Biological restoration in permanent tooth: four-year follow-up


  • Rafael Menezes Silva Department of Dentistry, Endodontics and Dental Materials – Bauru Dental School – University of São Paulo – Bauru – SP – Brazil.
  • Letícia Pena Botelho Department of Dentistry – Federal University of “Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri” – Diamantina – MG – Brazil.
  • Adriana Maria Botelho Department of Dentistry – Federal University of “Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri” – Diamantina – MG – Brazil.
  • Karine Taís Aguiar Tavano Department of Dentistry – Federal University of “Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri” – Diamantina – MG – Brazil.



Biological restorations, involving a technique of uniting autogenous or homogenous dental fragment for use as the primary restorative material, are an alternative for morphological and functional re-establishment of teeth with extensive coronal destruction.   Despite the wide range of restorative materials available in dentistry, no material has proved to be as efficient as the natural tooth structure. This article illustrates a therapeutic option for rehabilitating a devitalized mandibular tooth with a weakened coronal remainder by using the biological restoration technique. The authors present the sequence of planning and performing the technique, such as the characteristics of preparation of the tooth and fragment, impression taking, cutting and cementation of the fragment, and the  four-year follow-up of the biological restoration, which  shows the success of the technique with marginal adaptation and satisfactory esthetic appearance.



Adhesive; Devitalized tooth; Permanent dental restorations.






Case Report or Clinical Technique