and III(C)), the Sealer Plus BC
displayed 46.66% of slides with an absence
of inflammatory cells, 46.66% of moderate
inammation and 6.66% with intense presence of
inammatory cells. Bio-C Sealer show 66.66% with
moderate inammatory process, in 20% intense
presence of inammatory cells and 13.33% with
absent of inammatory. AH Plus showed 26.66%
of samples with an absence of inammatory cells,
40% with moderate inammatory inltrate and
33.33% with intense inammation. The difference
(p = 0.02) in this parameter was between Sealer
Plus BC and Bio-C Sealer.
According to the degree of collagen
maturation, the bioceramic cements presented no
difference results between them, with presence
of bone tissue or connective tissue differentiation
forming bone matrix in most samples and allowing
good maturation of the bone tissue along with the
presence of compact bone in some laminae. This
was similar to a study in which all bioceramic
sealers promoted repair in mineral tissue and
supports the concept that if a material provides
tissue deposition, it also promotes the healing
process [25,26]. The results associated with AH
Plus were different from those of the bioceramic
cements, with majority of the tissue samples
showing initial tissue formation and presenting
the bone defect lled only by connective tissue.
Tissue neoformation might be associated
with properties of calcium ion release, which
provides mineral deposition [27]. Si-containing
ionic products are as important as calcium
because their release can promote osteogenic
differentiation of stem cells [28]. The amount
of calcium released by bioceramic cements is
superior to that by AH Plus [29], which is in line
with the higher mineralization observed by Sealer
Plus BC and Bio-C Sealer in the present study. A
previous study reported that the presence of AH
Plus does not signicantly interfere with the repair
process, because neoformation of bone tissue in
contact with this cement progressed like that
of an empty control cavity [30]. Another study
suggested that AH Plus does not induce calcium
release or alkalizing activity [31]. Collectively,
these results suggest that the biocompatibility of
AH Plus is due to its lack of interference in the
physiological repair process.
The availability of calcium ions is associated
with a process that favors an alkaline pH essential
for the establishment of a formative matrix,
which in turn accelerates the tissue-healing
Table III. Comparisons between groups
(A) Bone quality scores
between averages
Group 1 × Group 2 0.46 0.87
Group 1 × Group 3 10.46 0.01*
Group 2 × Group 3 7.74 0.01*
(B) Tissue maturation scores
between averages
Group 1 × Group 2 0.34 0.94
Group 1 × Group 3 8.90 0.01*
Group 2 × Group 3 7.96 0.01*
(C) Inflammation degree scores
between averages
Group 1 × Group 2 7.74 0.02*
Group 1 × Group 3 4.94 0.09
Group 2 × Group 3 4.34 0.15
Note: *p < 0,05 (significant).
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4511
Castro MVVS et al.
Biocompatibility and bioactive potential of new bioceramic sealers in rat bone tissue: histological analysis
Castro MVVS et al. Biocompatibility and bioactive potential of new bioceramic
sealers in rat bone tissue: histological analysis
process [6,32,33]. Release of calcium ions and
high pH values were observed in a previous study
evaluating the physical and chemical properties
of Sealer Plus BC [6] and Bio-C Sealer [12].
During the setting process of calcium silicate-
based cements, calcium ions can be released,
thereby providing alkalinity to the wound
microenvironment [25].
Considering the preliminary characterization
of this study, the limitations include the
absence of additional times points and tests
like sophisticated evaluation of inammatory
cells as myeloperoxidase expression and
computed tomography measurements to bone
histomorphometry. However, the results obtained
provide a preliminary understanding of the bone
tissue behavior in contact of these two new
products. Despite the short timeline evaluation
their potential in promoting rapid recovery
present signicant results.
