Occurrence of dental involvement in victims of violence


  • Ana Amélia Barbieri Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia, UNESP – Univ Estadual Paulista, São José dos Campos (SP), Curso de Odontologia
  • Cristiano de França UNESP - ICT
  • Suely Carvalho Mutti Naressi São Paulo State University (Unesp) - Institute of Science and Technology - São José dos Campos – SP – Brazil.
  • Darcy de Oliveira Tosello State University of Campinas – UNICAMP – Piracicaba Dental School - Department of Morphology - Piracicaba – SP – Brazil.
  • Eduardo Daruge Júnior State University of Campinas – UNICAMP – Piracicaba Dental School - Department of Social Dentistry – Piracicaba – SP – Brazil.




Objective - To verify the occurrence of dental involvement described in medical examination reports on facial trauma resulting from interpersonal violence. Material and methods: an observational, analytical, and retrospective study that verified the dental involvement described in all the medical examination reports involving facial trauma, arising from interpersonal violence, issued by the Instituto Médico Legal - IML (Forensic Medicine Institute) of Taubaté, in São Paulo state, in a period of 24 months, considering gender and age group. Results: Of the 12,184 reports issued during the period studied, 1,971 (16.17%) described facial injuries resulting from aggression, and of these, 5.07% contained reports of dental involvement. The most frequent injury was a fracture (2.99%), in the age range between 16 and 24 years (31.42%), and the gender, male (56%).  Conclusion: The facial injuries resulting from interpersonal violence in the analyzed period amounted to 16.17% of the total of cases, with 5.07% of these presenting reports of dental involvement.


Forensic Dentistry; Injuries; Violence.

Author Biography

Ana Amélia Barbieri, Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia, UNESP – Univ Estadual Paulista, São José dos Campos (SP), Curso de Odontologia

Cirurgiã-Dentista, Especialista em Odontologia Legal e Deontologia - FOP/UNICAMP, Mestre em Biologia Buco Dental área de concentração Odontologia Legal e Deontologia - FOP/UNICAMP, Doutora em Biopatologia Bucal área de concentração Radiologia Odontológica. Instituto de Ciência e Tecnologia, UNESP – Univ Estadual Paulista, São José dos Campos (SP), Curso de Odontologia, Brasil. 






Clinical or Laboratorial Research Manuscript