Effect of Different Immediate Implant Loading Protocols on Peri-implant Soft Tissue Health





Objective:This clinical study was conducted to evaluate the effect of immediate loading on peri-implant soft tissue health using three protocols: i) Immediate functional loading using polymer infiltrated ceramic (PIC) material (IFLV). ii)Immediate functional loading using polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) followed by delayed functional loading using PIC material (IFLP). iii) Immediate non-functional loading using PMMA followed by delayed functional loading using PIC material (INFLP). Material & Methods: 30 Implants were placed in the upper premolar area and divided randomly according to the immediate loading protocol. In the control group (INFLP), CAD/CAM PMMA crowns were placed out of occlusion for 3 months, and then replaced by CAD/CAM VITA ENAMIC crowns in functional occlusion. For (IFLV) group, CAD/CAM VITA ENAMIC crowns were immediately loaded in functional occlusion; while in (IFLP) group, CAD/CAM PMMA crowns were placed in functional occlusion for 3 months, and then replaced by CAD/CAM VITA ENAMIC crowns. Modified pink esthetic score (MPES) and probing depth were used for evaluation of peri-implant soft tissue at base line and follow up periods. Results: INFLP showed higher MPES results compared to IFLV and IFLP. Moreover, the INFLP probing depth at 3 months showed higher results compared to the other groups. Conclusions: Immediate non-functional loading showed the best outcomes. However, peri-implant soft tissue health of the immediate functional loading using the PIC crown material was clinically acceptable.

Key Words

Polymer infiltrated ceramics, immediate dental implant loading, peri-implant soft tissue health.


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