The degree of inflammation indicated
a higher number of Sealer Plus BC-treated
Figure 1 - H&E histological images demonstrating the bone tissue response after contact with obturator materials. Sealer Plus BC group
10 (a) and 40 (b) magnification showing bone neoformation with bone matrix suggesting differentiation for bone tissue, and presence of
osteoprogenitor and osteogenic cells. Bio-C Sealer Group 10 (c) and 40 (d) magnification exhibiting connective tissue differentiating forming
bone matrix, and moderate presence of inflammatory cells. Group AH Plus 10 (e) and 40 (f) magnification showing tissue neoformation with
connective tissue filling the defect, with no sign of bone union, and moderate to intense presence of inflammatory cells.
Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4511
Castro MVVS et al.
Biocompatibility and bioactive potential of new bioceramic sealers in rat bone tissue: histological analysis
Castro MVVS et al. Biocompatibility and bioactive potential of new bioceramic
sealers in rat bone tissue: histological analysis
samples without inammatory cells relative to
other treatment groups, which agrees with a
previous study reporting little or no inammatory
response from the use of a bioceramic material
[34]. Over half of the tissue slides from the Bio-C
Sealer treatment group presented moderate
inammation scores. In general, the inammatory
process in tissues treated with bioceramic cements
is expected during the initial repair period [21],
which was included in the 15 postoperative days
applied in the present study. The difference
between the two bioceramic-based cements
might suggest that the inammatory process was
more evident in specimens treated with the Bio-C
Sealer product; however, as previously described,
this factor did not interfere with tissue repair.
AH Plus sealer resulted in high inammation
values, which was in line with another study
confirming the presence of an inflammatory
reaction [35]. Recent reports indicated marked
cytotoxic effects from freshly prepared AH Plus
in vitro, with enlarged osteoblasts suggesting
degeneration attributable to the resinous cement
composition [36] likely causative of DNA-strand
breakage and possible formaldehyde release [37].
However, acute characteristics were not present
2 weeks after sealer preparation [32], and the
biocompatibility of AH Plus promoted reduced
inammation over time [38].
Sealer Plus BC and Bio-C Sealer demonstrate
biocompatibility and bioactive potential in the
initial repair process. Sealer Plus BC produced
little or no inammation. Bio-C Sealer caused
an initial higher degree of inammation without
prejudice in bone healing process. In addition
to biocompatibility and bioactivity these sealers
are ready-to-use, meaning less technique steps.
A follow up in longer timeline is important to a
better establishment of these materials ability
with accelerate tissue repair.
Sealer Plus BC and Bio-C Sealer have
biocompatibility and bioactive potential superior
to AH Plus in the initial bone repair process.
All the authors are grateful for all those
involved in the preparation and development of
this work.
Author’s Contributions
ASBP, MÂALF, CAMF: Conceptualization,
Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal
Analysis, Investigation, Resources, Data Curation,
Writing – Original Draft Preparation, Writing –
Review & Editing, Visualization and Supervision.
Conict of Interest
The authors have no conicts of interest to
This research did not receive any specic
grant from funding agencies in the public,
commercial, or not-for-prot sectors.
Regulatory Statement
This study was conducted in accordance
with all the provisions of the local animal subjects
oversight committee guidelines and policies of:
the ethics committee on the use of Animals of
State University of Piauí. This study protocol was
reviewed and approved by the ethics committee
on the use of Animals of State University of Piauí
under the approval number 0175/2018.
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Braz Dent Sci 2024 Oct/Dec;27 (4): e4511
Biocompatibility and bioactive potential of new bioceramic
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Biocompatibility and bioactive potential of new bioceramic sealers in rat bone tissue: histological analysis
Castro MVVS et al. Biocompatibility and bioactive potential of new bioceramic
sealers in rat bone tissue: histological analysis
Date submitted: 2024 Sept 07
Accept submission: 2024 Dec 05
Wanderson Carvalho de Almeida
(Corresponding address)
Universidade Estadual do Piauí, Faculdade de Odontologia. Parnaíba, PI, Brazil.
Email: wangstron@gmail.com
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